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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 118

506.01animals for he had put his own nickelname on every toad, duck
506.01+VI.B.6.113f (r): '*A* gives names to persons *E* — things & animals' ('things' uncertain; dash dittos 'gives names to'; only first siglum and first four words crayoned)
506.01+Lamy: Commentarium in Librum Geneseos I.261: 'Cognovit quoque adhuc Adam uxorem suam: et (hæc) peperit filium vocavitque (uxor scilicet) nomen ejus Seth' (Latin 'And Adam knew his wife again: and she bare a son, and she (namely the wife) called his name Seth' (Genesis 4:25))
506.01+Genesis 2:20: 'Adam gave names... to every beast of the field'
506.01+Motif: Tom, Dick and Harry
506.02and herring before the climber clomb aloft, doing the midhill of
506.02+(snakes climb; Cluster: Snakes)
506.02+Archaic clomb: climbed
506.02+Genesis 2:9: 'the tree of life also in the midst of the garden'
506.03the park, flattering his bitter hoolft with her conconundrums.
506.03+Slang better half: wife
506.03+French Slang con: female genitalia
506.04He would let us have the three barrels. Such was a bitte too thikke
506.04+German Bitte: request, prayer
506.04+French Slang bite: penis
506.05for the Muster of the hoose so as he called down on the Grand
506.05+German Muster: pattern, paragon, master
506.05+master of the house
506.05+German Hose: trousers
506.06Precurser who coiled him a crawler of the dupest dye and
506.06+(snakes coil and crawl; Cluster: Snakes)
506.06+deepest dye
506.07thundered at him to flatch down off that erection and be aslimed
506.07+Genesis 3:14: 'God said unto the serpent... upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life' (Cluster: Snakes)
506.07+German flachen: flatten, level down
506.07+(come down)
506.08of himself for the bellance of hissch leif.
506.08+balance of his life
506.08+hiss (Cluster: Snakes)
506.08+German schleifen: to drag, to pull (along the ground)
506.09    — Oh Finlay's coldpalled!
506.09+Motif: A/O [.10]
506.09+Motif: O felix culpa! [.10]
506.09+Father Finlay supposedly egged on Dublin students protesting at first performances of Yeats: Countess Cathleen
506.10    — Ahday's begatem!
506.10+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
506.10+hymn Exsultet: 'O certe necessarium Adae peccatum' (Latin 'Needful indeed was Adam's sin') [.09]
506.10+Motif: Up, guards, and at them!
506.10+begot 'em (Colloquial 'em: them)
506.11    — Were you there, eh Hehr? Were you there when they
506.11+song Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?: 'Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb... Sometimes it grows on me to tremble, tremble, tremble... Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?' [.11-.16]
506.11+German eher: sooner
506.11+German hehr: sublime, majestic
506.11+German Herr: sir
506.12lagged um through the coombe?
506.12+Slang lag: to apprehend (a convict)
506.12+The Coombe: street and area west of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin
506.13    — Wo wo! Who who! Psalmtimes it grauws on me to ramble,
506.13+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
506.13+Chinese Colloquial wo: I (pronoun)
506.13+German wo: where
506.13+German grauen: seize with horror, have aversion to or horror of; grow grey, become dawn
506.13+grows on me
506.13+Johnson's journal The Rambler
506.14ramble, ramble.
506.15    — Woe! Woe! So that was how he became the foerst of our
506.15+Prince of Triflers: an epithet applied to several people, perhaps including Swift (German Fürst: prince)
506.15+German Forst: forest
506.15+German vorerst: first of all
506.16+three fellows (*VYC*)
506.16+German Holzfäller: wood-cutter
506.17    — Yesche and, in the absence of any soberiquiet, the fanest
506.17+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
506.17+German Esche: ash tree
506.17+sobriquet: epithet, nickname
506.18of our truefalluses. Bapsbaps Bomslinger!
506.18+Hindustani bap: father
506.18+Afrikaans bomslanger: tree snake (Cluster: Snakes)
506.19    — How near do you feel to this capocapo promontory, sir?
506.19+Italian capo: head, cape
506.19+Howth Head (a promontory)
506.19+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...promontory, sir?} | {Png: ...promontory sir?}
506.20    — There do be days of dry coldness between us when he does
506.20+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
506.20+(parody of Anglo-Irish Dialect)
506.20+Anglo-Irish do be: habitual present tense of 'to be'
506.21be like a lidging house far far astray and there do be nights of wet
506.21+song 'There is a boarding house, Far, far away'
506.21+lodging house
506.21+Danish farfar: paternal grandfather
506.22windwhistling when he does be making me onions woup all kinds
506.22+(close by)
506.22+onion soup
506.23of ways.
506.24    — Now you are mehrer the murk, Lansdowne Road. She's
506.24+{{Synopsis: III.3.3A.Q: [506.24-510.02]: the parties to the encounter — Toucher 'Thom', the P. and Q. sisters, Yawn}}
506.24+German mehr: more
506.24+nearer the mark
506.24+King Mark of Cornwall
506.24+Lansdowne Road, Dublin
506.24+Land's End, Cornwall
506.25threwed her pippin's thereabouts and they've cropped up tooth
506.25+Pippin apples
506.25+Italian Slang pipi: urine
506.25+Ezekiel 18:2: 'The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the childrens' teeth are set on edge' (also Jeremiah 31:29)
506.25+Cadmus sowed dragon's teeth, and armed men sprang up
506.26oneydge with hates to leaven this socried isle. Now, thornyborn,
506.26+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation hates: heats
506.26+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song St. Senanus and the Lady: 'Oh! haste and leave this sacred isle' [air: The Brown Thorn]
506.27follow the spotlight, please! Concerning a boy. Are you acquainted
506.27+(spotlight shows exhibits to Yawn)
506.28with a pagany, vicariously known as Toucher 'Thom' who is. I
506.28+VI.B.14.104a (r): 'pagany'
506.28+Obsolete pagany: the pagan world, pagandom
506.28+'Toucher' Doyle: early 20th century Dublin scrounger
506.28+Peeping Tom
506.29suggest Finoglam as his habitat. Consider yourself on the stand
506.29+Finglas: district of Dublin
506.29+VI.B.14.206d (r): 'consider yrself —'
506.29+Delafosse: L'âme Nègre 123: 'Le chasseur dit: "Oh! python, pourrais-tu faire cela?" Le python dit: "Certes oui, considère-toi comme allant être mangé tout de suite"' (French 'The hunter said: "Oh! python, could you do that?" The python said: "Certainly yes, consider yourself as going to be eaten up right away"')
506.30now and watch your words, take my advice. Let your motto be:
506.31Inter nubila numbum.
506.31+Latin inter nubila nimbus: among clouds a splendour
506.32    — Never you mind about my mother or her hopitout. I con-
506.32+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
506.33sider if I did, I would feel frightfully ashamed of admired vice.
506.33+VI.B.14.219c (r): 'frightfully ashamed'
506.33+Colloquial frightfully: a lot, greatly, very (an intensifier)
506.34    — He is a man of around fifty, struck on Anna Lynsha's
506.34+VI.B.14.132c (r): 'Cosgrave (aet 50) brothers & trousers does messages' ('brothers & trousers' uncertain; 'aet' means 'aged, at the age of'; Vincent Cosgrave (the model for Lynch in Joyce: A Portrait and Joyce: Ulysses) would have been forty-seven when this note was taken)
506.34+ALP (Motif: ALP)
506.34+Anne Lynch's Dublin tea
506.35Pekoe with milk and whisky, who does messuages and has more
506.35+Pekoe: a superior black tea
506.35+Anglo-Irish does messages: goes shopping for someone else
506.35+Legalese messuage: a dwelling-house with its adjacent land and outbuildings
506.35+VI.C.5.205h (o): 'more Csd than an old dog has fleas.' === VI.B.17.049g ( ): 'more lsd than an old dog has fleas'
506.35+One Hundred Merrie and Delightsome Stories, story 92, p. 470: 'She was enamoured of a fat canon, who had more money than an old dog has fleas'
506.36dirt on him than an old dog has fleas, kicking stones and knocking
506.36+VI.C.5.205g (o): === VI.B.17.049e ( ): 'a doit' (a small Dutch coin, worth about half an English farthing)
506.36+One Hundred Merrie and Delightsome Stories, story 26, p. 143: 'You are an idiot, and your love is not worth a doit'
506.36+Samuel Johnson (as related in Boswell's biography) refuted Berkeley's philosophy of the non-existence of matter by forcibly kicking a large stone

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