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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 110

523.01    — Sample! Sample!
523.02    — Have you ever weflected, wepowtew, that the evil what
523.02+[[Speaker: Yawn as Sylvia Silence]] [061.01]
523.02+(Motif: rhotacism, w = r) [.02-.04] [061.06-.10]
523.02+Goethe: Faust I.11.1333: 'FAUST: ...when you are called God of Flies, Liar, Corrupter, who are you then? / MEPHISTOPHELES: A part of that Power which always wills Evil and always brings about the Good'
523.03though it was willed might nevewtheless lead somehow on to
523.04good towawd the genewality?
523.04+general good
523.04+VI.B.7.048a (g): 'genewality'
523.05    — A pwopwo of haster meets waster and talking of plebiscites
523.05+apropos (imitating his new voice)
523.05+German Childish Popo: buttocks
523.05+proverb Haste makes waste: acting too quickly leads to costly mistakes
523.06by a show of hands, whether declaratory or effective, in all
523.07seriousness, has it become to dawn in you yet that the deponent,
523.07+begun to dawn on you
523.07+deponent: one who gives written testimony under oath
523.07+defendant (*E*)
523.08the man from Saint Yves, may have been (one is reluctant to use
523.08+Saint Ives, Cornwall
523.09the passive voiced) may be been as much sinned against as sin-
523.09+William Shakespeare: King Lear III.2.60: 'More sinn'd against than sinning'
523.10ning, for if we look at it verbally perhaps there is no true noun in
523.10+VI.A.0511x (g): 'a true noun does not exist in nature (Fenollosa)'
523.10+Fenollosa: The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry 364: 'A true noun, an isolated thing, does not exist in nature. Things are only the terminal points, or rather the meeting points of actions, cross-sections cut through actions, snap-shots'
523.11active nature where every bally being — please read this mufto
523.11+Anglo-Irish -bally: -town
523.11+mufti: plain clothes worn by someone who usually wears a uniform
523.12— is becoming in its owntown eyeballs. Now the long form and
523.12+own two
523.12+phrase a long pull and a strong pull and a pull all together
523.13the strong form and reform alltogether!
523.13+altogether [155.36]
523.14    — Hotchkiss Culthur's Everready, one brother to never-
523.14+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
523.14+HCE (Motif: HCE)
523.14+(announcement of racehorse sale)
523.14+(horse's height measured in hands)
523.15reached, well over countless hands, sieur of many winners and
523.15+French sieur: Mr
523.15+sire (horse racing)
523.16losers, groomed by S. Samson and son, bred by dilalahs, will
523.16+Saint Samson: 6th century Welsh-born bishop of Dol
523.16+Sewell, Son and Simpson's horse repository, Mount Street, Dublin
523.16+John Jameson and Son, Dublin whiskey
523.16+Samson and Delilah
523.17stand at Bay (Dublin) from nun till dan and vites inversion and
523.17+stand: (of stallions) to be available as a stud
523.17+phrase stand at bay: (of a hunted animal) stand at close quarters with the barking dogs; make a last stand
523.17+horse-bay: stall for horse
523.17+Dublin Bay
523.17+German nun bis dann: now till then
523.17+nine till ten
523.17+noon till dawn
523.17+invites inspection
523.17+Latin vice versa
523.18at Miss or Mrs's MacMannigan's Yard.
523.19    — Perhaps you can explain, sagobean? The Mod needs a
523.19+Horace: other works: Satires I.1.106: 'est modus in rebus' (Latin 'a middle course in all things')
523.21    — Pro general continuation and in particular explication to
523.21+[[Speaker: Yawn as Treacle Tom]]
523.21+(answers question of *E* being more sinned against) [.09]
523.21+(twelve types of logic propositions in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and many other places; Cluster: Logic)
523.21+types of logic propositions by quantity: Universal (Cluster: Logic)
523.21+Motif: -ation (*O*; 4 times) [.21-.22]
523.21+types of logic propositions by quantity: Particular (Cluster: Logic)
523.22your singular interrogation our asseveralation. Ladiegent, pals
523.22+types of logic propositions by quantity: Singular (Cluster: Logic)
523.22+ALP (Motif: ALP)
523.22+asseveration: action of confirming generally
523.22+VI.B.20.050f (o): 'ladiesgent'
523.22+ladies and gentlemen
523.22+VI.C.1.184c (o): === VI.B.11.131g ( ): 'pals will smile'
523.23will smile but me and Frisky Shorty, my inmate friend, as is un-
523.23+VI.B.3.102a (g): 'me and —' [.30] [524.06] [524.10]
523.23+O. Henry: The Four Million 3: 'Tobin's Palm': 'So, to Coney me and Tobin went'
523.23+Treacle Tom and Frisky Shorty [.30] [039.16-.18]
523.24common struck on poplar poetry, and a few fleabesides round at
523.25West Pauper Bosquet, was glad to be back again with the chaps
523.25+wastepaper basket
523.25+Bosquet's comment on the charge of the Light Brigade: 'C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre' (French 'It's magnificent, but it's not war')
523.25+French bosquet: thicket, shrubbery
523.26and just arguing friendlylike at the Doddercan Easehouse having
523.26+Dodder river, Dublin
523.26+twelve Dodecanese Islands
523.27a wee chatty with our hosty in his comfy estably over the old
523.27+HCE (Motif: HCE)
523.27+VI.B.14.221c (r): 'old party'
523.28middlesex party and his moral turps, meaning flu, pock, pox
523.28+Middlesex: Anglo-Saxon kingdom [.34] [524.01] [524.15] [524.26]
523.28+moral turpitude [522.14]
523.28+(twelve diseases (*O*))
523.29and mizzles, grip, gripe, gleet and sprue, caries, rabies, numps
523.29+mizzle: drizzle
523.29+Slang mizzle: elope, run off
523.29+grip: grippe, influenza, flu
523.29+gripe: intestinal pain
523.29+gleet: a venereal disease accompanied by morbid discharge from the urethra, sexually-transmitted bacterial urethritis (a primary symptom of gonorrhea)
523.29+sprue: tropical disease with digestive disturbance
523.29+caries: decay of bones or teeth
523.30and dumps. What me and Frisky in our concensus and the whole
523.30+Treacle Tom and Frisky Shorty [.23]
523.31double gigscrew of suscribers, notto say the burman, having
523.31+sus in cribro [155.04]
523.31+not to
523.31+Italian otto, sei: eight, six
523.31+Dutch buurman: neighbour
523.31+barman [040.24]
523.32successfully concluded our tour of bibel, wants to know is thisa-
523.32+Tower of Babel
523.33here. Supposing, for an ethical fict, him, which the findings
523.34showed, to have taken his epscene licence before the norsect's
523.34+VI.B.14.226h (r): '*E* epicene'
523.34+epicene: partaking of the characteristics of both sexes; feeble, effeminate (Motif: mixed gender)
523.34+phrase obscene licence: rowdy and indecent behaviour, licentiousness
523.34+Norsex (no such kingdom) [.28] [524.01] [524.15] [524.26]
523.35divisional respectively as regards them male privates and or
523.35+divisional police force
523.35+nouns: masculine, common, neuter, feminine
523.36concomitantly with all common or neuter respects to them
523.36+VI.B.14.227a (r): 'common or neuter'

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