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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 140

527.01    — It seems to same with Iscappellas? Ys? Gotellus! A tickey
527.01+the same
527.01+Italian cappella: chapel
527.01+VI.B.4.151e (b): 'Ys' [299.19] [570.12]
527.01+Welsh ys: it is, there is (impersonal or subjectless verb form)
527.01+Ys: a legendary city on the coast of Brittany, engulfed by the ocean after its king's daughter stole the keys to the gates of the dikes protecting it and unlocked them (by mistake, to allow her lover in, etc.)
527.01+go tell us
527.01+Latin tellus: earth
527.01+phrase a penny for your thoughts (used to ask someone what they are thinking about)
527.01+Slang tickey: threepence
527.02for tie taughts!
527.03    — Listenest, meme mearest! They were harrowd, those fin-
527.03+[[Speaker: Yawn as *I*]]
527.03+(Motif: stuttering)
527.03+me (repeated twice) [.21] [.24]
527.03+French même: same, self
527.03+my dearest [528.10]
527.03+finweed: rest-harrow, a herb (Dialect fin)
527.04weeds! Come, rest in this bosom! So sorry you lost him, poor
527.04+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Come, Rest in This Bosom [air: Lough Sheeling] [526.33]
527.05lamb! Of course I know you are a viry vikid girl to go in the
527.05+Motif: goat/sheep (lamb, kid)
527.05+very wicked
527.06dreemplace and at that time of the draym and it was a very wrong
527.06+dream place
527.06+Motif: time/space
527.06+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation draym: dream
527.07thing to do, even under the dark flush of night, dare all grand-
527.07+dear old grandpa, he's gone on... through gazing... at the stars [065.12-.13]
527.07+grand passion
527.07+Italian grande pazzia: great insanity
527.08passia! He's gone on his bombashaw. Through geesing and so
527.08+pasha: high-ranking Turkish officer
527.08+Archaic bashaw: pasha
527.09pleasing at Strip Teasy up the stairs. The boys on the corner were
527.09+VI.C.1.184f (o): === VI.B.11.132j ( ): 'boys on the corner were talking'
527.09+song She's Mine All Mine: (begins) 'The boys on the corner were talking Each one said his girl was the best' (a 1921 song)
527.10talking too. And your soreful miseries first come on you. Still to
527.10+the rosary is divided into three sections (chaplets): sorrowful mysteries [.22] [.36]
527.10+(first menstruation)
527.10+VI.C.1.184h (o): === VI.B.11.132o ( ): 'to forgive is divine'
527.11forgive it, divine my lickle wiffey, and everybody knows you do
527.11+Joyce: Ulysses.13.241: 'little wifey'
527.11+Liffey river
527.12look lovely in your invinsibles, Eulogia, a perfect apposition with
527.12+Invincibles: the perpetrators of the Phoenix Park Murders, 1882
527.12+VI.B.23.104f (b): 'Eulogio Gonzales'
527.12+Eulogio Gonzales Arzola: one of a dozen or so people arrested in August 1928 in connection with an April 1928 plot to assassinate Plutarco Elias Calles, the president of Mexico, and Alvaro Obregon, his expected successor, for their anti-Catholic and anti-clerical measures [.36]
527.12+Eulogia: Eucharist (from Greek eulogia: blessing) [528.24]
527.13the coldcream, Assoluta, from Boileau's I always use in the wards
527.13+cold cream [526.29]
527.13+Italian assoluta: absolute
527.13+Nicolas Boileau
527.13+Boileau and Boyd: Dublin chemists, wholesale druggists, and colour merchants (88-93 Bride Street, 46 Mary Street, 6 Merrion Row)
527.13+(nuns as hospital nurses)
527.14after I am burned a rich egg and derive the greatest benefit,
527.14+(to relieve her sunburn of a rich egg colour)
527.15sign of the cause. My, you do! Simply adorable! Could I but
527.15+Motif: Sign of the cross
527.15+VI.B.33.119g (r): 'I want to put hands through *T*'s hair'
527.15+Young: Trial of Frederick Bywaters and Edith Thompson 163: (letter from Edith Thompson to Bywaters, trial exhibit 62) 'an irresistable feeling overcame me, to put my hand thro your hair and I couldnt. I love doing that darlint, it feels so lovely'
527.16pass my hands some, my hands through, thine hair! So vicky-
527.16+very, very, very tiny
527.17vicky veritiny! O Fronces, say howdyedo, Dotty! Chic hands.
527.17+French froncer: wrinkle, pucker
527.17+how d'you do
527.18The way they curve there under nue charmeen cuffs! I am more
527.18+French nue: naked
527.18+Charmian: lady attending on Cleopatra in William Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra
527.18+Anglo-Irish -een (diminutive)
527.19divine like that when I've two of everything up to boyproof
527.19+(a thing and its mirror-image)
527.20knicks. Winning in a way, only my arms are whiter, dear.
527.20+German Knicks: curtsey
527.20+Colloquial knickers: women's drawers, women's underpants
527.21Blanchemain, idler. Fairhair, frail one. Listen, meme sweety! O
527.21+French Iseult aux Blanches Mains: Iseult of the White Hands (another name for Iseult of Brittany, Tristan's wife)
527.21+Iseult of the Fair Hair: another name for Iseult, Tristan's lover
527.21+me (repeated once) [.03] [.24]
527.22be joyfold! Mirror do justice, taper of ivory, heart of the cona-
527.22+the rosary is divided into three sections (chaplets): joyful mysteries [.10] [.36]
527.22+prayer Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary: 'Mirror of justice... Tower of ivory... House of gold... Ark of the Covenant' (titles of the Virgin Mary)
527.23vent, hoops of gold! My veil will save it undyeing from his ether-
527.23+(wedding rings)
527.24nal fire! It's meemly us two, meme idoll. Of course it was down-
527.24+me (repeated mirrored) [.03] [.21]
527.24+me (repeated once) [.03] [.21]
527.24+French même: Latin idem: same
527.24+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: idoll...} | {Png:, idoll...}
527.24+VI.B.17.072g (b): 'idoll'
527.24+Hirn: Les Jeux d'Enfants 11: 'chaque enfant, berçant sa poupée, nous rappellerait des époques où l'homme s'agenouillait devant l'œuvre de ses propres mains, devant de grandes images ou de petites idoles' (French 'each child, cradling his doll, would remind us of the times when man knelt before his own handiwork, before large images or small idols')
527.24+Mollie Fancher had a personality called Idol [526.20-.21]
527.25right verry wickred of him, reely meeting me disguised, Bortolo
527.25+very wicked
527.25+Slang wick: penis
527.25+Tristan returned to Cornwall in disguise to meet Iseult
527.25+Bartolo: old man in The Barber of Seville
527.25+song O Sole Mio
527.26mio, peerfectly appealling, D.V., with my lovebirds, my colom-
527.26+Motif: Paul/Peter
527.26+Latin D.V.: Deo volente: God willing
527.26+Italian colombina: little dove; prudish young woman
527.27binas. Their sinsitives shrinked. Even Netta and Linda, our seeyu
527.27+Italian netta: clean
527.27+Italian linda: clean
527.27+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Linda, our...} | {Png: ...Linda our...}
527.27+see you
527.28tities and they've sin sumtim, tankus! My rillies were liebeneaus,
527.28+seen something
527.28+thank you
527.28+German Marille: apricot
527.28+German lieben: to love
527.28+Greek libanus: incense
527.28+French eau: water
527.29my aftscents embre. How me adores eatsother simply (Mon ishe-
527.29+we adore each other
527.29+French mon beau, ma belle: my beautiful (masculine singular, feminine singular, respectively)
527.29+la belle Isabeau: child prophet of Camisards
527.29+French Iseult la Belle: Iseult the Beautiful (another name for Iseult)
527.29+Isa Bowman: child-friend of Lewis Carroll and author of Bowman: The Story of Lewis Carroll
527.29+Hebrew ish: man
527.30beau! Ma reinebelle!), in his storm collar, as I leaned yestreen
527.30+French reine: queen
527.30+storm collar: a coat-collar which may be turned up and fastened close round the neck; the long low roll of cloud that accompanies a squall or thunder-storm
527.30+Italian pendere dalle labbra: to hang on one's every word, to idolise (literally 'to hang from one's lips, to lean on one's lips')
527.30+VI.B.17.100o (b): 'learned from his lips'
527.30+yester e'en
527.31from his muskished labs, even my little pom got excited, when I
527.32turned his head on his same manly bust and kissed him more.
527.32+Obsolete bust: kissed
527.33Only he might speak to a person, lord so picious, taking up my
527.34worths ill wrong! May I introduce! This is my futuous, lips and
527.34+words all wrong
527.34+VI.B.17.032h (b): 'may I introduce X —'
527.34+Robbins: Parnell: The Last Five Years 70: 'an Irish fellow-member asked me if he might introduce Callan, who accompanied him'
527.34+Latin futuo: I copulate with
527.35looks lovelast. Still me with you, you poor chilled! Will make it
527.36up with mother Concepcion and a glorious lie between us,
527.36+VI.B.23.104e (b): 'Mother Concepcion'
527.36+Mother Concepcion: a Capuchin nun believed to be the mastermind behind the July 1928 assassination of Alvaro Obregon, the president-elect of Mexico, for his and his predecessor's anti-Catholic and anti-clerical measures [.12]
527.36+the rosary is divided into three sections (chaplets): glorious mysteries [.10] [.22]

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