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Finnegans Wake lines: 30
Elucidations found: 133

590.01deafadumped all his dry goods to his most favoured sinflute and
590.01+deaf and dumb
590.01+American dry goods store: draper's shop
590.01+(down to)
590.01+German Sintflut: the Flood (literally 'sin-flood')
590.02dropped him, what remains of a heptark, leareyed and letterish,
590.02+'heptarchy' refers especially to the seven kingdoms founded by Angles and Saxons
590.02+bleary-eyed and liverish
590.02+Motif: ear/eye
590.03weeping worrybound on his bankrump.
590.03+back, rump
590.04     Pepep. Pay bearer, sure and sorry, at foot of ohoho honest
590.04+(Motif: stuttering)
590.04+(Motif: stuttering)
590.04+proverb Honesty is the best policy
590.05policist. On never again, by Phoenis, swore on him Lloyd's,
590.05+policy (Cluster: Insurance)
590.05+German Polizist: policeman
590.05+Phoenix Assurance Company, 10 Trinity Street, Dublin (Cluster: Insurance)
590.05+Lloyds of London (Cluster: Insurance)
590.06not for beaten wheat, not after Sir Joe Meade's father, thanks!
590.06+forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:3)
590.06+Joseph Meade: Lord-Mayor of Dublin
590.07They know him, the covenanter, by rote at least, for a chameleon
590.07+Ark of the Covenant (Cluster: Insurance)
590.07+the rainbow was a sign of God's covenant to Noah not to send a second Flood (Genesis 9)
590.07+Covenanter: Scottish presbyterian
590.08at last, in his true falseheaven colours from ultraviolent to subred
590.08+Motif: true/false
590.08+seven colours (of rainbow)
590.08+Motif: red/violet (ultraviolet, infrared; the invisible colours beyond the edges of the rainbow)
590.08+ultra-violent to sub-bred
590.09tissues. That's his last tryon to march through the grand
590.09+phrase tissue of lies
590.09+try-on [320.18]
590.09+triune: (of a god) constituting a trinity in unity, three in one
590.10tryomphal arch. His reignbolt's shot. Never again! How you do
590.10+Arc de Triomphe, Paris
590.10+Thomas Campbell: To the Rainbow: (poem begins) 'Triumphal arch, that fill'st the sky'
590.10+phrase to shoot one's bolt
590.11that like, Mista Chimepiece? You got nice yum plemyums. Pray-
590.11+Italian come sta chi mi piace?: how is who I like?
590.11+Motif: niece
590.11+Russian plemyannitsy: nieces (Motif: niece)
590.11+premiums (Cluster: Insurance)
590.12paid my promishles!
590.12+Russian promysl: providence
590.12+Russian promysel: trade, business; enterprise
590.12+policies (Cluster: Insurance)
590.12+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...promishles!} | {Png: ...promishles.}
590.13     Agreed, Wu Welsher, he was chogfulled to beacsate on earn
590.13+{{Synopsis: III.4.4T.B: [590.13-590.30]: a man and a woman sleeping in bed, or dawn — as seen from John's point of view}}
590.13+to welsh: to fail to keep promise
590.13+Irish beac: mushroom
590.13+Irish beach: bee
590.13+Slang backside: buttocks
590.13+prayer Lord's Prayer: 'on earth, as it is in heaven'
590.14as in hiving, of foxold conningnesses but who, hey honey, for
590.14+fox's cunningness
590.14+(honey bee)
590.15all values of his latters, integer integerrimost, was the formast
590.15+(H (8) + C (3) + E (5) = 16, using A-Z = 1-26)
590.15+Latin integer integerrimus: perfect most perfect
590.15+Italian integerrimo: strictly honest
590.15+Latin formaster: a man excessively focused on his external appearance, a dandy, a fop
590.16of the firm? At folkmood hailed, at part farwailed, accwmwladed
590.16+Obsolete folkmoot: a general assembly of the people of a town or district
590.16+George Moore: Hail and Farewell
590.16+cumulus cloud
590.17concloud, Nuah-Nuah, Nebob of Nephilim! After all what fol-
590.17+Nuadha: king of Tuatha Dé Danann
590.17+Haun [471.35]
590.17+nabob: person of great wealth
590.17+Hebrew nephilim: giants (Genesis 6:4, Numbers 13:33; literally 'the fallen ones')
590.17+Old Norse Niflheim: Home of Mist (realm of ice-giants)
590.18lowed for apprentice sake? Since the now nighs nearing as the
590.18+as the... hies hin [282.04]
590.19yetst hies hin. Jeebies, ugh, kek, ptah, that was an ill man! Jaw-
590.19+German jetzt: now
590.19+German hin: away, thither
590.19+Henry R. Schoolcraft: The Myth of Hiawatha: The Jeebi, or Two Ghosts: (a Native American Odjibwa folktale about two benevolent female spirits from the land of the dead) 'they never saw more of the two Jeebi-ug'
590.19+Kek: Egyptian god of primordial darkness
590.19+Ptah: Egyptian god of speech, handicrafts and the rising sun
590.19+jawbone (Judges 15:16: 'And Samson said, With the jawbone of an ass... have I slain a thousand men')
590.20boose, puddigood, this is for true a sweetish mand! But Jum-
590.20+Dutch boos: bad, angry
590.20+Dialect puddi good: pretty good (reflecting pronunciation)
590.20+German fürwahr: indeed (literally 'for-true')
590.20+Danish mand: man
590.20+Russian Slang manda: female genitalia
590.20+(*E*, or *Y*)
590.21bluffer, bagdad, sir, yond would be for a once over our all
590.21+Anglo-Irish Colloquial bedad!: by God! (mild oath)
590.22honoured christmastyde easteredman. Fourth position of solu-
590.22+HCE (Motif: HCE)
590.22+Christmas and Easter celebrate the birth and resurrection of Christ, respectively [556.08]
590.22+Christmastide: Christmas season, the twelve days of Christmas (from Christmas Eve to Epiphany Eve)
590.22+Eastman: Viking
590.22+(John's view, from the horizon) [.22-.24] [559.20-.22] [564.01-.04] [582.28-.31]
590.22+fourth position of solution [559.21] [564.01-.02] [582.29-.30]
590.23tion. How johnny! Finest view from horizon. Tableau final.
590.23+John [559.22] [564.02] [582.30]
590.23+French tableau final: final painting, final picture
590.24Two me see. Male and female unmask we hem. Begum by gunne!
590.24+in the fixed-do method of the sol-fa system of musical note representation, do = C, mi = E, si = B (or H in German terminology); therefore, do-mi-si = CEH (Motif: HCE; first letter shifted to the end from [582.30]; same letter order as [559.21]) [559.21] [564.04] [582.30]
590.24+Genesis 1:27: 'male and female created He them'
590.24+Archaic hem: them; him
590.24+phrase let bygones be bygones: forget past offences
590.24+Begum: queen, in Muslim countries
590.24+Hum(phrey), Ann
590.24+Michael Gunn
590.25Who now broothes oldbrawn. Dawn! The nape of his name-
590.25+(four statements from *X*)
590.25+Oldbawn: village on the Dodder river
590.25+(disk of sun appears)
590.26shielder's scalp. Halp! After having drummed all he dun. Hun!
590.26+The Scalp: a pass south of Dublin
590.26+ALP (Motif: ALP)
590.26+Danish drømt: dreamed
590.26+Dundrum: district of Dublin
590.26+done all he done
590.27Worked out to an inch of his core. More! Ring down. While
590.27+Inchicore: district of Dublin
590.27+Motif: While... ring... for to... ling [.27-.29]
590.28the queenbee he staggerhorned blesses her bliss for to feel her
590.28+queen bee
590.28+Archaic for to: in order to
590.29funnyman's functions Tag. Rumbling.
590.29+German Tag: day
590.29+(stomach rumbling)
590.30     Tiers, tiers and tiers. Rounds.
590.30+Motif: three cheers
590.30+Motif: 4-stage Viconian cycle (?)
590.30+tiers: the rows of seats in the various circles of a theatre auditorium (Fay: A Short Glossary of Theatrical Terms 30)
590.30+VI.B.44.182g (b): 'Rounds'
590.30+Fay: A Short Glossary of Theatrical Terms 25: 'Rounds. — The applause given by the audience'

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