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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
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596.01at hand; for which thetheatron is a lemoronage; at milch-
596.01+Slang phrase the answer is a lemon (a derisive reply to what is implied to be a ridiculous question or request)
596.01+Greek theatron: theatre
596.01+VI.B.46.014j (r): 'Theatre of Orange'
596.01+Theatre of Orange: a famous 1st century Roman amphitheatre in Orange, France
596.01+VI.C.13.001j (g): === VI.B.13.190b ( ): 'milchgoat'
596.01+Motif: mixed gender (milch, male goat)
596.01+milch: (of a domestic mammal) kept for milk, giving milk (Obsolete also applied to a wet nurse) [595.35] [.02]
596.02goat fairmesse; in full dogdhis; sod on a fall; pat; the hundering
596.02+Fair of the Male Goat (a.k.a. Puck Fair, from Anglo-Irish puck: male goat), one of Ireland's oldest fairs, is held annually in Killorglin, County Kerry [087.26] [563.26]
596.02+French kermesse: fair, carnival, kermis (especially in the Netherlands)
596.02+Motif: mixed gender (milk, dugs, his)
596.02+Sanskrit dogdhri: (of a domestic mammal, a wet nurse) giving milk [.01]
596.02+dugs: udders, teats (Slang breasts, nipples)
596.02+Dagda: Irish father god of fertility, manliness, druidism, etc.
596.02+nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty: 'Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall'
596.02+Colloquial pat: Irishman (and nickname for Patrick)
596.02+Danish pat: udder, teat (Slang breast, nipple)
596.02+Hundred of Manhood
596.03blundering dunderfunder of plundersundered manhood; behold,
596.03+dunderhead: stupid person, numbskull
596.03+Swedish dunder: thunder
596.04he returns; renascenent; fincarnate; still foretold around the hearth-
596.04+(the child) [595.34]
596.04+VI.B.41.145c (o): 'reminiscences still told around the firesides'
596.04+VI.C.18.046b-c (b): 'Fincarnis and Waterlegs act' === VI.B.38.090c ( ): 'Firearms & Waterlegs act' (i.e. the result of a mistranscription; only first word crayoned)
596.04+(his return has been foretold, and still is)
596.05side; at matin a fact; hailed chimers' ersekind; foe purmanant,
596.05+(foretold in the morning, returns in the morning)
596.05+phrase as a matter of fact: actually
596.05+French matin: morning
596.05+in fact
596.05+HCE (Motif: HCE)
596.05+VI.B.41.154e (o): 'chimer'
596.05+Erskine Childers: 19th-20th century Anglo-Irish writer, who smuggled guns from Germany to Howth Head in 1914 for the Irish nationalist cause, and was executed in 1922 during the Irish Civil War (cousin of H.C.E Childers) [535.34]
596.05+German Kind: child [595.34]
596.05+fulminant: thundering; thunderbolt
596.06fum in his mow; awike in wave risurging into chrest; victis poenis
596.06+VI.B.41.116f (b): 'thumb in mouth'
596.06+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 462: 'The Colloquy of the Old Men': (of Finn) 'he... put his thumb under his tooth of knowledge, truth was revealed to him, and he said'
596.06+a Viking knave
596.06+wave, surge, crest
596.06+Italian risorgere: to rise again, revive
596.06+Latin victis: conquered, vanquished (plural, dative or ablative)
596.06+Latin poenis: punishments, penalties (plural, dative or ablative)
596.07hesternis; fostfath of solas; fram choicest of wiles with warmen
596.07+Latin hesternis: of yesterdays (plural, dative or ablative)
596.07+VI.B.41.115f (b): '*E*'s fosterfather sun' ('sun' uncertain)
596.07+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 423: 'The Hiding of the Hill of Howth': (of Diarmuid and Grania) 'A man was awaiting them in the little boat with a beautiful raiment about him, with a broad-braided golden-yellow mantle over his shoulder behind. That was Angus of the Brug, the foster-father of Diarmuid'
596.07+Irish fosfar: phosphorus (from Greek phosphoros: light-bearer)
596.07+Irish solas: light
596.07+Latin sol: sun
596.07+from (New South) Wales [.11] [595.33]
596.07+Fram: famous Norwegian ship, used to explore the Arctic (Nansen's expedition) and Antarctic (Amundsen's expedition) regions between 1893 and 1912 (from Norwegian fram: forward)
596.07+phrase wine, women and song (hedonistic pleasures)
596.08and sogns til Banba, burial aranging; under articles thirtynine of
596.08+Italian sogno: a dream
596.08+Norwegian til: to
596.08+Old Irish Banba: Ireland (strictly, the name of the patron goddess of Ireland)
596.08+VI.B.41.147d (o): 'arrange for burial'
596.08+(to arrange his father's burial)
596.08+Basque laranja: orange [003.23]
596.08+VI.C.18.046i (b): 'under article 21X of the Constitution' === VI.B.38.091f ( ): 'under article 2A of the Constitution'
596.08+The Thirty-Nine Articles: the defining doctrines of the Church of England, adopted as part of the English Reformation (Motif: 39) [.09]
596.08+there are thirty-nine signatures on the United States Constitution (Motif: 39)
596.09the reconstitution; by the lord's order of the canon consecrand-
596.09+VI.B.41.116e (b): 'lord 's order of the canon' (''s' replaces a cancelled 'of')
596.09+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 459: 'The Colloquy of the Old Men': (of Saint Patrick and Finn) 'Just then Patrick was chanting the Lord's order of the canon (i.e., Mass), and lauded the Creator, and pronounced a benediction on the rath where Finn mac Cumaill had been'
596.09+The Canon: canon law, the legal system of a church, such as the Catholic Church or the Church of England [.08]
596.09+Latin consecrandus: which is to be consecrated (e.g. applied to a priest about to be ordained as a bishop)
596.09+(he could still be made a bishop, even though we thought him lost to earthly pursuits)
596.10able; earthlost that we thought him; pesternost, the noneknown
596.10+VI.C.13.151e (g): 'he angel that I thought him' === VI.B.8.231g ( ): 'he, angel that I thought him' [303.F01]
596.10+Latin Pater Noster: Our Father, Lord's Prayer (prayer)
596.10+VI.C.13.170h (g): 'unknown worried' === VI.B.22.037j ( ): 'unknown worrier'
596.10+The Unknown Warrior: an unidentified British soldier killed in World War I and buried in Westminster Abbey in 1920
596.11worrier; from Tumbarumba mountain; in persence of whole
596.11+VI.C.13.001e (g): === VI.B.13.189d ( ): 'Tumbarumba Mt'
596.11+Tumbarumba: town, New South Wales, Australia (about 500 kilometres from Sydney; within sight of Mount Kosciuszko, mainland Australia's highest peak) [.07] [595.33]
596.12landslots; forebe all the rassias; sire of leery subs of dub; the Dig-
596.12+Lancelot: a prominent knight of King Arthur and the lover of Queen Guinevere
596.12+Danish slot: castle
596.12+Danish forbi: past (preposition)
596.12+forebear: ancestor
596.12+VI.B.46.014l (r): 'all the Europe'
596.12+the full modern title of the Russian Tsar began 'Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias' (usually referred to as 'Tsar of All the Russias', since the 16th century)
596.12+Archaic sire: father, ancestor
596.12+VI.B.41.115o (b): 'Loeghaire Leary s of Dub'
596.12+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 433: 'The Death of Finn': (one of Finn's lieutenants) 'Loegaire of the Swift Blows the son of Dub'
596.12+Dún Laoghaire: a suburban town south of Dublin (pronounced and often spelled 'Dunleary')
596.12+suburb of Dublin
596.12+Colloquial the dickens: the devil
596.12+VI.B.46.015b (r): 'the Diggings woodenhenge'
596.12+diggings: the site of an archaeological excavation (Colloquial lodgings, quarters)
596.13gins, Woodenhenge, as to hang out at; with spawnish oel full his
596.13+Woodhenge: a prehistoric timber circle, not far from Stonehenge (discovered in 1926)
596.13+(it has long been assumed that the obscure suffix -henge in Stonehenge is etymologically related to 'hang', although others have suggested it is related to 'hinge' instead)
596.13+Colloquial hang out: to lodge, reside
596.13+Joyce: Ulysses.12.1298: (the citizen about the Irish and the English) 'We had our trade with Spain and the French and the Flemings before those mongrels were pupped, Spanish ale in Galway'
596.13+J.C. Mangan: song Dark Rosaleen: 'And Spanish ale shall give you hope'
596.13+spawn of hell
596.13+Danish øl: beer, ale
596.14angalach; the sousenugh; gnomeosulphidosalamermauderman; the
596.14+VI.B.41.116c (b): 'Angalach (dr. horn)'
596.14+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 458: 'The Colloquy of the Old Men': (of Finn) 'the Angalach or drinking horn which Moriath daughter of the king of Greece gave to Finn'
596.14+Irish Sasanach: Englishman, English
596.14+Colloquial soused: drunk
596.14+Motif: 4 elements (earth (gnome), air (sylph), fire (salamander), water (merman); since the first three are the legendary beings associated with the respective element in Paracelsus's famous scheme, one would have expected the fourth to be undine, rather than merman)
596.14+French eau: water
596.15big brucer, fert in fort; Gunnar, of The Gunnings, Gund; one
596.15+F.W.: Big Bruce and Little Moss, A Tale for Schoolboys (late 19th century short novel)
596.15+Robert the Bruce: 14th century Scottish King, famous for fighting the English to regain Scotland's independence
596.15+Colloquial bruiser: prize-fighter
596.15+VI.B.41.154a (o): 'Fert'
596.15+Irish fert: a type of prehistoric funerary monument
596.15+fert, fort (Motif: FERT) [127.09-.10] [369.12]
596.15+German fährt ihn fort: drives him away
596.15+French fort: strong, strongly
596.15+phrase going, going, gone (used to close bidding at an auction)
596.15+VI.B.41.162d (o): 'Gunnar The Gunnings'
596.15+Gunnar: Scandinavian male given name (from Old Norse gunnarr: warrior)
596.15+The Gunnings: two 18th century Irish sisters who married English aristocrats [495.25]
596.15+Gunder: Scandinavian male given name, a cognate of Gunnar
596.15+one, two, three, four, five
596.15+VI.B.41.115m (b): '5 f masters,' ('f' uncertain)
596.15+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 432: 'The Death of Finn': (of Finn) 'he was one of the five masters in every great art, and one of the three sons of comfort to Erin'
596.16of the two or three forefivest fellows a bloke could in holiday
596.16+four five (Motif: four fifths)
596.16+HCE (Motif: HCE)
596.17crowd encounter; benedicted be the barrel; kilderkins, lids off; a
596.17+Obsolete benedicted: blessed
596.17+(barrel of alcoholic beverage) [.18-.19]
596.17+(gun barrel)
596.17+VI.B.41.117j (b): 'kilderkin'
596.17+kilderkin: a cask of a specific capacity (varies by commodity), exactly half that of a barrel (e.g. 16 vs. 32 gallons for ale, 18 vs. 36 gallons for beer, etc.)
596.17+(kill one's kin) [594.03-.04]
596.17+Slang phrase lids off: hats off (to give praise or admiration)
596.18roache, an oxmaster, a sort of heaps, a pamphilius, a vintivat
596.18+French Colloquial rouge: red wine
596.18+XO: a grade of cognac
596.18+Hungarian sör: beer
596.18+Greek soroi: heaps
596.18+Le Fanu: The House by the Churchyard, ch. 56: 'Many of the Roman worthies, as you are aware, perished thus suddenly... Cneius Babius Pamphilus, a man of prætorian rank, died while asking a boy what o'clock it was' (Motif: What is the time?)
596.18+Italian ventinove: twenty-nine (Motif: 28-29)
596.18+French vin: wine
596.19niviceny, a hygiennic contrivance socalled from the editor; the
596.19+HCE (Motif: HCE)
596.19+cointreau: a type of liqueur
596.20thick of your thigh; you knox; quite; talking to the vicar's joy
596.20+VI.B.41.115h (b): 'thick of thigh'
596.20+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 432: 'The Death of Finn': (of Finn) 'about his waist he put a stout corslet... so that it reached from the thick of his thighs to his arm-pit'
596.20+Motif: 2&3 (two emotions, three colours; *IJ* and *VYC*)
596.21and ruth; the gren, woid and glue been broking by the maybole
596.21+Archaic ruth: compassion, remorse, sorrow
596.21+green, white and blue
596.22gards; he; when no crane in Elga is heard; upout to speak this
596.22+CEH (Motif: HCE)
596.22+VI.B.41.115e (b): 'no crane talks'
596.22+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 423: 'The Hiding of the Hill of Howth': (a poem sung by a hag trying to trick Diarmuid and Grania as Finn approaches their hiding-place on Howth Head) 'Not a bell is heard, no crane talks'
596.22+VI.B.41.115c (b): 'Elga'
596.22+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 422: 'The Hiding of the Hill of Howth': (a hag trying to trick Diarmuid and Grania as Finn approaches their hiding-place on Howth Head) 'there is not a smooth plain in all Elga'
596.22+Irish Inis Elga: an old name of Ireland (literally 'The Noble Island')
596.22+Hauptmann: Elga (an 1896 play; Joyce: Letters II.85: letter 15/03/05 to Stanislaus Joyce: 'In 'Elga' Hauptmann again uses the mechanism of a dream or vision')
596.22+VI.B.41.115g (b): 'speak a lay'
596.22+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 427: 'The Death of Finn': (of Finn uttering prophecies in the form of short poems) 'and then he spoke the lay'
596.23lay; without links, without impediments, with gygantogyres,
596.23+Greek gigantogyroi: giant circles
596.24with freeflawforms;parasama to himself; atman as evars; whom
596.24+Motif: Fee faw fum
596.24+free flow
596.24+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...freeflawforms;parasama... (i.e. no space)} | {JJA 63:125: ...freeflawforms; parasama... (i.e. space)} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:289)
596.24+Jainism differentiates between sva-samaya, which is the atman (soul, self) in its pure form, and para-samaya, which is all that is outside the atman (the terms are in Prakrit, a language related to Sanskrit; there might well be similar terms in other Prakrit- or Sanskrit-based belief systems)
596.24+same to himself [032.20] [300.04]
596.24+Adam and Eve
596.25otherwise becauses; no puler as of old but as of young a palatin;
596.25+puler: a weakly person (Obsolete young bird, fledgeling)
596.25+Latin puer: child, boy
596.25+paladin: knightly hero, knight errant (originally one of Charlemagne's twelve knights)
596.25+Latin alati: winged (masculine plural)
596.26whitelock not lacked nor temperasoleon; though he appears a
596.26+VI.C.18.034h (b): === VI.B.38.064c ( ): 'whitelock'
596.26+white lock [031.15] [098.25]
596.26+(natural, not painted)
596.26+German Lack: varnish, lacquer
596.26+tempera: a painting medium consisting of pigment and glutinous binder, usually egg yolk
596.26+Italian pittura a olio: oil painting
596.26+VI.C.13.103g (g): === VI.B.8.138b ( ): 'he appeared a funny colour' [038.17]
596.27funny colour;stoatters some; but a quite a big bug after the
596.27+Colloquial funny: strange, unpleasant, unhealthy
596.27+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...colour;stoatters... (i.e. no space)} | {JJA 63:101: ...colour; stoatters... (i.e. space)} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:289)
596.27+stutters (Motif: stuttering)
596.27+Slang big bug: important person
596.27+Colloquial bug: insect
596.28dahlias; place inspectorum sarchent; also the hullow chyst ex-
596.28+dahlias are among the earwig's favoured food sources
596.28+police inspector
596.28+Latin inspectorum: of observers (plural); of observed (plural, masculine or neuter)
596.28+HCE (Motif: HCE)
596.28+hullow, cyst [613.20-.21]
596.28+Holy Ghost
596.28+VI.B.46.015d (r): 'cyst'
596.28+cist: a type of prehistoric sepulchral chamber, excavated in rock, or formed of stones or hollowed tree trunks (occasionally misspelt 'cyst')
596.28+excavation [597.06]
596.29cavement; astronomically fabulafigured; as Jambudvispa Vipra
596.29+VI.C.13.021f (g): 'astronomised figures' === VI.B.13.228k ( ): 'astronomical figures'
596.29+(a constellation is a set of stars grouped together into forming an imaginary figure in the sky, often accompanied by a mythological tale)
596.29+Latin fabula: story, tale, fable
596.29+in Hindu cosmology, the universe is divided into seven concentric island continents separated by the seven encircling oceans, the central continent of which, the one inhabited by human beings, is called Jambudvipa (Sanskrit Jambudvipa: Jambu (Indian Blackberry) Island; similar, but not identical, schemes also exist in Buddhistic and Jainistic cosmologies) [605.04]
596.29+Giambattista Vico
596.29+Sanskrit vipra: wise, inspired; a Brahman, a sage
596.30foresaw of him; the last half versicle repurchasing his pawned
596.30+VI.C.13.166f-g (g): 'vespers after *E* retires the final half vers he comes back' === VI.B.22.031j ( ): 'vespers after *E* retires the final half verse he comes back' (only last seven words crayoned; the C notebook siglum has no middle leg)
596.30+versicle: short sentence said or sung in a religious service, specifically one spoken by the officiating priest and followed by the response of the congregation
596.30+VI.C.13.166h (g): 'pawn is word' === VI.B.22.032b ( ): 'pain in words' (entire B notebook entry uncertain)
596.31word; sorensplit and paddypatched; and pfor to pfinish our pfun
596.31+Søren Kierkegaard: Either/Or
596.31+Søren, Sören: Scandinavian male given name
596.31+split, patch (opposites)
596.31+Colloquial paddywhack: Irishman (especially if big and strong, derogatory); severe beating
596.31+VI.B.41.153c (o): 'pfor to pfinnish our pfum of a pfam coalling the kettle mikewhite'
596.31+Motif: alliteration (pf)
596.31+for to finish our fun (Archaic for to: in order to)
596.31+Motif: Fee faw fum
596.31+German Pforte: gate, portal
596.31+Finn, Cool, Mac (Finn) [.32]
596.31+German Pfund: pound (weight)
596.32of a pfan coalding the keddle mickwhite; sure, straight, slim,
596.32+proverb The pot calling the kettle black: criticising another for one's own faults (hypocrisy)
596.32+German Pfanne: frying pan
596.32+German Pfand: a pawn, pledge [.30]
596.32+Motif: dark/fair (coal, black, milk, white)
596.32+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. X, 'Finn Mac Cool', 388b: (of Finn as a historic figure) 'Zimmer even tried to show that his personality was developed in Leinster and Munster local tradition out of stories clustering round the figure of the Viking leader Ketill Hviti (Caittil Find), who was slain in 857' (i.e. Kettil the White or Kettil the Finn (fair)) [.31]
596.32+Slang mick: Irishman (usually derogatory)
596.32+Motif: alliteration (s)
596.33sturdy, serene, synthetical, swift.
596.33+VI.C.12.224a-b (b): 'Swift Kidnapped' === VI.B.13.fcvc ( ): 'Swift kidnapped' (Swift) [595.35]
596.34     By the antar of Yasas! Ruse made him worthily achieve in-
596.34+{{Synopsis: IV.1.1.E: [596.34-597.22]: sleep is about to end and the sleeper is about to roll over from one side to the other — why?}}
596.34+altar of Jesus
596.34+Sanskrit antar: within, between, among
596.34+Sanskrit yashas: beauty, splendour; fame, renown
596.35herited wish. The drops upon that mantle rained never around
596.35+VI.B.41.115b (b): 'hag, wet cloak'
596.35+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 422: 'The Hiding of the Hill of Howth': (an episode in the elopement of Diarmuid and Grania from the pursuing Finn, on Howth Head) 'Once Diarmuid... was in the cave of the Hill of Howth... after having carried off Grainne... in elopement from Finn. An old woman was with Diarmuid... The old woman went out of the cave, and... saw... Finn... But what Finn desired of her was to betray Diarmuid to him. The old hag consented to this. She dipped her cloak into the salt water and then went into the cave. Diarmuid inquired why she was so wet. "I confess," said she, "I never saw or heard the like of it for cold and storms"... Craftily she shook her raiment across the cave, and sang... Then the old woman went out... Grainne... put out her hand on the garment that was about her, and put it on her tongue, and found the taste of salt on her cloak. "Woe, oh Diarmuid!" she cried, "the old woman has betrayed thee!"'
596.35+(foreigner, as the drops on his mantle are not from around Fingal)
596.36Fingal. Goute! Loughlin's Salts, Will, make a newman if any-
596.36+Fingal: area north of Dublin (including Howth Head)
596.36+Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian II.1: Fingal (Fingal is Macpherson's name for Finn)
596.36+(tastes of salt) [.35]
596.36+French goûte!: taste!
596.36+French goutte: a drop (of liquid)
596.36+German gut: good
596.36+Anglo-Irish Lochlann: Scandinavian, Viking
596.36+Anglo-Irish lough: lake, arm of the sea
596.36+Irish linn: pool, lake, sea
596.36+French lin: linen, flax
596.36+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...Salts, Will, make... (i.e. two commas)} | {JJA 63:74: ...Salts. Will make... (i.e. one full stop)} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:125)
596.36+will make a new man of anyone
596.36+John Henry, Cardinal Newman: 19th century English theologian, famous for converting from Anglicanism to Catholicism
596.36+if (mantle is) worn [.35]

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