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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 281

600.01cannibal king to the property horse, being, slumply and slopely,
600.01+VI.B.47.071e (g): 'cannibal'
600.01+Cannibal King: character in pantomime Robinson Crusoe
600.01+VI.B.47.071c (g): ''property'' (i.e. enclosed between single quotes)
600.01+property: an article required for a given theatre play (e.g. furniture, costume, accessory), a prop
600.01+pantomime horse: a stock pantomime character, played by two actors in a single animal costume
600.01+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...being, slumply and slopely, to...} | {Png: ...being slumply and slopely to...}
600.01+phrase simply and solely: merely, only [598.19]
600.01+slump, slope (falling)
600.01+slumber, sleep (sleeping)
600.02to remind us how, in this drury world of ours, Father Times and
600.02+Variants: {FnF, Vkg: 'to' on .02} | {Png: 'to' on .01}
600.02+Drury Lane: the common name of The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London, famous among other things for its annual Christmas pantomimes from as early as the 18th century [.04]
600.02+(*E* and *A*)
600.02+VI.B.47.074a ( ): 'Father Times'
600.02+pantomime Saint George and the Dragon; or, Old Father Time
600.02+Motif: time/space
600.03Mother Spacies boil their kettle with their crutch. Which every
600.03+VI.B.47.071f (g): 'boil kettle with crutches'
600.04lad and lass in the lane knows. Hence.
600.04+VI.B.47.070d ( ): ''lane' (i.e. preceded by an apostrophe)
600.05     Polycarp pool, the pool of Innalavia, Saras the saft as, of
600.05+{{Synopsis: IV.1.1.L: [600.05-601.07]: the scene unfolds — pool, waterfall, river, city, tree, stone become visible}}
600.05+(the pool... let it be) [.12]
600.05+VI.C.13.168i (g): === VI.B.22.035a ( ): 'Polycarp pool'
600.05+Saint Polycarp: 2nd century martyred bishop of Smyrna (from Greek polykarpos: rich in fruit)
600.05+(pool with many carp)
600.05+(the name Dublin derives from Irish dubh linn: black pool, referring to a pool on the river Poddle at its confluence with the Liffey) [.08]
600.05+Anna Livia (*A*)
600.05+Old Irish inna: the (feminine plural)
600.05+Italian laviamo: (we) wash
600.05+Sanskrit saras: lake, pool, water
600.05+source (of river)
600.05+as soft as
600.05+Scottish saft: rain, moisture; wet, rainy
600.05+German Saft: juice
600.06meadewy marge, atween Deltas Piscium and Sagittariastrion,
600.06+VI.B.41.115d (b): 'marge'
600.06+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 423: 'The Hiding of the Hill of Howth': 'The fishes of Inis Fail are a-roaming, There is no marge nor well of waves'
600.06+Archaic marge: margin, edge, riverbank
600.06+Sanskrit marga: way, path, road
600.06+Archaic atween: between
600.06+VI.B.41.149b (o): 'delta Piscium'
600.06+Delta Piscium: a star in the constellation Pisces
600.06+delta: triangle-like landform at the mouth of a river (*A*)
600.06+Pisces, Sagittarius: constellations and astrological signs of the zodiac (Fishes and Archer, respectively)
600.06+(the original ten-month Roman calendar ran from March to December, roughly corresponding to Pisces to Sagittarius)
600.06+Asterion: Greek river-god (from Greek asterion: starry)
600.07whereinn once we lave 'tis alve and vale, minnyhahing here from
600.07+VI.B.46.015i (r): 'not bath twice in same R' ('R' stands for 'river')
600.07+VI.C.18.093a (b): 'valley, salve, ave' === VI.B.38.199e ( ): 'volley, salvo, ave?' (i.e. the result of a mistranscription)
600.07+Latin ave, salve, vale: hail, be well, farewell (three common semi-synonymous salutations; also, respectively, the titles of the three volumes of George Moore: Hail and Farewell (gossipy memoir of 19th-20th century Dublin); Motif: ave, salve, vale)
600.07+Archaic lave: to wash, bathe
600.07+Archaic 'tis: it is
600.07+Italian alveo: river bed
600.07+VI.C.13.187i (g): 'mimyhahing' === VI.B.22.065c ( ): 'minnyhahing'
600.07+Minnehaha: Hiawatha's lover in Longfellow's The Song of Hiawatha (her name is often said to mean 'laughing water', although the correct translation from Dakota would be 'waterfall' or 'rapids')
600.08hiarwather, a poddlebridges in a passabed, the river of lives, the
600.08+VI.C.13.187g (g): === VI.B.22.064c ( ): 'hiarwather'
600.08+Hiawatha: the hero of Longfellow's The Song of Hiawatha, based on a semi-legendary pre-colonial Native American leader
600.08+higher water
600.08+VI.B.46.050a (r): '*A* name for Poddle name of bed'
600.08+Mauthner: Beiträge zu einer Kritik der Sprache III.90: 'Namen der Flüsse sind Eigennamen... In diesem Sinn ist dann "Donau" ein Begriff wie "Peter Müller". Und daß "Donau" nur das Bett bezeichnet, in dem ein unaufhörlich wechselndes Wasser fließt, das hindert die Ähnlichkeit nicht; denn am letzten Ende bezeichnet auch "Peter Müller" nur das Bett, die Summe der... Gefäße und Organe, durch welche das täglich durch neue Nahrung neu geschaffene, neu entsprungene Blut strömt' (German 'Names of rivers are proper names... In this sense "Danube" is a term like "Peter Müller". And that "Danube" only designates the bed, in which incessantly changing water flows, does not hinder the resemblance; because in the end, "Peter Müller" also only designates the bed, the sum of the... vessels and organs, through which daily through new food the newly created, newly arisen blood flows')
600.08+Poddle river, Dublin (a tributary of the Liffey) [.05]
600.08+APAPL (Motif: ALP)
600.08+Colloquial pissabed: dandelion (Slang bed-wetter)
600.08+Liffey river
600.09regenerations of the incarnations of the emanations of the appa-
600.09+Motif: -ation (*O*; 4 times) [.09-.10]
600.09+VI.C.5.047l (o): 'Mongan - re incarnation of Finn' (Finn) [041.04] [530.31]
600.09+Hyde: The Story of Early Gaelic Literature 103: (of Finn) 'the story of Mongan, an Ulster King of the seventh century, according to the annalists, who declared that he was... a re-incarnation of the great Finn'
600.09+apparentation: the relationship between a society and an earlier or later related one (akin to affiliation)
600.10rentations of Funn and Nin in Cleethabala, the kongdomain of
600.10+(*E* and *A*)
600.10+song Finnegan's Wake: 'Lots of fun at Finnegan's wake'
600.10+Keane: The Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland 381: 'CORK, The capital of the County... was once famous as the site of a temple dedicated to St. Fin-Bar, or Barindeus [the Son of the one God]... Bar was one of the names by which Nin, the Chaldean Fish-god, was known to the Ancients' [.28]
600.10+French naine: dwarf (feminine)
600.10+Irish Baile Átha Cliath: Town of the Ford of the Hurdles (the Irish name of Dublin)
600.10+Danish kongedømme: kingdom
600.11the Alieni, an accorsaired race, infester of Libnud Ocean, Moyla-
600.11+Latin alieni: foreigners
600.11+corsair: privateer, pirate
600.11+VI.C.13.169g (g): === VI.B.22.036b ( ): 'Dublin sea'
600.11+VI.C.13.168e ( ): 'd b l i n Blindub Nubild' (multiple anagrams of 'Dublin', along the margin, in Joyce's handwriting; Motif: anagram)
600.11+D'Alton: The History of the County of Dublin 666: 'The Liffey, the Libnius of Ptolemy' (probably incorrect, as Ptolemy has the Libnius on the west coast of Ireland)
600.11+Sea of Moyle: the strait between Ireland and Scotland, situated to the north of the Irish Sea
600.11+Italian amore: love
600.12more, let it be! Where Allbroggt Neandser tracking Viggynette
600.12+Serbo-Croatian more: sea
600.12+it (pool, river, time) [.05-.12]
600.12+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM:! Where...} | {Png: Where...}
600.12+Albert Nyanza and Victoria Nyanza: two of the major reservoir lakes of the Nile river ('Nyanza' is Bantu for 'Lake')
600.12+Dialect brogged: pointed, spiked
600.13Neeinsee gladsighted her Linfian Fall and a teamdiggingharrow
600.13+French née: born (feminine)
600.13+(in Greek mythology, Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was born from sea foam) [.11-.12]
600.13+German See: sea, lake
600.13+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...her Linfian...} | {Png: ...her, Linfian...}
600.13+VI.B.41.142d (b): 'Liv. Falls' (the entry begins with two additional llegible words)
600.13+Irish linn fhiáin: wild pool
600.13+French Nil: Nile (river; Motif: backwards)
600.13+Motif: Tom, Dick and Harry
600.14turned the first sod. Sluce! Caughterect! Goodspeed the blow!
600.14+VI.B.41.143f (o): 'turned the first sod'
600.14+sluice: an artificial water channel fitted with a gate to control the flow through it [297.17]
600.14+Slang sluice: female genitalia
600.14+German Schluss: end
600.14+cataract: waterfall
600.14+caught erect (penis)
600.14+phrase God speed the plough! (wish for success or prosperity)
600.14+Slang blow: an act of sexual intercourse
600.15(Incidentally 'tis believed that his harpened before Gage's Fane
600.15+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song The Origin of the Harp: (begins) ''Tis believed that this Harp' [air: Gage Fane] (Archaic 'tis: it is)
600.16for it has to be over this booty spotch, though some hours to
600.16+beauty spot: a place of natural beauty (Slang female genitalia) [220.07]
600.16+VI.B.41.148c (o): 'some hours to the east'
600.17the wester, that ex-Colonel House's preterpost heiress is to re-
600.17+Colloquial wester: a strong wind blowing from the west
600.17+VI.B.41.143d (o): 'of Ent. Col House presents to Michael Dwyer, blunderbuss replicas of Pike Head Glen Imaal Ballinahinch pike head The O'Making' (the entry begins with one additional illegible word; 'Pike Head' and 'O'Making' uncertain) [.17-.19]
600.17+ECH (Motif: HCE)
600.17+Colonel House: nickname of Edward M. House, famous for being President Woodrow Wilson's close advisor, especially during World War I and the Paris Peace Conference (he died in 1938)
600.17+preter-: beyond-, more-than-
600.18turn unto the outstretcheds of Dweyr O'Michael's loinsprung
600.18+(outstretched arms)
600.18+Michael Dwyer: famous Irish rebel active in the Irish Rebellions of 1798 and 1803 (after which he was caught and transported to New South Wales) [601.32]
600.19the blunterbusted pikehead which his had hewn in hers, pro-
600.19+blunderbuss: an early form of shotgun, used primarily in the 17th and 18th centuries
600.19+Slang pike: penis
600.19+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...hers, prolonged...} | {Png: ...hers prolonged...}
600.20longed laughter words). There an alomdree begins to green,
600.20+long afterwards
600.20+almond tree (blossoms early and is considered a harbinger of spring)
600.20+elm tree
600.20+Dutch alom: everywhere
600.20+Motif: tree/stone [.20-.24] [.26-.29] [196.01]
600.20+VI.B.46.060g (r): 'the tree greens me' ('me' uncertain)
600.20+Mauthner: Beiträge zu einer Kritik der Sprache III.5: (of scientific language) 'ich weiß ganz gut, daß es die Menschen "lächern" würde... und sie wundern, wenn ein Gelehrter sagen wollte: der Baum "grünt" mich, anstatt: der Baum ist grün' (German 'I know full well that people would be "amused"... and surprised if a scholar wanted to say: the tree "greens" me, instead of: the tree is green')
600.20+(begins to be visibly green as light increases, and as spring arrives)
600.21soreen seen for loveseat, as we know that should she, for by
600.21+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...soreen...} | {JJA 63:103: ...screen...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:293)
600.21+(hide love-seat from sight)
600.21+VI.C.18.005i (r): === VI.B.38.009a ( ): 'a love seat'
600.21+love-seat: armchair for two occupants [384.22]
600.22essentience his law, so it make all. It is scainted to Vitalba. And
600.22+sentence, law (judicial terms)
600.22+may call
600.22+MacCool: Finn's patronymic
600.22+sacred to (goddess of life)
600.22+Motif: Cain/Abel
600.22+Clematis vitalba: a type of shrub with scented flowers and silky appendages on its fruits, popularly known as traveller's joy, old man's beard, virgin's bower, etc. (common in Ireland)
600.22+Swedish vit: Latin alba: white
600.22+Latin vita: life
600.22+Italian alba: dawn
600.23her little white bloomkins, twittersky trimmed, are hobdoblins'
600.23+Colloquial bloomers: women's knee-length drawers or underpants
600.23+VI.B.41.111a (r): 'twittersky (washer)'
600.23+Swedish tvätterska: washerwoman (the washerwomen)
600.23+Motif: A/O
600.24hankypanks. Saxenslyke our anscessers thought so darely on
600.24+Colloquial hankies: handkerchiefs
600.24+Slang hanky-panky: sexual dalliance, sexual infidelity
600.24+Franks, Saxons: early Germanic peoples [.25]
600.24+Latin saxum: stone
600.24+VI.B.41.114a (r): 'saxen (scissors)'
600.24+Swedish saxen: the scissors
600.24+Sechseläuten: Zurich spring festival, celebrating the end of winter, on the Monday following the vernal equinox, by church bell ringing at 6 p.m. and by burning of an exploding effigy of Böögg, a personification of winter (Swiss German Sechseläuten: six o'clock pealing of bells)
600.24+Obsolete lyke: corpse
600.24+like our ancestors thought so dearly of
600.25now they're going soever to Anglesen, free of juties, dyrt chapes.
600.25+Danish sover: sleeper
600.25+Anglesey: a large island off the coast of Wales (its main town, Holyhead, is a major ferry port connecting Ireland and Britain)
600.25+Uncle Sam: personification of the United States and its government
600.25+Angles, Jutes: early Germanic peoples [.24]
600.25+phrase dirt cheap: very cheap
600.25+VI.B.41.109q (r): 'dyrt dear'
600.25+Swedish dyrt: expensively, dearly
600.26There too a slab slobs, immermemorial, the only in all swamp.
600.26+(a slab of stone) [.20]
600.26+Motif: A/O
600.26+Dialect slab: mud, sludge
600.26+Anglo-Irish slob: mud, muddy land, oozy mire (Slang soft, slow or slovenly person)
600.26+German immer: always
600.26+immemorial: beyond memory, extremely old
600.26+VI.C.18.005h (r): === VI.B.38.008d ( ): 'no stone in alluvial swamp'
600.27But so bare, so boulder, brag sagging such a brr bll bmm show
600.27+Motif: alliteration (b)
600.27+(offering a show)
600.27+(shivering) [597.24-.29]
600.28that, of Barindens, the white alfred, it owed to have at leased
600.28+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...that, of Barindens...} | {JJA 63:27: ...that, wooly smools, of Barindeus...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:55)
600.28+Variants: elucidations for variant: holy smoke! (expletive) ^^^ woolly ^^^ Colloquial smalls: underclothes
600.28+Keane: The Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland 381: 'CORK, The capital of the County... was once famous as the site of a temple dedicated to St. Fin-Bar, or Barindeus [the Son of the one God]' (probably confusing two saints, as well as a false etymology) [598.09] [.10]
600.28+Saint Barindeus: obscure 6th century abbot of Drumcuilin, County Westmeath
600.28+VI.C.18.005c (r): === VI.B.38.007d ( ): '*E* a white alfred'
600.28+several huge hill figures found around England depicting a white horse (e.g. Westbury White Horse, Cherhill White Horse) have been said to commemorate King Alfred the Great's victory over the Danes at the Battle of Ethandun (Edington) in 878 (Motif: white horse)
600.28+ought to have at least
600.29some butchup's upperon. Homos Circas Elochlannensis! His
600.29+Motif: butcher's or bishop's apron or blouse [213.26]
600.29+on (the bare stone) [.27]
600.29+HCE (Motif: HCE) [215.27]
600.29+VI.B.41.142e (b): 'Homo Lochlinensis'
600.29+Latin homo: man
600.29+Motif: time/space (circa, eloc)
600.29+circa: around, about (a certain date)
600.29+Old French eloc: in this place
600.29+Anglo-Irish Lochlann: Scandinavian, Viking
600.29+Latin -ensis: of, from (a certain place)
600.30showplace at Leeambye. Old Wommany Wyes. Pfif! But, while
600.30+VI.B.41.143c (b): 'Showplace'
600.30+showplace: a mansion or estate open to the public as a tourist attraction
600.30+VI.B.41.143b (b): 'Leeambye'
600.30+Irish Liam: William (pronounced 'leeam')
600.30+Lambay: island off the coast of County Dublin
600.30+Gipsy Romany rye: Gypsy gentleman (Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil 56; also the title of a semi-autobiographical novel by George Borrow)
600.30+womanly ways
600.30+Obsolete wye: warrior, hero, man; lady, woman
600.30+Wye river, Wales and England
600.30+German pfiffig: smart, clever (from German Pfiff: a whistle sound) [601.03]
600.31gleam with gloom swan here and there, this shame rock and that
600.31+(light and darkness)
600.31+VI.C.18.003b (r): === VI.B.38.004a ( ): 'swan about'
600.31+Slang swan: to move about in an idle, aimless or pretentious way
600.31+this, that [.33] [.35]
600.31+Motif: tree/stone (rock, plant) [.32]
600.32whispy planter tell Paudheen Steel-the-Poghue and his perty
600.32+Anglo-Irish planter: a British settler in Ireland given land confiscated from the Irish (a 16th-17th century colonisation policy)
600.32+(sons tell parents, colonisers tell Irish)
600.32+Irish Páidín: Paddy, diminutive of Pádraig (Patrick)
600.32+Anglo-Irish potheen: illicit whiskey
600.32+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Steel-the-Poghue...} | {Png: ...Steel the-Poghue...}
600.32+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXIII, 'Rent', 104d: 'Up to 1848 or 1850 there existed in Scotland "steelbow" leases... by which the landlord stocked the farm with corn, cattle, implements, &c., the tenant returning similar articles at the expiration of his tenancy and paying in addition to the ordinary rent a steelbow rent of 5% on the value of the stock'
600.32+Anglo-Irish pogue: kiss [.33]
600.32+Anglo-Irish perty: pretty, nice, good (often spelled 'purty')
600.32+Dialect pert: lively, cheerful; (of plants) verdant, green
600.32+pert: (of young people) forward in speech or behaviour, saucy, cheeky
600.33Molly Vardant, in goodbroomirish, arrah, this place is a proper
600.33+Dolly Varden: a woman's fashionable outfit (a bright dress with a large flowery pattern, its skirt gathered up in loops, and a large flat straw hat, abundantly trimmed with flowers) that was very popular in the 1870s (named after a character in Charles Dickens: all works: Barnaby Rudge)
600.33+verdant: green (mostly said of plants)
600.33+phrase new broom: a person newly appointed to a position of authority and eager to make changes
600.33+brown Irish [.36]
600.33+(what they tell) [600.33-601.01]
600.33+VI.C.18.048i-.049a (r): === VI.B.38.096d ( ): 'arrah na' (only first word crayoned)
600.33+Boucicault: Arrah-na-Pogue [.32]
600.33+Anglo-Irish arrah: but, now, really
600.33+this [.31]
600.33+Motif: time/space (place, feast)
600.33+Obsolete proper: private property (especially in phrase in proper: in individual possession) [.34]
600.33+proper: that part of a church service which is specific to a particular occasion or season and thus varies with date [.34]
600.34and his feist a ferial for curdnal communial, so be who would
600.34+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...his...} | {JJA 63:27: ...this...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:55)
600.34+feast: religious anniversary, annual festival, saint's day
600.34+Irish feis: festival; sexual intercourse (Keane: The Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland 470: 'Feis (Irish), carnal communication')
600.34+ferial: pertaining to a non-feast weekday; pertaining to a holiday
600.34+Archaic feral: funereal, deadly
600.34+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...ferial for curdnal communial, so be who would celibrate the...} | {JJA 63:27: ...ferial if so be hwo would celibrate curdnal communial, the...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:55, inserting 'curdnal communial,' after the 'if', then edited by Joyce at JJA 63:85, changing 'if' to 'for', and at JJA 63:295, changing 'hwo' to 'who'; additionally, the 'hwo' at JJA 63:27 seems already corrupted, as JJA 63:17 has 'hwo hwo')
600.34+Variants: elucidations for variant: German wo: where
600.34+carnal communion: sexual intercourse
600.34+Communion: Eucharist (often Holy Communion) [.35]
600.34+Obsolete common: community of people, common land (especially in phrase in common: in joint possession) [.33]
600.34+common: that part of a church service which is constant and does not vary with date [.33]
600.34+be he who
600.35celibrate the holy mystery upon or that the pirigrim from Mainy-
600.35+VI.C.13.168b (g): 'celebrates holy mystery' === VI.B.22.034e ( ): 'Celebrate holy mystery'
600.35+celibate: unmarried, sexually abstinent (as Catholic priests and monks vow to be)
600.35+holy mystery: religious rite, especially the Catholic Mass and the Eucharist [.34]
600.35+upon (a proper place) [.33]
600.35+that [.31]
600.35+VI.B.46.022m (r): 'pilgrim to Cz-d' ('Cz-d' stands for Chapelizod)
600.35+peregrine: a person residing in a foreign land
600.35+many lands
600.35+Uí Maine: 4th-6th century tribal kingdom in Connacht, along the Shannon river
600.35+mainland (Europe)
600.36lands beatend, the calmleaved hutcaged by that look whose glaum
600.36+Land's End, Cornwall (the most westerly point of mainland England)
600.36+beatification: in Catholicism, the first step towards becoming a saint
600.36+attend (a feast) [.34]
600.36+palm-leaved [601.01]
600.36+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song By That Lake, Whose Gloomy Shore [air: The Brown Irish Girl] (glossed in a footnote: 'This ballad is founded upon one of the many stories related to St. Kevin, whose bed in the rock is to be seen at Glendalough') [.33] [601.17]
600.36+gleam, gloom [.31]
600.36+Anglo-Irish glaum: a grab, a grasp, a clutch (with one's hands)

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