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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 242

601.01is sure he means bisnisgels to empalmover. A naked yogpriest,
601.01+Slang business girls: prostitutes
601.01+Latin bis: twice
601.01+Greek ornis: German Vogel: bird
601.01+according to legend, Saint Kevin once stood still for such a long time that a blackbird was able to build a nest, lay eggs, and raise its chicks on the palm of his hand
601.01+Italian impalmare: to give one's hand in marriage, to marry
601.01+Archaic impalm: take in the palm of the hand [600.36]
601.01+VI.C.15.254h-k (g): === VI.B.20.105c-f ( ): 'naked priest sticky back in lake covered with golddust offrande à l'eau' (third to sixth words not crayoned; French offrande à l'eau: an offering to the water, as an act of religious worship) [.01-.03]
601.01+an ancient South American ceremony (e.g. of crowning a new king) involved smearing a person (e.g. the heir) with sticky clay and strewing him with gold dust, before having him plunge into the waters of a sacred lake as a religious offering to the demon of the lake (this ceremony was the source of the later legend of El Dorado) [579.04]
601.01+yogi: an Indian ascetic who practises yoga
601.02clothed of sundust, his oakey doaked with frondest leoves, offrand
601.02+sun-dust: motes in a sunbeam
601.02+Colloquial okey doke: okay
601.02+oak [.08]
601.02+Motif: The Letter: with fondest love
601.02+fronds, leaves (near synonyms)
601.03to the ewon of her owen. Tasyam kuru salilakriyamu! Pfaf!
601.03+Anglo-Irish owen: river
601.03+Valmiki: Ramayana I.41:19: (of performing last rites in the river Ganga) 'tasyām kuru mahābāho pitrnām tu jalakriyām' (Sanskrit 'in her perform, o great one, your uncles' water rites')
601.03+Sanskrit salilakriya: water rite, the funeral rite of washing a corpse
601.03+VI.B.46.014h (r): 'pfaffe'
601.03+German Pfaffe: priest, cleric (derogatory) [600.30]
601.04     Bring about it to be brought about and it will be, loke, our lake
601.04+VI.B.41.174a (b): 'bring about it to be brought about and it will be, loke, our lake lemanted, that greyt lack, the city of Is is issuant (atlanst!)' ('it will be,' is interpolated into the entry)
601.04+(that which is to be)
601.04+Sanskrit loka: world [598.28]
601.04+Motif: Look, look! [.07]
601.04+our late lamented
601.04+French lac Léman: Lake Geneva, Switzerland
601.05lemanted, that greyt lack, the citye of Is is issuant (atlanst!), urban
601.05+Archaic leman: lover, sweetheart
601.05+(Motif: stuttering)
601.05+Ys: a legendary city on the coast of Brittany, engulfed by the ocean after its king's daughter stole the keys to the gates of the dikes protecting it and unlocked them (by mistake, to allow her lover in, etc.) [598.28]
601.05+Isis: Egyptian goddess of the sky, motherhood, magic, etc. (wife, sister and resurrector of Osiris)
601.05+Isis: the name of the upper Thames river as it flows through Oxford
601.05+Archaic issuant: issuing
601.05+Assuan Dam: a famous dam on the Nile river in Egypt, the world's largest when it opened in 1902 (now spelled 'Aswan')
601.05+at last
601.05+Atlantis: a legendary island in the Atlantic Ocean, submerged by the Greek gods
601.05+VI.B.47.059b (g): 'urban orbal'
601.05+Motif: Urbi et Orbi (pope's address) [598.28]
601.06and orbal, through seep froms umber under wasseres of Erie.
601.06+VI.B.41.174b (b): 'though seep from sumber under wasseres of Erie'
601.06+sleep from slumber
601.06+seep: a small spring or pool, where groundwater seeps onto the surface
601.06+from somewhere
601.06+Latin umber: a kind of sheep
601.06+Humber: estuary, England
601.06+German Wasser: water
601.06+Lake Erie, North America (famous for having many shipwrecks at its bottom)
601.06+Anglo-Irish Erin: Ireland [598.28]
601.07     Lough!
601.07+look! [.04]
601.07+according to legend, there is a submerged city at the bottom of Lough Neagh in Ulster, the ruined buildings of which may be seen when the water is clear
601.08     Hwo! Hwy, dairmaidens? Asthoreths, assay! Earthsigh to is
601.08+{{Synopsis: IV.1.1.M: [601.08-602.08]: the twenty-nine girls singing for Kevin to ascend — churchbells pealing}}
601.08+who, why (questions)
601.08+German wo: where
601.08+Welsh hwy: they, them
601.08+dear maidens [.31]
601.08+Keane: The Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland 469: 'Dair-maide (Irish), the oak sapling' (Irish dair: oak; Irish maide: a stick) [.02]
601.08+song Dermot Asthore: (begins) 'Oh, Dermot Asthore, between waking and sleeping'
601.08+Keane: The Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland 468: 'Astoreth (Cuthite), the Phœnician Astarte or Venus... Astoreth (Irish) (pronounced Ashthorech), a term in common use among the Irish, signifying "My love or treasure"' [.31]
601.08+Ashtoreth: Levantine goddess of fertility and sex, comparable to Venus (now usually spelled 'Astarte')
601.08+Anglo-Irish asthore: darling, my dear, my love, my treasure
601.08+prayer Lord's Prayer: 'on earth, as it is in heaven'
601.10     Hillsengals, the daughters of the cliffs, responsen. Longsome
601.10+VI.B.46.022j (r): 'hell's angel'
601.10+Danish hilsen: greeting, salutation
601.10+Colloquial gals: young women, girls
601.10+VI.B.46.022g (r): 'son of rock = echo'
601.10+Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian I.295: The Songs of Selma: 'Nought answered, but the son of the rock' (glossed in a footnote: 'the echoing back of the human voice from a rock') [.11-.12]
601.10+Irish macalla: echo (literally 'son of a cliff')
601.10+Danish sen: late, slow, tardy
601.10+Dialect longs: along
601.10+Archaic longsome: tediously long (Obsolete slow, tardy)
601.11the samphire coast. From thee to thee, thoo art it thoo, that
601.11+VI.B.46.046g (r): 'samphire coast' ('m' replaces a cancelled 'p')
601.11+samphire: a type of edible coastal plant, growing on rocks and cliffs by the sea
601.11+Samphire Islands: tiny rocky islands in Tralee Bay, County Kerry
601.11+(echoing) [.10]
601.11+VI.B.46.049d (r): 'two = thou / tat tvam asi = thou art it too'
601.11+Mauthner: Beiträge zu einer Kritik der Sprache III.182: 'da wäre es doch ganz hübsch... wenn das "du" eigentlich geheißen hätte "mein zweites Ich". Dann hätte der berühmte Satz der Veden "Tat tvam asi" in irgend einer fernen, fernen Vorzeit wirklich den Sinn gehabt: "Du bist mein zweites Ich"' (German 'it would be very nice... if the "thou" had actually been called "my second I". Then the famous sentence of the Vedas "Tat tvam asi" would in some distant, distant past have really meant: "Thou art my second I"')
601.11+Sanskrit tat tvam asi: that thou art, it thou art (a Vedic aphorism open to many interpretations, e.g. the absolute reality (brahman, that) and the individual self (atman, thou) are identical)
601.11+thou art I too
601.11+(one two three)
601.12thouest there. The like the near, the liker nearer. O sosay! A
601.12+VI.B.46.055h (r): 'du & near & like (ness)' (German du: thou)
601.12+Mauthner: Beiträge zu einer Kritik der Sprache III.51: 'Im Chinesischen trifft das Pronomen der zweiten Person mit Konjunktionen für örtliche und zeitliche Nähe zusammen, ferner mit Ausdrücken für Ähnlichkeit' (German 'In Chinese, the second person pronoun coincides with conjunctions for spatial and temporal nearness, as well as with expressions for likeness')
601.12+Motif: A/O
601.12+French sosie: double, lookalike
601.12+say so
601.13family, a band, a school, a clanagirls. Fiftines andbut fortines by
601.13+clan of girls
601.13+Clan na Gael: an Irish Republican organisation in the United States [.20]
601.13+VI.B.46.049b (r): 'achtzehn dixhuit duodeviginti 3x6 = Bret 2x9 = Welsh 15+3 = Aztec 11+7 = Maori 12+6 = Apho'
601.13+Mauthner: Beiträge zu einer Kritik der Sprache III.151: (listing ten different ways in which the number eighteen is expressed in nine different languages) 'Deutsch 8,10 (achtzehn) Französisch 10,8 (dix-huit) Lateinisch 10+8 (decem et octo) oder 20-2 (duodeviginti) Griechisch 8+10 Bretonisch 3x6 Wallisisch 2x9 Aztekisch 15+3 Neuseeländisch 11+7 Aphò 12+6' (German 'German 8,10 (achtzehn) French 10,8 (dix-huit) Latin 10+8 (decem et octo) or 20-2 (duodeviginti) Greek 8+10 Breton 3x6 Welsh 2x9 Nahuatl 15+3 Maori 11+7 Apho 12+6')
601.13+15 + 14 = 9 + 20 = 8 + 21 = 28 + 1 = 29 (Motif: 28-29; *Q*) [.13-.15]
601.13+VI.B.3.076c (b): 'Is when she first counted 15 then 14'
601.13+Motif: 4 elements (fire, water, earth, air) [.13-.15]
601.13+Irish tine: fire
601.13+VI.B.46.048h (r): 'andbut andor'
601.13+Mauthner: Beiträge zu einer Kritik der Sprache III.196: 'die Konjunktionen und, aber, oder... ursprünglich beim Redenden nur elende Hilfen waren, seinen Gedanken weiterzuspinnen... Im Hebräischen gibt es denn auch für und, aber und oder nur eine einzige Partikel' (German 'the conjunctions and, but, or... originally were only poor aids to further spin one's thoughts when speaking... In Hebrew, there is for and, but and or only a single particle') [.13-.14] [604.25]
601.14novanas andor vantads by octettes ayand decadendecads by a
601.14+Italian nove e venti: nine and twenty
601.14+novena: a devotion consisting of nine consecutive days of special prayers or services, often to a saint, asking for intercession
601.14+Swedish väntad: expected, awaited
601.14+Danish vand: water
601.14+octette: a group of eight (persons or things)
601.14+French terre: earth
601.14+decade-one-decade (i.e. twenty-one)
601.14+decadent cads
601.14+Danish en: one
601.15lunary with last a lone. Whose every has herdifferent from the
601.15+Archaic lunary: lunar
601.15+twenty-eight days in a standard lunar month
601.15+last a lone [628.15]
601.15+Motif: ear/eye (heard, sight)
601.15+different, similar (opposites)
601.16similies with her site. Sicut campanulae petalliferentes they coroll
601.16+Obsolete simily: likeness, resemblance
601.16+by her side
601.16+Latin Artificial sicut campanulae petaliferentes: just like petal-bearing little bells
601.16+campanula: a genus of bell-shaped flowering plants (commonly called 'bell-flowers') [598.13]
601.16+Campanile: bell tower, Trinity College Dublin [.17]
601.16+Obsolete carol: to dance and sing in a ring
601.16+corolla: the whorl of all the petals of a flower, collectively
601.16+Motif: A/O
601.17in caroll round Botany Bay. A dweam of dose innocent dirly
601.17+Archaic carol: a ring dance accompanied by song
601.17+Lewis Carroll
601.17+Botany Bay: quadrangle, Trinity College Dublin [.16]
601.17+Botany Bay: penal colony, New South Wales, Australia (for a long time synonymous with any penal deportation to Australia)
601.17+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song The Dream of Those Days: (begins) 'The dream of those days when first I sung thee is o'er' [air: I Love You above All the Rest]
601.17+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song By That Lake, Whose Gloomy Shore: (of Saint Kevin) 'Dreams of heav'n' [600.36]
601.17+dirty girls
601.18dirls. Keavn! Keavn! And they all setton voicies about singsing
601.18+Saint Kevin: 6th-7th century Irish hermit, first abbot of Glendalough, and one of the two patron saints of Dublin
601.18+Italian sottovoce: softly, in a low voice
601.18+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Sing — Sing — Music Was Given [air: The Humours of Ballamaguiry; or, The Old Langolee] [.18-.20]
601.19music was Keavn! He. Only he. Ittle he. Ah! The whole
601.19+Motif: A/O
601.20clangalied. Oh!
601.20+Clan na Gael: an Irish Republican organisation in the United States [.13]
601.20+German Klagelied: lamentation
601.20+clanging (of church bells)
601.21     S. Wilhelmina's, S. Gardenia's, S. Phibia's, S. Veslandrua's,
601.21+(twenty-six churches, mostly punning on their locations, as if female saints; should have been twenty-nine, although with one church (Whitefriar Street) seemingly appearing twice, but three were skipped by a typist; Motif: 28-29; *Q*; Cluster: Churches in Dublin) [.21-.28] [569.05-.15]
601.21+Saint Agatha's, William Street North (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.21+Saint Francis Xavier, Gardiner Street Upper (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.21+Saint Peter's, Phibsborough (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.21+Saint Andrew's, Westland Row (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.22S. Clarinda's, S. Immecula's, S. Dolores Delphin's, S. Perlan-
601.22+Discalced Carmelites (Saint Teresa's), Clarendon Street (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.22+Immaculate Heart of Mary, City Quay (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.22+Our Lady of Dolours, Dolphin's Barn (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.22+Saint Joseph's, Portland Row (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.22+pearl, throw (Matthew 7:6: 'cast ye your pearls before swine')
601.23throa's, S. Errands Gay's, S. Eddaminiva's, S. Rhodamena's, S.
601.23+Saint Paul's, Arran Quay (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.23+Adam and Eve's (The Immaculate Conception), Merchants' Quay (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.23+Our Lady of Refuge (Mary Immaculate Refuge of Sinners), Rathmines (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.24Ruadagara's, S. Drimicumtra's, S. Una Vestity's, S. Mintargisia's,
601.24+The Three Patrons, Rathgar (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.24+Saint Columba's, Drumcondra (now Glasnevin; Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.24+Catholic University Church, Saint Stephen's Green (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.24+Retreat of Saint Paul of the Cross, Mount Argus (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.25S. Misha-La-Valse's, S. Churstry's, S. Clouonaskieym's, S. Bella-
601.25+Saint Michan's, Church Street (famous for its vaults; Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.25+Saint Mary of the Angels, Church Street (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.25+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...S. Churstry's, S. Clouonaskieym's...} | {JJA 63:16: ...S. Churstry's, S. Innocycora's, S. Aungiel Calzata's, S. Clovinturva's, S. Clouonaskiey's...} (second 'v' in 'Clovinturva' uncertain; conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:57, losing three churches, and at JJA 63:135, adding 'm')
601.25+Variants: elucidations for variant: Saint Michael's, Inchicore (Cluster: Churches in Dublin) ^^^ Whitefriar Street Carmelite Priory (Calced), Aungier Street (Cluster: Churches in Dublin) [.27] ^^^ Saint John the Baptist, Clontarf (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.25+Saint Philip's, Clonskeagh (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.25+Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Fairview (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.25+Italian bella vista: fair view
601.26vistura's, S. Santamonta's, S. Ringsingsund's, S. Heddadin
601.26+Saint Mary's, Star of the Sea (Stella Maris), Sandymount (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.26+Saint Patrick's, Ringsend (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.26+Saint Mary's, Haddington Road (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.27Drade's, S. Glacianivia's, S. Waidafrira's, S. Thomassabbess's
601.27+Our Lady of Dolours, Glasnevin (Cluster: Churches in Dublin)
601.27+Whitefriar Street Carmelite Priory (Calced), Aungier Street (Cluster: Churches in Dublin) [.25]
601.27+Abbey of Saint Thomas the Martyr (Saint Thomas à Becket), Thomas Street (destroyed in the 16th century; Cluster: Churches in Dublin; Motif: O'Toole/Becket) [.28]
601.28and (trema! unloud!! pepet!!!) S. Loellisotoelles!
601.28+the diacritic consisting of two dots placed over a letter (as in ö) is known as trema (indicating either of the two following), umlaut (indicating a vowel sound shift), or diaeresis (indicating that the vowel is pronounced separately from its neighbouring vowel)
601.28+Italian trema!: tremble!
601.28+(not loud, like a schwa)
601.28+VI.B.46.064c (r): 'pepet ö'
601.28+Malay pepet: the unstressed toneless vowel sound known as schwa (somewhat similar to ö in German)
601.28+Swift: Ppt
601.28+Saint Laurence O'Toole's, Seville Place (Cluster: Churches in Dublin) [.27] [.30] [.32]
601.28+(ö is frequently printed as 'oe' when umlauts are not readily available)
601.29     Prayfulness! Prayfulness!
601.29+VI.B.41.117l (b): 'prayfulness'
601.29+(Saint Kevin,) pray for us! (prayer)
601.30     Euh! Thaet is seu whaet shaell one naeme it!
601.30+Saint Laurence O'Toole, patron saint of Dublin, died and was buried at Eu, Normandy [.28]
601.30+('a' changed to 'ae' four times)
601.31     The meidinogues have tingued togethering. Ascend out of
601.31+Keane: The Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland 470: 'Maidineog (Irish), the morning star [the planet Venus]' (from Irish maidin: morning) [.08] [603.36]
601.31+French Colloquial midinette: a Parisian milliner's or dressmaker's assistant, a Paris shopgirl, an attractive but vacuous young woman
601.31+maidens [.08]
601.31+Irish ógh: virgin, maiden
601.31+tongued: talked excessively, prattled
601.32your bed, cavern of a trunk, and shrine! Kathlins is kitchin.
601.32+Keane: The Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland 342: 'Those who are acquainted with the ancient ruins of Ireland are aware, that at most of them the Bed of the Saint, the Stone Coffin, or the Shrine, is held in high veneration... St. Kevin's Bed at Glendalough is also well known'
601.32+Saint Kevin's Bed: a small man-made cave at Glendalough, said to have been used as a sleeping place by Saint Kevin, and later by Saint Laurence O'Toole and by Michael Dwyer [.28] [600.18]
601.32+according to legend, Saint Kevin lived as a hermit in the stump of a hollow tree at Glendalough
601.32+VI.B.41.121i (b): 'in tree with 1 trunk — cave with exit — isle channel' (dashes ditto 'in' and presumably also '1')
601.32+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 382: 'The Pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne': (Angus's advice to Diarmuid and Grania fleeing from Finn) 'not to go into a tree having but one trunk in flying before Finn; and not to go into a cave of the earth to which there shall be but the one door; and not to go on to an island of the sea with but one channel between it and the land'
601.32+phrase rise and shine: wake up and get out of bed
601.32+Kathleen: a young woman who fell in love with Saint Kevin but was rejected by him (and in some versions of the story, was even pushed away and killed by him)
601.32+(*K* in the kitchen)
601.32+Saint Kevin's Kitchen: popular name for Saint Kevin's Church, Glendalough (so called because its bell tower resembles a kitchen chimney)
601.33Soros cast, ma brone! You must exterra acquarate to interirigate
601.33+Keane: The Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland 346: (quoting from Faber: The Origin of Pagan Idolatry) 'The image of the great father was occasionally committed to a soros or stone coffin, instead of a wooden ark or floating coffin' (Greek soros: urn or coffin for a person's remains)
601.33+Latin sorores: sisters
601.33+Anglo-Irish mavrone: alas (from Irish mo bhrón: my sorrow, my grief)
601.33+French ma brune: my brunette
601.33+must (be) extra accurate
601.33+exterraneous: foreign, of a foreign country
601.33+Latin terra, aqua: earth, water
601.33+inter, irrigate (i.e. earth, water)
601.34all the arkypelicans. The austrologer Wallaby by Tolan, who
601.34+VI.B.46.021e (r): 'Bism. archipel' [.36]
601.34+Keane: The Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland 344: 'The Ark was the emblem of Death to Noah and those enclosed in it, and their release from it was celebrated as a Resurrection'
601.34+according to legend, the pelican can resurrect its young with its own blood (and thus serves as a symbol for Christ)
601.34+VI.B.46.021d (r): 'Austr. mandate' [.36]
601.34+New Ireland, previously a German colony, was mandated in 1920 by the League of Nations to Australia as part of the Territory of New Guinea (Cluster: New Ireland)
601.34+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...Wallaby by Tolan, who...} | {JJA 63:28: ...Wallaby Tolan, a brother, who...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:57, losing 'a brother,', and at JJA 63:295, changing 'Wallaby' to 'Walla by'; a later (missing) version must have added a 'by' instead of deleting the space)
601.34+wallaby: a small kangaroo-like Australian marsupial (there are non-native wallabies on Lambay Island [600.30], but they were apparently only introduced in the 1950s)
601.34+John Whalley: 17th-18th century English-born anti-Irish Dublin astrologer
601.34+John Toland: 17th-18th century Irish philosopher and translator of some of Giordano Bruno's works to English [599.23]
601.35farshook our showrs from Newer Aland, has signed the you and
601.35+forsook our shores for
601.35+(shook from afar)
601.35+Australian Slang shook on: in love with, exceedingly passionate for
601.35+VI.B.46.021b (r): 'New Irel. Heights'
601.35+New Ireland: a large mountainous island in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, near New Guinea (Cluster: New Ireland)
601.35+Åland: an archipelago in the Baltic Sea (although it belongs to Finland, it is autonomous and demilitarised following a 1920 decision by the League of Nations, and its only official language is Swedish)
601.35+phrase the here and now: the present time
601.36the now our mandate. Milenesia waits. Be smark.
601.36+VI.B.46.021d (r): 'Austr. mandate' [.34]
601.36+New Ireland, previously a German colony, was mandated in 1920 by the League of Nations to Australia as part of the Territory of New Guinea (Cluster: New Ireland)
601.36+VI.B.46.021f (r): 'Melanesia'
601.36+New Ireland is in the Melanesia region of the Pacific Ocean (Cluster: New Ireland) [604.25]
601.36+Milesians: in Irish mythology, the last race of legendary colonists of Ireland
601.36+VI.B.46.021e (r): 'Bism. archipel' [.34]
601.36+New Ireland is in the Bismarck Archipelago (Cluster: New Ireland)

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