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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 203

606.01water, perpetually chaste, so that, well understanding, she should
606.01+VI.B.25.172b (b): 'perpetual chastity' [605.06] [605.29]
606.01+(understanding wells)
606.01+Understanding (Cluster: 7 Gifts of the Holy Ghost)
606.02fill to midheight his tubbathaltar, which hanbathtub, most blessed
606.02+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...hanbathtub, most...} | {JJA 63:38c: ...handbathtub most...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:93, adding a comma, and at JJA 63:141, losing 'd')
606.02+most blessed (Cluster: 7 Stages of Canonisation)
606.03Kevin, ninthly enthroned, in the concentric centre of the trans-
606.03+(this is the ninth occurrence of the name 'Kevin' in this sentence)
606.03+VI.B.25.176o (b): 'Nones' (the ninth hour; Cluster: 8 Canonical Hours)
606.03+thrones (Cluster: 9 Levels of Celestial Hierarchy)
606.03+translated: transferred (i.e. from the pool to the bath)
606.04lated water, whereamid, when violet vesper vailed, Saint Kevin,
606.04+Motif: alliteration (v)
606.04+VI.B.25.176e (b): 'violet' (Cluster: 7 Liturgical Colours)
606.04+VI.B.25.176p (b): 'Vespers' (Cluster: 8 Canonical Hours)
606.04+Obsolete vailed: descended; prevailed
606.04+saint (Cluster: 7 Stages of Canonisation)
606.04+Saint John Chrysostomos: 4th-5th century archbishop of Constantinople, famous for his eloquence, hence his epithet (Greek chrysostomos: golden-mouthed) [.07]
606.05Hydrophilos, having girded his sable cappa magna as high as to
606.05+Greek hydrophilos: water lover; beloved by water
606.05+gird: to tie around the waist by means of a belt or girdle
606.05+phrase gird up one's loins: to prepare oneself for a challenge
606.05+VI.B.25.176i (b): 'black'
606.05+Heraldry sable: black (Cluster: 7 Liturgical Colours)
606.05+cappa magna: a large non-liturgical mantle worn by popes, cardinals and bishops (not normally black, but rather red or violet; from Latin cappa magna: great cape) [605.10]
606.06his cherubical loins, at solemn compline sat in his sate of wis-
606.06+cherubim (Cluster: 9 Levels of Celestial Hierarchy)
606.06+VI.B.25.176q (b): 'Compline' (Cluster: 8 Canonical Hours)
606.06+prayer Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary: 'Seat of wisdom' (title of the Virgin Mary)
606.06+sate: to satisfy to the full
606.06+Wisdom (Cluster: 7 Gifts of the Holy Ghost)
606.07dom, that handbathtub, whereverafter, recreated doctor insularis
606.07+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...handbathtub...} | {JJA 63:38f: ...hipbathtub...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:63)
606.07+Variants: elucidations for variant: VI.B.10.085h (w): 'hip-bath (semicupio)' (Italian semicupio: hip-bath, a bath in which one sits immersed up to the hips) ^^^ Townley: Indiscretions of Lady Susan 35: 'a shining new hip-bath'
606.07+recreated: created anew; refreshed (Cluster: Create)
606.07+VI.B.25.154e (r): 'doc. universal ch'
606.07+Doctor of the Universal Church: title imparted on a number of Catholic saints recognised as having made a significant theological or doctrinal contribution (only 24 such titles given by 1923, including Saint John Chrysostomos) [.04]
606.07+Latin doctor insularis: insular teacher
606.08of the universal church, keeper of the door of meditation, memory
606.08+doorkeeper: ostiary, the lowest of the minor orders of the Catholic Church (Cluster: 7 Levels of Ecclesiastical Hierarchy)
606.09extempore proposing and intellect formally considering, recluse,
606.09+VI.B.25.154h (r): 'extempore prayer'
606.09+extempore: unpremeditatedly, informally
606.09+recluse: religious hermit [605.27]
606.10he meditated continuously with seraphic ardour the primal sacra-
606.10+VI.B.25.154k (r): 'continuously'
606.10+seraphim (Cluster: 9 Levels of Celestial Hierarchy)
606.10+Baptism, also known as the primal sacrament (Cluster: 7 Sacraments)
606.11ment of baptism or the regeneration of all man by affusion of
606.11+(revival of *E* by *A*)
606.11+affusion: a pouring upon (one of the four methods of baptism, where water is poured on the recipient's head) [605.34]
606.12water. Yee.
606.12+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...Yee...} | {JJA 63:63: ...Yed...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:301)
606.12+Variants: elucidations for variant: the Tifinagh letter yad is sometimes called yed [605.04]
606.13     Bisships, bevel to rock's rite! Sarver buoy, extinguish! Nuota-
606.13+{{Synopsis: IV.1.2.B: [606.13-607.16]: an important overview — leading to a big revelation}}
606.13+VI.B.46.056f (r): 'Bisshopp'
606.13+Bishop Rock: a tiny rocky islet in the Isles of Scilly, Cornwall (famous for its lighthouse, for being the world's smallest island with a building on it, and for being Cornwall's westernmost point)
606.13+bishop's knight to rook's right (similar to a chess move)
606.13+bishop, rock, rite, server boy, extinguish (ecclesiastical scene, with candles)
606.13+ship, rock, buoy, extinguish (maritime scene, with light buoy or lighthouse put out as day breaks; perhaps a notice to passing ships, posted on a rock or a buoy)
606.13+bevel: to slant, to slope
606.13+Italian cavallo: knight (chess piece)
606.13+I Corinthians 10:4: 'they drank of that spiritual Rock... and that Rock was Christ'
606.13+server boy: a young assistant to the priest at Mass
606.13+Persian sarbaz: pawn (chess piece)
606.13+Italian nuota bene!: swim well!, float well!
606.13+Latin nota bene!: take special notice! (literally 'note well')
606.14bene. The rare view from the three Benns under the bald heaven
606.14+Dialect rare: early
606.14+(Howth Head can be said to have three localised peaks: Black Linn (171 metres), Shielmartin (163 metres), and The Summit (138 metres)) [624.11] [624.21] [626.33]
606.14+Old Irish benn: mountain, peak
606.14+VI.C.18.002f (r): 'under the bald heaven' === VI.B.38.003b ( ): 'under these bald heads' (i.e. the result of a mistranscription)
606.15is on the other end, askan your blixom on dimmen and blastun,
606.15+VI.B.41.112c-e (r): 'oskan & blixten blasten dimma'
606.15+Swedish åskan, blixten, dimman, blåsten: the thunder, the lightning, the fog, the wind
606.15+asking your blessing
606.15+asking your pardon
606.15+damn and blast! (expletive)
606.16something to right hume about. They were erected in a purvious
606.16+write home
606.16+ECH (Motif: HCE)
606.17century, as a hen fine coops and, if you know your Bristol and
606.17+VI.C.18.002i (r): 'Mr Hen, fire' === VI.B.38.003e ( ): 'mizzen, fore' (i.e. the result of a mistranscription)
606.17+hen-coop (Biddy the hen)
606.17+Hellfire Club: the popular name of a ruined building on the peak of Montpelier Hill, County Dublin (from its being a meeting place for a Hellfire Club, an exclusive club for high-society rakes, one of several in 18th century Britain and Ireland, said to engage in debauchery and occult practices)
606.17+in 1172, Henry II granted the city of Dublin as a colony to the citizens of Bristol, with the same liberties and charters they were entitled to in Bristol (this led to many Bristolians emigrating to Dublin)
606.18have trudged the trolly ways and elventurns of that old cobbold
606.18+VI.C.18.023f (r): === VI.B.38.043g ( ): 'Troll'
606.18+trolls, elves, kobolds (supernatural beings in Scandinavian and Germanic folklore)
606.18+trolly: a horse-drawn wheeled platform, a wagon without sideboards
606.18+VI.C.18.022l (b): === VI.B.38.043a ( ): 'elf'
606.18+VI.C.18.023d (r): === VI.B.38.043e ( ): 'cobold'
606.19city, you will sortofficially scribble a mental Peny-Knox-Gore.
606.19+sort of officially
606.19+sorting office: a location where mail is sorted prior to delivery
606.19+VI.C.18.001e (r): 'scribil' === VI.B.38.ffvd ( ): 'scribal' (the B entry is preceded by a cancelled 'trib')
606.19+mental (image or note)
606.19+VI.C.18.001h (r): 'Peny = Knox = Gore *Y*' === VI.B.38.001d ( ): 'Pery-Knox-Gore *Y*' (i.e. the result of a mistranscription; siglum not crayoned)
606.19+Pery-Knox-Gore: a wealthy Anglo-Irish family with a large estate in County Mayo
606.19+pen knocks gore (proverb The pen is mightier than the sword: words are more effective than violence in bringing about change)
606.20Whether they were franklings by name also has not been fully
606.20+franklin: freeholder, a medieval class of free landowners (ranking below gentry and nobility)
606.21probed. Their design is a whosold word and the charming de-
606.21+household word
606.21+who's old
606.21+who sold
606.22tails of light in dark are freshed from the feminiairity which
606.22+Motif: dark/fair (light, dark)
606.22+fresh, air, breath
606.22+proverb Familiarity breeds contempt: close association leads to lack of respect
606.23breathes content. O ferax cupla! Ah, fairypair! The first exploder
606.23+Motif: A/O
606.23+Motif: O felix culpa!
606.23+Latin ferax: fruitful
606.23+Irish cúpla: pair, couple
606.23+VI.C.18.023l (r): === VI.B.38.044e ( ): 'fairytree'
606.24to make his ablations in these parks was indeed that lucky mortal
606.24+ablation: gradual erosion; surgical removal
606.24+ablution: washing, cleansing, bathing
606.24+oblation: offering, sacrifice (to a deity); Eucharist
606.24+(Phoenix Park)
606.25which the monster trial showed on its first day out. What will
606.25+VI.C.18.008f (r): === VI.B.38.014d ( ): 'monster trial'
606.26not arky paper, anticidingly inked with penmark, push, per sample
606.26+VI.B.41.117f (r): 'arkpapper'
606.26+Swedish ark papper: sheet of paper
606.26+VI.C.18.042d (r): === VI.B.38.082a ( ): 'fold inked paper' [.27]
606.26+acid-free paper (for longer archival shelf-life)
606.26+antecedently: previously
606.26+pen marks [.27]
606.26+Tristan died at the cliffs of Penmark (Penmarch) in Brittany
606.26+French par example: for example
606.26+VI.B.41.117b (r): 'a prof (sample)'
606.27prof, kuvertly falted, when style, stink and stigmataphoron are
606.27+Swedish prov: a sample
606.27+(paper wounds made by professor) [124.03-.12]
606.27+German Kuvert: envelope
606.27+folded [.26]
606.27+style, stalk and stigmatophore (style: the elongated stalk-like portion of the pistil (female reproductive organ of a flower), connecting the ovary (ovule-carrying base) to the stigma (pollen-receiving tip); stigmatophore: in some (mostly French) systems of nomenclature, the apical portion of the style, bearing the stigma)
606.27+stylus, ink (writing)
606.27+(writing style)
606.27+(ink made from excrement) [185.14-.26]
606.27+Greek stigmatophoron: bearing marks (especially brand marks) [.26]
606.27+stigmata: marks resembling the wounds of the crucified Christ appearing on a person's body (attributed to numerous saints and devout people)
606.27+(three in one, i.e. Holy Trinity; Motif: Father, Son, Holy Ghost)
606.28of one sum in the same person? He comes out of the soil very
606.28+phrase one and the same (emphasising identity rather than multiplicity)
606.28+Latin sum: I am
606.29well after all just where Old Toffler is to come shuffling along-
606.29+VI.B.41.112j (p): 'toffler (pumps'
606.29+Swedish tofflor: slippers
606.29+Danish tøffelhelt: henpecked husband (literally 'slipper hero')
606.29+Danish tøfle: to shuffle (one's feet)
606.29+German Teufel: devil
606.30soons Panniquanne starts showing of her peequuliar talonts.
606.30+as soon as
606.30+Motif: P/Q (twice)
606.30+the prankquean
606.30+Pannika: Hungarian female given name, diminutive of Anna or Anne
606.30+Italian panni: clothes
606.30+Anne (*A*)
606.30+showing off
606.30+peculiar talents
606.30+French talons: heels (especially high heels)
606.31Awaywrong wandler surking to a rightrare rute for his plain
606.31+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...Awaywrong...} | {JJA 63:114: ...A waywrong...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:302)
606.31+VI.B.41.112l (p): 'wrong way loss'
606.31+Motif: right/wrong
606.31+Dialect wandle: to walk unsteadily or wearily
606.31+German Rute: wand, rod, switch (German Slang penis)
606.31+rear route (Motif: back/front) [.34]
606.31+VI.B.41.112h (r): 'his atterrock' [.32]
606.32utterrock sukes, appelled to by her fancy claddaghs. You plied
606.32+Swedish ytterrock: overcoat, greatcoat
606.32+German Unterrock: petticoat
606.32+VI.B.41.108j (p): 'sjuk'
606.32+Swedish sjuk: sick, ill
606.32+French appeler: to call, to summon
606.32+VI.B.41.112i (p): 'her claddaghs' [.31]
606.32+Swedish kläder: clothes
606.32+Claddagh: fishing village near Galway (women there once all wore red skirts)
606.32+plied: assailed or kept at vigorously; used or wielded repeatedly; applied oneself to
606.33that pokar, gamesy, swell as aye did, while there were flickars
606.33+VI.B.41.110e (p): 'pokar & flickor'
606.33+Swedish pojkar, flickor: boys, girls
606.33+Slang poker: penis
606.33+polka: a type of lively dance, as well as its music [.34]
606.33+James (Joyce)
606.33+as well as I did
606.33+Archaic aye: ever, always
606.33+Dialect aye: yes (Motif: yes/no) [.34]
606.33+Slang flickers: films, movies
606.34to the flores. He may be humpy, nay, he may be dumpy but there
606.34+Latin flores: flowers
606.34+floor (dance floor) [.33]
606.34+fore [.31]
606.34+VI.C.7.161q (o): 'humpy'
606.34+Colloquial humpy: depressed, melancholy; a hunchbacked person
606.34+nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty
606.34+Dialect nay: no [.33]
606.34+Colloquial dumpy: depressed, melancholy, in the dumps
606.34+There's Something about a Soldier: a 1934 Betty Boop animated cartoon film
606.35is always something racey about, say, a sailor on a horse. As soon
606.35+racy: lively, spirited; sexually suggestive
606.35+horse race
606.35+phrase a sailor on a horse: someone out of his element
606.36as we sale him geen we gates a sprise! He brings up tofatufa and
606.36+Parnell (about selling him): 'When you sell, get my price'
606.36+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...him geen we...} | {JJA 63:94: ...him, gee, we...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 63:143, losing 'gee,', which was immediately restored by Joyce, only to be conceivably corrupted again at JJA 63:302 into the current form)
606.36+Colloquial gee: horse; exclamation of surprise
606.36+we get a surprise
606.36+German Colloquial wie geht's?: how are you?
606.36+French gâter une surprise: to ruin a surprise
606.36+Motif: mishemishe/tauftauf

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