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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 246

005.01next to nothing and celescalating the himals and all, hierarchitec-
005.01+VI.B.17.086j (r): 'next to nothing'
005.01+Latin caelum: sky, heaven
005.01+escalating: climbing by means of an escalator (from Latin scala: ladder)
005.01+German Himmel: sky, heaven
005.01+Himalayas: the world's highest mountain range
005.02titiptitoploftical, with a burning bush abob off its baubletop and
005.02+Colloquial tip-top: excellent, at the very top
005.02+Colloquial toploftical: haughty
005.02+Obsolete loft: sky, heaven
005.02+Motif: alliteration (b)
005.02+Moses's burning bush
005.02+(lights at top of high buildings such as Eiffel Tower and Woolworh Building) [004.35-.36]
005.02+European builders' tradition of placing a bush, wreath or small tree, usually adorned with red ribbons, on top of a newbuilt building or tower (accompanied by a gathering of the workers with free drinks and food at owner's expense)
005.02+a bush is a sign of an inn or place where liquor is sold
005.02+Obsolete abob: to astonish, to confound
005.02+German Bau: building, construction
005.02+Tower of Babel
005.03with larrons o'toolers clittering up and tombles a'buckets clotter-
005.03+larrons... clittering up and tombles... clottering down [114.17-.18]
005.03+Saint Laurence O'Toole, archbishop of Dublin, was a contemporary of Saint Thomas à Becket, bishop of Canterbury, at the time of Henry II (the former advanced his personal career, the latter was martyred; Motif: O'Toole/Becket)
005.03+French larron: thief
005.03+Motif: A/O (alpha, omega: the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet; hence, mark of opposites)
005.03+Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin (1905): lists Richard Toole, James Beckett and William Beckett as Dublin builders
005.03+tooler: a broad chisel used by stone-masons (who also use buckets) [617.13]
005.03+Slang tooler: pickpocket, burglar
005.03+Anglo-Irish clittering: the noise of hurrying feet (from Irish cliotar)
005.03+German klettern: to climb
005.03+Motif: up/down [.03-.04]
005.03+French phrase il en tombe à seaux: it's raining in buckets
005.03+Swiss German lottern: to wobble
005.04ing down.
005.05     Of the first was he to bare arms and a name: Wassaily Boos-
005.05+{{Synopsis: I.1.1A.F: [005.05-005.12]: his crest of heraldry — his fate}}
005.05+William Shakespeare: Hamlet V.1.27-35: 'CLOWN:... There is no ancient gentlemen but gard'ners, ditchers, and grave-makers. They hold up Adam's profession... 'A was the first that ever bore arms... The Scripture says Adam digg'd. Could he dig without arms?'
005.05+(upper limbs; weapons; heraldic insignia)
005.05+Virgil: Aeneid I.1: 'Arms and the man I sing'
005.05+Vasily Buslaev: hero-warrior of 15th century Russian ballad cycle of Novgorod (Vasily derives from Greek basileus: king)
005.05+Archaic wassail: a salutation used when drinking to someone's health, the liquor thus drunk
005.05+Irish uasal: Mr, gentleman
005.05+Dutch boos: angry, evil, malicious
005.05+Colloquial boose: alcoholic drink, liquor
005.05+Motif: How Buckley shot the Russian General
005.05+Irish sliabh: mountain
005.06laeugh of Riesengeborg. His crest of huroldry, in vert with
005.06+Riesengebirge: Sudetic Mountains (German 'Giant Mountains')
005.06+German geboren: born
005.06+(coat of arms)
005.06+Heraldry crest: a figure borne above the shield in a coat of arms
005.06+German Hure: whore, prostitute
005.06+heraldry (Vico assigned heraldry to be the language of the heroic age)
005.06+inverted [034.25]
005.06+Heraldry vert: green
005.07ancillars, troublant, argent, a hegoak, poursuivant, horrid, horned.
005.07+Latin ancillae: handmaidens, maidservants (the Dublin coat of arms is flanked by two female figures; *IJ*)
005.07+antlers (cuckoldry)
005.07+French troublant: perturbing, distrubing, alluring
005.07+Heraldry argent: silver, white
005.07+he-goat [.08]
005.07+oak tree (on the O'Reilly of East Breffni coat of arms) [100.11]
005.07+French poursuivant: suitor, pursuer
005.07+pursuivant: an junior hearldic officer
005.07+Anglo-Irish horrid horn: fool
005.07+Obsolete horned: cuckolded
005.08His scutschum fessed, with archers strung, helio, of the second.
005.08+Heraldry escutcheon: the shield on which a coat of arms is depicted
005.08+Heraldry fesse: a horizontal band across the middle of the escutcheon, usually encompassing a third of it and enclosed by two horizontal lines
005.08+French fesses: buttocks
005.08+French fesser: to spank
005.08+first, second
005.08+archers (*VYC*)
005.08+German Arsch: buttocks
005.08+strung: fitted with strings; tense
005.08+he-lion [.07] (lion on the Finnegan coat of arms)
005.08+Greek helios: sun
005.08+Helium is the second element of the periodic table
005.08+Heraldry of the second: of the second colour in the description of a heraldic object (i.e. argent) [.07]
005.09Hootch is for husbandman handling his hoe. Hohohoho, Mister
005.09+VI.B.6.151d (o): 'hootch'
005.09+American Slang hootch: cheap or illegal spirit (from Hoochinoo, a native Alaskan village who produced such spirits)
005.09+'H is for' (a traditional formula for an alphabet nursery rhyme; Motif: X is for; Motif: alliteration (h)) [314.12]
005.09+husbandman: farmer (a farmer following his plough used to be a common alphabet nursery rhyme complement for the letter F)
005.09+Obsolete husbandman: male head of household; husband
005.09+Motif: Hohohoho, Mister Finn, you're... (often paired with Motif: X is for) [.09-.10] [.11-.12]
005.09+Motif: A/O [.11]
005.10Finn, you're going to be Mister Finnagain! Comeday morm and,
005.10+Finn: Irish mythical warrior, hero of the Finn cycle of tales
005.10+Finnegan is diminutive of Finn (from Irish fionn: fair (of hair or skin)) [.12]
005.10+day... you... day... you [194.11-.12]
005.10+Monday morn
005.11O, you're vine! Sendday's eve and, ah, you're vinegar! Hahahaha,
005.11+wine sours to vinegar
005.11+Motif: A/O
005.11+Sunday eve
005.11+Motif: Hohohoho, Mister Finn, you're... [.11-.12] [.09-.10]
005.12Mister Funn, you're going to be fined again!
005.12+Obsolete fine; to bring to an end
005.12+Finnegan [.10]
005.13     What then agentlike brought about that tragoady thundersday
005.13+{{Synopsis: I.1.1A.G: [005.13-006.12]: the causes of his fall — he dies}}
005.13+Dutch agent: policeman
005.13+German eigentlich: actually, really
005.13+Greek tragôdia: tragedy (from Greek tragos: he-goat)
005.13+goat (associated with Thor)
005.13+(according to Vico, Jove's thunderbolts terrified early giants and sent them in fear into caves, giving rise to civilisation)
005.13+Obsolete Thunderday: Thursday
005.14this municipal sin business? Our cubehouse still rocks as earwitness
005.14+VI.B.15.122a (o): 'municipal sin'
005.14+Original Sin: in Christianity, the sinful state that humans are born into, as a result of Adam and Eve's transgression
005.14+VI.B.45.104a (o): 'cubehouse'
005.14+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 22: (of Meccah) 'In the midst of the city stands a very ancient temple... The Kaabah, or Cube House, as this temple is called, is regarded by the Mohammedans as the most sacred place on earth'
005.14+eyewitness (Motif: ear/eye)
005.15to the thunder of his arafatas but we hear also through successive
005.15+VI.B.45.106a (o): 'Mt Arafat thunderous'
005.15+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 52: 'In his early days as a shepherd Mohammed had lived much with nature; he had seen the pale dawn touch the grim summits of Mount Hira and Mount Arafat, had heard the thunder roll through the sounding passes of the hills'
005.15+prayer Our Father: Lord's Prayer
005.16ages that shebby choruysh of unkalified muzzlenimiissilehims that
005.16+VI.B.45.106i (o): 'Sheb (rock)' [.14]
005.16+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 58: 'The mountains on the eastern side of Meccah rise very steeply, like cliffs, quite close to the town, and between their spurs are long narrow ravines called Shebs. The word Sheb means, in Arabic, a rock' (it seems Arabic sheb: a ravine (not a rock))
005.16+shabby chorus of unqualified
005.16+VI.B.45.109f (o): 'Choraysh' (the entry is preceded by a cancelled 'K')
005.16+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 91: 'There were many exiles from Meccah, who had fled from the persecutions of the Kuraysh' (the ruling tribe at Meccah, to which Mohammed also belonged)
005.16+VI.B.45.106f (o): 'Khalif (successor)' [.15]
005.16+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 57: 'Like Abu Bakr, Omar became one of the Prophet's chief advisers; in after years they both succeeded him as head of Islam, or Khalif, a word which means Successor'
005.16+Archaic Mussulmen: Muslims
005.16+missiles (stones thrown in Muslim pilgrimage ceremony of 'pelting the devil', in memory of Abraham having similarly driven the devil away when tempted to disobey the command to scrifice Isaac)
005.17would blackguardise the whitestone ever hurtleturtled out of
005.17+blackguardise: to turn (someone) into a blackguard
005.17+Motif: dark/fair (black, white)
005.17+VI.B.45.104b (o): 'inblack stone'
005.17+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 22: (of the Kaabah in Meccah) 'At the southeast corner of the building, near the only door, is inserted a mysterious Black Stone, which has been held in reverence by countless generations. A legend tells that it once fell from heaven, and was originally white, until the sins of the world changed it to its present colour'
005.17+(brick) [.26]
005.17+hurtled, hurled
005.18heaven. Stay us wherefore in our search for tighteousness, O Sus-
005.18+VI.B.45.105e (o): 'Islam (strife for righteousness)'
005.18+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 45: (of Mohammed's religion) 'the particular name he gave it was Islam, which signifies "striving for righteousness"'
005.18+Slang tight: drunk
005.18+VI.B.45.110c (o): 'O Sustainer'
005.18+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 99: (addressing Allah, in a parable about the strength of charity) ''O our Sustainer,' said the angels, 'is there anything in Thy creation stronger than wind?''
005.19tainer, what time we rise and when we take up to toothmick and
005.19+VI.B.45.109j (o): 'what time thou risest and in the night and at the fading of the stars'
005.19+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 93: 'Mohammed enjoined his followers to pray five times a day. 1. Before sunrise. 2. When the sun has begun to decline. 3. In the afternoon. 4. A little after sunset. 5. At night fall... but many... pray at other time as well. For it is written, "Celebrate the praises of thy Lord what time thou risest, and in the night, and at the fading of the stars"'
005.19+Motif: up/down (up, down, up, down) [.19-.20]
005.19+Mohammed used toothpicks (Ayesha handed him one as he lay dying)
005.20before we lump down upown our leatherbed and in the night and
005.20+down, feather
005.20+VI.B.45.109m (o): 'leather mattress,...' [318.15]
005.20+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 96: 'The Prophet's bed was a leather mattress, stuffed with palm leaves, which was laid on the floor'
005.21at the fading of the stars! For a nod to the nabir is better than wink
005.21+proverb A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse: any subtle hint will be or has been understood, without need for extensive elaboration
005.21+VI.B.45.109k (o): 'Prayer is better than sleep'
005.21+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 94: (of Bilal, the first muezzin) 'Before the early morning prayer he added, "Prayer is better than sleep"'
005.21+Arabic nabi: prophet
005.22to the wabsanti. Otherways wesways like that provost scoffing
005.22+Wahabi: a Muslim sect
005.22+Italian santi: saints
005.22+Arabic weswas: whisperer (an epithet of the devil)
005.22+prophet's coffin (there is a Christian legend that Mohammed's coffin is ever-suspended in the air between the earth and heaven)
005.22+scaffolding [.26]
005.22+VI.B.45.106e (o): 'coffin between M & S' ('M & S' uncertain)
005.23bedoueen the jebel and the jpysian sea. Cropherb the crunch-
005.23+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...bedoueen...} | {Png: ...bedoneen...}
005.23+VI.B.45.104j (o): 'bedouin'
005.23+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 31: 'It was the custom in Meccah to give young children into the care of Bedouin women, thus sending them away from the hot and dusty city into the pure air of the desert'
005.23+phrase between the devil and the deep sea: facing two equally undesirable alternatives
005.23+Arabic jebel: mount
005.23+VI.B.45.108i (o): 'al Kaswa (the cropeared camel)' [.25]
005.23+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 84: 'Mohammed and the guide rode a camel called "Al-Kaswa," or the Crop-eared' [.25]
005.23+VI.B.45.109d (o): 'camel shall decide'
005.23+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 90: 'As Mohammed entered Medinah, he was beset on all sides by the invitations of the Faithful... But Mohammed, perhaps fearing to create jealousies by favouring one more than another, said: "The camel shall decide, let her go free"'
005.24bracken shall decide. Then we'll know if the feast is a flyday. She
005.24+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...if...} | {Png:}
005.24+VI.B.45.109c (o): 'Friday mosque'
005.24+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 90: 'the procession halted, and Mohammed led the prayers and preached to the assembled people. On the spot where this happened in now a mosque, which is known as the "Friday Mosque." Friday was chosen, later on, as the day specially set apart for the service of God, like the Christian Sunday'
005.24+Latin musca: fly (sounds like 'mosque')
005.25has a gift of seek on site and she allcasually ansars helpers, the
005.25+second sight
005.25+Al-Kaswa [.23]
005.25+occasionally answers
005.25+VI.B.45.109h (o): 'ansar helper'
005.25+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 91: 'the citizens of Medinah, who were converts, were called Ansars, or Helpers'
005.26dreamydeary. Heed! Heed! It may half been a missfired brick, as
005.26+dromedary: a type of camel
005.26+Motif: Hear, hear!
005.26+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Heed! It...} | {Png: ...Heed. It...}
005.26+(blaming bricks or scaffolding) [.17] [.22]
005.26+misfired (poorly thrown; poorly formed in a kiln)
005.27some say, or it mought have been due to a collupsus of his back
005.27+Motif: some/others
005.27+Latin collapsus: fallen in
005.28promises, as others looked at it. (There extand by now one thou-
005.28+one thousand and one (The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night)
005.29sand and one stories, all told, of the same). But so sore did abe
005.29+Sarah and Abraham (Genesis 11-25)
005.29+A(dam) bite Eve's apple
005.30ite ivvy's holired abbles, (what with the wallhall's horrors of rolls-
005.30+ivy, holly (Motif: holly, ivy, mistletoe)
005.30+(noise of traffic in the street, distracting Tim Finnegan)
005.30+Valhalla: in Norse mythology, the magnificent hall in which chosen slain heroes spend their glorious afterlife
005.30+VI.B.15.056f ( ): 'Rollright stones'
005.30+Massingham: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum 82n: 'Witches were also associated with megaliths, e.g. the Rollright Stones in Oxfordshire'
005.30+Rollright Stones: three megalithic monuments (a stone circle, a dolmen, and a monolith) located near Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire (according to legend, a king and his knights petrified by a witch)
005.30+Rolls Royce
005.31rights, carhacks, stonengens, kisstvanes, tramtrees, fargobawlers,
005.31+Carnac: site of megaliths in Brittany (Joyce was there in summer 1924)
005.31+Irish carraig: rock
005.31+Colloquial hack: hackney coach, taxi cab
005.31+Motif: tree/stone
005.31+Stonehenge: a famous site of prehistoric megaliths in England
005.31+VI.B.14.112o (o): 'kistvaen'
005.31+kistvaen: a stone burial-chest or burial-chamber
005.31+Tristram (Tristan) called himself Tramtris to disguise his identity
005.31+Anglo-Irish phrase faugh a ballagh!: Irish phrase fág a' bealach!: clear the way! (a battle cry associated with Irish soldiers and faction fighters in many wars and conflicts since the 18th century; the motto of the Royal Irish Fusiliers; Slang a worthless person)
005.31+go far
005.32autokinotons, hippohobbilies, streetfleets, tournintaxes, mega-
005.32+Modern Greek autokineto: automobile, car (from Greek autokinetos: self-moving)
005.32+Greek hippos: horse
005.32+Fleet Street, Dublin
005.32+VI.B.10.043c (o): 'fleet of motorcars'
005.32+Irish Times 18 Nov 1922, 9/2: (of Lord Northcliffe) 'he owned a wonderful fleet of motor cars'
005.32+VI.B.16.049a (r): 'Turn & Taxis'
005.32+Gallois: La Poste et les Moyens de Communication 91: 'la transition de l'organisation postal allemande sous la direction des princes de la célèbre famille de Thurn und Taxis (de Tour et Taxis)' (French 'the transition of the German postal organisation under the control of the princes of the famous family of Thurn und Taxis (of Tour and Taxis)')
005.32+turn in taxes
005.32+turning taxis
005.33phoggs, circuses and wardsmoats and basilikerks and aeropagods
005.33+Phileas Fogg: the main character in Jules Verne: Around the World in Eighty Days
005.33+VI.B.49c.002b (r): 'basilica'
005.33+basilica: an honorific title bestowed by the pope on a special church
005.33+Greek basilikos: kingly, royal
005.33+Dutch kerk: church
005.33+Aeropagus: the Supreme Court on the hill of Ares at Athens
005.34and the hoyse and the jollybrool and the peeler in the coat and
005.34+Archaic brool: a murmur
005.34+song The Peeler and the Goat (Anglo-Irish peeler: policeman)
005.35the mecklenburk bitch bite at his ear and the merlinburrow bur-
005.35+German meck: meh (goat's cry)
005.35+Mecklenburg Street, Dublin (in Nighttown)
005.35+Slang bite one's ear: borrow money
005.35+Merlin was supposedly entombed alive
005.35+Marlborough Barracks, Dublin
005.35+Archaic burrock: a wicker basket for catching fish
005.36rocks and his fore old porecourts, the bore the more, and his
005.36+The Four Courts, Dublin
005.36+Irish bóthar mór: main road, highway

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