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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 152

012.01for in the byways of high improvidence that's what makes life-
012.01+phrase makes life worth living: is essential for a worthwhile life (Motif: Life worth living)
012.02work leaving and the world's a cell for citters to cit in. Let young
012.02+Italian città: city
012.02+German zittern: to tremble, to shake
012.02+sitters to sit in
012.03wimman run away with the story and let young min talk smooth
012.04behind the butteler's back. She knows her knight's duty while
012.04+German Bettler: beggar
012.04+Dialect buttle: to pour out (drink)
012.04+song While London Sleeps
012.05Luntum sleeps. Did ye save any tin? says he. Did I what? with
012.05+(any money)
012.06a grin says she. And we all like a marriedann because she is mer-
012.06+married Ann
012.06+Pont Marie, Paris (Cluster: Bridges in Paris)
012.06+harridan: an unpleasant old woman
012.06+VI.B.7.192b (r): 'mercenary'
012.06+Haliday: The Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin 70: 'Athelstan... collected a formidable host... and among his foreign auxiliaries Thorolf and Egils, two celebrated Vikings, who joined his standard with 300 warriors on hearing of large rewards offered for such mercenary assistance'
012.07cenary. Though the length of the land lies under liquidation
012.07+Motif: alliteration (l)
012.07+phrase the lie of the land: the state of affairs
012.07+VI.B.7.059g (r): 'liquidation'
012.07+liquidation: selling the assets (e.g. of a business being dissolved, or of a dead person's estate by his heirs); drinking alcohol
012.08(floote!) and there's nare a hairbrow nor an eyebush on this glau-
012.08+French flûte! (expletive)
012.08+nary a brow nor an eyelash on the face of the water (i.e. no vegetation above the water level) [003.13-.14]
012.08+at the subsidence of the Universal Flood in Norse myth, the body of the dead Ymir, father of the giants, became the world, his hair the trees, and his eyebrows the grass and flowers
012.08+Archaic glabrous: hairless
012.09brous phace of Herrschuft Whatarwelter she'll loan a vesta and
012.09+German Herr: Mr
012.09+German Der Herr schuf die Welt: The Lord created the world
012.09+German Herrschaft: dominion, reign
012.09+German Herrschaften: ladies and gentlemen
012.09+German Schuft: scoundrel
012.09+children's game Push the Business On: 'I hired a horse and borrowed a gig, And all the world shall have a jig; And I'll do all 'at ever I can To push the business on' [.09-.12]
012.09+Danish låne: to borrow (pronounced 'loane')
012.09+Avesta: sacred writings of Zoroastrianism
012.09+vesta: a type of match
012.09+Vesta: Roman goddess of the hearth
012.09+Italian veste: dress
012.10hire some peat and sarch the shores her cockles to heat and she'll
012.10+peat: soil rich in partly decayed organic matter, dug from bogs in the form of bricks and used in Ireland as fuel [.11]
012.10+Italian sarchiare: to weed with a hoe
012.10+cockle: a type of edible mollusc; a type of heating stove
012.10+children's game hot cockles: an old game in which a blindfolded player is struck by one of the other players and needs to guess who did the hitting
012.11do all a turfwoman can to piff the business on. Paff. To puff the
012.11+VI.B.19.072c (g): '*A* Turfwoman' [575.05]
012.11+turf: peat [.10]
012.11+Slang turf: prostitution
012.11+Colloquial turfman: a man having some function (e.g. a manager) in the world of horse racing
012.11+p + (Motif: 5 vowels) + ff: I, A, U, O (E missing) [.11-.12]
012.11+French Slang piffer: to smell
012.11+Meyerbeer: Les Huguenots: song Piff Paff
012.11+German paffen: to smoke
012.11+German Colloquial Puff: brothel
012.12blaziness on. Poffpoff. And even if Humpty shell fall frumpty
012.12+nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty
012.12+(egg shell)
012.13times as awkward again in the beardsboosoloom of all our grand
012.13+song Kafoozalum
012.13+The Grand Remonstrance: a document produced by the English Parliament in 1641 giving account of royal mismanagement and recommending radical reforms
012.14remonstrancers there'll be iggs for the brekkers come to mourn-
012.14+VI.B.6.121c (o): 'eggs with sunny side up' [.15]
012.14+Freeman's Journal 8 Feb 1924, 8/4: 'By the Way': 'poached eggs, or, as we say, 'eggs with the sunny side up''
012.14+Slang brekker: breakfast
012.14+Danish brikker: in chess, men or pieces
012.14+come the morning
012.14+mourn him
012.15him, sunny side up with care. So true is it that therewhere's a
012.16turnover the tay is wet too and when you think you ketch sight
012.16+Anglo-Irish turnover: loaf of bread shaped somewhat like a boot
012.16+Anglo-Irish phrase the tay is wet: the tea is ready
012.17of a hind make sure but you're cocked by a hin.
012.17+cock, hen
012.18     Then as she is on her behaviourite job of quainance bandy,
012.18+{{Synopsis: I.1.1B.C: [012.18-013.05]: an overview of the city and its hills — so this is Dublin}}
012.18+phrase be on one's best behaviour: (of children, mostly) behave very politely
012.18+Queen Anne's Bounty: provision for maintenance of the poor clergy
012.18+quince brandy
012.18+band [.26-.31]
012.19fruting for firstlings and taking her tithe, we may take our review
012.19+First Fruits: in ancient (Jewish, Roman, Greek) religions, a custom of offering the first agricultural produce of a harvest as a tithe to the priesthood or an offering to a deity
012.19+firstlings: the first produce of a season, the first offsprings of an animal
012.19+Revue des Deux Mondes: major French literary review (literally French 'Review of the Two Worlds')
012.20of the two mounds to see nothing of the himples here as at else-
012.20+German Himmel: sky, heaven
012.21where, by sixes and sevens, like so many heegills and collines,
012.21+phrase at sixes and sevens: disordered
012.21+(boys and girls)
012.21+German Hügel: hill
012.21+French colline: hill
012.21+Anglo-Irish colleen: girl
012.22sitton aroont, scentbreeched and somepotreek, in their swisha-
012.22+sitting around
012.22+Anglo-Irish aroon: dear, loved one (term of endearment)
012.22+scent, reek
012.22+(shitty breeches)
012.22+Saint Brigid and Saint Patrick: patron saints of Ireland
012.22+(chamber pot stench)
012.22+Motif: mishemishe/tauftauf
012.23wish satins and their taffetaffe tights, playing Wharton's Folly,
012.23+taffeta: a type of fabric
012.23+(playing music; playing a game) [.26-.31]
012.23+Wharton's Folly: The Star Fort, an unfinished fortress in Phoenix Park, built by Viceroy Wharton on high ground, now between the Magazine Fort and the Zoo (a term also spuriously attributed to the Magazine Fort, despite it being built twenty years after Wharton's death)
012.24at a treepurty on the planko in the purk. Stand up, mickos!
012.24+The Tripartite Life of Saint Patrick: a 9th century biography of Saint Patrick
012.24+tea party
012.24+Esperanto planco: ground
012.24+park (Phoenix Park)
012.24+Motif: Move up, Mick, Make room for Dick
012.24+Dublin Slang micky: penis
012.24+Motif: Mick/Nick [.25]
012.25Make strake for minnas! By order, Nicholas Proud. We may see
012.25+VI.B.15.188i-j (o): 'strake fire make strake' (only last two words crayoned)
012.25+Conder: The Rise of Man 349: (of anti-Catholic sentiment in 16th century England) 'as in the story of the "Rood of Dovercourt" in Suffolk, destroyed by poor youths, of whom three were hanged in chains in 1532... "they tooke the idoll from his shrine... without any resistance of the said idoll. Whereupon they strake fire with a flint stone, and sodainly set him on fire"'
012.25+Nicholas Proud: secretary of the Dublin Port and Docks Board in Joyce's time
012.25+Motif: ear/eye (see, hear)
012.26and hear nothing if we choose of the shortlegged bergins off
012.26+German Berg: mountain
012.26+Alf Bergan: law clerk to the subsheriff in City Hall on Cork Hill, Dublin (character in Joyce: Ulysses.12)
012.26+Archaic burghers: middle-class citizens of a town or borough
012.26+('viol' replaced by 'berg') (Cluster: Musical Instruments) [.26-.29]
012.26+violin (Cluster: Musical Instruments)
012.27Corkhill or the bergamoors of Arbourhill or the bergagambols
012.27+Cork Hill, Arbour Hill, Summer Hill, Misery Hill, and Constitution Hill (all in Dublin) [.27-.29]
012.27+viola d'amore (Cluster: Musical Instruments)
012.27+viola da gamba (Cluster: Musical Instruments)
012.28of Summerhill or the bergincellies of Miseryhill or the country-
012.28+violoncello (Cluster: Musical Instruments)
012.28+contrabass (Cluster: Musical Instruments)
012.29bossed bergones of Constitutionhill though every crowd has its
012.29+violone (Cluster: Musical Instruments)
012.29+nursery rhyme As I Was Going to Saint Ives: 'As I was going to Saint Ives, I met a man with seven wives, and every wife had seven sacks' (Saint Ives is in Cornwall)
012.29+ECH (Motif: HCE)
012.30several tones and every trade has its clever mechanics and each
012.30+Pont de Sevres, Paris (Cluster: Bridges in Paris)
012.30+German Klavier: piano (Cluster: Musical Instruments)
012.31harmonical has a point of its own, Olaf's on the rise and Ivor's
012.31+harmonica (Cluster: Musical Instruments)
012.31+VI.B.7.170f-h ( ): 'Olaf Dub Sitric Water Ivar Limr' (Waterford is more or less between Dublin, on its right (northeast), and Limerick, on its left (northwest))
012.31+Haliday: The Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin 20: 'Legend of the brothers Aulaf, Sitric, and Ivar founding Dublin, Waterford, and Limerick, disproved... "they built first the three cities of Dublin, Waterford, and Limerick, of which Dublin fell to the share and was under the government of Aulaf, Waterford of Sitric, and Limerick of Ivar;" but of this legend, which apparently originated with Giraldus Cambrensis, there is no trace whatsoever'
012.31+VI.B.15.098c ( ): 'Sigurd Olaf Ivar Thor Place Viking Rd'
012.31+Olaf Road, Ivar Street, and Sitric Place (as well as Sigurd Road, Thor Place, Viking Road, etc.) are all near one another in the Arbour Hill area of Dublin (Olaf Road is between the other two) [.27]
012.31+on the right, on the left (Motif: left/right)
012.32on the lift and Sitric's place's between them. But all they are all
012.33there scraping along to sneeze out a likelihood that will solve
012.33+squeeze out a livelihood
012.33+Motif: A/O
012.34and salve life's robulous rebus, hopping round his middle like
012.34+Motif: Romulus/Remus (twin brothers and legendary founders of Rome, with the former killing the latter before building the city; Livy's History of Rome is one of the primary sources for the myth)
012.34+rebus: word-puzzle (from Latin rebus: by things, from things)
012.34+song Phil the Fluter's Ball: 'Hopping in the middle like a herrin' on a griddle, O!' [.36]
012.35kippers on a griddle, O, as he lays dormont from the macroborg
012.35+lies dormant
012.35+French mont: German Berg: mountain
012.35+phrase from head to foot: from top to bottom, encompassing the entire body (from Howth Head (giant's head) to Phoenix Park (giant's feet); Motif: head/foot) [.35-.36]
012.35+macro-, micro-: large-, small- (opposites)
012.36of Holdhard to the microbirg of Pied de Poudre. Behove this
012.36+hold hard
012.36+Court of Piepowders: a judicial court formerly held at fairs to administer justice among itinerant dealers (from French pied poudreux: vagrant, travelling merchant (literally 'dusty foot'))
012.36+song Phil the Fluter [.34]
012.36+French poudre: powder, gunpowder
012.36+Swift: Epigram: 'Behold! a proof of Irish sense; Here Irish wit is seen! When nothing's left, that's worth defence, We build a magazine' (referring to the magazine in Phoenix Park)

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