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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 123

036.01stuck ginger which, as being of sours, acids, salts, sweets and
036.01+Confucius liked chewing ginger root (pungent)
036.01+in ancient Chinese medicine, sour is used to nourish bones, acid for muscles, salt for blood, sweet for flesh, and bitter to improve the general vitality [.03]
036.02bitters compompounded, we know him to have used as chaw-
036.02+chaw chaw [045.28]
036.03chaw for bone, muscle, blood, flesh and vimvital,) that where-
036.04as the hakusay accusation againstm had been made, what was
036.04+(Motif: stuttering)
036.04+Japanese haku: to say; to wear
036.04+Colloquial phrase the heck you say!: I don't believe it! (Colloquial heck: hell)
036.04+against him
036.04+in Latin, singular nouns in the accusative case usually end with -m
036.05known in high quarters as was stood stated in Morganspost, by
036.05+German morgen: tomorrow
036.05+German Morgenpost: morning post
036.05+The Morning Post: a London newspaper (until 1937; politically conservative)
036.06a creature in youman form who was quite beneath parr and seve-
036.06+you [.07]
036.06+phrase below par: below the average or normal degree (of anything)
036.06+parr: young salmon
036.06+VI.B.10.061k (r): 'several degrees lower than a snake'
036.06+Daily Mail 8 Dec 1922, 6/3: (quoting a statement made by Bywaters to the police in the Ilford murder trial) 'The reason I fought with Thompson was because he never acted like a man to his wife. He always seemed several degress lower than a snake'
036.07ral degrees lower than yore triplehydrad snake. In greater sup-
036.07+degrees [.18]
036.07+Archaic yore: of times long past
036.07+your [.06]
036.07+triple-headed (Cerberus)
036.07+hydra: many-headed mythological snake
036.08port of his word (it, quaint anticipation of a famous phrase, has
036.08+VI.B.17.070b (o): 'quaint anticipation of a famous phrase'
036.08+Robbins: Parnell: The Last Five Years 145: (of Parnell) 'Labouchere... bitterly complained one night in the Lobby that the Nationalist leader, after getting up in the House and boasting what he could prove, had not as much as a scrap of paper — quaint anticipation of a long-afterwards fatal phrase — to back him up'
036.09been reconstricted out of oral style into the verbal for all time
036.09+boa constrictor [.07]
036.09+Marcel Jousse: Études de psychologie linguistique: Le style oral rythmique and mnémo-technique chez les verbo-moteurs (book, 1925)
036.10with ritual rhythmics, in quiritary quietude, and toosammen-
036.10+quiritary: in accordance with Roman civil law
036.10+Joyce: Letters I.261: letter 09/11/27 to Harriet Shaw Weaver: 'I had a rather strange dream the other night. I was looking at a Turk seated in a bazaar. He had a framework on his knees and on one side he had a jumble of all shades of red and yellow skeins and on the other a jumble of greens and blues of all shades. He was picking from right and left very calmly and weaving away. It is evidently a split rainbow and also Parts I and III. And now may Allah who is infallahble guide this epistle of his lowliest and shed upon his sconce the quietude of the carpetweaver' [.11]
036.10+German zusammen: together
036.11stucked from successive accounts by Noah Webster in the re-
036.11+Noah Webster's dictionary
036.11+Archaic webster: weaver [.10]
036.11+redaction: an abridged or adapted edition
036.12daction known as the Sayings Attributive of H. C. Earwicker,
036.12+attributed to
036.12+HCE (Motif: HCE)
036.13prize on schillings, postlots free), the flaxen Gygas tapped his
036.13+Motif: free/shilling (price one shilling, postage free)
036.13+flaxen: blond-haired [047.01] [615.23]
036.13+Gyges: semi-legendary ruler of the ancient kingdom of Lydia
036.13+Greek gigas: giant
036.14chronometrum drumdrum and, now standing full erect, above
036.14+chronometer: an instrument for measuring time, especially one more accurate than a regular watch
036.14+Dundrum: district of Dublin
036.14+dum-dum bullet: a bullet designed to expand on impact (first developed at the Dum Dum Arsenal in India, 1896) [035.25]
036.15the ambijacent floodplain, scene of its happening, with one Ber-
036.15+VI.B.1.180i (r): 'floodplain'
036.15+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XI, 'Geology', 662a: 'In floods the ground inundated on either side of a stream intercepts some part of the detritus, which is then spread over the flood-plain and gradually heightens it. At the same time the stream continues to erode the channel, and ultimately is unable to reach the old flood-plain. It consequently forms a new plain at a lower level, and thus, by degrees, it comes to be flanked on either side by a series of successive terraces or platforms, each of which marks one of its former levels'
036.15+VI.B.2.026c (r): 'jeans washing limericks Berlins } gloves' (only fourth word crayoned)
036.15+Selby: Boots at the Swan 7: (of gloves worn by gentlemen) 'Many sports Berlins, or perliseman's as I calls 'em; others come the artful dodge of jeans and washing Limericks — them does werry well for barbers' clerks and sich like; but the rale gentleum sports kid ones'
036.15+Berlin gloves: thin white cotton gloves (often worn by butlers, waiters, policemen, etc.)
036.16lin gauntlet chopstuck in the hough of his ellboge (by ancientest
036.16+chopstick [035.36]
036.16+CHE (Motif: HCE)
036.16+(placing the right fist in the bent left elbow imitates the letter E backwards) [.17]
036.16+Scottish hough: the hollow behind the knee
036.16+German Ellbogen: elbow
036.16+eleven (Motif: 1132) [.17-.18]
036.16+(according to Vico, divine language started out in the form of gestures)
036.17signlore his gesture meaning: E!) pointed at an angle of thirty-
036.17+(four directions of *E*) [006.32] [051.19] [119.17]
036.17+(pointed to monument) [056.12]
036.17+water freezes at thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit
036.18two degrees towards his duc de Fer's overgrown milestone as
036.18+French duc de fer: iron duke (epithet of Wellington)
036.18+overgrown milestone: an old nickname for the Wellington Monument, Phoenix Park [.24]
036.19fellow to his gage and after a rendypresent pause averred with
036.19+French gage: pledge, token
036.19+French rendez present: make present
036.19+pregnant pause
036.20solemn emotion's fire: Shsh shake, co-comeraid! Me only, them
036.20+(Motif: stuttering) (twice)
036.20+(masturbation, five fingers and one penis)
036.21five ones, he is equal combat. I have won straight. Hence my
036.21+HEC (Motif: HCE)
036.21+equal combat: a fight between equally-matched opponents
036.21+Archaic strait: narrow [.22]
036.22nonation wide hotel and creamery establishments which for the
036.22+(Motif: stuttering)
036.22+wide [.21]
036.22+HCE (Motif: HCE)
036.23honours of our mewmew mutual daughters, credit me, I am woo-
036.23+(Motif: stuttering) (twice)
036.24woo willing to take my stand, sir, upon the monument, that sign
036.24+(from Phoenix Park (giant's feet) to Howth Head (giant's head); Motif: head/foot) [.24-.26]
036.24+Wellington Monument: obelisk in Phoenix Park [.18]
036.24+The Monument: a Doric column near the northern edge of London Bridge, commemorating the Great Fire of London (1666), and until 1830 bearing an inscription blaming Catholics for the fire (in full, The Monument to the Great Fire of London)
036.24+VI.B.25.164k (r): 'sign of our redemption'
036.24+the cross is traditionally seen as a sign of redemption
036.25of our ruru redemption, any hygienic day to this hour and to
036.25+(Motif: stuttering)
036.26make my hoath to my sinnfinners, even if I get life for it, upon
036.26+take my oath
036.26+Howth (Howth Head)
036.26+Anglo-Irish Sinn Feiner: militant Irish nationalist (not necessarily belonging to the so-named organisation; mostly derogatory; from Irish Sinn Féin: Ourselves (Irish nationalist slogan); Motif: Sinn Féin)
036.26+fingers [.20-.21]
036.27the Open Bible and before the Great Taskmaster's (I lift my hat!)
036.27+Milton: other works: Sonnet VII: 'my great task Masters eye'
036.27+(God) [055.01]
036.28and in the presence of the Deity Itself andwell of Bishop and
036.28+VI.B.25.167a (r): 'the Deity Itself'
036.28+indwell: to inhabit or occupy (e.g. of a spirit occupying a body, or a principle occupying a mind) [.30]
036.29Mrs Michan of High Church of England as of all such of said
036.29+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Mrs Michan...} | {Png: ...Mrs. Michan...}
036.29+Saint Michan's Church, Dublin (Church of Ireland)
036.29+HCE (Motif: HCE)
036.30my immediate withdwellers and of every living sohole in every
036.30+German Mitwohner: a person sharing one's living-quarters (literally 'with-dweller') [.28]
036.30+(Motif: stuttering)
036.30+phrase in every corner of the globe: throughout the world (note that globes don't have corners)
036.31corner wheresoever of this globe in general which useth of my
036.32British to my backbone tongue and commutative justice that
036.32+(English language)
036.32+commutative justice: a term used by Aquinas (after Aristotle) to denote justice that is corrective in transactions between man and man (as opposed to distributive justice)
036.33there is not one tittle of truth, allow me to tell you, in that purest
036.33+Motif: true/false (truth, fabrication)
036.33+(Pigott's purest) [043.32]
036.34of fibfib fabrications.
036.34+(Motif: stuttering)
036.34+Colloquial fib: a trivial lie
036.34+fabrication: forgery, false statement (such as Pigott's forged Parnell letters)
036.35     Gaping Gill, swift to mate errthors, stern to checkself, (diag-
036.35+{{Synopsis: I.2.2.B: [036.35-038.08]: the cad takes leave — he tells his wife the story over supper}}
036.35+Gaping Gill (the cad with the pipe; *Y*)
036.35+Gaping Ghyl: a 330-foot deep vertical shaft in Yorkshire (mentioned in The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. V, 'Cave', 574c)
036.35+Motif: Swift/Sterne
036.35+make errors
036.35+others, self
036.35+the 'check' of chess derives Persian shah: king (hence, kingself) [032.07]
036.35+check oneself: to restrain oneself
036.35+Greek dia: through
036.36nosing through eustacetube that it was to make with a markedly
036.36+the Eustachian tube joins the ear to the nose and throat
036.36+German es war zu machen: it had to be done, it could be done (literally 'it was to make')

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