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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 150

040.01the Little Old Man's and All Swell That Aimswell, the Cup and
040.01+Little Old Man: the last sheaf, in some harvest customs
040.01+Motif: Grand Old Man
040.01+Anglo-Irish Slang old man: overflow waste in pouring draught stout, beer refuse recycled and sold to unsuspecting customers
040.01+proverb All's well that ends well: a happy ending makes up for earlier difficulties
040.01+William Shakespeare: All's Well That Ends Well
040.01+stirrup cup: a parting drink, such as given to horse-riding guests whose feet are already in the stirrups, e.g. when leaving or when setting out on a hunt (song The Stirrup Cup, with music by Arditi) [039.35] [044.22]
040.02the Stirrup, he sought his wellwarmed leababobed in a hous-
040.02+Irish leaba: bed
040.02+rooming house
040.03ingroom Abide With Oneanother at Block W.W., (why didn't
040.03+song Abide with Me
040.03+Winny Widger [039.02] [039.11]
040.04he back it?) Pump Court, The Liberties, and, what with
040.04+Pump Court, London (featured in Charles Dickens: all works: Martin Chuzzlewit)
040.04+Pump Alley, Dublin, crosses Liberty Street
040.04+The Liberties: district of Dublin
040.05moltapuke on voltapuke, resnored alcoh alcoho alcoherently to
040.05+Volapük motapük: mother-tongue
040.05+Italian molto più: much more
040.05+Italian una volta di più: once more
040.05+Volapük: artificial language
040.05+(Motif: stuttering)
040.06the burden of I come, my horse delayed, nom num, the sub-
040.06+burden: refrain of a song; heavy load [038.34]
040.06+Benedict: The Lily of Killarney (opera based on Boucicault: The Colleen Bawn): song The Moon Hath Raised Her Lamp Above: 'I come, I come, my heart's delight'
040.07stance of the tale of the evangelical bussybozzy and the rusinur-
040.07+VI.B.1.120k (o): 'evangelical busybody'
040.07+Russian bezbozhnyi: godless
040.07+Motif: How Buckley shot the Russian General
040.07+Bulgarian rusin: Russian
040.07+Martial: Epigrammata XII.57: 'Rus in Urbe' (Latin 'The Country in Town')
040.08bean (the 'girls' he would keep calling them for the collarette
040.09and skirt, the sunbonnet and carnation) in parts (it seemed he
040.09+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 10: 'sun-bonnet'
040.10was before the eyots of martas or otherwales the thirds of fossil-
040.10+eyot: small island, ait
040.10+Ides of March: 15 March (the date of Julius Caesar's assassination)
040.10+Irish Márta: March
040.10+Welsh fusiliers [033.26-.27]
040.11years, he having beham with katya when lavinias had her mens
040.11+Behan (*S*)
040.11+Katya: eastern European female given name, diminutive of Katherine (equivalent to Kate; *K*)
040.11+Sanskrit katyayana: a middle-aged widow [079.27]
040.11+Romansch lavina: avalanche
040.11+Slang monthlies: menstruation
040.11+menses: menstruation
040.11+Latin mens: mind
040.12lease to sea in a psumpship doodly show whereat he was looking
040.12+lost at sea
040.12+Slang pumpship: to urinate
040.12+Punch and Judy
040.12+Dutch dood: dead
040.13for fight niggers with whilde roarses) oft in the chilly night (the
040.13+Motif: dark/fair (nigger, white)
040.13+Colloquial nigger: a black person
040.13+Oscar Wilde: The Portrait of Mr. W. H. (discussed in Joyce: Ulysses.9.522-532)
040.13+wild horses
040.13+Old English hild: battle, war
040.13+Robert Ross: faithful friend, first male lover, and literary executor of Oscar Wilde
040.13+Slang arse: buttocks
040.13+Thomas Moore: other works: National Airs: song Oft, in the Stilly Night
040.14metagonistic! the epickthalamorous!) during uneasy slumber in
040.14+Greek met' agôna: with struggle
040.14+Greek epithalamios: nuptial, bridal (hence, epithalamium: a nuptial poem honouring the wedded couple)
040.15their hearings of a small and stonybroke cashdraper's executive,
040.15+Slang stony-broke; stone-broke, ruined [.16]
040.15+VI.B.25.160c (r): 'Cash draper'
040.15+cash drawer
040.15+cashmere drapery
040.15+Drapier: an epithet of Swift (in reference to the persona he adopted in Swift: Drapier's Letters)
040.16Peter Cloran (discharged), O'Mara, an exprivate secretary of no
040.16+(*VYC*; Peter, O'Mara and Hosty) [.21] [580.31]
040.16+Peter Cloran [212.03]
040.16+the name Peter derives from Greek petros: stone, rock [.15]
040.16+Joseph O'Mara: Irish tenor (sang the role of Tristan, among many others)
040.16+Henry Adams: The Education of Henry Adams, ch. 30: 'ex-private secretary' [042.08]
040.16+Joyce: Ulysses.15.732: 'FIRST WATCH: (reads) Henry Flower. No fixed abode. Unlawfully watching and besetting'
040.16+Joyce: Ulysses.15.1157: 'THE CRIER: (loudly) Whereas Leopold Bloom of no fixed abode is a wellknown dynamitard, forger, bigamist, bawd and cuckold and a public nuisance'
040.17fixed abode (locally known as Mildew Lisa), who had passed
040.17+Wagner: Tristan und Isolde (Tristan and Iseult): first words of Liebestod ('love-death') aria: 'Mild und leise' (German 'gentle and soft')
040.18several nights, funnish enough, in a doorway under the blankets
040.18+Mark Twain: other works: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, ch. 6: (Huck Finn) 'slept on doorsteps in fine weather and in empty hogsheads in wet' [041.17]
040.18+VI.B.5.124f (r): 'The blankets of homelessness'
040.19of homelessness on the bunk of iceland, pillowed upon the stone
040.19+Bank of Ireland, College Green, Dublin
040.19+Genesis 28:11: (of Jacob) 'he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep'
040.19+Stone of Destiny: another name for Lia Fáil, a large stone on the Hill of Tara, which according to legend cried out when a rightful high king touched it
040.20of destiny colder than man's knee or woman's breast, and
040.21Hosty, (no slouch of a name), an illstarred beachbusker, who,
040.21+Latin hostis: stranger, enemy
040.21+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 17: 'no slouch of a name'
040.21+VI.B.3.106h (r): 'busker (beach & town)'
040.21+busker: itinerant musician, street performer [041.13]
040.22sans rootie and sans scrapie, suspicioning as how he was setting
040.22+French sans: without
040.22+VI.B.8.154j (o): 'rootie (bread)'
040.22+Slang rootie: bread
040.22+Slang scrape: butter
040.22+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 16: 'to suspicion'
040.22+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 11: 'she set still' (i.e. sat)
040.23on a twoodstool on the verge of selfabyss, most starved, with
040.23+VI.B.3.159e (o): 'on the verge of suicide'
040.23+French Slang verge: penis (literally 'rod')
040.23+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 8: 'you must be most starved'
040.24melancholia over everything in general, (night birman, you served
040.24+VI.B.5.022d (r): 'everything in general'
040.24+Freeman's Journal 23 May 1924, 9/4: 'Hardresser's Denial. "Did Not Promise to Marry His Landlady"': 'the defendant said that at present he had no income... Mr. Henry — What became of the £5 a week? Defendant — I spent it. On what? — On everything in general'
040.24+French birman: Burmese
040.25him with natigal's nano!) had been towhead tossing on his shake-
040.25+Burmese nat: spirit
040.25+Burmese -gale (denoting offspring)
040.25+Burmese nwa-no: milk
040.25+Italian nano: dwarf
040.25+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 12: 'towhead' (a river sand-bar)
040.25+Slang tossing: masturbating
040.26down, devising ways and manners of means, of what he loved
040.26+(plans to commit suicide)
040.26+Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner VII.64: 'What manner of man art thou?'
040.26+Mark 4:41: 'What manner of man is this?'
040.27to ifidalicence somehow or other in the nation getting a hold of
040.27+if he'd a licence
040.27+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 13: 'how in the nation'
040.28some chap's parabellum in the hope of taking a wing sociable
040.28+VI.B.10.049g (r): 'parabellum (rev)'
040.28+parabellum: type of pistol [087.14]
040.28+phrase take wing: to depart, to flee; (of a bird) to begin flying
040.28+Slang wing: penny
040.29and lighting upon a sidewheel dive somewhere off the Dullkey
040.29+Motif: up/down [.29-.30]
040.29+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 19: 'side-wheel' (paddle steamboat)
040.29+Dalkey, Kingstown and Blackrock Tram Line (Kingstown was renamed Dún Laoghaire after the Irish independence)
040.29+Dialect daffydowndilly: daffodil (nursery rhyme Daffy-down-dilly)
040.30Downlairy and Bleakrooky tramaline where he could throw true
040.30+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 11: 'throw true'
040.31and go and blow the sibicidal napper off himself for two bits to
040.31+Latin sibi is the dative of the reflexive pronoun (i.e. 'to oneself, for oneself'), whereas Latin sui is the genitive of the same (i.e. 'of oneself')
040.31+(killing a sibling)
040.31+Slang napper: head
040.31+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 9: 'worth two bits'
040.32boldywell baltitude in the peace and quitybus of a one sure shot
040.32+bloody well
040.32+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 19: 'balditude'
040.32+VI.B.3.056a (r): 'peace and quietness'
040.32+Corkery: The Hounds of Banba 120: 'The Aherns': 'If you rise again I'll go out and sleep in the shed — I'd have more peace and quietness'
040.32+Latin quietibus: rests, dreams (dative or ablative)
040.32+city bus
040.32+Little Sure Shot: an epithet of Annie Oakley, American sharpshooter
040.33bottle, he after having being trying all he knew with the lady's
040.34help of Madam Gristle for upwards of eighteen calanders to get
040.34+Grisel Steevens founded Steevens' Hospital, Dublin
040.34+(calendar months)
040.34+VI.B.3.001e (r): 'I am trying to get into Jervis Street'
040.34+(get himself admitted into a hospital)
040.35out of Sir Patrick Dun's, through Sir Humphrey Jervis's and
040.35+Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital, Dublin
040.35+Jervis Street Hospital, Dublin (the street is named after Sir Humphrey Jervis, sheriff 1674)
040.35+Jerry [.36]
040.36into the Saint Kevin's bed in the Adelaide's hosspittles (from
040.36+Saint Kevin's Hospital, Dublin
040.36+Saint Kevin's Bed: a small man-made cave at Glendalough, said to have been used as a sleeping place by Saint Kevin
040.36+Motif: Jerry/Kevin [.35] [041.03]
040.36+Adelaide Hospital, Dublin

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