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Finnegans Wake lines: 24
Elucidations found: 111

048.01     Chest Cee! 'Sdense! Corpo di barragio! you spoof of visibility
048.01+{{Synopsis: I.3.1.A: [048.01-050.32]: what became of the previously-mentioned characters — as time passes, they are all dead}}
048.01+Souvenir of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Opening of The Gaiety Theatre 31: 'who that has seen him can ever forget the operatic tenor of the old school... the gentleman who so strangely and wonderfully used to work himself up to the point of delivering his famous chest C'
048.01+just see
048.01+Italian corpo di Bacco!: by God! (mild oath; literally 'body of Bacchus')
048.01+Slang barrage: an excessive quantity [.05]
048.01+Anglo-Irish Slang spoof: to boast, to embellish facts
048.01+Italian sbuffo: gust, puff (of wind)
048.02in a freakfog, of mixed sex cases among goats, hill cat and plain
048.02+freak fog
048.02+Motif: mixed gender [049.02] [050.06]
048.02+Slang hell-cat: a lewd, boisterous or spiteful person (said of men and women)
048.02+hill, plain (topography)
048.02+cat, mouse
048.02+plain: (usually of a woman) ordinary, unattractive
048.03mousey, Bigamy Bob and his old Shanvocht! The Blackfriars
048.03+mousey: (usually of a woman) quiet, timid
048.03+Anglo-Irish Shan Van Vocht: Poor Old Woman (poetic name for Ireland, strongly associated with Irish nationalism, especially through song The Shan Van Vocht; literally 'old woman poor', so 'old shan vocht' would be 'old old poor')
048.03+The Blackfriars "Treacle Plaster" Outrage: the popular name of a fairly notorious robbery that took place in the Blackfriars district of London in 1912, where several men slapped treacle plaster on the face of a cashier coming from a bank and robbed him of the money bag he was carrying (Slang treacle plaster: brown paper smeared with a sticky substance, used by thieves to remove glass carefully)
048.03+the Blackfriars district of London in named after the Blackfriars Priory that stood there from the 13th to the 16th century, famous for being the site of the 1529 divorce hearings of Catherine of Aragon and Henry VIII
048.04treacle plaster outrage be liddled! Therewith was released in that
048.04+be damned
048.04+Alice P. Liddell: child-friend of Lewis Carroll and model for Lewis Carroll's Alice
048.04+(with the reciting of the ballad)
048.05kingsrick of Humidia a poisoning volume of cloud barrage indeed.
048.05+Obsolete kingrick: kingdom
048.05+Arthur Barraclough: Dublin tenor
048.05+Slang barrage: an excessive quantity [.01]
048.06Yet all they who heard or redelivered are now with that family
048.06+(heard or redelivered the ballad)
048.06+VI.B.42.107c (o): 'Hosty (family bard)' (Hosty)
048.06+Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian I.11: A Dissertation Concerning the Æra of Ossian: 'Every chief in process of time had a bard in his family, and the office became at last hereditary. By the succession of these bards, the poems concerning the ancestors of the family were handed down from generation to generation'
048.07of bards and Vergobretas himself and the crowd of Caraculacticors
048.07+VI.B.42.107a (o): 'Vergobretus'
048.07+Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian I.5: A Dissertation Concerning the Æra of Ossian: (of Caledonian Druids) 'It was by their authority that the tribes were united, in times of the greatest danger, under one head. This temporary king, or Vergobretus... was chosen by them, and generally laid down his office at the end of the war... It was in the beginning of the second century that their power among the Caledonians begun to decline... The Vergobretus, or chief magistrate, was chosen without the concurrence of the hierarchy, or continued in his office against their will' (glossed in a footnote: 'Fer-gubreth, the man to judge')
048.07+Vercingetorix: 1st century BC Gallic chieftain who revolted against the Romans and was defeated by Julius Caesar (Motif: Caractacus/Vercingetorix)
048.07+VI.B.42.107b (o): 'Caracul caracalla'
048.07+Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian I.8: A Dissertation Concerning the Æra of Ossian: 'The exploits of Fingal against Caracul... the son of the King of the World, are among the first brave actions of his youth... Caracul... is no other than Caracalla... the son of Severus, the Emperor of Rome' (glossed in a footnote: 'Carac'huil, terrible eye. Carac-'healla, terrible look. Carac-challamh, a sort of upper garment')
048.07+character actors
048.07+caracul: a breed of Asiatic sheep (often spelled 'karakul')
048.07+Caractacus: 1st century British chieftain who resisted the Roman invasion of Britain
048.08as much no more as be they not yet now or had they then not-
048.08+(as though they were yet to be or had never been at all)
048.08+Motif: Not yet
048.08+Apocrypha: Sirach 44:9: 'And some there be, which have no memorial; who are perished, as though they had never been; and are become as though they had never been born'
048.09ever been. Canbe in some future we shall presently here amid
048.09+future, present (Motif: tenses)
048.10those zouave players of Inkermann the mime mumming the mick
048.10+Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 46: 'Appearance of "The Zouave Artistes," announced as "The original Founders of the Theatre at Inkermann, during the Crimean War"... the female parts being performed by men'
048.10+Zouave: French corps for the defence of the pope, 1860-71
048.10+The Mime of Mick, Nick and the Maggies (*V*, *C* and *Q*; Motif: Mick/Nick) [219.18-.19]
048.11and his nick miming their maggies, Hilton St Just (Mr Frank
048.11+Joyce: Ulysses.16.1850: 'usual hackneyed run of catchy tenor solos foisted on a confiding public by Ivan St Austell and Hilton St Just and their genus omne'
048.11+Saint Just and Saint Austell: towns in Cornwall
048.11+Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 67n: 'Mr. Frank Smyth' (appearing under the stage name of Mr. Vyvyan in an 1879 performance of 'Maritana') [.12]
048.11+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Mr Frank...} | {Png: ...Mr. Frank...}
048.12Smith), Ivanne Ste Austelle (Mr J. F. Jones), Coleman of Lucan
048.12+German ausstellen: to exhibit, to show, to issue, to make out
048.12+Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 67n: 'Mr. J.F. Jones' (appearing under the stage name of Mr. S. Vincent in an 1879 performance of 'Maritana') [.11]
048.12+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Mr J. F. Jones...} | {Png: ...Mr. J. F. Jones...}
048.12+Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 49: 'Mr. John Collins was son of a former proprietor of the Lucan Spa Hotel'
048.12+Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 68: 'The new dramatic Romance by Algernon Willoughby, "Valjean"... in which Mr. Coleman assumed four characters'
048.13taking four parts, a choir of the O'Daley O'Doyles doublesixing
048.13+Irish Dáil: Assembly, the lower chamber of the post-independence Irish parliament (pronounced 'doyl')
048.13+double-six (twelve (*O*))
048.14the chorus in Fenn Mac Call and the Serven Feeries of Loch Neach,
048.14+pantomime Fin M'Coul and the Fairies of Lough Neagh (at Theatre Royal, Dublin, 1844)
048.14+according to legend, Finn MacCool tore up in anger a sod of turf from Ireland and threw it into the Irish Sea, thereby creating both Lough Neagh and the Isle of Man
048.14+Motif: Mick/Nick
048.14+French féerie: fairy-play
048.15Galloper Troppler and Hurleyquinn the zitherer of the past with his
048.15+Swift: Gulliver's Travels
048.15+Harlequin (frequently appearing in 19th century Theatre Royal pantomimes)
048.15+zitherist: one who plays the zither
048.15+German Zitierer: quoter, one who quotes
048.16merrymen all, zimzim, zimzim. Of the persins sin this Eyrawyg-
048.16+merry men: followers of a knight
048.16+Motif: By the Magazine Wall, zinzin, zinzin
048.16+Italian persi: lost
048.16+Italian persino: even
048.16+(of the persons in this saga... no one end is known) [.24]
048.16+Persse (Persse O'Reilly)
048.16+VI.B.10.022i (r): 'People in the Story'
048.16+Sunday Pictorial 29 Oct 1922, 18/1: 'Less than the Dust by Henry St. John Cooper': 'People in the Story' (above list of characters)
048.16+VI.B.16.003d (b): 'Eyrwyggla Saga'
048.16+Walsh: Scandinavian Relations with Ireland during the Viking Period 31: 'Eyrbyggía Saga tells of both Thórodd, the owner of a large ship of burden, and of Guthleif, who went with other traders on voyages "west to Dublin"'
048.16+Eyrbyggja saga ('Ere-landers Saga'): one of the great Icelandic sagas
048.16+Irish Éire: Ireland
048.17gla saga (which, thorough readable to int from and, is from tubb
048.17+Archaic thorough: from end to end, throughout
048.17+(readable throughout; nothing but the end is readable)
048.17+phrase from end to end: from the very beginning to the very end, from one extremity to the other, throughout
048.17+Motif: top/bottom
048.18to buttom all falsetissues, antilibellous and nonactionable and this
048.18+phrase a tissue of falsehood
048.19applies to its whole wholume) of poor Osti-Fosti, described as
048.19+(CHARACTER: Hosty)
048.19+Italian ostia: Eucharist, consecrated bread; sacrifical victim
048.19+Italian oste: innkeeper, host
048.19+Italian fosti: were (second person singular)
048.19+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Osti-Fosti, described...} | {Png: ...Osti-Fosti described...}
048.20quite a musical genius in a small way and the owner of an
048.21exceedingly niced ear, with tenorist voice to match, not alone,
048.21+tenorist: tenor singer
048.22but a very major poet of the poorly meritary order (he began
048.22+purely military
048.22+Italian meritare: to earn (wages)
048.23Tuonisonian but worked his passage up as far as the we-all-
048.23+Finnish tuoni: figure of death
048.23+Dario de Tuoni: Triestine friend and pupil of Joyce
048.23+Italian suonanti tuoni: thundering thunders
048.23+Tennysonian: in the style of Alfred Lord Tennyson
048.23+phrase work one's passage: to pay for one's travel on a ship by working during the voyage
048.23+phrase work one's way up: to rise in position or rank through hard work ('way' is one of the meanings of 'passage')
048.24hang-together Animandovites) no one end is known. If they
048.24+Italian animando vite: giving life
048.24+(none of their ends is known; they did not all end in the same way)

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