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Finnegans Wake lines: | 36 |
Elucidations found: | 169 |
068.01 | one day while dodging chores that she stripped teasily for binocu- |
–068.01+ | VI.B.10.117c (r): 'he strips well' |
–068.01+ | striptease |
–068.01+ | easily |
068.02 | lar man and that her jambs were jimpjoyed to see each other, the |
–068.02+ | (her legs are always spread, so they rarely see each other) |
–068.02+ | French jambes: legs |
–068.02+ | phrase jump for joy: to be extremely excited with joy |
–068.02+ | James Joyce |
068.03 | nautchy girly soon found her fruitful hat too small for her and |
–068.03+ | Anglo-Indian nautch: an exhibition of dancing by professional dancing-girls |
–068.03+ | naughty girl |
–068.03+ | VI.B.3.115c (r): 'fruitful hat' |
–068.03+ | O. Henry: The Four Million 201: 'Sisters of the Golden Circle': 'a girl in a loose tan jacket and a straw hat adorned with grapes and roses... The girl in the fruitful hat' |
–068.03+ | VI.B.10.116j (r): 'her hat became too small' |
–068.03+ | Evening Standard 27 Jan 1923, 6/3: 'Woman's Hair-Dyeing': 'Plaintiff stated that... she... had her hair dyed with "Inecta" at the shop. After about two hours her head began to swell until her hat was too small, and there was great pain' |
068.04 | rapidly taking time, look, she rapidly took to necking, partying |
–068.04+ | (acting without haste; consulting a clock) |
–068.04+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...time, look, she...} | {Png: ...time look she...} |
068.05 | and selling her spare favours in the haymow or in lumber closets |
–068.05+ | selling her favours (Cluster: Prostitution) |
–068.05+ | Colloquial the hay: bed |
–068.05+ | hay-mow: a stack of hay; a place in a barn where hay is heaped up |
–068.05+ | lumbar |
068.06 | or in the greenawn ad huck (there are certain intimacies in all |
–068.06+ | green lawn |
–068.06+ | Irish grianán: sunny house, house of the sun (in ancient Ireland, an elevated and sunlit upper room or apartment, sometimes used as a sanctuary for women or princesses) |
–068.06+ | Latin ad hoc: for a particular purpose only, impromptu |
–068.06+ | Dialect huck: hip (part of the body) |
–068.06+ | German Dialect hucken: to squat |
–068.06+ | Slang fuck: to have sex with (Cluster: Prostitution) |
068.07 | ladies' lavastories we just lease to imagination) or in the sweet |
–068.07+ | lavatories |
–068.07+ | love-stories |
–068.07+ | leave |
–068.07+ | sweet... close [023.11] |
068.08 | churchyard close itself for a bit of soft coal or an array of thin |
–068.08+ | close: an enclosure about or beside a building, especially a cathedral |
–068.08+ | VI.B.10.036j (o): 'soft coal (gems)' |
–068.08+ | soft coal: a coal of low rank, brown coal or lignite (a hard compact black form of it, susceptible of a brilliant polish, known as jet, is used for making beads, buttons and jewellery, especially mourning jewellery) |
068.09 | trunks, serving whom in fine that same hot coney a la Zingara |
–068.09+ | human kind |
–068.09+ | phrase in fine: finally |
–068.09+ | hot, chilly, cool [.09-.11] |
–068.09+ | Archaic coney: rabbit |
–068.09+ | Obsolete Slang coney: female genitalia (now spelled 'cunny') |
–068.09+ | Italian alla zingara: gipsy-like |
068.10 | which our own little Graunya of the chilired cheeks dished up |
–068.10+ | Colloquial granny: grandmother |
–068.10+ | Grania was the young betrothed of the much older Finn [.11] [.14] |
–068.10+ | chili-red |
–068.10+ | Greek cheilê: lips |
068.11 | to the greatsire of Oscar, that son of a Coole. Houri of the coast |
–068.11+ | Finn was the grandfather of Oscar and the son of Cool (Cumhall) [.10] [.14] |
–068.11+ | HCE (Motif: HCE) |
–068.11+ | houri: nymph of the Muslim paradise [.15] |
068.12 | of emerald, arrah of the lacessive poghue, Aslim-all-Muslim, the |
–068.12+ | Emerald Isle: a name for Ireland |
–068.12+ | ALP (Motif: ALP) |
–068.12+ | Boucicault: Arrah-na-Pogue (a melodramatic play about love and loyalty set during the Irish Rebellion of 1798) |
–068.12+ | Allah |
–068.12+ | Latin lacesso: I provoke |
–068.12+ | German lasziv: lascivious, wanton |
–068.12+ | Anglo-Irish pogue: kiss |
–068.12+ | Arabic aslim!: surrender! |
–068.12+ | Arabic Muslim: one who is resigned [.13] |
–068.12+ | Arabic Islam: self-surrender [.13] |
068.13 | resigned to her surrender, did not she, come leinster's even, true |
–068.13+ | did not she [.19] |
–068.13+ | French comme: like, as |
–068.13+ | Eva, the daughter of Diarmaid MacMurrough, 12th century king of Leinster, married Strongbow, the leader of the Anglo-Norman invaders of Ireland [.19] |
–068.13+ | Archaic even: evening, eve |
068.14 | dotter of a dearmud, (her pitch was Forty Steps and his perch old |
–068.14+ | Icelandic dottir: daughter |
–068.14+ | Diarmuid eloped with Grania [.10-.11] |
–068.14+ | Cromwell's Quarters, a short lane of steps in Dublin, was popularly known as Forty Steps (Oliver Cromwell) |
068.15 | Cromwell's Quarters) with so valkirry a licence as sent many a |
–068.15+ | VI.B.15.185c (b): 'valkirries' |
–068.15+ | Conder: The Rise of Man 240: (comparing the houris of the Muslim paradise to) 'the Valkyries ("hero-choosers"), and swan maidens, of the Norse, which were the white clouds' [.11] |
–068.15+ | valkyries: in Norse mythology, female attendants who choose and guide fallen heroes from the battlefield to Valhalla [069.07] |
–068.15+ | Greek Kyrie eleison: Lord, have mercy (prayer) |
–068.15+ | phrase send packing: to dismiss, to turn away |
068.16 | poor pucker packing to perdition, again and again, ay, and again |
–068.16+ | Motif: alliteration (p) |
–068.16+ | Slang bugger: fellow, chap (from bugger: sodomite) |
–068.16+ | Italian perdita: loss |
–068.16+ | gain |
–068.16+ | (three times; Motif: 2&3) [.17] |
068.17 | sfidare him, tease fido, eh tease fido, eh eh tease fido, toos top- |
–068.17+ | Italian sfidare: to challenge |
–068.17+ | Italian ti sfido: I challenge you |
–068.17+ | Italian fido: I trust; faithful |
–068.17+ | Fido is a common name for a dog [.18] |
–068.17+ | Motif: alliteration (t, d) |
–068.17+ | to his |
–068.17+ | two [.16] |
068.18 | ples topple, stop, dug of a dog of a dgiaour, ye! Angealousmei! |
–068.18+ | giaour: Turkish term of reproach for non-Muslims, especially Christians |
–068.18+ | Latin angelus Dei: angel of God |
–068.18+ | Greek agallomai: I rejoice |
–068.18+ | jealous |
–068.18+ | Latin mei: of me |
068.19 | And did not he, like Arcoforty, farfar off Bissavolo, missbrand |
–068.19+ | VI.B.14.088b (r): 'did not he' [.13] |
–068.19+ | FitzGerald: Miscellanies 90: 'Euphranor': (of Socrates) 'did not he profess that his Soul was naturally an ugly soul to begin with?' |
–068.19+ | Genesis 7:12: (of the Flood and Noah's Ark) 'And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. In the selfsame day entered Noah... into the ark' |
–068.19+ | Italian arco, forte: bow, strong (Strongbow) [.13] |
–068.19+ | Italian arcobaleno: rainbow [.20] |
–068.19+ | Danish farfar: paternal grandfather |
–068.19+ | far off |
–068.19+ | of |
–068.19+ | Italian bisavolo: great grandfather |
–068.19+ | misbrand |
068.20 | her behaveyous with iridescent huecry of down right mean false |
–068.20+ | behaviour |
–068.20+ | iridescent: displaying colours and hues like the rainbow [.19] |
–068.20+ | phrase hue and cry: outcry, public cry of alarm or pursuit or disapproval (but given that 'hue' also means 'colour', Motif: ear/eye) |
–068.20+ | sol-fa system of musical note representation, in order: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la , si, do (seven notes for seven colours of the rainbow; Motif: 7 colours of rainbow) [.19] [.21] |
068.21 | sop lap sick dope? Tawfulsdreck! A reine of the shee, a shebeen |
–068.21+ | German Teufelsdreck: devil's dung |
–068.21+ | Professor Teufelsdröckh: fictional philosopher in Thomas Carlyle's Sartor Resartus |
–068.21+ | awful |
–068.21+ | French reine: queen |
–068.21+ | Anglo-Irish shee: fairy |
–068.21+ | Anglo-Irish shebeen: illicit tavern (from Irish síbín) |
–068.21+ | Queen of Sheba |
–068.21+ | Hebrew shebha: seven [.20] |
068.22 | quean, a queen of pranks. A kingly man, of royal mien, regally |
–068.22+ | Archaic quean: female, woman, ill-bred woman, prostitute (Cluster: Prostitution) |
–068.22+ | the prankquean |
–068.22+ | queen, king |
–068.22+ | VI.B.6.091e (b): 'a kingly monarch of royal line, regally robed' (only last four words crayoned) |
–068.22+ | Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 135 (sec. 131): 'Kingly, royal, and regal: who is able to tell exactly how these adjectives differ in signification?' |
068.23 | robed, exalted be his glory! So gave so take: Now not, not now! |
–068.23+ | Koran: Suras X and XVII: 'Extolled be His glory' |
–068.23+ | Job 1:21: 'the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away' |
–068.23+ | phrase give and take: compromise, mutual yielding |
068.24 | He would just a min. Suffering trumpet! He thought he want. |
–068.24+ | minute |
068.25 | Whath? Hear, O hear, living of the land! Hungreb, dead era, |
–068.25+ | Motif: Hear, hear! |
–068.25+ | phrase living off the land: sustaining oneself on produce harvested or hunted from the countryside |
–068.25+ | phrase land of the living: life (a biblical phrase) |
–068.25+ | living, dead |
–068.25+ | Hungary |
–068.25+ | deaf ear |
068.26 | hark! He hea, eyes ravenous on her lippling lills. He hear her voi |
–068.26+ | Motif: ear/eye |
–068.26+ | Motif: dark/fair (raven, lily) |
–068.26+ | rippling rills |
–068.26+ | lips |
–068.26+ | Volapük lil: ear |
–068.26+ | hears her voice of days gone by |
068.27 | of day gon by. He hears! Zay, zay, zay! But, by the beer of his |
–068.27+ | VI.B.17.082e (r): 'zay zay' (i.e. JJ for James Joyce) |
–068.27+ | French zézaiement: a speech defect whereby 'j' is pronounced as 'z', and similar substitutions (Chervin: Bégaiement 290: (of this defect) 'Exemples... zouzou, — joujou' (French 'Examples... zouzou, — joujou')) |
–068.27+ | Hungarian zaj: noise |
–068.27+ | phrase by the beard of the prophet (oath popularly supposed to be used by Muslims) |
068.28 | profit, he cannot answer. Upterputty till rise and shine! Nor needs |
–068.28+ | Downing: Digger Dialects 52: 'UP TO PUTTY — Bad; useless; ineffectual. UPTER — A corruption of "Up to Putty"' (World War I Slang) |
–068.28+ | Downing: Digger Dialects 43: 'RISE-AND-SHINE — Reveille' (World War I Slang) |
–068.28+ | (no memorial required) |
068.29 | none shaft ne stele from Phenicia or Little Asia to obelise on |
–068.29+ | shaft: an obelisk or column erected as a memorial |
–068.29+ | Archaic ne: nor |
–068.29+ | stele: an upright sculptured slab serving as a monument |
–068.29+ | Asia Minor |
–068.29+ | obelise: to mark a word or passage with an obelisk or dagger |
068.30 | the spout, neither pobalclock neither folksstone, nor sunkenness |
–068.30+ | spot |
–068.30+ | Irish pobal: people, public |
–068.30+ | Irish cloch: stone |
–068.30+ | a stone pillar named 'Lapis tituli' at Folkestone in Kent marked the landing place of the Saxons there (similar to the Viking 'Long Stone' in Dublin) |
–068.30+ | Folkestone and Dungeness are both on the South Kent coast |
–068.30+ | phrase sink like a stone: to sink very quickly |
068.31 | in Tomar's Wood to bewray how erpressgangs score off the rued. |
–068.31+ | VI.B.7.173c (r): 'Tomar's wood' |
–068.31+ | Haliday: The Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin 31-32: 'Tomar, or Thormodr, signifying "Thorsman," or one devoted to Thor, the Scandinavian deity... and a wood near Dublin, "Tomar's wood," probably from having been devoted to the religious services of Thor' |
–068.31+ | Irish forces at the Battle of Clontarf were stationed in Tomar's Wood |
–068.31+ | Archaic bewray: expose, make known |
–068.31+ | German erpressen: to blackmail, to extort |
–068.31+ | press-gang: a body of men employed to press others into military service |
–068.31+ | off the red (billiards) |
–068.31+ | road |
068.32 | The mouth that tells not will ever attract the unthinking tongue |
–068.32+ | |
068.33 | and so long as the obseen draws theirs which hear not so long |
–068.33+ | obscene |
–068.33+ | Motif: ear/eye (see, hear) |
068.34 | till allearth's dumbnation shall the blind lead the deaf. Tatcho, |
–068.34+ | all earth's damnation |
–068.34+ | Matthew 15:14: 'And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch' |
–068.34+ | Motif: ear/eye (blind, deaf) |
–068.34+ | Gipsy tatcho: true (Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil 62) |
–068.34+ | Italian taccio: I am silent; I accuse (pronounced 'tatcho') |
068.35 | tawney yeeklings! The column of lumps lends the pattrin of the |
–068.35+ | Gipsy tawnie yecks: little ones, grandchildren (Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil 62) |
–068.35+ | Downing: Digger Dialects 17: 'COLUMN OF LUMPS — In disorderly military formation' (World War I Slang) |
–068.35+ | Padraic Colum [069.03] |
–068.35+ | leads |
–068.35+ | pattering |
–068.35+ | Gipsy pattin: a leaf (Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil 50) |
–068.35+ | Gipsy patrin: a Gipsy trail, handfuls of leaves or grass cast by the Gypsies on the road to denote to those behind the way which they have taken (Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil 50) |
–068.35+ | left behind |
068.36 | leaves behind us. If violence to life, limb and chattels, often as |
–068.36+ | Legalese phrase life, limb and chattels (often in reference to forfeiture imposed on convicted felons) |
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