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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 168

093.01their standing verdict of Nolans Brumans whereoneafter King,
093.01+Motif: Browne/Nolan
093.01+Latin phrase nolens volens: willing or unwilling
093.01+(Giordano Bruno of Nola was burned at the stake after his Inquisition trial guilty verdict)
093.01+French brumeux: foggy, hazy; uncertain, obscure
093.01+Archaic whereon: on which, whereupon
093.01+Festy King
093.02having murdered all the English he knew, picked out his pockets
093.02+Dick (Motif: Tom, Dick and Harry) [.03-.04]
093.02+(having spoken English with many mistakes; having killed many Englishmen)
093.02+English, Scottish, British [.02-.05]
093.02+Motif: Picts/Scots
093.02+(selected pockets in the crowd to walk through; emptied his pockets; pickpocketed himself)
093.03and left the tribunal scotfree, trailing his Tommeylommey's tunic
093.03+scot-free: without punishment or penalty (Archaic free of tax)
093.03+(under Scottish law, a criminal trial may end with a 'not proven' verdict, distinct from the standard 'guilty' and 'non guilty' ones)
093.03+Tom [.02]
093.03+Danish tomme lommer: empty pockets
093.04in his hurry, thereinunder proudly showing off the blink pitch to
093.04+Harry [.02]
093.04+thereinunder: later in the same document
093.04+black patch (Joyce wore one over his eye) [083.26]
093.04+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...pitch...} | {Png: ...patch...}
093.04+Patch: nickname for Patrick
093.04+Saint Patrick and Saint Brigid: patron saints of Ireland
093.05his britgits to prove himself (an't plase yous!) a rael genteel. To
093.05+Slang git: a worthless person
093.05+Anglo-Irish yous: you (plural)
093.05+phrase a real gentleman: a well-mannered person
093.06the Switz bobbyguard's curial but courtlike: Commodore valley O
093.06+Papal Swiss bodyguard
093.06+Slang bobby: policeman
093.06+The Curia: Papal Court
093.06+Latin Quomodo vales hodie, Arator generose?: How fares your health today, noble gentleman? (Motif: How are you today, my dark/fair sir?)
093.07hairy, Arthre jennyrosy?: the firewaterloover returted with such a
093.07+firewater: strong liquor
093.07+Battle of Waterloo [094.35] [095.04]
093.07+Joyce: Ulysses.17.183: 'Bloom, waterlover'
093.08vinesmelling fortytudor ages rawdownhams tanyouhide as would
093.08+(stench of alcohol)
093.08+Latin Fortitudo eius Rhodanum tenuit: His Strength Has Held the Rhône (one of the many possible explanations of FERT, the obscure motto of the Kingdom of Italy and the House of Savoy; Motif: FERT)
093.08+Motif: acronym: FART
093.08+Lithuanian raudonas: red
093.08+Colloquial phrase tan one's hide: to beat severely
093.09turn the latten stomach even of a tumass equinous (we were pre-
093.09+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...turn the latten...} | {Png: ...the latten...}
093.09+latten: brasslike alloy, used for crosses
093.09+Thomas Aquinas (said to have been a ravenous eater and very obese)
093.09+Colloquial tum: stomach, abdomen
093.09+equine: resembling a horse (Colloquial phrase eat like a horse: eat large amounts of food, have a very large appetite)
093.09+Variants: {FnF, Vkg: 'pre-' on .09, 'pared' on .10} | {Png: 'prepared' on .09}
093.10pared for the chap's clap cap, the accent, but, took us as, by surprise
093.10+claptrap: insincere language designed to catch applause
093.10+phrase took us by surprise: was unexpected by us, surprised us
093.10+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: surprise...} | {Png:, surprise...}
093.11and now we're geshing it like gush gash from a burner!) so that all
093.11+Slang gush: smell
093.11+Joyce: other works: Gas from a Burner
093.12the twofromthirty advocatesses within echo, pulling up their briefs
093.12+30 - 2 = 28 (Motif: 28-29; *Q*) [092.12]
093.12+Obsolete advocatess: a female advocate (especially applied to the Virgin Mary)
093.12+briefs: solicitors' case-summaries; short ladies' underwear
093.13at the krigkry: Shun the Punman!: safely and soundly soccered
093.13+German Krieg: war
093.13+Shem the Penman [092.13]
093.13+phrase safe and sound: free from danger or injury
093.13+Colloquial soccer: association football
093.14that fenemine Parish Poser, (how dare he!) umprumptu right-
093.14+fen: marsh, bog
093.14+feminine Irish rose [092.18]
093.14+parish priest
093.14+VI.B.8.206a (g): 'rightoway' === VI.B.8.108l (g): 'rightofway' [585.32]
093.14+right away
093.14+Motif: right/wrong
093.15oway hames, much to his thanks, gratiasagam, to all the wrong
093.15+Anglo-Irish make a hames of: make a mess of (from hames: the two curved pieces of wood forming the collar of a draught horse, which are supposedly easy to put the wrong way up)
093.15+VI.B.14.219a (o): 'Gratzagam'
093.15+when King Daire presented Saint Patrick with the gift of a splendid cauldron, the latter replied with a simple 'gratias agamus' (Latin 'let us give thanks'), which the king misheard as 'gratzacham'; offended by the brief answer, he took the cauldron away, with Saint Patrick again replying only with 'gratzacham', upon which King Daire commended Saint Patrick for his steadfastness and imperturbability, and gave him back the cauldron
093.16donatrices, biss Drinkbattle's Dingy Dwellings where (for like
093.16+Latin donatrice: female donors
093.16+German bis: right to, all the way
093.16+Motif: Dear Dirty Dublin
093.16+inkbottle [182.31]
093.17your true venuson Esau he was dovetimid as the dears at
093.17+Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe (as well as a pantomime)
093.17+Venus's son Aeneas
093.17+Jacob impersonated Esau and brought blind Isaac venison, as Esau used to do, in order to falsely obtain Isaac's blessing intended for the true firstborn son, Esau (Genesis 27; Motif: Jacob/Esau)
093.17+VI.B.15.069e (o): 'venison eaters timid'
093.17+Clodd: Tom Tit Tot 69: (of beliefs about the consumption of meat in some cultures) 'The lion's flesh gives courage, the deer's flesh causes timidity'
093.17+doves are associated with Venus
093.17+Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream I.2.85: 'BOTTOM:... I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove' [.18]
093.17+Motif: Tom/Tim [.18]
093.17+phrase timid as a deer
093.18Bottome) he shat in (zoo), like the muddy goalbind who he was
093.18+goal (in football) [.13]
093.19(dun), the chassetitties belles conclaiming: You and your gift of
093.19+Irish dún: shut
093.19+French Slang chasser: to flirt
093.19+chastity belt
093.19+Latin conclamo: cry out together
093.20your gaft of your garbage abaht our Farvver! and gaingridando:
093.20+phrase gift of the gab
093.20+prayer Our Father: Lord's Prayer
093.20+Danish farver: colours [219.01]
093.20+Italian gridando: shouting
093.21Hon! Verg! Nau! Putor! Skam! Schams! Shames!
093.21+French honte: shame
093.21+Italian vergogna!: shame!
093.21+French Slang verge: penis
093.21+Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.94n: 'Jal voyait à tort, dans l'exclamation nau! (c'est-à-dire noël!), le même mot que nau, navire' (French 'Jal saw wrongly, in the exclamation nau! (namely christmas!), the same word as nau, ship')
093.21+Irish naire: shame
093.21+Latin putor: foul smell
093.21+Latin pudor: shame
093.21+Danish skam: shame
093.21+German Scham: shame; genitals
093.22     And so it all ended. Artha kama dharma moksa. Ask Kavya for
093.22+{{Synopsis: I.4.1B.C: [093.22-094.22]: so it all ended — the letter, what was it?}}
093.22+VI.B.45.130c (o): 'arthakamadharma moksa'
093.22+Daumal: Les Pouvoirs de la Parole dans la Poétique Hindoue: (quoting from a classic Sanskrit treatise on poetry) 'La Poésie est un moyen de rendre plus facile l'étude des quatre sortes de mobiles [de la conduite humaine: artha, les biens matériels; kâma, plaisir-douleur, attrait-aversion; dharma, bien-mal, connaissance de la loi; enfin moksa, désir de la délivrance, effort pour se libérer des mobiles précédents]' (French 'Poetry is a means of facilitating the study of the four kinds of motives [of human conduct: artha, material goods; kâma, pleasure-pain, attraction-aversion; dharma, good-evil, knowledge of the law; finally moksa, desire for deliverance, effort to free oneself from the preceding motives]')
093.22+ask Kate for the key (*K*) [008.08]
093.22+VI.B.45.129m (o): 'Kavya (poesis audible)' (last word not crayoned)
093.22+Daumal: Les Pouvoirs de la Parole dans la Poétique Hindoue, endnote 6: (of Sanskrit) 'Le Théâtre est dit "Poésie visible", par distinction de la "Poésie audible [seulement]", à laquelle j'ai limité la présente étude. Kâvya "poésie", kavi "poète" signifient aussi "sagesse, sage"' (French 'The Theatre is called "Visible poetry", as distinct from "[only] Audible poetry", to which I have limited the present study. Kâvya "poetry", kavi "poet" also mean "wisdom, wise"')
093.23the kay. And so everybody heard their plaint and all listened to
093.23+Legalese plaint: statement of grievance made to a court of law, charge, complaint
093.24their plause. The letter! The litter! And the soother the bitther!
093.24+Obsolete plause: applause
093.24+Anglo-Irish plausy: flattery (from Irish plás)
093.24+Motif: Thalatta! Thalatta! [100.02]
093.24+Motif: The Letter [093.24-094.22]
093.24+written on letters by Irish children: 'Deliver the letter, The sooner the better'
093.24+sweet, bitter
093.25Of eyebrow pencilled, by lipstipple penned. Borrowing a word
093.25+eyebrow pencil
093.26and begging the question and stealing tinder and slipping like
093.26+phrase beg the question: prompt the obvious (mentioned) question; in logic, assume in the premises what one is set to prove (a type of circular logic fallacy)
093.27soap. From dark Rosa Lane a sigh and a weep, from Lesbia
093.27+J.C. Mangan: song Dark Rosaleen: (begins) 'O my dark Rosaleen, Do not sigh, do not weep!' (adapted from a 16th century Irish song; Anglo-Irish Dark Rosaleen: poetic name for Ireland)
093.27+Anglo-Irish dark : blind
093.27+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Rosa...} | {Png: ...Rasa...}
093.27+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Lesbia Hath a Beaming Eye
093.28Looshe the beam in her eye, from lone Coogan Barry his arrow
093.28+French louche: squint
093.28+Matthew 7:5: 'Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye'
093.28+J.J. Callanan: Gougane Barra (poem): 'There is a green island in lone Gougane Barra Where Allua of songs rushes forth as an arrow'
093.28+Kevin Barry: an IRA member who was executed by the British in 1920, at the age of 18, and whose death attracted much attention and accelerated the pace of the Irish War of Independence (song Kevin Barry)
093.28+Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: The Arrow and the Song (poem)
093.29of song, from Sean Kelly's anagrim a blush at the name, from
093.29+Irish Sean: John
093.29+John Kells Ingram: song The Memory of the Dead: 'Who fears to speak of Ninety Eight? Who blushes at the name?'
093.30I am the Sullivan that trumpeting tramp, from Suffering Duf-
093.30+A.M. Sullivan: brother of T.D. Sullivan (the twelve Sullivans) [006.15]
093.30+T.D. Sullivan: song God Save Ireland [air: Tramp, Tramp, Tramp] (the twelve Sullivans) [006.15]
093.30+Lady Dufferin: song The Lament of the Irish Emigrant: (begins) 'I'm sitting on the stile, Mary'
093.31ferin the Sit of her Style, from Kathleen May Vernon her Mebbe
093.31+Marion Crawford: song Kathleen Mavourneen: 'It may be for years and it may be forever'
093.31+Anglo-Irish mavourneen: my darling (term of endearment)
093.32fair efforts, from Fillthepot Curran his scotchlove machree-
093.32+Scotch lovage: a type of herb, sea-parsley
093.32+John Philpot Curran: Cushla Machree (poem)
093.32+Anglo-Irish machree: my heart (term of endearment)
093.32+Irish mo chréatúir: my poor creature (literally 'my creature')
093.33ther, from hymn Op. 2 Phil Adolphos the weary O, the leery,
093.33+song Off to Philadelphia in the Morning: (begins) 'Oh, me name is Paddy Leary'
093.33+Ptolemy II Philadelphus founded library at Alexandria
093.33+Greek philadelphos: one who loves one's brother
093.34O, from Samyouwill Leaver or Damyouwell Lover thatjolly
093.34+Samuel Lover: Irish novelist and songwriter (wrote song Molly Bawn and song The Bowld Sojer Boy) [.35] [106.06]
093.34+Charles Lever: Irish novelist (wrote Charles O'Malley) [.35] [106.06]
093.34+phrase love her and leave her
093.34+Daniel Lowrey [095.21]
093.34+that jolly
093.35old molly bit or that bored saunter by, from Timm Finn again's
093.35+song Finnegan's Wake (originally song Tim Finigan's Wake, written in the early 1860s by John F. Poole, American-Irish playwright, songwriter and theatre manager)
093.36weak tribes loss of strenghth to his sowheel, from the wedding
093.36+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation wake: weak
093.36+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...tribes loss...} | {Png: ...tribes, loss...}
093.36+less strength to his heel (Anglo-Irish phrase more power to his elbow!: well done! (expression of admiration and encouragement))
093.36+Irish samhail: ghost
093.36+song The Wearing of the Green

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