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Finnegans Wake lines: 23
Elucidations found: 77

125.01to the R.Q. with: shoots off in a hiss, muddles up in a mussmass
125.01+SH + EM = SHEM
125.02and his whole's a dismantled noondrunkard's son. Howbeit we
125.02+Noah (drunk, Genesis 9:21)
125.02+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 35: 'but, howbeit, we heard not a son to leave by him (that he left a son)'
125.03heard not a son of sons to leave by him to oceanic society in his
125.03+Song of Songs
125.03+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 2: 'This Text first published by Dr. O'Donovan (with a translation) for the Ossianic Society, 1859'
125.04old man without a thing in his ignorance, Tulko MacHooley.
125.04+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 40: 'Crimall (in his) old man' (i.e. old age)
125.04+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 42: 'it was in prophecy to him (the) salmon of Feic to eat, and without a thing in his ignorance at all (that he should know everything) then'
125.04+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 35: 'Tulcha, son of Cumhall' (Finn's elder brother)
125.05And it was thus he was at every time, that son, and the other
125.05+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 38: (of Finn) 'So (he) was on his road till (he) heard (the) cry of [the] one woman. He goes towards her till he saw the woman, and (there) were tears of blood every [with] time (at one time), and (there) was a vomiting of blood the other time (i.e. every second turn), till her mouth was red'
125.06time, the day was in it and after the morrow Diremood is the
125.06+Anglo-Irish the day was in it: that day, on that day
125.06+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 30: 'after (on) the morrow'
125.06+Diarmaid MacMurrough
125.06+Diarmuid eloped with Grania, Finn's betrothed
125.06+Irish an ainm atá ar fear scríobhtha na saltrach: is the name of the man who wrote the psalter (literally 'is the name is on the writing man of the psalter')
125.07name is on the writing chap of the psalter, the juxtajunctor of a
125.07+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 30: 'What name is on thee?'
125.07+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 1: (title page) '(FROM THE "SALTAIR OF CASHEL")' (i.e. Irish text from the Psalter of Cashel)
125.07+Latin 'juxtajunctor': harnesser-together
125.08dearmate and he passing out of one desire into its fellow. The
125.08+Diarmuid [.06]
125.08+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 25: (of Finn's mother) '(she) went out of each desert into its fellow (from one to the other)'
125.09daughters are after going and loojing for him, Torba's nice-
125.09+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 26: 'The daughter (woman)'
125.09+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 19: 'Torba, daughter of Eochaman of (the) Ernaans [it is she] was wife to Cumhall' (one of Finn's father's wives)
125.10lookers of the fair neck. Wanted for millinary servance to
125.10+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 19: 'Morna (of the) fair-neck' (one of the names of a warrior whose son would kill Finn's father)
125.10+military service
125.11olderly's person by the Totty Askinses. Formelly confounded
125.11+Dublin Slang totty: girl; prostitute
125.11+Colloquial Tommy Atkins: a private in the British army [281.L04]
125.11+German formell: formal
125.12with amother. Maybe growing a moustache, did you say, with
125.12+a mother
125.13an adorable look of amuzement? And uses noclass billiardhalls
125.13+VI.B.46.097v (g): 'an adorable look of amaze'
125.13+Sapper: John Walters 89: 'My Lady of the Jasmine': 'An adorable look of amazement came on her face'
125.13+German Zement: cement
125.14with an upandown ladder? Not Hans the Curier though had he
125.14+VI.B.46.097ag (g): 'up and over ladder'
125.14+Sapper: John Walters 131: 'The Man-Trap': 'An "up-and-over" — or trench-ladder — was lowered into the dug-out' (presumably World War I Slang)
125.14+up and down (Motif: up/down)
125.14+(not *V*) [.17] [.23]
125.14+'Clever Hans', trained horse [108.15]
125.14+Dutch Hans de Koerier: Shaun the Post (Motif: pen/post) [.23]
125.14+Hans Curjel: director of Corso Theatre, Zurich (and friend of Joyce)
125.14+Ham: son of Noah (Motif: Shem, Ham and Japhet) [.17] [.23]
125.15had have only had some little laughings and some less of cheeks
125.15+according to Ben Jonson, Shakespeare had 'smalle Latine and lesse Greeke' (Motif: Greek/Roman)
125.16and were he not so warried by his bulb of persecussion he could
125.16+VI.B.18.186l (k): 'bulb of percussion'
125.16+Impey: Origin of the Bushmen and the Rock Paintings of South Africa 47: (of prehistoric stone instruments) 'The Piltdown man... used flint instruments roughly dressed. None of these flint instruments had the bulb of percussion' (an eminence on a flint blade where it had been hit during shaping, considered an indication of human manufacture)
125.17have, ay, and would have, as true as Essex bridge. And not Go-
125.17+Dublin phrase It is as true as Essex Bridge
125.17+(not *Y*) [.14] [.23]
125.17+Greek pheugô: I go (pronounced 'févgo')
125.17+Japhet: son of Noah [.14]
125.18pheph go gossip, I declare to man! Noe! To all's much relief
125.18+Greek menô: I stay
125.19one's half hypothesis of that jabberjaw ape amok the showering
125.19+Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking-Glass ch. I: 'Jabberwocky'
125.19+jabbing [124.03-.12]
125.19+flowering chestnuts
125.20jestnuts of Bruisanose was hotly dropped and his room taken up
125.20+phrase drop like a hot chestnut: disassociate oneself from (someone or something) as quickly as possible
125.20+bruise a nose
125.20+Brasenose College, Oxford
125.21by that odious and still today insufficiently malestimated note-
125.21+VI.B.14.228f (r): 'notesnatcher *C*'
125.22snatcher (kak, pfooi, bosh and fiety, much earny, Gus, poteen?
125.22+Russian kak vy pozhivaete, moy chërny Gospodin?: how are you, my black sir? (Motif: How are you today, my dark/fair sir?)
125.22+Dutch kak: shit
125.22+German pfui!: pew!, ugh! (exclamation of disgust)
125.22+Dutch foei: fie! (exclamation of reproach or disgust)
125.22+bosh: foolish talk, nonsense
125.22+Anglo-Irish poteen: illicit whiskey
125.22+Henry Lawson: 'Sez You' (poem, 1893; each of the five stanzas ends with a small, but significant, variation on the same verse, e.g. 'For it can't go on forever, and — 'I'll rise some day,' says you.')
125.23Sez you!) Shem the Penman.
125.23+(*C*) [.14] [.17]
125.23+Shem: son of Noah [.14]
125.23+Motif: Shem/Shaun [.14]
125.23+Shem the Penman (Jim the Penman: nickname of James Townshend Saward, a notorious 19th century English barrister and forger) [.14]

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