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Finnegans Wake lines: | 36 |
Elucidations found: | 138 |
133.01 | silent as the bee in honey, stark as the breath on hauwck, Cos- |
–133.01+ | German stark: strong |
–133.01+ | Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian II.166: Temora I: 'Mor-annal' (glossed in a footnote: 'strong breath; a very proper name for a scout') |
–133.01+ | Howth (Howth Head) |
133.02 | tello, Kinsella, Mahony, Moran, though you rope Amrique your |
–133.02+ | Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian II.4: Fingal I: 'Moran the son of Fithil!' (glossed in a footnote: 'Moran signifies many') [131.28] |
–133.02+ | Europe |
–133.02+ | roam America |
133.03 | home ruler is Dan; figure right, he is hoisted by the scurve of |
–133.03+ | (Daniel O'Connell) |
–133.03+ | Motif: left/right |
–133.03+ | scruff |
133.04 | his shaggy neck, figure left, he is rationed in isobaric patties |
–133.04+ | (cannibalism) |
–133.04+ | (Eucharist) |
–133.04+ | isobars: lines joining areas of equal atmospheric pressure |
133.05 | among the crew; one asks was he poisoned, one thinks how much |
–133.05+ | |
133.06 | did he leave; ex-gardener (Riesengebirger), fitted up with |
–133.06+ | (Motif: Grand Old Gardener) |
–133.06+ | German Riesengebirge: Bohemian/Polish mountains, Sudetic range |
133.07 | planturous existencies would make Roseoogreedy (mite's) little |
–133.07+ | French plantureux: copious |
–133.07+ | Anglo-Irish planters: British settlers in Ireland given land confiscated from the Irish (a 16th-17th century colonisation policy) |
–133.07+ | song Sweet Rosie O'Grady |
–133.07+ | Dutch oog: eye |
133.08 | hose; taut sheets and scuppers awash but the oil silk mack Liebs- |
–133.08+ | German Hose: trousers |
–133.08+ | (storm at sea) |
–133.08+ | Nautical scuppers: openings at the edges of a ship's deck, to allow water to drain away |
–133.08+ | oilskin: cloth made waterproof through treatment with oil |
–133.08+ | mackintosh: a type of waterproof rubberised fabric (especially used for raincoats) |
–133.08+ | make |
–133.08+ | German Liebster: dearest |
–133.08+ | Wagner: Tristan und Isolde (Tristan and Iseult): Liebestod ('love-death' aria) |
–133.08+ | lobsterpot |
–133.08+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: 'Liebs-' on .08, 'terpet' on .09} | {Png: 'Lieb-' on .08, 'sterpet' on .09} |
133.09 | terpet micks his aquascutum; the enjoyment he took in kay |
–133.09+ | pet |
–133.09+ | makes |
–133.09+ | aquascutum: type of waterproof wool fabric (from Latin aquascutum: water shield) |
–133.09+ | Anglo-Irish Pronunciation kay: quay |
–133.09+ | Slang gay women: prostitutes |
133.10 | women, the employment he gave to gee men; sponsor to a squad |
–133.10+ | G. men: detectives |
133.11 | of piercers, ally to a host of rawlies; against lightning, explosion, |
–133.11+ | Persse O'Reilly |
–133.11+ | (twelve mishaps (Cluster: Insurance; *O*)) [.11-.13] |
133.12 | fire, earthquake, flood, whirlwind, burglary, third party, rot, loss |
–133.12+ | Motif: 4 elements (fire, earth, water, air) |
133.13 | of cash, loss of credit, impact of vehicles; can rant as grave as |
–133.13+ | |
133.14 | oxtail soup and chat as gay as a porto flippant; is unhesitent in |
–133.14+ | porto flip: a cocktail made of port wine, sugar, and an egg yolk |
–133.14+ | Parnell: hesitency [.15] |
133.15 | his unionism and yet a pigotted nationalist; Sylviacola is shy of |
–133.15+ | unionism: support for the maintenance of the parliamentary Union between Great Britain and Ireland (opposing nationalist Home Rule) |
–133.15+ | Pigott [.14] |
–133.15+ | bigotted |
–133.15+ | Latin silvicola: inhabiting woods |
133.16 | him, Matrosenhosens nose the joke; shows the sinews of peace in |
–133.16+ | in Wyss: The Swiss Family Robinson [129.34], the boy Jack is bitten in the leg by a lobster, but is somewhat protected by his sailors' trousers (German Matrosenhosen in the original text), then tries to hold it in his hands, only to be struck in the nose by its tail, causing his father to laugh out loud |
–133.16+ | knows |
133.17 | his chest-o-wars; fiefeofhome, ninehundred and thirtunine years |
–133.17+ | chest of drawers |
–133.17+ | fief: an estate in land (Vico discusses) |
–133.17+ | Motif: Fee faw fum |
–133.17+ | 939 year lease |
133.18 | of copyhold; is aldays open for polemypolity's sake when he's not |
–133.18+ | always |
–133.18+ | Greek polemos: war |
–133.18+ | Greek politeia: citizenship |
–133.18+ | the doors of Janus's Temple in the Roman Forum were always open in times of war and closed in times of peace (the latter being quite rare) |
133.19 | suntimes closed for the love of Janus; sucks life's eleaxir from |
–133.19+ | sometimes |
–133.19+ | Colloquial phrase for the love of Jesus! (exclamation of exasperation) |
–133.19+ | elixir of life (alchemy) |
–133.19+ | Eleazar in Halevy's opera La Juive |
133.20 | the pettipickles of the Jewess and ruoulls in sulks if any popeling |
–133.20+ | Maria the Jewess: important figure of early alchemy |
–133.20+ | Raoul: hero of Meyerbeer's Les Huguenots |
–133.20+ | rolls in silks |
–133.20+ | (Catholic) |
–133.20+ | Joyce: Ulysses.8.622: 'poplin... The huguenots brought that here' |
133.21 | runs down the Huguenots; Boomaport, Walleslee, Ubermeerschall |
–133.21+ | boom |
–133.21+ | Bonaparte |
–133.21+ | Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington |
–133.21+ | German über-: over-, super- |
–133.21+ | German Übermensch: Superman (in Nietzche's philosophy) |
–133.21+ | German Übersee: overseas |
–133.21+ | German Überschall: supersonic |
–133.21+ | German Meer: sea |
–133.21+ | marshal |
133.22 | Blowcher and Supercharger, Monsieur Ducrow, Mister Mudson, |
–133.22+ | blow |
–133.22+ | Blücher: Prussian general at Waterloo |
–133.22+ | Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 15: 'Mons. Ducrow and his Equestrian Company in the interesting spectacle, "The Battle of Waterloo." Ducrow was indeed the Napoleon of Equestrians' (Andrew Ducrow was a horseman) |
–133.22+ | Slang Mudson: Adam |
133.23 | master gardiner; to one he's just paunch and judex, to another |
–133.23+ | Ibsen: all plays: The Master Builder |
–133.23+ | (Motif: Grand Old Gardener) |
–133.23+ | Gardiner Street, Dublin |
–133.23+ | Punch and Judy |
–133.23+ | Latin judex: judge |
133.24 | full of beans and brehons; hallucination, cauchman, ectoplasm; |
–133.24+ | phrase full of beans: lively |
–133.24+ | Anglo-Irish brehon: judge in early medieval Ireland, under the indigenous Irish legal system (called Brehon Law) |
–133.24+ | HCE (Motif: HCE) |
–133.24+ | French cauchemar: nightmare |
–133.24+ | coachman |
–133.24+ | ectoplasm: materialised astral substance supposedly seen in spiritualistic séances |
133.25 | passed for baabaa blacksheep till he grew white woo woo woolly; |
–133.25+ | (Motif: stuttering) |
–133.25+ | nursery rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool? |
–133.25+ | Motif: dark/fair (black, white) |
–133.25+ | quite |
–133.25+ | (Motif: stuttering) |
133.26 | was drummatoysed by Mac Milligan's daughter and put to music |
–133.26+ | dramatised |
–133.26+ | Alice Milligan: The Last Feast of the Fianna (a one-act play about Finn MacCool) |
133.27 | by one shoebard; all fitzpatricks in his emirate remember him, the |
–133.27+ | Schubert: Die Forelle ('The Trout'; setting of poem by G.F.D. Schubart) |
–133.27+ | W.J. Fitzpatrick: authority on social life of past Ireland |
–133.27+ | Samuel A. Ossory Fitzpatrick: author of Fitzpatrick: Dublin, Historical and Topographical Account |
133.28 | boys of wetford hail him babu; indanified himself with boro tribute |
–133.28+ | song The Boys of Wexford |
–133.28+ | Hindustani Babu: Mr (term of respect) |
–133.28+ | Italian Childish babbo: father, daddy (used by Joyce regularly in signing his letters to his son) |
–133.28+ | indemnified |
–133.28+ | identified |
–133.28+ | Dane |
–133.28+ | Brian Boru: 10th-11th century Irish high king who defeated the Danes at the Battle of Clontarf, 1014 (his name is etymologised as 'Brian of the tributes') |
133.29 | and was schenkt publicly to brigstoll; was given the light in drey |
–133.29+ | German schenkt: pours, gives |
–133.29+ | German Schenke: inn, pub |
–133.29+ | Dutch schenken: to give, to pour out (a drink) |
–133.29+ | phrase sent to Coventry: ostracised |
–133.29+ | pub (called Bristol) |
–133.29+ | in 1172, Henry II granted the city of Dublin as a colony to the citizens of Bristol, with the same liberties and charters they were entitled to in Bristol (this led to many Bristolians emigrating to Dublin) |
–133.29+ | Slang the brig: military punishment cells |
–133.29+ | German drei: three |
–133.29+ | Joyce: Ulysses.12.1460: 'three birthplaces of the first duke of Wellington' |
133.30 | orchafts and entumuled in threeplexes; his likeness is in Terrecuite |
–133.30+ | German Ortschaft: village, place |
–133.30+ | entombed |
–133.30+ | tumulus: a barrow, a mound erected in ancient times over a grave |
–133.30+ | Latin triplex: threefold |
–133.30+ | terra-cotta |
–133.30+ | French cuite: burned, fired |
133.31 | and he giveth rest to the rainbowed; lebriety, frothearnity and |
–133.31+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...rainbowed...} | {Png: ...rain bowed...} |
–133.31+ | phrase Liberty, Fraternity, Equality (the motto of the French Revolution) |
–133.31+ | Archaic ebriety: drunkenness |
–133.31+ | frothiness (of beer) |
133.32 | quality; his reverse makes a virtue of necessity while his obverse |
–133.32+ | phrase make a virtue of necessity: make the best of a situation one is forced into |
–133.32+ | proverb Necessity is the mother of invention: if something is truly needed, a way will be found of achieving it |
133.33 | mars a mother by invention; beskilk his gunwale and he's the |
–133.33+ | |
133.34 | second imperial, untie points, unhook tenters and he's lath and |
–133.34+ | Hall: Dublin and Wicklow: 'In population and size, Dublin is the second city of the British Empire' |
–133.34+ | points attach hose to doublet |
–133.34+ | tenterhooks (cloth stretched on tenter) |
–133.34+ | Rhyming Slang lath and plaster: master |
133.35 | plaster; calls upon Allthing when he fails to appeal to Eachovos; |
–133.35+ | Danish Althing: national assembly |
–133.35+ | each of us |
–133.35+ | Italian uovo: egg |
133.36 | basidens, ardree, kongsemma, rexregulorum; stood into Dee mouth, |
–133.36+ | Greek basileus: king |
–133.36+ | Irish ardrí: high king (of Ireland) [.28] |
–133.36+ | Norwegian kongsemne: heir to the crown; pretender, claimant |
–133.36+ | Ibsen: all plays: Kongs-Emnerne (The Crown-Pretenders) |
–133.36+ | Latin rex regulorum: king of princes, king of petty kings |
–133.36+ | Saint Patrick was said to have landed at Inverdea, at the mouth of the Vartry river (previously the Dea river) |
–133.36+ | Dee river (two such rivers, in Scotland and in England) |
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