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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 137

134.01then backed broadside on Baulacleeva; either eldorado or ultimate
134.01+Irish Baile Átha Cliath: Town of the Ford of the Hurdles (the Irish name of Dublin)
134.01+German Klee: clover
134.01+El Dorado: a myth among the Spanish conquistadors of South America about a fabled city or land of gold
134.01+Ultima Thule: a legendary place seen as the extreme limit of travel or discovery
134.02thole; a kraal of fou feud fires, a crawl of five pubs; laid out lash-
134.02+Anglo-Irish thole: to suffer, endure
134.02+kraal: in South Africa, a village or cattle enclosure
134.02+Czech král: king
134.02+French fou: crazy, insane
134.02+Scottish fou: drunk
134.02+Anglo-Irish lashings: plenty
134.03ings of laveries to hunt down his family ancestors and then pled
134.03+Anglo-Irish Slang lavery: Irish one pound note with portrait of Lady Lavery posing as an Irish colleen (painted by her husband, Sir John Lavery)
134.03+Motif: up/down [.03-.04]
134.04double trouble or quick quits to hush the buckers up; threw peb-
134.04+double or quits
134.04+double, treble, quadruple, quintuple
134.04+Latin quidquid: whatever
134.04+Slang quid: pound sterling
134.04+American Slang buck: dollar
134.04+Slang buggers: fellows, chaps (from bugger: sodomite)
134.04+Deucalion and Pyrrha, the only two survivors of the Flood in Greek mythology, created people by throwing stones behind their back
134.04+in popular superstition, throwing a pinch of salt over one's left shoulder averts the bad luck associated with spilling salt
134.05blets for luck over one sodden shoulder and dragooned peoplades
134.05+Cadmus sowed dragons' teeth and armed warriors sprang up (so had Jason)
134.05+Greek peos: penis
134.05+Greek opla: weapons
134.05+Greek pladô: to be flaccid
134.06armed to their teeth; pept as Gaudio Gambrinus, grim as Potter
134.06+Gaudio Gambrinus: Flemish king, brewed the first beer
134.06+Potter's Field: a common name for a cemetery for paupers and strangers (after Matthew 27:7: (of the chief priests and the thirty pieces of silver returned by the repenting Judas) 'And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in')
134.06+Peter the Great
134.07the Grave; ace of arts, deuce of damimonds, trouble of clubs, fear
134.07+ace of hearts, two of diamonds, three of clubs, four of spades
134.07+German vier: four (pronounced 'fear')
134.08of spates; cumbrum, cumbrum, twiniceynurseys fore a drum but
134.08+French Colloquial Cambronne: a euphemism for merde (as General Cambronne was said to have shouted 'Merde!' (French Slang 'Shit!'; an expletive indicating refusal) when ordered to retreat at the Battle of Waterloo)
134.08+General Cambronne married the British nurse who cared for him after he had been taken prisoner at the Battle of Waterloo
134.08+Motif: 2&3 (twin, tre)
134.08+twenty-nine (Motif: 28-29; *Q*)
134.08+Slang nurse: prostitute
134.08+Slang drum: brothel
134.09tre to uno tips the scale; reeled the titleroll opposite a brace of
134.09+30 - 1 = 29 (Motif: 28-29)
134.09+Italian tre: three
134.09+Italian uno: one
134.09+Motif: 2&3 (brace, three names; *IJ* and *VYC*) [.11]
134.09+brace: a pair, a couple
134.09+Anne Bracegirdle: actress
134.10girdles in Silver on the Screen but was sequenced from the set
134.10+Slang silver screen: cinema
134.11as Crookback by the even more titulars, Rick, Dave and Barry;
134.11+Richard III, 'Crookback'
134.11+Motif: Tom, Dick and Harry [.09]
134.11+Richard Burbage: Shakespearian actor
134.11+David Garrick and Spranger Barry: rival 18th century London and Dublin actors, respectively
134.12he can get on as early as the twentysecond of Mars but occasion-
134.12+(controversy between old Irish and Roman churches over the date of Easter)
134.12+22 March (first possible date of Easter)
134.13ally he doesn't come off before Virgintiquinque Germinal; his In-
134.13+25 April (last possible date for Easter)
134.13+Latin vigintiquinque: twenty-five
134.13+French germinal: seventh (early spring, March 21 to April 19) month of French Revolutionary calendar (25 Germinal fell on 14-16 April in the years it was in use)
134.13+Émile Zola: Germinal (novel about a young idealistic socialist against the backdrop of a miners' strike in 19th century France)
134.14dian name is Hapapoosiesobjibway and his number in arithmo-
134.14+(seven syllables)
134.14+Have papooses everywhere [535.34-.35]
134.14+Ojibwe: a Native American people of southern Canada and northern United States
134.14+arithmosophy: divination by numbers, numerology (appears several times in Ogden & Richards: The Meaning of Meaning)
134.15sophy is the stars of the plough; took weapon in the province of
134.15+The Plough: a prominent pattern of seven stars in the Ursa Major constellation
134.15+Starry Plough: a flag depicting a seven-starred plough-cum-sword, used by the Irish Citizen Army, a socialist republican group, during the 1916 Easter Rising and thereafter (the flag was designed by G.W. Russell (Æ), the Irish writer and theosophist, and is referred to and appears in Seán O'Casey: The Plough and the Stars (1926 play about the 1916 Easter Rising))
134.15+Wapentake: division of some English counties
134.16the pike and let fling his line on Eelwick; moves in vicous cicles
134.16+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn explanatory: 'In this book a number of dialects are used... the ordinary "Pike County" dialect'
134.16+pike, line, eel (fishing)
134.16+Vico's cycles
134.16+vicious circles
134.17yet remews the same; the drain rats bless his offals while the park
134.17+Archaic mew: to moult
134.17+Motif: new/same
134.18birds curse his floodlights; Portobello, Equadocta, Therecocta,
134.18+Portobello bridge, Dublin
134.18+Latin equa docta: skilled mare
134.18+terracotta (pipe)
134.19Percorello; he pours into the softclad shellborn the hard cash
134.19+Persse O'Reilly
134.19+Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin
134.19+HCE (Motif: HCE)
134.20earned in Watling Street; his birth proved accidental shows his
134.20+Watling Street, Dublin, borders on Guinness's Brewery
134.20+Watling Street, London (in the financial district, the City)
134.20+Wall Street, New York City (a by-name for the financial district)
134.21death its grave mistake; brought us giant ivy from the land of
134.21+Giant Ivy flourishes in Glenasmole (Finn's hunting ground)
134.21+Irish Tír na nÓg: Land of the Young (the Celtic Otherworld, land of the gods and the afterlife)
134.22younkers and bewitthered Apostolopolos with the gale of his gall;
134.22+younkers: young men (especially fasionable ones)
134.22+German Gewitter: thunderstorm, storm, weather
134.22+Greek apostolos: fleet ready to sail
134.22+Greek -opolos: son of (surname ending)
134.22+Mawer: The Vikings 58: 'the War of the Gaedhil with the Gaill' (a medieval Irish text about the 10th-11th century war between the Irish, led by Brian Boru, and the Vikings; Motif: Gall/Gael) [.23]
134.23while satisfied that soft youthful bright matchless girls should
134.23+VI.B.45.134i (o): 'soft, youthful, bright matchless girls their silkclad blooming W young active wellformed & handsome boys large'
134.23+Mawer: The Vikings 97: (quoting from The War of the Gaedhil with the Gaill, but without immediate attribution) 'When Limerick was re-captured by the Irish in 968, they carried off from the Vikings... "their soft, youthful, bright, matchless girls: their blooming silk-clad young women: and their active, large, and well formed boys". Such captives... would certainly be sold as slaves' [.22]
134.24bosom into fine silkclad joyous blooming young women is not
134.25so pleased that heavy swearsome strongsmelling irregularshaped
134.26men should blottout active handsome wellformed frankeyed boys;
134.27herald hairyfair, alloaf the wheat; husband your aunt and endow
134.27+VI.B.18.218e (o): 'Harald Hairyfar'
134.27+Worsaae: An Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland 35: 'Harald Haarfager, the first absolute sovereign of Norway' (usually referred to in English as Harald Fairhair)
134.27+Olaf the White: first Norse king of Dublin
134.27+(Iseult, also known as Iseult of the Fair Hair, as King Mark's wife, was technically Tristan's aunt)
134.27+ant [.31]
134.28your nepos; hearken but hush it, screen him and see; time is,
134.28+Latin nepos: grandson, granddaughter, nephew, niece (hence, nepotism: showing unfair special favour to relatives)
134.28+Motif: ear/eye (hearken, see)
134.28+words of Brazen Head in Robert Greene's Honourable Historie of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay: 'Time is!... Time was!... Time is past!' (Motif: tenses)
134.29an archbishopric, time was, a tradesmen's entrance; beckburn
134.29+VI.B.45.136m (o): 'beechburnbeckbrook'
134.29+Mawer: The Vikings 128: 'Beechburn Beck, a tributary of the Wear, shows how a Scandinavian term could be attached to an English name, when its own meaning was neglected or forgotten' (i.e. 'beck' being the Scandinavian equivalent of the English 'burn')
134.29+beck, burn, brook (all synonyms of stream)
134.30brooked with wath, scale scarred by scow; his rainfall is a couple
134.30+German Brücke: bridge
134.30+VI.B.45.136k (o): 'with (wood)'
134.30+Mawer: The Vikings 125: (in a list of Scandinavian elements in English placenames) '-WITH. O.N. viðr, a wood'
134.30+VI.B.45.136l (o): 'wath (ford)'
134.30+Mawer: The Vikings 125: (in a list of Scandinavian elements in English placenames) '-WATH. O.N. vað, a ford'
134.30+VI.B.45.136h (o): 'scale'
134.30+Mawer: The Vikings 125: (in a list of Scandinavian elements in English placenames) '-SCALE. O.N. skali, house. This word is Norse rather than Danish'
134.30+Obsolete scale: landing-place, seaport town
134.30+VI.B.45.136g (o): 'scars in the sea & the sky'
134.30+Mawer: The Vikings 125: (in a list of Scandinavian elements in English placenames) '-SCAR, -skear, -skerry. O.N. sker, isolated rock in the sea'
134.30+VI.B.45.136j (o): 'scow (wood)'
134.30+Mawer: The Vikings 125: (in a list of Scandinavian elements in English placenames) '-SCOUGH, -scow. O.N. skógr, wood'
134.30+scow: a type of boat, coracle, punt
134.30+rainfall in Dublin is circa 30" per annum
134.30+Motif: 2&3 (couple, three)
134.31of kneehighs while his meanst grass temperature marked three in
134.31+phrase knee-high to a grasshopper: very short, very small, very young (Motif: Ondt/Gracehoper) [.27]
134.32the shade; is the meltingpoint of snow and the bubblingplace of
134.32+(ice melts at thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit)
134.32+boiling point
134.33alcohol; has a tussle with the trulls and then does himself justice;
134.33+Ibsen: other works: Et Vers: 'At leve er — krig med trolde i hjertets og hjernens hvælv. At digte, — det er at holde dommedag over sig selv' (Norwegian A Verse: 'To live is — war with trolls in the heart's and brain's vault. To write, — that is to hold doomsday over oneself')
134.33+Archaic trull: prostitute
134.34hinted at in the eschatological chapters of Humphrey's Justesse
134.34+HEC (Motif: HCE)
134.34+eschatology: the theological study of end of times and The Four Last Things (death, judgement, heaven, and hell)
134.34+Henry Humphreys: The Justice of the Peace in Ireland (1890)
134.34+J.P.: Justice of the Peace
134.35of the Jaypees and hunted for by Theban recensors who sniff
134.35+Theban recension of Budge: The Book of the Dead
134.36there's something behind the Bug of the Deaf; the king was in
134.36+(Budge: The Book of the Dead contains drawings of Khepera, a self-created beetle-like god, representing Resurrection; e.g. Budge: The Book of the Dead, ch. XVII, p. 108)
134.36+(Budge: The Book of the Dead, ch. XXX.b, was often inscribed on, or said over, scarabs)
134.36+nursery rhyme 'The king was in his countinghouse, counting out his money, The queen was in the parlour, eating bread and honey, The maid was in the garden, hanging out the clothes, Down came a blackbird and pecked off her nose'

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