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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 106

149.01plight or, played fox and lice, pricking and dropping hips teeth,
149.01+The Fox and the Fleas: a folktale about a fox getting rid of his fleas by drowning them
149.01+Anglo-Irish box and dice: the whole lot
149.01+ALP (Motif: ALP)
149.01+Motif: fall/rise (pricking, dropping)
149.02or wringing his handcuffs for peace, the blind blighter, praying
149.02+Slang blighter: annoying or unpleasant man; fellow, chap
149.02+World War I Slang Blighty: England, home (as opposed to overseas)
149.02+prayer Libera Nos: 'Per eundem Dominum nostrum' (Latin Deliver Us: 'Through the same our Lord')
149.03Dieuf and Domb Nostrums foh thomethinks to eath; if he
149.03+deaf and dumb
149.03+French Dieu: God
149.03+for something to eat
149.04weapt while he leapt and guffalled quith a quhimper, made cold
149.04+wept, laughed, guffawed, whimper
149.04+Motif: fall/rise (leapt, fall)
149.04+Quimper: town, Brittany
149.05blood a blue mundy and no bones without flech, taking kiss,
149.05+Slang blue Monday: a Monday spent away from work in debauchery
149.05+Blue Monday: the Monday preceding Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent)
149.05+Maundy Thursday: the last day of Lent
149.06kake or kick with a suck, sigh or simper, a diffle to larn and a
149.06+Colloquial phrase take the cake: be an extreme example of (especially of outrageous behaviour)
149.06+Norwegian kake: cake
149.06+phrase hook, line and sinker
149.06+learn and teach
149.07dibble to lech; if the fain shinner pegged you to shave his im-
149.07+Anglo-Irish Slang Shinner: Anglo-Irish Sinn Feiner: militant Irish nationalist (not necessarily belonging to the so-named organisation; mostly derogatory; from Irish Sinn Féin: Ourselves (Irish nationalist slogan); Motif: Sinn Féin)
149.07+Archaic fain: glad, eager, willing (Motif: O felix culpa!)
149.07+begged you to save his immortal soul
149.08martial, wee skillmustered shoul with his ooh, hoodoodoo! brok-
149.08+how d'you do
149.08+breaking wind
149.09ing wind that to wiles, woemaid sin he was partial, we don't
149.09+German zuweilen: occasionally
149.09+phrase wine, women and song (hedonistic pleasures)
149.09+woo maid
149.10think, Jones, we'd care to this evening, would you?
149.11     Answer: No, blank ye! So you think I have impulsivism? Did
149.11+{{Synopsis: I.6.1B.A: [149.11-149.33]: answer #11 begins — he refuses and offers to explain}}
149.11+no, thank you! (Cluster: Thanks)
149.11+Colloquial blank: a euphemism for damn
149.11+Dutch blanke: a white person
149.12they tell you I am one of the fortysixths? And I suppose you
149.12+German vorsichtig: careful, cautious
149.13heard I had a wag on my ears? And I suppose they told you too
149.14that my roll of life is not natural? But before proceeding to con-
149.15clusively confute this begging question it would be far fitter for
149.15+phrase begging the question
149.16you, if you dare! to hasitate to consult with and consequentially
149.16+VI.B.18.227b (b): 'hesitate'
149.16+Worsaae: An Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland 93: 'The Christian Anglo-Saxons of those times felt no hesitation in secretly massacreing the Danes who had settled in England; and as many of these had been converted, one Christian thus murdered another!'
149.16+Parnell: hesitency
149.17attempt at my disposale of the same dime-cash problem elsewhere
149.17+Motif: dime/cash
149.17+Motif: time/space [.19]
149.18naturalistically of course, from the blinkpoint of so eminent a
149.18+German Blickpunkt: point of view
149.19spatialist. From it you will here notice, Schott, upon my for the
149.19+spatialist: in philosophy, an adherent of spatialism (which stresses the spatial, rather than temporal, nature of things) [.20]
149.19+German Schotte: Scot
149.20first remarking you that the sophology of Bitchson while driven
149.20+Greek sophologia: wise speech
149.20+Motif: Son of a bitch (*C*)
149.20+Lewis: Time and Western Man 168: (of Henry Bergson's philosophy) 'Bergson had said that the intellect "spatialized" things. It was that "spatialization" that the doctrinaire of motion and of mental "time" attacked' [.19]
149.21as under by a purely dime-dime urge is not without his cashcash
149.21+Motif: dime/cash
149.21+Demiurge (God the Creator in Plato's philosophy)
149.21+French cache-cache: hide-and-seek (children's game; Motif: hide/seek)
149.22characktericksticks, borrowed for its nonce ends from the fiery
149.22+phrase for the nonce: for the particular occasion, for the time being
149.22+Fairy Godmother: a character in pantomime Cinderella
149.23goodmother Miss Fortune (who the lost time we had the pleasure
149.23+last time
149.23+Proust: À la Recherche du Temps Perdu (French temps perdu: lost time) [.24]
149.24we have had our little recherché brush with, what, Schott?) and
149.24+French recherché: uncommon, rare; artificial
149.24+German Schotte: Scot
149.25as I further could have told you as brisk as your D.B.C. beha-
149.25+Joyce: Ulysses.10.1058: 'We call it D. B. C. because they have damn bad cakes'
149.25+D.B.C.: Dublin Bread Company [.27]
149.25+behaviourist psychology
149.26viouristically pailleté with a coat of homoid icing which is in
149.26+French pailleté: spangled
149.26+homemade icing
149.27reality only a done by chance ridiculisation of the whoo-whoo
149.27+D.B.C.: Dublin Bread Company [.25]
149.27+Who's Who: a yearly reference publication of concise contemporary biographies
149.28and where's hairs theorics of Winestain. To put it all the more
149.28+where's here
149.28+phrase there's hair!: there's a girl with a lot of hair! (catch-phrase of the early 20th century)
149.28+German der Erzherr: the arch-lord
149.28+Albert Einstein (also seen as a representative of modern 'time' philosophy in Lewis: Time and Western Man)
149.29plumbsily. The speechform is a mere sorrogate. Whilst the qua-
149.29+sorrow gate
149.29+Gerald Griffin: Talis Qualis
149.29+Latin qualis... talis: as... so
149.30lity and tality (I shall explex what you ought to mean by this with
149.31its proper when and where and why and how in the subsequent
149.32sentence) are alternativomentally harrogate and arrogate, as the
149.32+Harrogate: town, Yorkshire
149.32+arrogate: to ascribe to another without just reason
149.33gates may be.
149.34     Talis is a word often abused by many passims (I am working
149.34+{{Synopsis: I.6.1B.B: [149.34-150.14]: of the word Talis — often misused}}
149.34+Latin talis: such, of such a kind
149.34+Latin passim: (in citations) throughout, here and there, in many places
149.35out a quantum theory about it for it is really most tantumising
149.35+quantum theory: theory that energy in radiation is discharged in discrete units or quanta
149.35+a most tantalising
149.35+Latin tantum... quantum: so much... as, in so far... as
149.36state of affairs). A pessim may frequent you to say: Have you been

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