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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 197

215.01them. Is that the Poolbeg flasher beyant, pharphar, or a fireboat
215.01+Poolbeg lighthouse, Dublin
215.01+Ulster Pronunciation beyant: beyond
215.01+Pharphar (Cluster: Rivers)
215.01+far, far [.02]
215.01+Danish farfar: paternal grandfather
215.01+French phare: lighthouse
215.02coasting nyar the Kishtna or a glow I behold within a hedge or
215.02+Nyar (Cluster: Rivers)
215.02+near [.01]
215.02+phrase lo and behold (expressing surprise, real or ironic)
215.02+Kish lightship off Dublin
215.02+Kistna (Cluster: Rivers)
215.03my Garry come back from the Indes? Wait till the honeying of
215.03+Garry (Cluster: Rivers)
215.03+Indus (Cluster: Rivers)
215.03+VI.B.16.129j (r): 'rising of moon'
215.03+(honey colour of the moon)
215.04the lune, love! Die eve, little eve, die! We see that wonder in
215.04+Lune (Cluster: Rivers)
215.04+French lune: moon
215.04+Gipsy die: mother (Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil 28)
215.04+German die: the
215.04+children's game Die die little dog die (Joyce: Ulysses.11.1019)
215.04+children's game She's dead, little Eve, little Eve, she's dead
215.04+Archaic eve: evening
215.05your eye. We'll meet again, we'll part once more. The spot I'll
215.05+(strange things are seen in the eyes of persons on the point of death)
215.05+Eye, Scotland (Cluster: Rivers)
215.05+Motif: meet/part
215.05+Motif: time/space (spot, hour)
215.06seek if the hour you'll find. My chart shines high where the blue
215.06+(star chart)
215.07milk's upset. Forgivemequick, I'm going! Bubye! And you,
215.07+Milk (Cluster: Rivers)
215.07+(Milky Way)
215.07+quicken: a type of tree, rowan, mountain-ash
215.07+Bubye (Cluster: Rivers)
215.07+Colloquial bye-bye: goodbye
215.08pluck your watch, forgetmenot. Your evenlode. So save to
215.08+Archaic even: evening
215.08+Evenlode (Cluster: Rivers)
215.08+lodestar: guiding star
215.08+Save, France (Cluster: Rivers)
215.09jurna's end! My sights are swimming thicker on me by the sha-
215.09+Jurua (Cluster: Rivers)
215.10dows to this place. I sow home slowly now by own way, moy-
215.10+I'll go
215.10+Sow (Cluster: Rivers)
215.10+(by my own way)
215.10+Moy (Cluster: Rivers)
215.10+Moyvally, County Kildare, just south of Royal Canal (which runs on left (northern) bank of the Liffey river)
215.11valley way. Towy I too, rathmine.
215.11+Valley (Cluster: Rivers)
215.11+VI.B.1.180e (r): 'Talweg deepest line along valley'
215.11+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XI, 'Geography', 634c: 'talweg, a word introduced from the German into French and English, and meaning the deepest line along the valley, which is necessarily occupied by a stream unless the valley is dry' (German Talweg: valley way)
215.11+Towy (Cluster: Rivers)
215.11+so will I too, by mine
215.11+the way I too [620.27-.28]
215.11+Rathmines: district of Dublin, just south of Grand Canal (which runs on right (southern) bank of the Liffey river)
215.12     Ah, but she was the queer old skeowsha anyhow, Anna Livia,
215.12+{{Synopsis: I.8.1B.E: [215.12-216.05]: back to ALP and HCE — transformation into tree and stone at nightfall}}
215.12+Anglo-Irish old skeowsha: old friend, old darling
215.13trinkettoes! And sure he was the quare old buntz too, Dear Dirty
215.13+trinket toes
215.13+VI.B.6.100e (r): '*A* twinkletoes'
215.13+Quare (Cluster: Rivers)
215.13+Anglo-Irish quare: queer (reflecting pronunciation; Motif: Queer man)
215.13+VI.B.1.012m (r): 'buntz = pal'
215.13+Motif: Dear Dirty Dublin
215.14Dumpling, foostherfather of fingalls and dotthergills. Gammer
215.14+dumpling: short and rounded person
215.14+Anglo-Irish fooster: bungler; confusion; flurry, fluster, great fuss
215.14+Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian II.1: Fingal (Fingal is Macpherson's name for Finn)
215.14+Fingel (Cluster: Rivers)
215.14+Motif: Gall/Gael
215.14+Dialect gill: glen, brook
215.14+Gammer... we're all [246.32-.33]
215.14+Colloquial gammer, gaffer: old woman, old man
215.15and gaffer we're all their gangsters. Hadn't he seven dams to wive
215.15+VI.B.1.031g (r): 'gaffer robs gangster'
215.15+gaffer: the foreman of a gang of workmen (i.e. gangsters)
215.15+Hadn't he seven... to... him?... every... had... seven... and every... had... seven... and each... had a differing... for me... for you... for Joe John [.15-.18] [330.01-.05] [614.04-.07]
215.15+VI.B.1.066a (r): '7 dams to wive him'
215.15+VI.B.1.006a (r): '7 wives (S Ives)'
215.15+nursery rhyme As I Was Going to Saint Ives: 'As I was going to Saint Ives, I met a man with seven wives, Each wife had seven sacks, Each sack had seven cats, Each cat had seven kits: Kits, cats, sacks and wives, How many were there going to Saint Ives?' (answer: 'none' or 'one', depending on how you read the last two lines, not '2800' or '2802', as all but the speaker were going in the opposite direction) [106.31] [558.19]
215.16him? And every dam had her seven crutches. And every crutch
215.17had its seven hues. And each hue had a differing cry. Sudds for
215.17+phrase hue and cry: outcry, public cry of alarm or pursuit or disapproval (but given that 'hue' also means 'colour', Motif: ear/eye)
215.17+The Sudd: mass of floating vegetation in the Nile river
215.17+suds: soapy water
215.17+Slang suds: ale
215.17+nursery rhyme children's game Ring-a-ring-o'-roses: 'One for me, and one for you, and one for little Moses'
215.18me and supper for you and the doctor's bill for Joe John. Befor!
215.18+VI.B.1.059j (r): 'John Joe' [245.21]
215.18+Befor! Bifur!... married... I know, like any E... C... H... in their (rainbow colours)... all that was was fair... Elvenland... times... happy returns [.18-.23] [260.15-261.05] [614.07-.08]
215.18+before! before!
215.19Bifur! He married his markets, cheap by foul, I know, like any
215.19+Biferno (Cluster: Rivers)
215.19+phrase cheek by jowl: side by side, close together
215.20Etrurian Catholic Heathen, in their pinky limony creamy birnies
215.20+ECH (Motif: HCE)
215.20+(colours seen by moonlight, so that all their dresses are in their light shades; Motif: 7 colours of rainbow; Motif: 7 rainbow girls) [.20-.21]
215.20+Pink, Canada (Cluster: Rivers)
215.20+pink (light red)
215.20+Lim (Cluster: Rivers)
215.20+lemon (light orange)
215.20+cream (light yellow)
215.20+McBirney's: draper's store on Aston Quay, Dublin
215.20+German Birnen: pears (light green)
215.20+burnous: women's hooded cloak or mantle (resembling an Arabian garment of the same name)
215.21and their turkiss indienne mauves. But at milkidmass who was
215.21+Danish turkis: turquoise (light blue)
215.21+Indian (Cluster: Rivers)
215.21+(light) indigo
215.21+Milk (Cluster: Rivers)
215.21+mauve (light violet)
215.21+Michaelmas: Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels (29 September; a popular date for fairs) [.22]
215.22the spouse? Then all that was was fair. Tys Elvenland! Teems of
215.22+Danish tys: hush!
215.22+Colloquial 'tis: it is
215.22+Bartholomew's Handy Gazetteer: 'Tys Elv' (Cluster: Rivers)
215.22+Danish elve: small river (Cluster: Rivers)
215.22+Elfenland (Cluster: Rivers)
215.22+Dutch elvenland: fairyland
215.22+Tees (Cluster: Rivers)
215.22+Teme (Cluster: Rivers)
215.22+Motif: Teems of times and happy returns, the seim anew, ordovico or viricordo [.22-.23]
215.23times and happy returns. The seim anew. Ordovico or viricordo.
215.23+Many happy returns. The same to you.
215.23+Seim (Cluster: Rivers)
215.23+Motif: new/same
215.23+Vico's order
215.23+Ordovician: a geological age, about 450-500 millions years ago (Dublin has some Ordovician rocks)
215.23+Ordovices: an ancient Celtic tribe in North Wales before the Roman invasion
215.23+Italian vi ricordo: I remember you; I remind you of something
215.23+Italian ricorso: recurrence; recurring (a term popularly associated with Vico in the context of the recurrence of historical cycles)
215.24Anna was, Livia is, Plurabelle's to be. Northmen's thing made
215.24+ALP (Motif: ALP)
215.24+was, is, to be (Motif: tenses) [226.14-.15] [614.09-.10]
215.24+proverb Limerick was, Dublin is and Cork shall be, the finest city of the three
215.24+the high place on which the Norwegian Thing (parliament) held its meetings in Dublin has now become the site of Saint Andrew's on Suffolk Street
215.24+Motif: person, place, thing [.27]
215.25southfolk's place but howmulty plurators made eachone in per-
215.26son? Latin me that, my trinity scholard, out of eure sanscreed into
215.26+(dactylic octometer with caesura after 'scholard')
215.26+Trinity, United States (Cluster: Rivers)
215.26+Trinity College Dublin
215.26+Eure, France (Cluster: Rivers)
215.26+Spanish San: Saint
215.26+French sans: without
215.26+Sanskrit (an Aryan language) [.27]
215.26+screed: a gossiping letter or piece of writing
215.27oure eryan! Hircus Civis Eblanensis! He had buckgoat paps on
215.27+Our (Cluster: Rivers)
215.27+(Erin's language, i.e. Irish)
215.27+Aryan: Indo-European or Indo-Iranian (but appropriated by the Nazis and others to mean of northern European or Germanic descent) [.26]
215.27+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...eryan! Hircus...} | {Png: ...eryan. Hircus...}
215.27+HCE (Motif: HCE) [245.21] [373.12] [600.29]
215.27+Latin hircus civis Eblanensis: goat citizen of Dublin (Motif: person, place, thing) [.24]
215.27+VI.B.1.006e (r): '*E* has paps' (Motif: mixed gender) [.27-.29]
215.27+primitive adoption ceremony of sucking male paps or nipples (Saint Patrick refused to submit to it; Motif: mixed gender)
215.27+(Ellmann: James Joyce 464n: 'Joyce remarked that he liked women to have breasts like a she-goat's')
215.28him, soft ones for orphans. Ho, Lord! Twins of his bosom. Lord
215.28+Ho (Cluster: Rivers)
215.28+Chinese ho: river (Cluster: Rivers) [.28] [.29] [.32] [.34] [.36]
215.28+Motif: mixed gender (his bosom) [.27]
215.29save us! And ho! Hey? What all men. Hot? His tittering daugh-
215.29+Save, France (Cluster: Rivers)
215.29+Motif: mixed gender (his tits) [.27]
215.29+Motif: Rivering waters of, hitherandthithering waters of. Night!
215.30ters of. Whawk?
215.31     Can't hear with the waters of. The chittering waters of. Flitter-
215.31+(with the banks growing wider apart, the washerwomen have difficulty hearing each other)
215.31+Motif: Rivering waters of, hitherandthithering waters of. Night!
215.31+Anglo-Irish chittering: constantly complaining
215.31+(misheard) [.29-.30]
215.31+VI.B.10.091a (r): 'a bat flitters'
215.32ing bats, fieldmice bawk talk. Ho! Are you not gone ahome?
215.32+German Fledermaus: bat
215.32+Colloquial back-talk: an impertinent reply
215.32+(echo, used by bats)
215.33What Thom Malone? Can't hear with bawk of bats, all thim liffey-
215.33+(misheard) [.32]
215.33+Thom Malone [331.12]
215.33+Motif: Tom/Tim
215.33+hear... all liffeying waters of (echoed below, in reverse order) [.35-.36]
215.33+Motif: Rivering waters of, hitherandthithering waters of. Night!
215.33+Liffey (Cluster: Rivers)
215.34ing waters of. Ho, talk save us! My foos won't moos. I feel as old
215.34+Save, France (Cluster: Rivers)
215.34+My... Night [215.36-216.02]
215.34+German Fuß: foot
215.34+foot won't move (Motif: head/foot) [.36]
215.34+Oos (Cluster: Rivers)
215.34+Moose (Cluster: Rivers)
215.34+German Moos: moss
215.35as yonder elm. A tale told of Shaun or Shem? All Livia's daughter-
215.35+Elm (Cluster: Rivers)
215.35+Motif: tree/stone (elm, stone) [216.01]
215.35+(misheard) [.34-.35]
215.35+William Shakespeare: Macbeth V.5.29: 'a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing'
215.35+Motif: Tale told of Shaun or Shem (Motif: Shem/Shaun)
215.35+Shem and Shaun: nicknames of James and John Ford, two feeble-minded Dublin hangers-on, who lived on the North Strand and were famous for their incomprehensible speech and shuffling gait (Ellmann: James Joyce 550; Motif: Shem/Shaun)
215.35+All Livia's daugtersons... hear (echoed above, in reverse order) [.33-.34]
215.35+(the dead Irish)
215.35+Motif: Rivering waters of, hitherandthithering waters of. Night!
215.36sons. Dark hawks hear us. Night! Night! My ho head halls. I feel
215.36+My... Night [.34-.36]
215.36+my old head falls [.34]
215.36+Halls Creek, Australia (Cluster: Rivers)
215.36+German hallen: to echo, to resound

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