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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
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243.01come into the pictures more as hundreads elskerelks' yahrds of
243.01+phrase come into the picture
243.01+Motif: 111
243.01+Danish elskere: lovers
243.01+German Jahr: year
243.02annams call away, factory fresh and fiuming at the mouth, wronged
243.02+Latin annus: year
243.02+Irish anam: soul, life
243.02+Irish ainm: name
243.02+VI.B.18.214e (o): 'form at the mouth *A* *E*' (sigla not crayoned)
243.02+Worsaae: An Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland 12: 'The ships of the Danish Vikings constantly swarmed at the mouth of the Thames'
243.02+Italian fiume: river
243.02+river mouth
243.03by Hwemwednoget (magrathmagreeth, he takable a rap for that
243.03+Danish hvem ved noget: who knows something
243.03+Anglo-Irish mavrone, mavrone: alas, alas (literally 'my grief, my grief')
243.03+Anglo-Irish magraw machree: Irish mo ghrádh mo chroidhe: my love of my heart
243.03+song Mother Machree
243.03+American Slang take the rap: take the blame for something committed by another
243.03+table-rapping: the production of knocking sounds on a table without apparent physical means during a spiritualistic séance
243.04early party) and whenceforward Ani Mama and her fiertey
243.04+Ani: Egyptian scribe, subject of the Papyrus of Ani (Budge: The Book of the Dead)
243.04+Hebrew ani: I
243.04+anima (Jung)
243.04+pantomime Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
243.04+German vierte: fourth
243.05bustles terrified of gmere gnomes of gmountains and furibound
243.05+mere names of mountains
243.05+furibund: raging
243.06to be back in her mytinbeddy? Schi schi, she feightened allsouls
243.06+maiden bed
243.06+mountain (river) bed
243.06+German Schi: ski
243.06+French chichi: affected manners
243.06+German feige: cowardly
243.07at pignpugn and gets a pan in her stummi from the pialabellars
243.07+Romansch pign: pine tree
243.07+Romansch pugn: fist, ball
243.07+Romansch stummi: stomach
243.07+Latin pura et pia bella: pure and pious wars (a phrase used by Vico to refer to religious wars of the heroic age)
243.07+polar bears
243.08in their pur war. Yet jackticktating all around her about his poor-
243.08+Romansch pur: clean
243.08+VI.B.33.023h-i (b): (r): 'jactitor jactitator' (first word crayoned in blue, second in red)
243.08+Crofts: Women under English Law 27: 'Where a person falsely and persistently boasts that he or she is married to another, that other may by a petition in a suit of jactitation of marriage obtain a decree enjoining perpetual silence on the the subject on the jactitator'
243.08+jactitation: public declaration, bragging
243.09liness due to pannellism and grime for that he harboured her when
243.09+Greek Panellênismos: idea of Greek national unity
243.09+VI.B.33.024b (b): 'parnellism & crime'
243.09+Hall: Random Records of a Reporter 211: 'The Times Special Commission on "Parnellism and Crime"' (the full name of the Parnell Commission, which investigated Parnell's alleged involvement in the Phoenix Park Murders, was the 'Special Commission on Parnellism and Crime', referring to a series of articles published by The Times entitled 'Parnellism and Crime')
243.09+VI.B.33.039d (b): 'harbours her'
243.09+Crofts: Women under English Law 39: 'If, however, a third person, without just cause, persuades a wife to leave her husband, or harbours her after she has so left him, such a person commits an actionable wrong, for which the husband can recover damages'
243.10feme sole, her zoravarn lhorde and givnergenral, and led her in
243.10+VI.B.33.038b (b): 'feme sole'
243.10+Crofts: Women under English Law 35: 'Every woman married on or after 1st January, 1883, now holds as her separate estate all property belonging to her, whether acquired before or after marriage, and she may dispose by will or otherwise of all such property, as if she were a feme sole (i.e., an unmarried woman)'
243.10+Armenian zôravar: general, commander
243.10+sovereign lord and governor-general
243.10+Ukrainian givno: shit
243.11antient consort ruhm and bound her durant coverture so as she
243.11+The Antient Concert Rooms, Great Brunswick Street, Dublin (used before the Abbey by the Irish Literary Theatre; Joyce sang there at the Feis Ceoil in 1904) [543.09]
243.11+VI.B.33.039c (b): 'antient consortium rooms'
243.11+Crofts: Women under English Law 39: 'RIGHT OF CONSORTIUM. A duty rests upon a wife... to live and cohabit with her husband; but it is a duty which cannot be effectually enforced, for a husband is not entitled to compel his wife by force to live with him'
243.11+German Ruhm: glory, fame
243.11+VI.B.33.036f (b): 'during coverture'
243.11+Crofts: Women under English Law 33: 'At Common Law during "coverture" (i.e., the state of being married) the wife's legal individuality was regarded as merged in that of her husband'
243.11+French durant: during
243.11+VI.B.33.040a (b): 'wife cannot steal from hub'
243.11+Crofts: Women under English Law 40: 'At Common Law a husband and wife were incapable of stealing from one another, and even a third person who aided a wife to remove her husband's possessions was only guilty of theft if he had committed or intended to commit adultery with her'
243.11+steal: to commit theft; to depart surreptitiously
243.12could not steal from him, oz her or damman, so as if ever she's
243.12+German Herr: gentleman
243.12+German Damen: ladies
243.12+Irish damhan: ox
243.13beleaved by checkenbrooth death since both was parties to the
243.13+VI.B.33.086d (r): 'beleaved'
243.13+VI.B.33.098d (r): 'chicken broth death'
243.13+Young: Trial of Frederick Bywaters and Edith Thompson 34: 'Chicken Broth Death' (in a list of newspaper cuttings sent by Mrs Thompson to Bywaters, describing a death due to the consumption of broth made from a chicken which had eaten a rat virus or rat poison)
243.13+VI.B.33.037b (r): 'both parties to a deed *E* & *A*'
243.13+Crofts: Women under English Law 33: 'a deed to which the husband and wife were both parties'
243.14feed it's Hetman MacCumhal foots the funeral. Mealwhile she
243.14+VI.B.3.117f (b): 'feed (feast)' [308.15]
243.14+Dutch het: the
243.14+hetman: Cossack commander (from Ukrainian het'man and German Hauptmann)
243.14+Heitman Michael: character in James Branch Cabell's Jurgen (treacherously killed by Jurgen in a duel)
243.14+MacCumhall: Finn's patronymic
243.14+VI.B.33.039b ( ): '*A* not obliged to pay *E*'s funeral'
243.14+Crofts: Women under English Law 39: 'A husband is liable for the reasonable funeral expenses of his wife, but a wife is under no such liability with regard to her husband's funeral expenses'
243.14+Slang foots: pays for
243.15nutre him jacent from her elmer's almsdish, giantar and tschaina
243.15+Italian nutre: (he/she/it) nourishes, feeds
243.15+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. IX, 'Eskimo', 770a: 'A man will lie on his back and allow his wife to feed him with tit-bits of blubber and flesh until he is unable to move'
243.15+Obsolete jacent: recumbent
243.15+Turkish elma: apple
243.15+VI.B.33.024f (b): 'almsdish'
243.15+Hall: Random Records of a Reporter 222: 'a massive alms dish, richly wrought, of solid silver of 1706... of Irish workmanship'
243.15+Romansch giantar: (to have) lunch
243.15+Romansch tschaina: dinner
243.16as sieme as bibrondas with Foli Signur's tinner roumanschy to
243.16+Italian assieme: together
243.16+the same
243.16+Signor Giovanni Foli: name used by A.J. Foley, 19th century Irish bass
243.16+Giovanni Foli: stage-name used by the tenor John McCormack in the early days of his career (after his wife's maiden name, Foley)
243.16+Romansch Signur: Italian Dialect Signur: Sir, Mr; Lord, God
243.16+Romansch language (Romansch)
243.17fishle the ladwigs out of his lugwags, like a skittering kitty
243.17+(singing loud)
243.17+fish the earwigs
243.17+Colloquial lugs: ears
243.17+Ludwig II of Bavaria, patron of Wagner
243.17+American skittering: a method of fishing
243.17+(rattling) kettle
243.18skattering hayels, when his favourites were all beruffled on him
243.18+Archaic hayel: hail
243.19and her own undesirables justickulating, it was such a blowick
243.19+unmentionables (underwear)
243.19+Blowick: old name of Bullock, near Dalkey
243.20day. Winden wanden wild like wenchen wenden wanton. The
243.20+Motif: alliteration (w)
243.20+German winden: to reel, to twist
243.20+Danish vinden: the wind
243.20+German wanden: reeled, twisted; turned
243.20+German wenden: to turn
243.21why if he but would bite and plug his baccypipes and renownse
243.21+(give up smoking)
243.21+plug: a stick or cake of pressed tobacco for chewing
243.21+Colloquial baccy-pipe: tobacco pipe
243.21+The Book of Common Prayer: Catechism: 'renounce the devil and all his works, the pomps and vanity' (prayer)
243.22the devlins in all their pumbs and kip the streelwarkers out of
243.22+Anglo-Irish Slang kip: brothel (from Danish horekippe)
243.22+keep the streetwalkers
243.22+Anglo-Irish streel: untidy wench, slatern (from Irish sraoille: untidy, awkward person)
243.22+Dutch streelen: to caress, to fondle
243.23the plague and nettleses milk from sickling the honeycoombe
243.23+German nett: nice
243.23+Nestle's milk
243.23+The Coombe: street and area west of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin (known for its brothels and prostitutes)
243.24and kop Ulo Bubo selling foulty treepes, she would make massa
243.24+Dutch kop: head
243.24+Dutch kopen: to buy
243.24+Slang cop: policeman
243.24+Finnish ulo-tus: shit
243.24+German Eule: owl
243.24+pantomime Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
243.24+Latin bubo: owl
243.24+bubo: inflamed swelling (plague)
243.24+faulty tripe
243.24+Italian massa: much, many
243.24+American Dialect massa: master (black American dialect) [.25]
243.25dinars with her savuneer dealinsh and delicate her nutbrown
243.25+dinar (coin)
243.25+American Dinah: a generic name for a black woman [.24]
243.25+Romansch savunêr: to soap; persuade
243.25+song Savourneen Deelish
243.25+song The Nut Brown Maid
243.26glory cloack to Mayde Berenice and hang herself in Ostmanns-
243.26+Mayde Berenice, wife of Ptolemy III, dedicated her hair for her husband's safe return from his Syrian war expedition
243.26+German Ostmann: East-man
243.26+Oxmantown: a part of northern Dublin, where Ostmen (Viking invaders of Ireland and their settler descendants) once lived
243.27town Saint Megan's and make no more mulierage before ma-
243.27+Oxmantown's parochial church is Saint Michan's
243.27+Latin mulier: woman
243.27+Sanskrit mahatma: great soul (a title similar in use to 'saint')
243.28hatmas or moslemans, but would ondulate her shookerloft hat
243.28+Archaic Mussulmen: Muslims
243.28+Romansch ondula: undular, wavy
243.28+sugarloaf hat: a type of slightly conical black hat, especially popular from the 16th to the 19th century
243.28+Obsolete loft: sky, air
243.29from Alpoleary with a viv baselgia and a clamast apotria like any
243.29+Romansch alp: an Alpine pasture, an Alp
243.29+Bearlagair Na Saer alp: town
243.29+Bearlagair Na Saer Ealp O'Laoghre: Dublin (apparently rhyming with 'Baile Átha Cliath')
243.29+Romansch viv: living, lively
243.29+Irish bás: death
243.29+Romansch baselgia: church
243.30purple cardinal's princess or woman of the grave word to the
243.30+the purple: the rank of cardinal
243.31papal legate from the Vatucum, Monsaigneur Rabbinsohn Crucis,
243.31+Monsignor Robinson: papal nuncio to Ireland in 1930s
243.31+German Rabbiner: rabbi
243.31+Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe (as well as a pantomime)
243.31+German Sohn: son
243.31+Latin crucis: cross
243.32with an ass of milg to his cowmate and chilterlings on account
243.32+Macalister: The Secret Languages of Ireland 240: 'Ass is an Old-Irish word for 'milk'' (Old Irish)
243.32+glass of milk to his comrade
243.32+ass, cow (sources of milk)
243.33of all he quaqueduxed for the hnor of Hrom and the nations
243.33+Latin quaque: whereever
243.33+Latin dux: leader, guide
243.33+honour of Rome
243.33+Czech hrom: thunder
243.33+Armenian Hrom: Rome
243.34abhord him and wop mezzo scudo to Sant Pursy Orelli that gave
243.34+Italian mezzo scudo: half 'scudo' (ancient Italian coin)
243.34+Italian Sant: Saint
243.34+Persse O'Reilly
243.34+von Orelli: a distinguished Protestant family who had fled to Zurich from Italy in the 16th century (including several 18th and 19th century scholars)
243.35Luiz-Marios Josephs their loyal devouces to be offered up missas
243.35+Josephine and Marie Louise: Napoleon's wives and, accordingly, major characters in W.G. Wills: A Royal Divorce
243.35+three gondoliers: Luiz, Marco, Giuseppe
243.35+three tenors: Ludwig, Mario, Joseph Maas
243.35+Mary and Joseph: the parents of Jesus (the Virgin Mary)
243.35+W.G. Wills: A Royal Divorce
243.35+Latin missa: Mass
243.36for vowts for widders.
243.36+votes for women [239.17]
243.36+German Widder: ram
243.36+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation widders: widows

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