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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 202

245.01will rest him from tusker toils. Salamsalaim! Rhinohorn isnoutso
245.01+Tuskar Lighthouse off the coast of southeast Ireland
245.01+Arabic salam aleikum: peace be with you
245.01+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Salamsalaim! Rhinohorn...} | {Png: ...Salamsalaim. Rhinohorn...}
245.01+rhinoceros (Cluster: Animals)
245.01+is not so
245.01+animal's snout (Cluster: Animals)
245.02pigfellow but him ist gonz wurst. Kikikuki. Hopopodorme. So-
245.02+pig (Cluster: Animals)
245.02+big fellow [247.23]
245.02+German Colloquial phrase das ist ihm ganz wurst: he doesn't give a damn, he doesn't care
245.02+phrase gone west: dead
245.02+German Wurst: sausage
245.02+Japanese kiki: crisis
245.02+Japanese kiku: to listen, to hear, to ask; chrysanthemum
245.02+Italian Childish ho popò: I have to defecate
245.02+hippopotamus (Cluster: Animals)
245.02+German Childish Popo: buttocks
245.02+French dormir: to sleep
245.02+Motif: So be it
245.03beast! No chare of beagles, frantling of peacocks, no muzzing of
245.03+beast (Cluster: Animals)
245.03+VI.B.32.126a-b (r): 'charming of beagles frantling of peacocks'
245.03+VI.B.32.127h (r): 'nuzzing of camels smuttering of monkeys'
245.03+Sir Thomas Urquhart's translation of Rabelais's Gargantua and Pantagruel, book III, chapter XIII: 'nuzzing of camels... frantling of peacocks... charming of beagles... guerieting of apes, snuttering of monkies' (amongst Urquhart's many additions to the original text; probably not Joyce's direct source) (Cluster: Animals)
245.04the camel, smuttering of apes. Lights, pageboy, lights! Brights
245.04+ALP (Motif: ALP)
245.04+phrase boys will be boys (excusing the rowdy behaviour of boys or young men)
245.05we'll be brights. With help of Hanoukan's lamp. When otter
245.05+Percy French: song Matthew Hanigan's Aunt: (chorus) 'So here's a health to Hanigan's aunt!'
245.05+Hanukkah: Jewish Feast of Lights
245.05+hurricane lamp (Motif: Shaun's belted lamp)
245.05+German Hans: John, Shaun (short for Johannes)
245.05+VI.B.32.122a (b): 'when otter leaps in outer parts then Yul remember May, mohns to blume, arcglow warnerforth's, siemensize lure, hookercrook' [.05-.09]
245.05+Balfe: The Bohemian Girl: song Then You'll Remember Me: (begins) 'When other lips and other hearts Their tales of love will tell... And you'll remember me'
245.05+otter (Cluster: Animals)
245.06leaps in outer parts then Yul remembers Mei. Her hung maid
245.06+phrase May-December romance: a romantic relationship between a young person and a much older one
245.06+Archaic Yule: Christmas (in December)
245.06+Dutch Mei: May
245.06+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song The Young May Moon: 'The young May moon is beaming, love' (Joyce: Ulysses.18.80)
245.07mohns are bluming, look, to greet those loes on coast of amethyst;
245.07+German Mohn: poppy
245.07+German Blume: flower
245.07+'low' in 'Wicklow' perhaps from Old Danish loe: blaze
245.07+VI.B.32.123b (b): 'cote d'amethyst'
245.07+French Côte d'améthyste: the coast of the Camargue in the South of France
245.08arcglow's seafire siemens lure and wextward warnerforth's hooker-
245.08+arcglow's... crookers [549.18-.19]
245.08+Arklow, Wexford and Waterford all in southeast Ireland
245.08+the German Siemens company fitted out the lighthouse at Arklow
245.08+lures seamen
245.08+Henry II first landed in Ireland at the Crook, over against Hook tower, Waterford Bay, hence phrase by hook or by crook
245.08+hooker: a type of Irish fishing boat
245.09crookers. And now with robby brerfox's fishy fable lissaned out,
245.09+Brer Fox; character in Joel Chandler Harris's Uncle Remus books (Cluster: Animals)
245.09+phrase fish tale: a boastful incredible story (Cluster: Animals)
245.09+Colloquial fishy: dubious
245.09+fable: a short story with a moral, usually with animals as characters; a ridiculous or fabricated tale (Cluster: Animals)
245.09+Russian lisa: she-fox (Cluster: Animals)
245.10the threads simwhat toran and knots in its antargumends, the
245.10+Hebrew simkhath torah: a Jewish holiday, the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles (literally 'Rejoicing in the Law, Rejoicing in the Torah')
245.10+somewhat torn
245.10+toran: sacred Buddhist gateway
245.10+Targum: each of several Aramaic translations and interpretations of parts of Old Testament
245.11pesciolines in Liffeyetta's bowl have stopped squiggling about
245.11+Italian pesciolini: little fishes (Cluster: Animals)
245.11+Liffey river
245.12Junoh and the whalk and feriaquintaism and pebble infinibility
245.12+Jonah and the whale (Jonah) (Cluster: Animals)
245.12+whelk (Cluster: Animals)
245.12+Latin feria quinta: fifth holiday (name for Thursday used by early Christians)
245.12+Portuguese Quinta-feira: Thursday (literally 'fifth weekday')
245.12+Edmund Spenser: The Faerie Queene
245.12+papal infallibility (all popes are successors to Saint Peter; Latin petra: rock, stone)
245.13and the poissission of the hoghly course. And if Lubbernabohore
245.13+French poisson: fish (Cluster: Animals)
245.13+Procession of the Holy Ghost (subject of original split between East and West Churches)
245.13+holy cross
245.13+Gipsy bori lubbeny: precious harlot (Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil 150-151)
245.13+Irish liobar na bóthair: a tramp
245.13+Slang whore: prostitute
245.14laid his horker to the ribber, save the giregargoh and dabardin
245.14+VI.B.33.126a (r): 'harkers (ears)' (the entry is preceded by a cancelled 'harked')
245.14+Russian ryba: fish (Cluster: Animals)
245.14+Obsolete save: except for, but for
245.14+Hebrew dabhar: word; thing
245.14+din going on in his mind
245.15going on in his mount of knowledge (munt), he would not hear
245.15+(because fish asleep)
245.16a flip flap in all Finnyland. Witchman, watch of your night? Es
245.16+VI.B.18.209h (o): 'Finnyland'
245.16+Worsaae: An Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland 313: 'the flat shores in the middle of the eastern coast of Ireland, between Dublin and Drogheda, which are called Finngall, or "the strangers' land " (from "finne," a land, and "gall," a stranger)'
245.16+fish's fin (Cluster: Animals)
245.16+Isaiah 21:11: 'Watchman, what of the night?'
245.16+German es: it
245.17voes, ez noes, nott voes, ges, noun. It goes. It does not go. Dark-
245.17+Basque ez: no
245.17+Hebrew ez: goat (Cluster: Animals)
245.17+Italian notte: night
245.17+German geht's: it goes
245.17+Provençal ges noun: not at all
245.18park's acoo with sucking loves. Rosimund's by her wishing well.
245.18+VI.B.32.120b (b): 'the park's acoo with sucking loves'
245.18+coo, doves (Cluster: Animals)
245.18+William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream I.2.85: 'I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove' (sucking dove: a young dove, still with its mother)
245.18+VI.B.32.123c (b): 'Rosimund at her wishing well'
245.18+Rosamund's Pond in Saint James Park, London: meeting place for lovers in numerous plays
245.18+German Mund: mouth
245.19Soon tempt-in-twos will stroll at venture and hunt-by-threes strut
245.19+Motif: 2&3 (*IJ* and *VYC*) [.30]
245.19+two of Joyce's poems published in The Venture in 1904
245.19+Dumas: The Three Musketeers
245.20musketeering. Brace of girdles, brasse of beauys. With the width
245.20+Anne Bracegirdle, actress
245.20+braces, girdles (clothing accessories)
245.20+brace: a pair
245.20+girls, boys
245.20+brasse: a type of fish of the perch family
245.20+beaus: men excessively focused on their external appearance, dandies, fops; male sweethearts, boyfriends
245.21of the way for jogjoy. Hulker's cieclest elbownunsense. Hold
245.21+VI.B.1.059j (r): 'John Joe' [215.18]
245.21+HCE (Motif: HCE) [215.27]
245.21+French siècle: century
245.22hard! And his dithering dathering waltzers of. Stright! But meet-
245.22+Motif: Rivering waters of, hitherandthithering waters of. Night!
245.22+Oscar Wilde (about meeting Douglas): De Profundis: 'but I met you either too late or too soon'
245.23ings mate not as forsehn. Hesperons! And if you wand to Liv-
245.23+German vorsehen: to foresee
245.23+German sehnen: to yearn
245.23+Latin Hesperus: the evening star
245.23+French espérons: let us hope
245.23+VI.B.32.130d (r): 'Livmouth'
245.23+mouth of Liffey river
245.23+(Huckleberry Finn drifted to the rivermouth (Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn))
245.24mouth, wenderer, while Jempson's weed decks Jacqueson's Island,
245.24+Archaic wend: to journey, travel
245.24+Jem and Jacques are both cognates of James (Shem), ultimately derived from the biblical Jacob
245.24+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 21: 'jimpson-weeds'
245.24+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 7: 'Jackson's Island'
245.25here lurks, bar hellpelhullpulthebell, none iron welcome. Bing.
245.25+nursery rhyme Who Killed Cock Robin?: 'Who'll toll the bell? I, said the Bull, Because I can pull'
245.25+none are unwelcome
245.25+VI.B.32.128b (r): 'an iron welcome'
245.25+Tennyson: other works: In Memoriam A.H.H., XC: 'That could the dead, whose dying eyes Were closed with wail, resume their life, They would but find in child and wife An iron welcome when they rise'
245.26Bong. Bangbong. Thunderation! You took with the mulligrubs
245.26+VI.B.32.108a (r): 'thunderation'
245.26+Le Fanu: The House by the Churchyard, ch. 25: (quoting Swift's Polite Conversation) 'What, you are sick of mulligrubs, with eating chopt hay?'
245.26+Slang mulligrubs: cholic, low spirits
245.27and we lack mulsum? No sirrebob! Great goodness, no! Were
245.27+Le Fanu: The House by the Churchyard: 'mulsum'
245.27+mulse: liquor made from honey
245.27+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 31: 'No-sirree-bob'
245.27+syllabub: a dessert or drink made of wine and cream whipped together, sweetened and spiced
245.27+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 13: 'great goodness'
245.28you Marely quean of Scuts or but Chrestien the Last, (our duty
245.28+VI.B.32.125b (r): 'merry queen of Scots'
245.28+Mary Queen of Scots
245.28+Archaic quean: female, woman, ill-bred woman, prostitute
245.28+Slang scut: a term of contempt for a person; female genitalia
245.28+VI.B.32.131c (r): 'Christian the Last'
245.28+Christian X was king of Denmark from 1912 to 1947
245.28+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 18: 'Our duty to you, sir'
245.29to you, chris! royalty, squat!) how matt your mark, though
245.29+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 20: 'Royalty'
245.29+Motif: 4 evangelists (Mamalujo) (*X*)
245.29+German matt: exhausted
245.29+phrase make one's mark: become famous, do something memorable
245.30luked your johl, here's dapplebellied mugs and troublebedded
245.30+locked your jaw (lockjaw: trismus, a muscle spasm that causes the jaws to remain tightly shut; tetanus, an infectious disease characterised by trismus and other muscle spasms)
245.30+German johlen: to hoot
245.30+Motif: 2&3 (double, treble) [.19]
245.30+double-bellied: (of drinking and pouring vessels) having two concavities one above the other, pear-shaped or hourglass-shaped (which makes it also similar to a traditional representation of a woman's body)
245.30+VI.B.32.125a (r): 'trouble bedded rooms'
245.31rooms and sawdust strown in expectoration and for ratification by
245.31+Motif: -ation (*O*; 4 times) [.31-.32]
245.31+sawdust was commonly strewn on pub floors until the early 20th century in order to soak up spilled drinks, as well as spit and phlegm
245.31+in expectation
245.31+expectoration: discharging phlegm or mucus from the lungs or throat by coughing or spitting
245.32specification of your information, Mr Knight, tuntapster, buttles;
245.32+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Mr Knight...} | {Png: ...Mr. Knight...}
245.32+Mr. E.H. Knight, manager of Euston Hotel, where Joyce stayed
245.32+tun: a large barrel or cask for wine or beer
245.32+tapster: tavern keeper (*E*)
245.32+Dialect buttles: pours out drink [.36]
245.33his alefru's up to his hip. And Watsy Lyke sees after all rinsings
245.33+ale-wife (*A*)
245.33+Swedish fru: wife
245.33+what's he like [475.35]
245.33+(*S*, responsible for rinsing dirty flasks)
245.34and don't omiss Kate, homeswab homely, put in with the bricks.
245.34+omit, miss
245.34+Miss Kate (*K*)
245.34+song Home Sweet Home
245.34+Archaic proverb Home is home, be it never so homely: home is the best, regardless of how humble it is (Archaic never so: ever so)
245.34+VI.B.32.130b (r): 'put in with the bricks'
245.35A's the sign and one's the number. Where Chavvyout Chacer
245.35+the sign [246.02]
245.35+Findlater's A.1 whiskey (sold in Dublin)
245.35+Hebrew khag shavuot: Jewish Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) [246.01]
245.35+song Chevy Chase: 'Who gave you leave to hunt in this Cheviot chase' (an old English ballad about a large English hunting party at Chevy Chase (hunting grounds in the Cheviot Hills on the Anglo-Scottish border, originally called Cheviot Chase) and their ensuing battle with the Scots, who viewed it as an invasion)
245.35+Colloquial chaser: a drink taken immediately after another (either or both being alcoholic)
245.36calls the cup and Pouropourim stands astirrup. De oud huis bij
245.36+Scottish call: to order (a drink)
245.36+stirrup cup: a parting drink, such as given to horse-riding guests whose feet are already in the stirrups, e.g. when leaving or when setting out on a hunt (song The Stirrup Cup)
245.36+pouring [.32]
245.36+poor him
245.36+Purim: a Jewish holiday
245.36+Dutch het oude huis bij het kerkhof: the old house by the churchyard (Le Fanu: The House by the Churchyard)

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