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Finnegans Wake lines: 48
Elucidations found: 124

266.01boxomeness of the bedelias1 makes hobby-
266.01+Latin Obedientia Civium Urbis Felicitas: Citizens' Obedience is City's Happiness (Motif: Dublin motto)
266.01+box hedge
266.01+Bedelia: Irish female given name, diminutive of Bridget or Brigid
266.01+dahlias (among the earwig's favoured food sources)
266.02hodge happy in his hole.2 The store and
266.02+Hodge: any rustic
266.02+Star and Garter: common pub name
266.03charter, Treetown Castle under Lynne. Riva-
266.03+VI.C.2.177g (o): 'treetown'
266.03+(the Dublin coat of arms shows three burning castles)
266.03+VI.C.2.176g (o): 'CFd made a city newcastle under Lyme'
266.03+Newcastle-under-Lyme: town, England (the town got its charter from Henry II in 1173)
266.03+Irish linn: pool, lake, sea
266.03+Rivapool... Schore [.03-.08] [074.13-.19]
266.03+Italian riva: bank, shore
266.03+river, pool
266.04pool? Hod a brieck on it! But its piers eerie,
266.04+hod, brick (song Finnegan's Wake: 'Tim Finnegan... he carried a hod')
266.04+not a bit of it!
266.04+Persse O'Reilly
266.04+hymn Dies Irae (Latin 'Day of Wrath'; part of the Requiem Mass for the dead)
266.05its span spooky, its toll but a till, its parapets
266.06all peripateting. D'Oblong's by his by. Which
266.06+peripatetic: of the Aristotelian school of philosophy; walking from place to place, itinerant, rambling
266.06+May Oblong: Dublin prostitute
266.06+Danish by: town, city
266.06+Motif: Which we all... Schore [.06-.08]
266.07we all pass. Tons. In our snoo. Znore. While
266.07+Latin pons: bridge
266.08we hickerwards the thicker. Schein. Schore.
266.08+Archaic hitherwards: towards this place, hither
266.08+Archaic thither: towards that place, thitherwards
266.08+German Schein: shining, seeming
266.08+German schore: to prop, to support
266.09Which assoars us from the murk of the mythe-
266.09+Colloquial methylated: methylated spirits, alcohol mixed with additives to render it unfit for drinking and usable as a solvent or fuel (yet still drunk by those desperate enough, due to its being exempt from taxes imposed on alcoholic beverages and thus very cheap)
266.09+Greek methysos: drunk
266.10lated in the barrabelowther, bedevere butlered
266.10+bar below there
266.10+Babel Tower
266.10+Bedevere: King Arthur's butler; knight of the Round Table
266.11table round, past Morningtop's necessity and
266.11+Wace: 'the Table Round' (King Arthur)
266.11+(past breakfast room and lavatory)
266.11+Anglo-Irish phrase top of the morning (a morning greeting; from top: the best part)
266.11+Lord Mornington: father of the Duke of Wellington
266.11+proverb Necessity is the mother of invention: if something is truly needed, a way will be found of achieving it
266.12Harington's invention, to the clarience of the
266.12+Dutch harington: herring-tub, herring-barrel
266.12+VI.C.2.158e (o): 'Sir John Haigtas invents WC (asimoan)' (last word not crayoned)
266.12+Heard: Narcissus, An Anatomy of Clothes 92: 'a sharpened perception (which drove that typical Elizabethan, Sir John Harrington, with his almost Minoan figure, to reinvent the Minoan's masterpiece, the water-closet)'
266.13childlight in the studiorium upsturts. Here
266.13+(children's study upstairs)
266.13+German Sturz: fall, overthrow
266.13+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Love and the Novice: 'Here we dwell, in holiest bowers' [air: Cean Dubh Delish] [.F05]
266.14we'll dwell on homiest powers, love at the
266.14+John Keats: Isabella: 'He knew whose gentle hand was at the latch'
266.15latch with novices nig and nag. The chorus:
266.15+Swiss German nigelnagelneu: brand new
266.16the principals. For the rifocillation of their
266.16+Motif: -ation (*O*; 4 times) [.16-.17]
266.16+Italian rifocillare: cheer up , revive
266.17inclination to the manifestation of irritation:
266.18doldorboys and doll.3 After sound, light and
266.18+Dolder: a high part of Zurich (and the name of a hotel situated there)
266.19heat, memory, will and understanding.
266.20     Here (the memories framed from walls are
266.20+{{Synopsis: II.2.3.A: [266.20-267.11] [266.F06-267.F03] [266.L01-267.L03] [266.R01-266.R06]: in the room — the two boys and the girl}}
266.20+(framed portraits on the wall)
266.21minding) till wranglers for wringwrowdy
266.21+Cambridge Colloquial wrangler: a student placed in the first class in the mathematical tripos (final honours examination for a B.A. degree in mathematics)
266.22wready are, F F, (at gaze, respecting, four-
266.22+VI.B.3.010f (r): 'the lette F.'
266.22+VI.C.1.109b (r): === VI.B.11.039d ( ): 'F F (talking together)'
266.22+Queyrat: Les Jeux des Enfants 10: 'L'enfant... fit aussi un F tourné du mauvais côté, et traçant la forme correcte du côté gauche, F F, il s'écria: "Ils causent ensemble"' (French 'The child... also made an F turned the wrong way, and tracing the correct form on the left, F F, he exclaimed: "They are chatting together")
266.22+(three pairs of rotated F's) [018.36] [121.03] [121.07]
266.22+face to face
266.22+Heraldry respecting: (of charges) facing (usually followed by 'each other')
266.23teenth baronet, meet, altrettanth bancorot,
266.23+meet: proper (Heraldry proper: naturally coloured, rather than using conventional heraldic tinctures)
266.23+Mutt [.24]
266.23+wheat, chaff
266.23+Motif: alphabet sequence: ABC
266.23+Italian altrettanto: just as much
266.23+Italian banco: school desk
266.23+Italian bancarotta: bankruptcy
266.24chaff) and ere commence commencement cata-
266.24+Heraldry chafant: (of a boar) enraged
266.24+Jeff [.23]
266.24+(before considering the boys) [.27]
266.24+Battle of Catalaunian Fields, A.D. 451, where Attila and the Ostrogoths were temporarily defeated by Aetius and the Visigoths
266.24+Catalan Gambit: a chess opening (formalised and named to celebrate the 1929 Barcelona chess tournament, although it has been used before)
266.25launic when Aetius check chokewill Attil's
266.25+check, gambit (chess terms)
266.26gambit, (that buxon bruzeup, give it a burl!)
266.26+Downing: Digger Dialects 13: 'BOX-ON (n.) — A fight; a battle; a tussle' (World War I Slang)
266.26+Downing: Digger Dialects 13: 'BREEZE-UP — Fear' (World War I Slang)
266.26+Downing: Digger Dialects 14: 'BURL — "To give it a burl" — to cease' (World War I Slang)
266.27lead us seek, O june of eves the jenniest,
266.27+(let us consider the girl) [.24]
266.27+song Sweet Genevieve: (begins) 'O, Genevieve'
266.27+Saint Genevieve, when Attila was set to attack Lutetia (Paris) in 451, persuaded the city's people not to flee, but rather to pray, which was said to have caused Attila to move against Orléans instead
266.28thou who fleeest flicklesome the fond fervid
266.28+Swedish flicka: girl
266.29frondeur to thickly thyself attach with thine
266.29+French frondeur: scoffer
266.30efteased ensuer,4 ondrawer of our uncon-
266.30+Obsolete eftest: most ready, most covenient (probably a blunder in Shakespeare: Much Ado about Nothing IV.2.38: 'Yea, marry, that's the eftest way')
266.30+oft teased
266.30+eschewer: one who avoids
266.30+German Aufzieher: teaser, joker; nurturer, nourisher; trowel (literally 'on-drawer')
266.31scionable, flickerflapper fore our unter-
266.31+Swedish flicka: girl
266.31+flapper: modish girl of 1920s
266.31+German unterdrückt: suppressed, repressed (Freud)
266.F01     1 I believe in Dublin and the Sultan of Turkey.
266.F01+prayer Credo (Nicene Creed): 'I believe in one God, the Father Almighty... And in one Lord, Jesus Christ'
266.F01+Sultan of Turkey
266.F02     2 I have heard this word used by Martin Halpin, an old gardener from the
266.F02+Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Chapelizod section: 'Halpin, Thomas, vintner... Hands, G., Martin's-row' (entries follow one another; Chapelizod)
266.F02+(Motif: Grand Old Gardener)
266.F03Glens of Antrim who used to do odd jobs for my godfather, the Rev. B. B.
266.F03+Glens of Antrim, North Ireland
266.F04Brophy of Swords.
266.F04+Swords: town, County Dublin
266.F05     3 Ravens may rive so can dove deelish.
266.F05+Motif: dove/raven
266.F05+Irish ceann dubh dílis: dark-head dearest [.13]
266.F06     4 A question of pull.
266.L01Bet you fippence,
266.L01+Colloquial fippence: five pence [425.14]
266.L01+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...fippence, anythesious, there's...} | {Png: ...fippence anythesious there's...}
266.L02+any thesis
266.L02+any day
266.L02+Saint Athanasius: 'Father of Orthodoxy', a Homoiousian and opponent of Arius
266.L03there's no pug-
266.L04gatory, are yous
266.L04+Anglo-Irish yous: you (plural)
266.R01+German Auster: oyster
266.R04+Greek panhysterikos: all-womb-suffering

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