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Finnegans Wake lines: 38
Elucidations found: 168

288.01tered, for a dillon a dollar,1 chanching letters for them vice o'verse
288.01+nursery rhyme 'A dillar, a dollar, a ten o'clock scholar'
288.01+vice versa
288.02to bronze mottes and blending tschemes for em in tropadores and
288.02+French bons mots: witticisms, witty sayings (literally 'good words')
288.02+Dublin Slang mot: girl
288.02+Il Trovatore
288.02+trope: figurative expression
288.03doublecressing twofold thruths and devising tingling tailwords
288.03+VI.B.17.081e (b): 'twofold truth' [305.L01] [490.16]
288.03+McIntyre: Giordano Bruno 303: (of Giordano Bruno) 'It has been suggested that Bruno, like many others who were unstable in the Church, made use of the subterfuge of the twofold truth; in other words, that he professed to disbelieve theologically what he accepted as philosophical truth: or that he held one and the same proposition to be true to sense and reason, i.e. to harmonise with all other "natural" knowledge, and yet to be false to faith, i.e. inconsistent with revealed truth. But no theologian denied more strenuously than Bruno, in spite of occasional lapses, the possibility of two kinds of truth'
288.03+Motif: 2&3
288.04too whilest, cunctant that another would finish his sentence for
288.04+Latin cunctans: delaying
288.05him, he druider would smilabit eggways2 ned, he, to don't say
288.05+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 10: 'He said he druther see the new moon over his left shoulder'
288.05+smile a bit edgeways
288.05+Motif: alphabet sequence: XYZ
288.05+Danish ned: down
288.05+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 11: 'Please to don't poke fun at a poor girl like me, mum'
288.05+song Ole Man River: 'he don't say nothing'
288.06nothing, would, so prim, and pick upon his ten ordinailed ungles,
288.06+(counting on fingers)
288.06+ordinal numbers
288.06+Latin ungula: nail
288.07trying to undo with his teeth the knots made by his tongue,
288.07+Sauvé: Proverbes et Dictons de la Basse-Bretagne no. 156: 'Nœud fait avec la langue ne se défait point avec les dents' (French 'A knot made with the tongue cannot be undone with the teeth')
288.08retelling humself by the math hour, long as he's brood, a reel of
288.08+phrase it's as long as it's broad: it makes no difference
288.09funnish ficts apout the shee, how faust of all and on segund
288.09+Anglo-Irish shee: fairy
288.09+Katharine O'Shea: Parnell's lover and later his wife
288.09+German Faust: fist
288.09+first, second, third, fourth, fifth [.09-.11]
288.09+Spanish segundo: second
288.10thoughts and the thirds the charmhim girlalove and fourther-
288.10+proverb The third time's the charm: luck is certain to favour the third attempt
288.10+VI.B.3.056c (o): 'Is sang — Molly Bawn, It is a Charming Girl I love, My Sweetheart when a Boy'
288.10+Benedict: The Lily of Killarney (opera based on Boucicault: The Colleen Bawn): song It Is a Charming Girl I Love (Joyce: Ulysses.18.347: 'when I was whistling there is a charming girl I love')
288.11more and filthily with bag from Oxatown and baroccidents and
288.11+Oxmantown: a part of northern Dublin, where Ostmen (Viking invaders of Ireland and their settler descendants) once lived
288.11+oxytone: having the stress or an acute accent on the last syllable
288.11+Italian barocci: carts, vans
288.11+Italian barocco: awkward
288.11+barring accidents
288.11+paroxytone: having the stress or an acute accent on the penultimate syllable
288.12proper accidence and hoptohill and hexenshoes, in fine the whole
288.12+proparoxytone: having the stress or an acute accent on the antepenultimate syllable
288.12+accidence: the part of grammar which deals with the inflections of words (e.g. gender, number, tense)
288.12+hope to hell
288.12+Greek hepta, hexa: seven, six
288.12+German Hexenschuss: stabbing pain at onset of acute lumbago (literally 'witches' shot')
288.12+phrase in fine: finally
288.13damning letter; and, in point of feet, when he landed in ourland's
288.13+(Motif: The Letter)
288.13+landed on his feet
288.13+Tristan, Saint Patrick and Strongbow all landed in Leinster [.14-.15]
288.14leinster3 of saved and solomnones for the twicedhecame time, off
288.14+sages and scholars
288.14+David and Solomon
288.14+David and Jonathan
288.14+Saint Patrick came a second time to Ireland as a missionary (first time as captive)
288.14+Tristan came twice to Ireland
288.15Lipton's strongbowed launch, the Lady Eva, in a tan soute of
288.15+Sir Thomas Lipton repeatedly failed to win America Cup with various yachts, all named 'Shamrock'
288.15+VI.B.6.174c (r): 'marriage of Strongbow & Eva amid smoke' (last word not crayoned)
288.15+Lawless: The Story of Ireland 86: (of Strongbow) 'Strongbow... attacked Waterford... and the united forces of Dermot and the Earl marched into the town, where the marriage of the latter with Eva, Dermot's daughter, was celebrated, as Maclise has represented it in his picture, amid lowering smoke and heaps of the dead and dying'
288.15+Strongbow, the leader of the Anglo-Normans who invaded Ireland, married Eva, the daughter of Diarmaid MacMurrough, the king of Leinster [.14]
288.15+French soute: ship's storeroom
288.15+suit of sails: full set of sails required for ship
288.16sails4 he converted it's nataves, name saints, young ordnands,
288.16+its natives
288.16+Latin navis: Italian nave: ship
288.16+hands, heads
288.17maderaheads and old unguished P.T. Publikums, through the
288.17+Spanish madera: wood
288.17+Spanish madero: stupid person
288.17+Polish mądry: wise
288.17+Old English
288.17+Latin anguis: snake (Cluster: Snakes)
288.17+Anguish: the father of Iseult
288.17+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...unguished P.T. Publikums...} | {Png: ...unguished. P.T. Publikums...}
288.17+German P.T. Publikum: a form of written address for 'the public in general' (found on public notices, theatre programs, etc.; probably from Latin pleno titulo: with full title + German Publikum: public, audience; apparently used primarily in Austria and Czechoslovakia)
288.18medium of znigznaks with sotiric zeal, to put off the barcelonas5
288.18+Polish znikać: to vanish
288.18+German Colloquial Schnickschnack: knick-knack; chatter, empty talk
288.18+Russian znak: mark, sign, gesture
288.18+soterial: pertaining to salvation
288.18+German Ziel: goal, purpose, destination
288.18+Anglo-Irish barcelona: a silk neckcloth
288.18+Borsalino: a trademarked fedora hat made by the Italian company Borsalino (Joyce wore one)
288.19from their peccaminous corpulums (Gratings, Mr Dane!) and
288.19+peccaminous: full of sins
288.19+Latin corpulenta: sins
288.19+Latin corpus: body
288.19+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Mr Dane...} | {Png: ...Mr. Dane...}
288.19+Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 102: (of Swift) 'In a romance dealing with the story of his life, written some years ago, we get a picture of... women at the doors of their dwellings saying softly, "Good evening, Mr. Dane", as he went by; there is no reason why the sketch should not be a true one' (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation Dane: Dean)
288.19+Czech Slang mrdán: fucked
288.20kiss on their bottes (Master!) as often as they came within blood-
288.20+French bottes: boots
288.21shot of that other familiar temple and showed em the celestine
288.21+(Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin)
288.21+celestine: heavenly
288.22way to by his tristar and his flop hattrick and his perry humdrum
288.22+tri-: three-
288.22+(three-leaved shamrock, supposedly used by Saint Patrick to demonstrate the Trinity)
288.22+Patrick (Saint Patrick)
288.22+(put off hat) [.18]
288.22+hat trick: three successes (e.g. goals) in a sports game
288.22+prayer Libera Nos: 'Per eundem Dominum nostrum' (Latin Deliver Us: 'Through the same our Lord')
288.23dumb and numb nostrums that he larned in Hymbuktu,6 and that
288.23+nostrum: a quack remedy
288.23+hymnbook too
288.24same galloroman cultous is very prevailend up to this windiest of
288.24+Latin cultus Galloromanus: culture of Romanised Gauls
288.24+(Dante: The Divine Comedy: Inferno V describes the second circle of Hell, where lustful souls are tossed by the winds of Hell) [292.01-.02]
288.25landhavemiseries all over what was beforeaboots a land of nods, in
288.25+prayer Lord, have mercy (Greek Kyrie eleison)
288.25+phrase in the Land of Nod: asleep
288.26spite of all the bloot, all the braim, all the brawn, all the brile, that
288.26+Motif: alliteration (b)
288.26+Dutch het bloot: the nakedness
288.26+German Blut: blood
288.26+Irish broim: a fart
288.27was shod, that were shat, that was shuk all the while, for our
288.28massangrey if mosshungry people, the at Wickerworks,7 still hold
288.28+French sang: blood
288.28+proverb A hungry man, an angry man
288.28+at the
288.28+Annakisha, County Cork (from Irish Ath na Cise: Wickerwork Ford) [289.01]
288.28+in 1172, Henry II held court in a wickerwork pavilion outside Dublin, and there Strongbow surrendered Dublin to him
288.28+phrase hold the fort
288.F01     1 An ounceworth of onions for a pennyawealth of sobs.
288.F01+Robert Greene: A Groatsworth of Wit Bought with a Million of Repentance
288.F01+(onions for fake tears)
288.F02     2 Who brought us into the yellow world!
288.F03     3 Because it's run on the mountain and river system.
288.F03+proverb A mountain and a river are good neighbours
288.F03+(*E* and *A*)
288.F04     4 When all them allied sloopers was ventitillated in their poppos and,
288.F04+Ally Sloper: character in Victorian comics
288.F04+sloop: a small one-masted sail-boat
288.F04+German Childish Popo: buttocks
288.F05sliding down by creek and veek, stole snaking out to sea.
288.F05+Dutch beek: brook, creek, beck
288.F05+snaking (Cluster: Snakes)
288.F06     5 They were plumped and plumed and jerried and citizens and racers, and
288.F06+Six Hundred and Seventeen Irish Songs and Ballads 54: song Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake: 'There was plums and prunes and cherries And citron and raisins, cinnamon, too' (also called Miss Hooligan's Christmas Cake)
288.F08     6 Creeping Crawleys petery parley, banished to his native Ireland from
288.F08+Colloquial creepy-crawlies: creatures that creep and crawl (e.g. insects, snakes; Cluster: Snakes)
288.F08+Samuel Griswold Goodrich: Peter Parley's children books (e.g. Peter Parley's Tales about Ancient Greece)
288.F08+French parlé: spoken
288.F08+Saint Patrick supposedly banished all snakes from Ireland (Cluster: Snakes)
288.F09erring under Ryan.
288.F09+Anglo-Irish Erin: Ireland
288.F09+song Ehren on the Rhine
288.F10     7 Had our retrospectable fearfurther gatch mutchtatches?
288.F10+Irish fear-feasa: wise man, seer
288.F10+Anglo-Irish gatch: affected gesture or movement of limb, body, or face; showing off (from Irish gáitse: a showy gesture, a swagger)
288.F10+Spanish muchacha: girl

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