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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 226

340.01cettera, oukraydoubray). Scutterer of guld, he is retourious on
340.01+Colloquial okey dokey: okay
340.01+Ukraine [.06] [.33]
340.01+Ukrainian dobre: okay
340.01+Anglo-Irish scutter: to squitter, to have diarrhoea; diarrhoea
340.01+scatterer of gold
340.01+stutterer of guilt, he is notorious on every rota (Motif: stuttering)
340.01+utterer: one who passes counterfeit coins
340.01+Danish guld: gold
340.01+French retour: return
340.02every roudery! The lyewdsky so so sewn of a fitchid! With his
340.02+French route: road
340.02+Ukrainian lyudskyi vischod: origin of man
340.02+(Motif: stuttering)
340.02+Motif: Son of a bitch
340.02+Ukrainian vischod: germination of seed
340.02+fitchet: polecat
340.03walshbrushup. And his boney bogey braggs.
340.03+Archbishop Walsh of Dublin
340.03+Wash and Brush Up: a service advertised in men's public lavatories in Britain
340.03+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...walshbrushup. And...} | {Png: ...walshbrushup? And...}
340.03+song Loch Lomond: 'On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond' [.07] [.09]
340.03+Boney: Napoleon
340.03+Australian Slang bogey: a bath, a wash; a bathing-place
340.03+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...braggs.} | {Png: ...braggs?}
340.04     BUTT (after his tongues in his cheeks, with pinkpoker pointing
340.04+{{Synopsis: II.3.4.B: [340.04-341.17]: Butt describes the background of the scene — spirits rise with riddles, games, music and song}}
340.04+phrase tongue in cheek: not serious, humorous
340.04+(pointing out landmarks of the battlefield)
340.05out in rutene to impassible abjects beyond the mistomist towards
340.05+Russian Rutene: Ruthenian
340.05+impossible objects
340.05+Italian misto: mixed
340.05+Ukrainian mistomist: town of towns, town of bridges (from Ukrainian misto: town, city, place + Ukrainian mist: bridge)
340.05+German Mist: dung, garbage
340.06Lissnaluhy such as the Djublian Alps and the Hoofd Ribeiro as
340.06+Anglo-Irish Lisna-: Fort of (in Irish placenames)
340.06+Ukrainian lyis: forest, wood
340.06+Ukrainian lyisny: woody, foresty
340.06+Lyisna and Luh are tributaries of the Bug river, Ukraine [.01] [.33]
340.06+Ukrainian luhy: meadows
340.06+Ljubljana: capital of Slovenia
340.06+Julian Alps, Yugoslavia
340.06+Dutch hoofd: head
340.06+Howth Head (from Danish hoved: head)
340.06+Portuguese ribeiro: brook
340.06+Provençal ribiero: river
340.07where he and his trulock may ever make a game). The field of
340.07+song Loch Lomond: 'But me and my true love will never meet again' [.03] [.09]
340.07+Trulock, Harriss and Richardson: Dublin gun and rifle manufacturers, ammunition merchants, shooting school, etc. (9 Dawson Street, Dublin)
340.08karhags and that bloasted tree. Forget not the felled! For the
340.08+Ukrainian karha: hag
340.08+Shelta karnag: drawers
340.08+Carnac: site of megaliths in Brittany
340.08+Irish carraig: rock (Motif: tree/stone)
340.08+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Forget Not the Field [air: The Lamentation of Aughrim]
340.08+German Feld: field
340.09lomondations of Oghrem! Warful doon's bothem. Here furry
340.09+song Loch Lomond [.03] [.07]
340.09+Ogham writing
340.09+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XVIII, 'Minchinhampton', 503b: 'a town in... Gloucestershire, England... the name of Woeful Dane Bottom, a neighbouring valley, perhaps indicates the scene of a defeat of the Danes (c. 918)' [369.12] [503.21] [594.12]
340.09+Dean's Bottom: locality in Kent
340.09+Furry Glen: a popular area at the southwestern corner of Phoenix Park
340.10glunn. Nye? Their feery pass. Tak! With guerillaman aspear
340.10+Ukrainian nyi, tak: no, yes (Motif: yes/no)
340.10+French fée: fairy
340.10+(*E*, *IJ* and *VYC*) [.10-.12]
340.10+(Motif: Why do I am alook alike a poss of porterpease?)
340.11aspoor to prink the pranks of primkissies. And the buddies be-
340.11+prink: to smarten
340.11+prank: to dress showily
340.11+Motif: And They Put/Piled Him Behind in/on the Fire/Pyre/Oasthouse/Outhouse [.11-.12]
340.11+bodies (hiding)
340.12hide in the byre. Allahblah!
340.12+byre: cow house
340.13     TAFF (a blackseer, he stroves to regulect all the straggles for wife
340.13+Black Sea (Crimea)
340.13+German Schwarzseher: pessimist
340.13+strives to recollect
340.13+Regula: patron saint of Zurich [.15]
340.13+phrase struggle for life (a description of evolutionary natural selection, coined by Darwin in his On the Origin of Species)
340.14in the rut of the past through the widnows in effigies keening after the
340.14+Ukrainian vidnova: renewing, renewal
340.14+The Widow of Ephesus: a folktale about a woman who mourns her husband by his grave, but one night when she is visited by a soldier guarding another corpse and that corpse disappears, she offers to desecrate her husband's body to protect the soldier (i.e. a symbol of woman's unfaithfulness)
340.15blank sheets in their faminy to the relix of old decency from over
340.15+phrase black sheep of the family
340.15+Dublin Slang relic of old decency: souvenir of better times
340.15+Felix: patron saint of Zurich [.13]
340.16draught). Oh day of rath! Ah, murther of mines! Eh, selo moy!
340.16+hymn Dies Irae (Latin 'Day of Wrath'; part of the Requiem Mass for the dead)
340.16+Rathmines: district of Dublin
340.16+song Mother of Mine
340.16+Anglo-Irish murther: murder (reflecting pronunciation)
340.16+song O Sole Mio
340.16+Ukrainian selo moe: my village
340.17Uh, zulu luy! Bernesson Mac Mahahon from Osro bearing nose
340.17+Italian zulu: (fig.) boor
340.17+Italian lui: him
340.17+(*S*) [529.16]
340.17+Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson: 19th-20th Norwegian writer, at times considered Ibsen's rival (from Norwegian bjørnson: son of bear)
340.17+MacMahon: French general in the Crimean War (from Old Irish mac mathgamain: son of bear) [.19-.21]
340.17+Oslo, Norway
340.17+North, East, West, South (Motif: 4 cardinal points) [.17-.18]
340.18easger for sweeth prolettas on his swooth prowl!
340.18+Italian proletta: small progeny
340.18+Bulgarian proletta: the spring
340.18+Genesis 3:19: 'In the sweat of thy face' (often quoted as 'By the sweat of your brow' and the like)
340.19     BUTT (back to his peatrol and paump: swee Gee's wee rest: no
340.19+back (Motif: back/front) [.25]
340.19+VI.B.46.097j (r): 'patrol' (Military)
340.19+Sapper: John Walters 39: 'A Point of Detail': 'Get back your own way... we've bumped into a big patrol'
340.19+petrol pump
340.19+Motif: Paul/Peter
340.19+VI.B.46.052o (r): 'j'y suis, j'y reste'
340.19+Trogan: Les Mots Historiques du Pays de France 10x: 'MAC-MAHON... J'y suis, j'y reste' (French 'MACMAHON... Here I am, here I stay'; the general's supposed reply when asked to retreat from the Battle of Malakoff during the Siege of Sevastopol in the Crimean War) [.17]
340.19+Anglo-Irish Slang gee: female genitalia
340.20more applehooley: dodewodedook). Bruinoboroff, the hooney-
340.20+Irish na h-ubhailli: apple trees
340.20+Anglo-Irish hooley: uninhibited party, celebration
340.20+Deadwood Dick
340.20+Dutch bruin: brown
340.20+Bruin: a quasi-proper name applied to the bear (for example in the Reynard cycle) [.17]
340.20+Brian Boru
340.20+Russian borov: hog
340.20+(bears like honey)
340.21moonger, and the grizzliest manmichal in Meideveide! Whose
340.21+Slang moon: buttocks
340.21+French manger: to eat
340.21+grizzly bear
340.21+French Maréchal: Marshal (a French title awarded for military distinction; MacMahon was one) [.17]
340.21+Russian Misha: common name for bears in folktales (short for Russian Mikhail: Michael)
340.21+Dutch meid: maid
340.21+Serbo-Croatian med: honey
340.21+Maida Vale, London
340.21+Serbo-Croatian medved: bear
340.21+Dutch weide: meadow
340.21+song Jerusalem: 'Hosanna in the highest'
340.22annal livves the hoiest! For he devoused the lelias on the fined
340.22+Livy's Annals
340.22+Delilah (Samson's temptress)
340.22+(will be using a sod of turf to clean his buttocks)
340.22+Lilias Walsingham: character in Le Fanu: The House by the Churchyard
340.22+Matthew 6:28: 'lilies of the field' (*IJ*) [.23]
340.22+German Feind: enemy
340.23and he conforted samp, tramp and marchint out of the drumbume
340.23+Motif: Shem, Ham and Japhet (*VYC*) [.22]
340.23+jawbone of an ass (Judges 15:16: 'And Samson said, With the jawbone of an ass... have I slain a thousand men')
340.24of a narse. Guards, serf Finnland, serve we all!
340.24+Slang arse: buttocks
340.24+German Gott strafe England: God punish England (World War I slogan)
340.24+song God Save Ireland: '"God save Ireland" said they all' (Irish nationalist anthem)
340.25     TAFF (whatwidth the psychophannies at the front and whetwadth
340.25+front [.19]
340.25+what with
340.26the psuckofumbers beholden the fair, illcertain, between his bulchri-
340.26+VI.B.46.097ad (r): 'suckofumbs'
340.26+psychopomp: a conductor of souls to the place of the dead
340.26+thumb-suckers [.28] [.29]
340.26+Motif: And They Put/Piled Him Behind in/on the Fire/Pyre/Oasthouse/Outhouse
340.26+Motif: How Buckley shot the Russian General
340.27chudes and the roshashanaral, where he sees Bishop Ribboncake plus
340.27+Hebrew Rosh Hashana: Jewish New Year
340.27+Rose of Sharon
340.27+(*V*; initially represented by the *P* (Saint Patrick) siglum, which possibly looks something like a bishop going forth on his rogations) [.27-.28]
340.28his pollex prized going forth on his visitations of mirrage or Miss
340.28+pollex: thumb [.26] [.29]
340.28+parish priest
340.28+visitation: ecclesiastical visit
340.28+VI.B.8.145a ( ): '*L* girl lying on causeway with one leg heavenward, lacing her shoe'
340.28+(*I*; initially represented by the *L* (inverted Tristan) siglum, which looks something like a girl lying on the causeway with one leg heavenward, lacing her shoe) [.28-.30] [608.25-.26]
340.29Horizon, justso all our fannacies daintied her, on the curve of the
340.29+fancies painted
340.29+Finneces: poet to whom Finn went to learn poetry and for whom he cooked the Salmon of Knowledge, only to burn his thumb and gain all wisdom by sucking it (Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 365: 'The Boyhood Deeds of Finn') [.26] [.28]
340.30camber, unsheathing a showlaced limbaloft to the great consternations).
340.30+Camber: second son of Brute who inherited Wales from his father
340.30+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...unsheathing...} | {Png: ...unsheating...}
340.30+limb aloft [204.19]
340.31Divulge! Hyededye, kittyls, and howdeddoh, pan! Poshbott and
340.31+(solve riddle)
340.31+song 'Hi-de-di, how-de-do'
340.31+song The Wren: 'Up with the kettle and down with the pan, And give us a penny to bury the Wren' [.35]
340.31+proverb The pot calling the kettle black: criticising another for one's own faults (hypocrisy)
340.31+Polish pan: sir, lord, gentleman
340.31+pantomime Puss in Boots
340.32pulbuties. See that we soll or let dargman be luna as strait a way
340.32+French balbutier: to stutter
340.32+Polish pół: half
340.32+Polish buty: boots
340.32+Latin sol: sun
340.32+German soll: should
340.32+dargsman: day labourer
340.32+Slang darkman: watchman
340.32+Slang darkmans: night
340.32+Armenian targman: interpreter
340.32+Latin luna: moon
340.32+Stratford [.33-.34]
340.33as your ant's folly me line while ye post is goang from Piping
340.33+Antes: Slav people residing on shores of Black Sea (now in Ukraine) [.01] [.06]
340.33+phrase follow my lead; act as I do
340.33+'Piping Pebworth, Dancing Marston, Haunted Hillborough, Hungry Grafton, Dadgeing Exhall, Papist Wicksford, Beggarly Broom, and Drunken Bidford' (poem attributed to Shakespeare refusing to resume drinking competition at Bidford)
340.34Pubwirth to Haunted Hillborough on his Mujiksy's Zaravence,
340.34+German Wirt: innkeeper
340.34+On His Majesty's Service: an official franking applied to the envelopes of government correspondence
340.34+Ukrainian muzhyk: peasant
340.34+Ukrainian muzhytskaya charivnytsa: peasant witch
340.34+Ukrainian tzar: Tsar
340.34+Armenian dzara: servant [321.23]
340.35the Riss, the Ross, the sur of all Russers, as my farst is near to
340.35+song The Wren: 'The Wren, the Wren, The king of all birds' [.31]
340.35+VI.B.46.097y (r): 'the Ross'
340.35+Military Ross rifle: a type of rifle used by the Canadian Army in World War I
340.35+German Ross: steed
340.35+Tsar of All the Russias
340.35+Dutch Russer: Russia
340.35+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Russers, as...} | {Png: ...Russers as...}
340.35+my first is near to hear (EAR) and my second is made to sit on (WICKER chair) while my whole is a Persse O'Reilly (EARWICKER; Persse O'Reilly)
340.36hear and my sackend is meet to sedon while my whole's a peer's
340.36+French cul-de-sac: blind alley, dead end
340.36+French perce-oreille: earwig

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