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Finnegans Wake lines: 35
Elucidations found: 177

341.01aureolies. We should say you dones the polecad. Bang on the
341.01+song You Should See Me Dance the Polka
341.01+VI.B.46.097z (r): 'polecat'
341.01+Sapper: John Walters 109: 'The Man-Trap': (of a large underground cavity) 'It stinks like a polecat'
341.01+cad (the cad with the pipe) [.17]
341.01+(beat up)
341.02booche, gurg in the gorge, rap on the roof and your flup is unbu...
341.02+French bouche: mouth
341.02+Colloquial gurk: a belch
341.02+French gorge: throat
341.02+(roof of the mouth)
341.02+fly is unbuttoned
341.03     BUTT (at the signal of his act which seems to sharpnel his
341.03+VI.B.46.097aj (r): 'shrapnel'
341.03+Sapper: John Walters 140: 'Ebeneezer the Goat': 'the peas, and they rattled on the tin plates like shrapnel bullets'
341.03+Military shrapnel: an anti-personnel hollow artillery shell used in World War I, containing a large number of bullets and a small timed bursting charge, which bursts the shell and scatters the bullets onto the targets
341.04innermals menody, playing the spool of the little brown jog round the
341.04+innermost melody
341.04+interior monologue
341.04+German -mals: -times
341.04+German Spiel: game, play
341.04+song Little Brown Jug
341.05wheel of her whang goes the millner). Buckily buckily, blodestained
341.05+Whang the Miller: character in Oliver Goldsmith: other works: The Citizen of the World
341.05+song Pop! Goes the Weasel
341.05+VI.B.46.097d (r): 'Mills'
341.05+Sapper: John Walters 13: 'The Awakening of John Walters': 'the rest of the party seized the Mills bombs'
341.05+Military Mills bomb: a type of fragmentation hand grenade introduced during World War I
341.05+Motif: How Buckley shot the Russian General [.05-.07]
341.05+William Shakespeare: The Tempest V.1.93: 'Merrily, merrily'
341.05+song The Protestant Boys
341.06boyne! Bimbambombumb. His snapper was shot in the Rumjar
341.06+Battle of the Boyne, 1690 (famous victory of the Protestant William III of Orange over the Catholic Jacobites)
341.06+Ukrainian boinya: fight, battle; slaughterhouse
341.06+Russian boinya: massacre, slaughter
341.06+b + (Motif: 5 vowels) + m: I, A, O, U (E missing)
341.06+(his snapshot was in a Russian Journal)
341.06+Slang snapper: penis
341.06+VI.B.46.097ac (r): 'rumjars'
341.06+Sapper: John Walters 119: 'The Man-Trap': 'the bursting of rum jars'
341.06+World War I Slang rum jar: a type of large German trench-mortar shell
341.07Journaral. Why the gigls he lubbed beeyed him.
341.07+song The Girl I Left Behind Me
341.07+Ukrainian lyuba: love
341.07+Ukrainian biy: fear; fight
341.08     TAFF (obliges with a two stop yogacoga sumphoty on the bones for ivory
341.08+(plays piano)
341.08+Irish cogadh: war
341.08+Greek sumphôtia: giving of light
341.08+bones (musical instrument)
341.08+(black and white piano keys; Motif: dark/fair)
341.09girl and ebony boy). The balacleivka! Trovatarovitch! I trumble!
341.09+Balaclava, Crimea
341.09+balalaika: three-stringed guitar-like musical instrument
341.09+Il Trovatore I.3: 'IL CONTE DI LUNA: 'Il Trovator! Io fermo!'': 'the troubadour! I rage!' (the troubadour being his rival)
341.09+Russian tovarish: comrade
341.09+I tumble to it
341.10     BUTT (with the sickle of a scygthe but the humour of a hummer, O,
341.10+song Phil the Fluter's Ball: 'With the toot of the flute and the twiddle of the fiddle, O!'
341.10+hammer and sickle (Soviet flag)
341.10+German Hummer: lobster
341.11howorodies through his cholaroguled, fumfing to a fullfrength with
341.11+Ukrainian hovoryty: to speak
341.11+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Let Erin Remember the Days of Old: 'collar of gold' [.17] [151.24]
341.11+Heraldry gules: red
341.11+VI.B.46.097ak (r): 'strength with effect'
341.11+Sapper: John Walters 145: 'Ebeneezer the Goat': (of a smelly male goat called Ebeneezer) 'Brown reported his departure that evening, and with a sigh of relief from the Major the odoriferous Ebeneezer was struck off the strength with effect from that day's date'
341.11+Military strength: the number of soldiers on the muster-roll of a military unit
341.12this wallowing olfact). Mortar martar tartar wartar! May his
341.12+following effect
341.12+olfactory (smell)
341.12+tar water: water infused with pine or fir tar, foul-tasting and formerly used as a medicine (Berkeley strongly advocated its use as a cure-all and daily tonic)
341.13boules grow wider so his skittles gets worse! The aged monad
341.13+French boules: a type of ball game
341.13+skittles (game)
341.13+squitters: diarrhoea
341.13+monad: in philosophy, an ultimate unit of being [078.19]
341.14making a venture out of the murder of investment. I seen him
341.14+phrase make a virtue of necessity: make the best of a situation one is forced into
341.14+(profits of war)
341.14+proverb Necessity is the mother of invention: if something is truly needed, a way will be found of achieving it
341.15acting surgent what betwinks the scimitar star and the ashen
341.15+acting sergeant
341.15+(Turkish flag has star and crescent moon)
341.16moon. By their lights shalthow throw him! Piff paff for puffpuff
341.16+Matthew 7:20: 'By their fruits ye shall know them'
341.16+shalt thou
341.16+Meyerbeer: Les Huguenots: song Piff Paff (militant Protestant song)
341.16+German piff paff!: bang bang! (imitative representation of the sound made by a gun)
341.17and my pife for his cgar! The mlachy way for gambling.
341.17+German Pfeife: pipe (the cad with the pipe) [.01]
341.17+Joyce: A Portrait II: (Simon of his father) 'We were more like brothers than father and son. I'Il never forget the first day he caught me smoking... I was standing... with some maneens... we had pipes... the next day... he said, try one of these cigars'
341.17+Michael Glinka: A Life for the Czar
341.17+song Rocky Road to Dublin
341.17+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Let Erin Remember the Days of Old: 'When Malachi wore the collar of gold' [.11] [151.24]
341.17+Polish mleko: milk
341.17+Milky Way
341.18         [Up to this curkscraw bind an admirable verbivocovisual pre-
341.18+{{Synopsis: II.3.4.C: [341.18-342.32]: first interlude — a report of a steeplechase horse race}}
341.18+corkscrew bend
341.19     sentment of the worldrenownced Caerholme Event has been being
341.19+CHE (Motif: HCE)
341.19+Cornish caer: Welsh caer: town, castle
341.19+Carholme: race track at Lincoln
341.20     given by The Irish Race and World. The huddled and aliven stable-
341.20+hundred and eleven (Motif: 111)
341.21     crashers have shared fleetfooted enthusiasm with the paddocks
341.21+phrase fleet of foot
341.21+song The Wearing of the Green: 'O Paddy dear and did you hear the news that's going round?'
341.22     dare and ditches tare while the mews was combing ground. Hippo-
341.22+Greek hippos: horse
341.22+phrase hip, hip, hurray! (a cheer)
341.23     hopparray helioscope flashed winsor places as the gates might see.
341.23+helioscope: apparatus for observing sun
341.23+Motif: heliotrope
341.23+Windsor Palace, England (horseracing at Windsor)
341.23+Winter Palace (Russian Revolution)
341.23+wins or places (second) as the case might be
341.24     Meusdeus! That was (with burning briar) Mr Twomass Noho-
341.24+Latin meus deus: my god
341.24+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Mr Twomass...} | {Png: ...Mr. Twomass...}
341.24+Thomas Nolan: officer in Crimean War
341.24+Motif: Browne/Nolan [.27]
341.25     holan for their common contribe satisfunction in the purports of
341.25+penitent in confession must peform satisfaction as penance, and exhibit firm purpose of amendment [.30]
341.26     amusedment telling the Verily Roverend Father Epiphanes
341.26+very reverend
341.26+Epiphanes: racehorse, born 1932
341.26+Greek epiphanês: manifest, notable
341.26+Saint Epiphanes
341.27     shrineshriver of Saint Dhorough's (in browne bomler) how
341.27+Saint Doolagh: village and church near Baldoyle
341.27+Browne [.24]
341.27+(priest Mr Browne at racetrack) [038.26]
341.27+Brown Bomber: horse in a comic-strip; also, Joe Louis, boxer
341.27+bowler hat
341.28     (assuary as there's a bonum in your osstheology!) Backlegs
341.28+as sure
341.28+ossuary: urn for bones of dead
341.28+Latin bonum: good
341.28+bone in your osteology
341.28+horse theology
341.28+Motif: How Buckley shot the Russian General
341.29     shirked the racing kenneldar. The saintly scholarist's roastering
341.29+The Racing Calendar: horse-racing annual
341.29+Island of Saints and Scholars: an epithet of Ireland (Motif: Island of Saints and Sages)
341.29+roast chestnut
341.30     guffalawd of nupersaturals holler at this metanoic excomologosis
341.30+guffaw (horse laugh)
341.30+Latin nuper: recently
341.30+penitent (metanoiac) in confession must exhibit supernatural sorrow and contrition [.25]
341.30+Latin satur: sated
341.30+exomologosis: public confession
341.31     tells of the chestnut's (once again, Wittyngtom!) absolutionally
341.31+chestnut: stale anecdote
341.31+pantomime Dick Whittington and His Cat: 'Turn again, Whittington, Lord-Mayor of London'
341.31+absolution (after confession)
341.32     romptyhompty successfulness. A lot of lasses and lads without
341.32+nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty
341.32+song 'Come lasses and lads, Take leave of your dads'
341.33     damas or dads, but fresh and blued with collecting boxes. One
341.33+Portuguese damas: ladies
341.33+flesh and blood
341.33+red and blue
341.34     aught spare ones triflets, to be shut: it is Coppingers for the
341.34+one's trifles
341.34+trefoil (shamrock)
341.34+phrase to be sure: indeed, it must be admitted, certainly
341.34+Archdeacon J.F.X.P. Coppinger
341.35     children. Slippery Sam hard by them, physically present how-
341.35+Slippery Sam: thief and tailor in Gay's Beggar Opera; also, a card game
341.35+phrase hard by: close to

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