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Finnegans Wake lines: | 36 |
Elucidations found: | 197 |
351.01 | us victorias with nowells and brownings, dumm, sneak and |
–351.01+ | Queen Victoria |
–351.01+ | victories |
–351.01+ | Nowells: firearms |
–351.01+ | noel: a Christmas carol |
–351.01+ | Motif: Browne/Nolan |
–351.01+ | Brownings: firearms |
–351.01+ | German dumm: stupid |
–351.01+ | Motif: Tom, Dick and Harry |
351.02 | curry, and all the fun I had in that fanagan's week. A strange |
–351.02+ | song Finnegan's Wake: 'Lots of fun at Finnegan's wake' |
–351.02+ | Fanagan: Dublin undertakers (since 1819) |
351.03 | man wearing abarrel. And here's a gift of meggs and teggs. And |
–351.03+ | apparel |
–351.03+ | Slang meggs: halfpennies |
351.04 | as I live by chipping nortons. And 'tis iron fits the farmer, ay. |
–351.04+ | Chipping Norton: town, Oxfordshire |
–351.04+ | Colloquial 'tis: it is |
–351.04+ | Isaiah 2:4: 'they shall beat their swords into plowshares' |
–351.04+ | Dutch eieren: eggs |
351.05 | Arcdesedo! Renborumba! Then were the hellscyown days for |
–351.05+ | Provençal arc-de-sedo: rainbow |
–351.05+ | rainbow |
–351.05+ | rumba |
–351.05+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Renborumba! Then...} | {Png: ...Renborumba? Then...} |
–351.05+ | them were |
–351.05+ | hell's own |
–351.05+ | halcyon days |
351.06 | our fellows, the loyal leibsters, and we was the redugout raw- |
–351.06+ | Royal Leinsters |
–351.06+ | German Leib: body |
–351.06+ | Dutch leidster: guiding star |
–351.06+ | German Liebster: dearest |
–351.06+ | Slang lobster: British soldier [.09] |
–351.06+ | redoubt |
–351.06+ | Russian radouga: rainbow |
–351.06+ | raw recruits |
–351.06+ | Rosicrucians |
351.07 | recruitioners, praddies three and prettish too, a wheeze we has |
–351.07+ | Anglo-Irish praties: potatoes |
–351.07+ | Colloquial paddy: Irishman |
–351.07+ | Motif: 2&3 (*VYC* and *IJ*) |
–351.07+ | British |
–351.07+ | pretty |
351.08 | in our waynward islands, wee engrish, one long blue streak, |
–351.08+ | wayward |
–351.08+ | both the Society Islands (in Polynesia) and the Lesser Antilles (in the West Indies) are subdivided into Leeward Islands and Windward Islands |
–351.08+ | we Irish |
–351.08+ | English |
–351.08+ | Malay Inggris: English |
–351.08+ | Colloquial blue streak: a rapid and seemingly interminable stream of words; something lightning-like (in speed, vividness, etc.) |
351.09 | jisty and pithy af durck rosolun, with hand to hand as Homard |
–351.09+ | Ukrainian yisty: to eat |
–351.09+ | just a bit of |
–351.09+ | Ukrainian pyty: to drink |
–351.09+ | J.C. Mangan: song Dark Rosaleen (adapted from a 16th century Irish song; Anglo-Irish Dark Rosaleen: Ireland (poetic)) [.13] |
–351.09+ | Ukrainian rosolyanka: potato and sauerkraut soup |
–351.09+ | French homard: lobster [.06] |
–351.09+ | Omar Khayyam: 11th-12th century Persian polymath, famous for the quatrain poetry (Rubaiyat) attributed to him |
351.10 | Kayenne was always jiggilyjugging about in his wendowed |
–351.10+ | Omar Khayyam: Rubaiyat, xii: 'A Book of Verses underneath the Bough, A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread — and Thou Beside me singing in the Wilderness — Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow!' (jug, enow, book, verses, wine, wild, song) [.10-.11] |
–351.10+ | cayenne |
–351.10+ | windowed |
–351.10+ | Motif: alliteration (w) [.10-.12] |
351.11 | courage when our woos with the wenches went wined for a song, |
–351.11+ | carriage |
–351.11+ | phrase wine, women and song (hedonistic pleasures) |
351.12 | tsingirillies' zyngarettes, while Woodbine Willie, so popiular |
–351.12+ | cigarettes |
–351.12+ | Rev. Stoddart Kennedy, 'Woodbine Willy': a chaplain [.13] who distributed cigarettes (Woodbine is a brand name) to troops in World War I |
–351.12+ | Polish popioły: ashes |
–351.12+ | (popular with the girls) |
351.13 | with the poppyrossies, our Chorney Choplain, blued the air. |
–351.13+ | Russian papirosy: cigarettes with black tobacco |
–351.13+ | Polish papieros: cigarette |
–351.13+ | Anglo-Irish rossies: impudent girls, brazen or sexually promiscuous women |
–351.13+ | Russian chorniy: black |
–351.13+ | Karl Czerny's piano exercises |
–351.13+ | Charlie Chaplin |
–351.13+ | Chopin, composer |
–351.13+ | chaplain |
–351.13+ | Colloquial phrase make the air blue: to curse, swear, use obscene language |
–351.13+ | blew (cigarette smoke) |
–351.13+ | Blues music |
–351.13+ | J.C. Mangan: song Dark Rosaleen: 'I could scale the blue air' [.09] |
–351.13+ | Colloquial the air: radio [.15] |
351.14 | Sczlanthas! Banzaine! Bissbasses! S. Pivorandbowl. And we all |
–351.14+ | Polish szklanka: drinking glass |
–351.14+ | Irish sláinte!: health! (a toast) |
–351.14+ | Japanese banzai: long live, hurrah (a cheer or battle cry; literally 'ten thousand years') |
–351.14+ | François Achille Bazaine: 19th century French Army Marshal, best known for his surrender of Metz (1870), his courtmartial and death sentence (1873), which was replaced by twenty years in prison, and his escape to Madrid where he died |
–351.14+ | Irish bás: death |
–351.14+ | Bass's ale |
–351.14+ | Russian pivo: beer |
–351.14+ | Motif: Paul/Peter |
–351.14+ | song Phil the Fluter's Ball: 'Then all joined in wid the greatest joviality' (although Joyce seems to have known it as 'utmost' rather than 'greatest') [006.18] [058.14] |
351.15 | tuned in to hear the topmast noviality. Up the revels drown the |
–351.15+ | tune in, hear, mast (radio) [.13] |
–351.15+ | Novial: an artificial language |
–351.15+ | rebels |
–351.15+ | down |
351.16 | rinks and almistips all round! Paddy Bonhamme he vives! En- |
–351.16+ | drinks |
–351.16+ | king |
–351.16+ | armistice |
–351.16+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...round! Paddy...} | {Png: ...round. Paddy...} |
–351.16+ | VI.C.11.015a (b): === VI.B.17.020o ( ): 'Petit bonhomme vit encore' |
–351.16+ | Hirn: Les Jeux d'Enfants 66: (of a children's game) 'l'évolution d'un jeu bien connu sous le nom de Petit bonhomme vit encore' (French 'the evolution of a game well known under the name of Petit bonhomme vit encore') |
–351.16+ | French petit bonhomme vit encore: little fellow still lives |
–351.16+ | Colloquial paddy: Irishman |
–351.16+ | Jacques Bonhomme: nickname for a French peasant |
–351.16+ | Anglo-Irish bonham: sucking-pig, small pig |
–351.16+ | lives |
351.17 | core! And tig for tag. Togatogtug. My droomodose days Y loved |
–351.17+ | t + (Motif: 5 vowels) + g: I, A, O, U (E may be 'teggs' [.03], or missing) |
–351.17+ | phrase tit for tat: retaliation of a commensurate nature |
–351.17+ | Dutch droom: dream |
–351.17+ | Greek dromos: race, running |
–351.17+ | Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song The Dream of Those Days [air: I Love You above All the Rest] |
351.18 | you abover all the strest. Blowhole brasshat and boy with his |
–351.18+ | Russian strast: passion |
–351.18+ | Motif: alliteration (b) [.18-.20] |
–351.18+ | Downing: Digger Dialects 12: 'BLOW-HOLE — A garrulous person' (World War I Slang) |
–351.18+ | Downing: Digger Dialects 13: 'BRASS-HAT (n.) — An officer of superior rank' (World War I Slang) |
–351.18+ | Downing: Digger Dialects 13: 'BOY-WITH-HIS-BOOTS-OFF — A shell which bursts before the sound of its passage through the air is heard' (World War I Slang) |
351.19 | boots off and the butch of our bunch and all. It was buckoo |
–351.19+ | Downing: Digger Dialects 14: 'BUTCH — Doctor' (World War I Slang) |
–351.19+ | Downing: Digger Dialects 14: 'BUNCH — (1) Number; (2) unit' (World War I Slang) |
–351.19+ | Downing: Digger Dialects 14: 'BUCKOO (adj.), (Fr., Beaucoup) — Much' (World War I Slang) |
351.20 | bonzer, beleeme. I was a bare prive without my doglegs but I |
–351.20+ | Downing: Digger Dialects 12: 'BONZER — Good' (World War I Slang) |
–351.20+ | believe me |
–351.20+ | Downing: Digger Dialects 10: 'BARE (adj.) — Mere. "A bare prive" — A mere private' (World War I Slang) |
–351.20+ | Downing: Digger Dialects 20: 'DOG-LEG — (n.) — Chevron' (i.e. the badge of a non-commissioned office; World War I Slang) |
351.21 | did not give to one humpenny dump, wingh or wangh, touching |
–351.21+ | Dutch toegeven: to admit |
–351.21+ | nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty |
–351.21+ | halfpenny damn |
–351.21+ | Dublin Slang wing: penny |
–351.21+ | Malay wang: money |
351.22 | those thusengaged slavey generales of Tanah Kornalls, the |
–351.22+ | (so-called) |
–351.22+ | Slav generals |
–351.22+ | genitals |
–351.22+ | Daniel O'Connell |
–351.22+ | Malay tanah: land, country |
–351.22+ | Korniloff: Russian officer in Crimean War |
–351.22+ | Cornwall (King Mark) |
351.23 | meelisha's deelishas, pronouncing their very flank movemens |
–351.23+ | Russian milasha: nice girl |
–351.23+ | Irish miliseach dílis: dearest sweetheart |
–351.23+ | World War I Slang militia's delicious: camp followers |
–351.23+ | Russian Slang delishcha: big dealings |
–351.23+ | flank movement (army) |
351.24 | in sunpictorsbosk. Baghus the whatwar! I could always take good |
–351.24+ | Saint Petersburg, also called Petrograd and Leningrad [.27] |
–351.24+ | some picturebook |
–351.24+ | Dutch bosch: wood, forest |
–351.24+ | Danish baghus: backhouse |
–351.24+ | Malay bagus: fine, excellent |
–351.24+ | Bacchus |
–351.24+ | weather |
351.25 | cover of myself and, eyedulls or earwakers, preyers for rain or |
–351.25+ | care |
–351.25+ | Motif: ear/eye |
–351.25+ | VI.C.11.066f (b): === VI.B.17.072f ( ): 'idols' |
–351.25+ | Hirn: Les Jeux d'Enfants 11: 'chaque enfant, berçant sa poupée, nous rappellerait des époques où l'homme s'agenouillait devant l'œuvre de ses propres mains, devant de grandes images ou de petites idoles' (French 'each child, cradling his doll, would remind us of the times when man knelt before his own handiwork, before large images or small idols') |
–351.25+ | the name Earwaker originated as euerwacer (ever-waker) |
–351.25+ | Earwicker |
351.26 | cominations, I did not care three tanker's hoots, ('sham! hem! |
–351.26+ | comminations: church recital of threatening of divine punishment against sinners |
–351.26+ | Colloquial phrase not care two hoots: not care in the slightest |
–351.26+ | Colloquial phrase not care a tinker's damn: not care in the slightest |
–351.26+ | in Celtic legend, the three sons of Tuireann the sons had to give three shouts on a hill as part of their penance |
–351.26+ | Motif: Shem, Ham and Japhet |
351.27 | or chaffit!) for any feelings from my lifeprivates on their reptro- |
–351.27+ | private life |
–351.27+ | retrograde |
–351.27+ | Saint Petersburg, also called Petrograd and Leningrad [.24] |
351.28 | grad leanins because I have Their Honours booth my respectables |
–351.28+ | leanings |
–351.28+ | both |
351.29 | sœurs assistershood off Lyndhurst Terrace, the puttih Misses |
–351.29+ | French soeurs: sisters |
–351.29+ | French Slang soeurs: whores |
–351.29+ | Slang sisterhood: brothel staff |
–351.29+ | Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong, brothel area [.32] [352.01] |
–351.29+ | Italian putti: cherublike figures (decorative representations of small children, nude or in swaddling-bands, often seen in altar-pieces) |
–351.29+ | Malay putih: white |
–351.29+ | Spanish puta: whore |
351.30 | Celana Dalems, and she in vinting her angurr can belle the troth |
–351.30+ | Italian celare: to conceal |
–351.30+ | Malay chelana dalam: drawers, underpants (from Malay chelana: trousers + Malay dalam: inside, under) |
–351.30+ | vinting: making wine |
–351.30+ | venting her anger can tell the truth |
–351.30+ | Malay anggur: wine |
–351.30+ | Slang belle: whore |
–351.30+ | Prussians called Battle of Waterloo 'La Belle Alliance' (centre of French lines was La Belle Alliance Inn) |
–351.30+ | froth |
351.31 | on her alliance and I know His Heriness, my respeaktoble me- |
–351.31+ | highness |
–351.31+ | hairyness |
–351.31+ | 'respectable' girls preferred in Oriental brothels |
–351.31+ | madams |
351.32 | dams culonelle on Mellay Street, Lightnints Gundhur Sawabs, |
–351.32+ | Italian culone: having big buttocks |
–351.32+ | Malay melayu: Malay |
–351.32+ | Malay Street, Singapore, brothel area [.29] [352.01] |
–351.32+ | lightning |
–351.32+ | lieutenant-governor |
–351.32+ | Malay guntur: thunder |
–351.32+ | Malay sawab: truth (from Arabic) |
351.33 | and they would never as the aimees of servation let me down. |
–351.33+ | French aimées: beloved ones (feminine) |
–351.33+ | Aimee Semple McPherson: 20th century Canadian-American radio evangelist and founder of the Foursquare Church, extremely famous in the 1920s and 1930s (her mother was in the Salvation Army and so was she initially) |
–351.33+ | Salvation Army |
351.34 | Not on your bludger life, touters! No peeping, pimpadoors! |
–351.34+ | Slang bludger: a harlot's bully |
–351.34+ | bloody |
–351.34+ | Slang tout: one who solicits clients for brothel |
–351.34+ | Slang pimp: one who solicits clients for a prostitute |
–351.34+ | pompadour |
351.35 | And, by Jova, I never went wrong nor let him doom till, risky |
–351.35+ | phrase by Jove!: by God! (mild oath) |
–351.35+ | Java: isalnd in the Malay archipelago |
–351.35+ | down |
351.36 | wark rasky wolk, at the head of the wake, up come stumblebum |
–351.36+ | work |
–351.36+ | Russian russkii volk: Russian wolf |
–351.36+ | Dutch wolk: cloud |
–351.36+ | folk |
–351.36+ | Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 32: 'at (the) head (end) of a week' |
–351.36+ | American Slang stumblebum: a clumsy person |
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