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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 164

364.01code's proof! The rebald danger with they who would bare white-
364.01+(bare skin leads to bad thoughts)
364.01+bear witness
364.01+Exodus 20:16: 'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour' (one of The Ten Commandments) [363.36]
364.02ness against me I dismissem from the mind of good. He can tell
364.02+dismiss 'em (Colloquial 'em: them)
364.02+mind of God
364.02+phrase tell that to the marines: I don't believe you
364.03such as story to the Twelfth Maligns that my first was a nurss-
364.04maid and her fellower's a willbe perambulatrix. There are twingty
364.04+Latin perambulatrix: female wanderer
364.04+twenty to twenty-two thousand [375.09-.10]
364.05to twangty too thews and leathermail coatschemes penparing to
364.05+Motif: pen/post
364.06hostpost for it valinnteerily with my valued fofavour to the post
364.06+past, present, future (Motif: tenses)
364.07puzzles deparkment with larch parchels' of presents for future
364.07+parcels department with large parcels
364.07+larch (evergreen tree)
364.07+Motif: The Letter: lovely present/parcel of cakes
364.08branch offercings. The green approve the raid! Shaum Baum's
364.08+branch offices
364.08+song The Green above the Red
364.08+Motif: Shem/Shaun
364.08+song John Brown's Body: 'John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave, But his soul goes marching on'
364.08+German Schaum: foam
364.08+German Baum: tree
364.09bode he is amustering in the groves while his shool comes merg-
364.09+Dutch bode: messenger, courier, letter-carrier
364.09+Irish siúl: a walk, walking, gait (pronounced 'shool')
364.10ing along! Want I put myself in their kirtlies I were ayearn to
364.10+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...along! Want...} | {Png: ...along. Want...}
364.10+Archaic kirtle: a woman's gown; a woman's skirt or outer petticoat; a man's tunic or coat
364.10+leap year
364.11leap with them and show me too bisextine. Dear and lest I for-
364.11+to be sixteen
364.11+bisexual (Motif: mixed gender)
364.11+bissextile: leap-year
364.11+be sixteen
364.11+Motif: The Letter (major version of) [364.11-365.22]
364.11+Motif: The Letter: Dear, and it goes on to
364.11+Rudyard Kipling: Recessional: 'Lest we forget'
364.11+Motif: The Letter: don't forget
364.12get mergers and bow to you low, marchers! Attemption! What
364.12+Maggy (Motif: The Letter: well Maggy/Madge/Majesty) [.09-.10]
364.12+how do you do (Motif: The Letter: how are you)
364.12+attention [.14]
364.13a mazing month of budsome misses they are making, so wingty-
364.13+Amazon river
364.13+nursery rhyme Sing a Song of Sixpence: 'Wasn't that a dainty dish to set before a king?'
364.14wish to flit beflore their kin! Attonsure! Ears to hears! The skall
364.14+attention [.12]
364.14+VI.C.12.021l (b): === VI.B.14.036i ( ): '2nd tonsure monastic servitude' (only first two words crayoned)
364.14+Kinane: St. Patrick 67: (quoting from The Tripartite Life of Saint Patrick written by Saint Evin) 'Het set out for Tours to visit St. Martin, that he might receive the monastic tonsure, for hitherto he had only the tonsure of servitude'
364.14+VI.C.12.034a (b): === VI.B.14.047b ( ): '...1 tonsure (ear to ear)...'
364.14+Kinane: St. Patrick 227: (of 5th and 6th century Irish saints, as classified by Saint Aengus) 'They had... one tonsure from ear to ear'
364.14+Mark 4:9: 'He that hath ears to hear'
364.14+Motif: Hear, hear!
364.14+Swedish skall: bark (of a dog)
364.14+squall of a gull
364.15of a gall (for every dime he yawpens that momouth you could
364.15+Irish gall: foreigner
364.15+Gall: founder of phrenology
364.15+phrase every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it: he always says foolish or tactless things [437.19]
364.15+American Colloquial yawp: to talk loudly or foolishly
364.16park your ford in it) who has papertreated him into captivities
364.16+park your Ford (Ford: famous brand of cars)
364.16+Motif: head/foot [.17]
364.16+VI.C.12.021k (b): === VI.B.14.036h ( ): '2nd captivity (60 days)'
364.16+Kinane: St. Patrick 58: (of Saint Patrick) 'Our Saint mentions a second captivity of two months... On the sixtieth night the Lord delivered me'
364.17with his inside man by a hocksheat of starvision for an avrageto-
364.17+VI.C.12.023i (b): === VI.B.14.037l ( ): 'P sees a man inside himself'
364.17+Kinane: St. Patrick 84: (quoting from Saint Patrick's Confession) 'I saw one praying within me, and I was, as it were within my body, and I heard that is above the inner man'
364.17+German Hochzeit: marriage
364.17+head [.16]
364.17+avoirdupois: the standard pre-metric British system of weights (pounds, ounces, etc.)
364.18peace of parchment, cooking up his lenses to be my apoclogypst,
364.19the recreuter of conscraptions, let him be asservent to Kinahaun!
364.19+recruiter of conscripts
364.19+VI.B.3.147b (r): 'contraptions'
364.19+Genesis 9:25: 'Cursed be Canaan: a servant of servants shall he be'
364.20For (peace peace perfectpeace!) I have abwaited me in a water of
364.20+hymn Peace, Perfect Peace
364.20+Persian ab: water
364.20+German abwarten: wait
364.21Elin and I have placed my reeds intectis before the Registower of
364.21+Anglo-Irish Erin: Ireland
364.21+Nile river (Motif: backwards)
364.21+rates and taxes
364.21+Latin res intectis: open statement of affairs
364.21+Latin in tectis: on the roofs
364.21+Latin intectus: uncovered
364.22the perception of tribute in the hall of the city of Analbe. How
364.22+Eblana: Ptolemy's name for Dublin (or so it was mostly believed in Joyce's time)
364.23concerns any merryaunt and hworsoever gravesobbers it is
364.23+Slang aunt: whore
364.23+Motif: Ondt/Gracehoper
364.23+Danish hvor: where
364.23+Archaic wheresoever: wherever
364.24perensempry sex of fun to help a dazzle off the othour. What for
364.24+Latin perenne: constantly
364.24+French par exemple: for example
364.24+phrase pure and simple: nothing but, no more and no less
364.24+Latin semper: always
364.24+phrase six of one and half a dozen of the other
364.24+saxophone over the ether
364.25Mucias and Gracias may the duvlin rape the handsomst! And the
364.25+Spanish muchas gracias: many thanks
364.25+Motif: Mookse/Gripes
364.25+phrase devil take the hindmost: people do (or should do) only what is best for their own interests, leaving others (the hindmost) to fend for themselves (i.e. may the weak be damned)
364.25+Motif: dove/raven
364.26whole mad knightmayers' nest! Tunpother, prison and plotch!
364.26+mare's nest
364.26+song The Fifth of November: 'The Gunpowder treason and plot' (Guy Fawkes Day chant)
364.27If Y shoulden somewhat, well, I am able to owe it, hearth and chem-
364.27+German schulden: to owe
364.27+(able to owe, rather than pay)
364.27+HCE (Motif: HCE)
364.27+hearth tax, also known as chimney tax, was a tax paid for each hearth in a residence (in Ireland it was in force from the mid 17th century to the early 19th century)
364.28ney easy. They seeker for vannflaum all worldins merkins. I'll
364.28+Ibsen: other works: Til Min Ven Revolutions-Taleren: (ends) 'I sørger for vandflom til verdensmarken. Jeg lægger med lyst torpédo under Arken' (Norwegian To My Friend the Revolutionary Speaker: 'You provide flood water to the world's highest mark; I shall put with pleasure a torpedo under the Ark') [141.24] [530.23]
364.28+German Flaum: fluff, down
364.28+Slang merkin: counterfeit hair for the female genitalia
364.28+Slang merken: female genitalia
364.28+German Dialect merken's!: notice it!
364.29eager make lyst turpidump undher arkens. Basast! And if my liti-
364.29+Danish lyst: desire; bright
364.29+Latin turpiter: scandalously, disgracefully, repulsively
364.29+Latin turps: shameful
364.29+Danish ark: sheet
364.29+Irish bás: death
364.29+Persian bas ast: it is enough
364.30gimate was well to wrenn tigtag cackling about it, like the sally
364.30+Sarah and Abraham (Genesis 11-25) [.35]
364.31berd she is, to abery ham in the Cutey Strict, (I shall call upon
364.31+every home
364.31+man in the street
364.31+song On the Strict Q.T. (music hall song)
364.32my first among my lost of lyrars beyond a jingoobangoist, to
364.32+first liar: the devil
364.32+Lyra: lyre (constellation)
364.33overcast her) dismissing mundamanu all the riflings of her vic-
364.33+(giving presents)
364.33+Latin munda manu: with a clean hand
364.33+Manu: Adam in Indian myth
364.33+Latin victuum: of nourishments
364.33+vacuum cleaner
364.34tuum gleaner (my old chuck! she drakes me druck! turning out,
364.34+Albert Chevalier: song My Old Dutch (gave rise to Slang phrase my old dutch: my old wife)
364.34+Colloquial chuck: term of endearment (Dialect hen, chick)
364.34+Motif: duck/drake
364.34+German Dreck: dirt
364.35gay at ninety!) and well shoving off a boastonmess like lots wives
364.35+when God told Abraham that Sarah shall conceive Isaac, Sarah laughed in her heart, as she was ninety years old and already past menopause (Genesis 17:17 and 18:11-12) [.30]
364.35+showing off
364.35+Boston, Mass. (Massachusetts; Motif: The Letter: Boston Transcript)
364.35+Lot's wife (Genesis 19:26)
364.36does over her handpicked hunsbend, as she would be calling, well,
364.36+henpecked husband
364.36+Danish hun: she

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