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Finnegans Wake lines: 30
Elucidations found: 96

382.01grogging suburbanites, such as it was, fall and fall about, to the
382.01+Colloquial grog: to drink grog (any strong drink, originally rum and water)
382.01+Six Hundred and Seventeen Irish Songs and Ballads 32: song Morrisey and the Russian: 'Up to the thirty-seventh round 'twas fall and fall about'
382.01+phrase turn and turn about
382.02brindishing of his charmed life, as toastified by his cheeriubi-
382.02+Italian brindisi: a drinking toast
382.02+William Shakespeare: Macbeth V.8.12: 'I bear a charmed life'
382.02+Colloquial cheerio! (a drinking toast)
382.03cundenances, no matter whether it was chateaubottled Guiness's
382.03+countenance: facial expression (especially of calmness and composure)
382.03+VI.B.10.045c (k): 'chateau-bottled'
382.03+Daily Mail 23 Nov 1922, 8/5: 'What the Cork Tells': 'With a château-bottled claret there is the... brand of the château, as all château-bottled wines are marked with this'
382.03+Guinness's stout
382.04or Phoenix brewery stout it was or John Jameson and Sons or
382.04+John Jameson and Sons, Irish whiskey
382.05Roob Coccola or, for the matter of that, O'Connell's famous old
382.05+for that matter
382.05+O'Connell's Dublin Ale (brewed by The Phoenix Brewery, once owned by Daniel O'Connell's son, also called Daniel)
382.05+famous old Dublin ale [007.12]
382.06Dublin ale that he wanted like hell, more that halibut oil or
382.07jesuits tea, as a fall back, of several different quantities and quali-
382.07+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XVII, 'Maté', 877b: 'the dried leaves of... an evergreen shrub or small tree... the names Jesuits' tea, tea of the Missions, St Bartholomew's tea, &c., are sometimes applied to maté' (Spanish mate, yerba mate)
382.07+Jesuit's tea: a pungent Central and South American herb, used as a spice and as a herbal tea substitute (Spanish epazote, paico)
382.07+Joyce: A Portrait I: (of Stephen at Clongowes Wood College, a Jesuit school) 'he drank off the hot weak tea which the clumsy scullion, girt with a white apron, poured into his cup... Nasty Roche and Saurin drank cocoa that their people sent them in tins. They said they could not drink the tea; that it was hogwash'
382.07+fullback: a defensive field-position in rugby, football and hurling (behind the other backs)
382.08ties amounting in all to, I should say, considerably more than the
382.09better part of a gill or naggin of imperial dry and liquid measure
382.09+gill: a quarter of a pint
382.09+Anglo-Irish naggin: mug, cup; a quantity of liquor, normally a quarter of a pint in imperial units
382.10till, welcome be from us here, till the rising of the morn, till that
382.10+Six Hundred and Seventeen Irish Songs and Ballads 39: song The Rising of the Moon
382.11hen of Kaven's shows her beaconegg, and Chapwellswendows
382.11+Biddy the hen and Kevin [110.22] [110.32]
382.11+bacon and eggs
382.11+chapel windows [603.35]
382.12stain our horyhistoricold and Father MacMichael stamps for
382.12+(stained glass windows)
382.12+story told
382.12+Motif: old/new [.13]
382.12+Motif: The Letter: poor Father Michael
382.13aitch o'clerk mess and the Litvian Newestlatter is seen, sold and
382.13+eight o'clock Mass
382.13+new [.12]
382.13+phrase signed, sealed and delivered: officially approved, successfully completed
382.14delivered and all's set for restart after the silence, like his ancestors
382.14+(ricorso) [014.06] [334.31] [501.06]
382.15to this day after him (that the blazings of their ouldmouldy gods
382.15+Anglo-Irish ould: old (reflecting pronunciation)
382.15+Anglo-Irish Slang mouldy: drunk
382.16may attend to them we pray!), overopposides the cowery lad in
382.16+over opposite
382.17the corner and forenenst the staregaze of the cathering candled,
382.17+Anglo-Irish forenenst: in front of, facing, opposite
382.17+(*K* with candle) [556.35-557.04]
382.18that adornment of his album and folkenfather of familyans, he
382.18+Latin paterfamilias: male head of household, patriarch (literally 'father of the family')
382.19came acrash a crupper sort of a sate on accomondation and the
382.20very boxst in all his composs, whereuponce, behome the fore
382.20+boxing the compass (circled the table)
382.20+Latin compos mentis: sane (literally 'having control over his mind')
382.20+Motif: And They Put/Piled Him Behind in/on the Fire/Pyre/Oasthouse/Outhouse
382.21for cove and trawlers, heave hone, leave lone, Larry's on the
382.21+VI.B.47.095a ( ): 'cove & trawlers'
382.21+Motif: Coat and trousers
382.21+heave ho
382.21+Six Hundred and Seventeen Irish Songs and Ballads 49: song Larry's on the Force
382.21+(an obscure and often obscene game called 'Building the Ship' was sometimes played at Irish wakes, wherein several participants formed an imitation ship using their body parts)
382.22focse and Faugh MacHugh O'Bawlar at the wheel, one to do and
382.22+Nautical fo'c'sle: forecastle, the fore part of a ship
382.22+Anglo-Irish phrase faugh a ballagh!: Irish phrase fág a' bealach!: clear the way! (a battle cry associated with Irish soldiers and faction fighters in many wars and conflicts since the 18th century; the motto of the Royal Irish Fusiliers; Slang a worthless person)
382.22+Joyce referred to Ford Maddox Ford (in whose Transatlantic Review the first segment of Joyce: Finnegans Wake was prepublished) as 'Faugh-a-Ballagh-Faugh'
382.22+Feagh MacHugh O'Byrne: his attack on the English in 1580 is celebrated in song Follow Me Up to Carlow [.30]
382.22+(ship's wheel)
382.22+song Follow Me Up to Carlow, chorus: 'Curse and swear, Lord Kildare! Feagh will do what Feagh will dare: Now, Fitzwilliam have a care. Fallen is your star, low!'
382.23one to dare, par by par, a peerless pair, ever here and over there,
382.23+Portuguese par: pair
382.24with his fol the dee oll the doo on the flure of his feats and the
382.24+song The Wild Man from Borneo: 'The flea on the hair of the tail of the dog of the nurse of the child of the wife of the wild man from Borneo has just come to town'
382.24+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation flure: floor
382.24+off his feet
382.25feels of the fumes in the wakes of his ears our wineman from
382.25+song Finnegan's Wake
382.25+wax of his ears
382.26Barleyhome he just slumped to throne.
382.26+(slumps to floor)
382.27     So sailed the stout ship Nansy Hans. From Liff away. For
382.27+stout: a type of beer
382.27+Nancy Hand's: a nickname for the Black Horse Tavern (also known as Hole in the Wall), a pub on Blackhorse Avenue, Dublin, adjoining Phoenix Park (after its 19th century proprietress)
382.27+Liffey river
382.28Nattenlaender. As who has come returns. Farvel, farerne! Good-
382.28+Norwegian natten land: land of night
382.28+Danish lænder: loins
382.28+Danish farvel: goodbye, farewell
382.28+Six Hundred and Seventeen Irish Songs and Ballads 28: song The Fairy Well
382.28+Danish Faerøeren: Faeroe Islands
382.29bark, goodbye!
382.29+barque: a small sailing vessel (also spelled 'bark')
382.30     Now follow we out by Starloe!
382.30+song Follow Me Up to Carlow, chorus: 'Fallen is your star, low!'

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