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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 177

388.01old conk cruised now croons the yunk. Exeunc throw a darras
388.01+proverb As the old cock crows, the young one learns
388.01+Slang conk: nose, large nose [.02]
388.01+Danish Kong: King (when used as a title before the name of a king)
388.01+Colloquial Yank: an American [387.36]
388.01+exeunt through
388.01+William Shakespeare: Hamlet III.4.29: 'HAMLET... kills Polonius by thrusting a rapier through the arras'
388.01+Irish doras: door
388.02Kram of Llawnroc, ye gink guy, kirked into yord. Enterest at-
388.02+(typesetter reading text backwards; Joyce: Ulysses.7.204: 'He stayed in his walk to watch a typesetter neatly distributing type. Reads it backwards first. Quickly he does it. Must require some practice that. mangiD kcirtaP'; Motif: backwards) [387.36] [.02-.04]
388.02+Mark of Cornwall (King Mark; Motif: backwards)
388.02+German Kram: rubbish, stuff, business (vulgar)
388.02+Slang cram: to have sex with (a woman)
388.02+roc: huge mythical bird of Eastern legend
388.02+Anglo-Irish gink: a small nose (from Irish geannc: a snub nose) [.01]
388.02+Slang gink: fellow, chap (pejorative)
388.02+kicked into yard
388.02+Danish jord: earth
388.02+enter at a window
388.03tawonder Wehpen, luftcat revol, fairescapading in his natsirt.
388.03+(Tristan was technically Iseult's nephew)
388.03+nephew, tactful lover (Motif: backwards)
388.03+lifted revolver
388.03+Parnell was falsely rumoured to have escaped from Captain O'Shea, his lover's husband, down a fire escape in his nightshirt
388.03+Danish nat: night
388.03+Tristan (Motif: backwards)
388.04Tuesy tumbles. And mild aunt Liza is as loose as her neese. Ful-
388.04+Yseut (Motif: backwards)
388.04+too easy
388.04+Wagner: Tristan und Isolde (Tristan and Iseult): Liebestod ('love-death' aria): 'Mild und leise wie er lächelt'
388.04+(Iseult, as King Mark's wife, was technically Tristan's aunt)
388.04+Motif: niece
388.05fest withim inbrace behent. As gent would deem oncontinent.
388.05+German fest: firmly
388.05+within embrace
388.05+German behend: nimble
388.05+on continent
388.06So mulct per wenche is Elsker woed. Ne hath his thrysting. Fin.
388.06+so much per
388.06+Dialect wench: young woman; maidservant (Slang promiscuous woman, prostitute)
388.06+mulct: fine for offence
388.06+(Selskar and Periwinkle) [028.26-.27] [580.17-.18]
388.06+French pervenche: periwinkle (a bluish-violet flowering plant)
388.06+Danish elsker: lover
388.06+Selskar Gunn
388.06+trysting: appointment, arranged meeting at a given time and place (especially between lovers)
388.06+French fin: end
388.06+(fish fin)
388.07Like the newcasters in their old plyable of A Royenne Devours.
388.07+new cast in old play (Motif: old/new)
388.07+(cast net to catch fish)
388.07+W.G. Wills: A Royal Divorce [.08]
388.08Jazzaphoney and Mirillovis and Nippy she nets best. Fing. Ay,
388.08+Josephine and Marie Louise and Napoleon: Napoleon and his two wives, the major characters of W.G. Wills: A Royal Divorce [.07]
388.08+jazzaphone: a type of saxophone specifically adapted for playing jazz
388.08+American phoney: fake, false, insincere
388.08+Slang nippy: penis
388.08+Slang nippy: a Lyons' tea-shop girl
388.08+R. Ord and W. Gayer-Mackay: Paddy-the-Next-Best-Thing (play, 1920)
388.08+(fishing nets)
388.08+German fing: caught
388.08+(fish caught)
388.08+Motif: Ay, ay!
388.09ay! Sobbos. And so he was. Sabbus.
388.09+Motif: A/O
388.09+(Motif: So be it)
388.09+save us
388.10     Marcus. And after that, not forgetting, there was the Flemish
388.10+{{Synopsis: II.4.1+2.D: [388.10-390.33]: the story associated with Marcus Lyons — rambling reminiscences}}
388.10+Cluster: Forget and Remember
388.10+Annals of the Four Masters II.1171-3: (of Diarmaid MacMurrough) 'The Age of Christ, 1169... The fleet of the Flemings came from England in the army of Mac Murchadha, i.e. Diarmaid, to contest the kingdom of Leinster for him' (actually the Anglo-Norman landing near Bannow, County Wexford, in May 1169, under Robert FitzStephen, which marked the beginning of the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland) [389.13] [391.02]
388.11armada, all scattered, and all officially drowned, there and then, on
388.11+scattering of Spanish Armada by a storm off West Ireland
388.11+VI.B.1.118j (r): 'official' [387.22] [387.28]
388.11+VI.B.2.075a (b): 'drown at 7.30'
388.11+Pascal: La Démence Précoce 86: (of the mentally ill) 'Une de nos malades décrit le suicide de son frère avec une très grande précision, mais aucun détail n'éveille en elle la moindre émotion' (French 'One of our patients describes the suicide of her brother with very great precision, but no detail arouses the slightest emotion in her')
388.12a lovely morning, after the universal flood, at about aleven thirty-
388.12+VI.B.1.098b (r): 'universal' [.28]
388.12+alevin: a young fish or fry (especially salmon)
388.12+11:32 (Motif: 1132)
388.13two was it? off the coast of Cominghome and Saint Patrick, the
388.13+Saint Patrick
388.14anabaptist, and Saint Kevin, the lacustrian, with toomuch of tolls
388.14+Anabaptists: sect which arose in Germany, 1521 (believed in adult baptism only)
388.14+lacustrian: an inhabitant of a lake (Saint Kevin lived as a hermit and established a monastic settlement by one of the lakes at Glendalough)
388.14+Saint Laurence O'Toole, patron saint of Dublin, and Saint Thomas à Becket were contemporaries (Motif: O'Toole/Becket)
388.15and lottance of beggars, after converting Porterscout and Dona,
388.15+Powerscourt [386.18]
388.15+Italian donna: lady
388.15+Dana [386.22]
388.16our first marents, and Lapoleon, the equestrian, on his whuite
388.16+phrase our first parents: Adam and Eve
388.16+VI.B.3.130c (b): 'marents' ('m' replaces a cancelled 'p')
388.16+Marengo: Napoleon's horse
388.16+VI.B.3.106e (b): 'Lapoleon'
388.16+Napoleon [389.29]
388.16+a white horse is an emblem of the House of Hanover (Motif: white horse)
388.16+a white horse is a symbol associated in Ireland with William III of Orange and his victory at the Battle of the Boyne (his equestrian statue in Dublin faced Dame Street; Motif: white horse) [.20]
388.17hourse of Hunover, rising Clunkthurf over Cabinhogan and all
388.17+Colloquial Hun: German (pejorative, especially during World War I)
388.17+Motif: Copenhagen (the capital of Denmark, from where Vikings came to Ireland, and the name of Wellington's horse)
388.18they remembored and then there was the Frankish floot of Noahs-
388.18+Cluster: Forget and Remember
388.18+German Flut: flood, flood-tide
388.18+Dutch vloot: fleet, navy
388.18+Downing: Digger Dialects 35: 'NOAH'S DOVES — Reinforcements who were at sea and on their way towards a war zone at the time when the Armistice was signed' (World War I Slang)
388.19dobahs, from Hedalgoland, round about the freebutter year of
388.19+Sea Battle of Helgoland, 1914
388.19+hidalgo: one of lower Spanish nobility
388.20Notre Dame 1132 P.P.O. or so, disumbunking from under
388.20+Motif: 1132
388.21Motham General Bonaboche, (noo poopery!) in his half a grey
388.21+boche: pejorative for German
388.21+Ulster Pronunciation Noo Poopery!: No Popery! (Ulster slogan)
388.21+poop: aftermost part of a ship, stern
388.22traditional hat, alevoila come alevilla, and after that there he was,
388.22+VI.B.1.115i (r): 'traditions'
388.22+French et le voilà: and here he is
388.22+VI.C.15.164m (g): 'moth alevilla'
388.23so terrestrial, like a Nailscissor, poghuing her scandalous and very
388.23+Downing: Digger Dialects 35: 'NAIL-SCISSORS — The crossed sword and baton worn as a badge of rank by a General' (World War I Slang)
388.23+Hail Caesar!
388.23+Anglo-Irish pogue: kiss
388.23+VI.B.2.161h (r): 'scandalous' [385.31]
388.23+Foote & Wheeler: The Jewish Life of Christ iv: (quoting Martin Luther about Sepher Toldoth Jeshu) 'The haughty evil spirit jests in the book... he mocks his own Jews by giving them such a scandalous, foolish, doltish thing about brazen dogs and cabbage-stalks, etc.'
388.24wrong, the maid, in single combat, under the sycamores, amid
388.24+VI.B.1.028h (r): 'in single combat'
388.24+Metchnikoff: La Civilisation et les Grands Fleuves Historiques 1: 'Le dévouement, la vertu même... dans les annales du genre humain, y revêtent des formes absurdes... ou révoltantes — Manlius décapitant son fils qui, sans autorisation préalable, vient de renverser un ennemi en combat singulier' (French 'Devotion, even virtue... in the annals of mankind, take on forms that are absurd... or repulsive — Manlius decapitating his son who, without prior authorisation, has defeated an enemy in single combat')
388.25the bludderings from the boom and all the gallowsbirds in Arrah-
388.25+Dutch bladeren: leaves
388.25+Dutch boom: tree
388.25+VI.B.1.106h (r): 'Gallowglasses —sbirds foreign soldiers' (dash dittos 'Gallow'; a line joins first word and last two words) [387.06]
388.25+gallows bird: a person who deserves to be hanged
388.25+Boucicault: Arrah-na-Pogue
388.26na-Poghue, so silvestrious, neer the Queen's Colleges, in 1132
388.26+Latin silvestris: wooded
388.26+German Silvester: New Year's Eve
388.26+Dutch neer: down
388.26+Queen's Colleges: Belfast, Galway and Cork
388.26+Queen's Theatre, Dublin (repertoire at the turn of the century included Boucicault: Arrah-na-Pogue) [385.13]
388.26+Motif: 1132
388.27Brian or Bride street, behind the century man on the door. And
388.27+Motif: Bride of the brine
388.27+Bride Street, Dublin
388.27+(Hundred of Manhood)
388.28then again they used to give the grandest gloriaspanquost univer-
388.28+Sylvia Pankhurst: suffragette leader
388.28+Armenian p'ark': glory
388.29sal howldmoutherhibbert lectures on anarxaquy out of doxarch-
388.29+nursery rhyme Old Mother Hubbard
388.29+H.G. Hibbert: A Playgoer's Memories (discusses many stage topics)
388.29+Hibbert lectureship (endowed by Robert Hibbert, a 19th century radical)
388.29+Armenian nakhakah: chairman, president
388.29+exequy: funeral rite
388.29+Greek doxa: opinion
388.29+doxology: hymn or formula ascribing glory or praise to God
388.29+Greek arkos: guide, leader
388.30ology (hello, Hibernia!) from sea to sea (Matt speaking!) accord-
388.30+VI.B.1.036h (r): 'Hello America!'
388.30+phrase Hello America (made famous by the wireless, as mentioned in Irish Times 12 Feb 1924)
388.30+(Anglo-Irish Pronunciation say: sea)
388.31ing to the pictures postcard, with sexon grimmacticals, in the
388.31+Saxo Grammaticus: Danish historian
388.31+Grimm brothers
388.32Latimer Roman history, of Latimer repeating himself, from the
388.32+VI.B.1.045f (r): 'Latimer'
388.32+Hugh Latimer: 16th century English church reformer, burned at the stake
388.32+Middle English latimer: an interpreter
388.32+Cluster: Repeat Oneself
388.33vicerine of Lord Hugh, the Lacytynant, till Bockleyshuts the rah-
388.33+Hugh de Lacy: governor of Dublin for Henry II, first Earl of Ulster, earliest Anglo-Norman peer of Ireland
388.33+Motif: How Buckley shot the Russian General
388.34jahn gerachknell and regnumrockery roundup, (Marcus Lyons
388.34+German Krach: crash, argument
388.34+Latin Regnum: Chichester [390.18]
388.34+Ragnarok: in Norse mythology, a future cataclysmic series of events, including a great battle in which many gods will die (e.g. Odin, Thor, Loki), after which the world will begin anew (literally 'Fate of the Gods' or 'Twilight of the Gods' in Old Norse)
388.35speaking!) to the oceanfuls of collegians green and high classes
388.35+Gerald Griffin: The Collegians (the Irish novel that formed the source for Boucicault: The Colleen Bawn)
388.35+College Green, Dublin
388.35+VI.B.1.174b (r): 'classes'
388.36and the poor scholars and all the old trinitarian senate and saints and
388.36+Trinity College Dublin
388.36+Motif: Island of Saints and Sages

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