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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 199

417.01tant, penetrant, siphonopterous spuk. Grausssssss! Opr!
417.01+Tunga penetrans: flea (Cluster: Insects)
417.01+Siphonaptera: fleas (Cluster: Insects)
417.01+German Spuk: ghost; noise, uproar
417.01+German Graus: horror
417.01+grasshopper (Cluster: Insects)
417.01+(chirping) (Cluster: Insects)
417.02Grausssssss! Opr!
417.03     The Gracehoper who, though blind as batflea, yet knew, not
417.03+{{Synopsis: III.1.1C.E: [417.03-417.23]: the Gracehoper throws himself down in despair — meanwhile the Ondt regales himself with all pleasures of life}}
417.03+[[Speaker: Shaun]]
417.03+phrase blind as a bat
417.03+butterfly (Cluster: Insects)
417.03+flea (Cluster: Insects)
417.04a leetle beetle, his good smetterling of entymology asped niss-
417.04+a little bit
417.04+beetle (Cluster: Insects)
417.04+German Schmetterling: butterfly (Cluster: Insects)
417.04+Maurice Maeterlinck (wrote books about insects) (Cluster: Insects)
417.04+entomology (Cluster: Insects)
417.04+wasp (Cluster: Insects)
417.04+German Nisse: nit (Cluster: Insects)
417.04+Italian nissuno: nobody
417.04+Italian nessunissimo: not a single one
417.04+neither leave nor license
417.05unitimost lous nor liceens but promptly tossed himself in the
417.05+nit (Cluster: Insects)
417.05+louse (Cluster: Insects)
417.05+lice (Cluster: Insects)
417.05+Anglo-Irish -een (diminutive)
417.06vico, phthin and phthir, on top of his buzzer, tezzily wondering
417.06+Giambattista Vico (Cluster: Philosophers)
417.06+Greek phthinô: to perish
417.06+Ptinus fur: spider beetle (Cluster: Insects)
417.06+then and there
417.06+Greek phtheir: louse (Cluster: Insects)
417.06+(buzzing insect) (Cluster: Insects)
417.07wheer would his aluck alight or boss of both appease and the
417.07+Motif: Why do I am alook alike a poss of porterpease?
417.08next time he makes the aquinatance of the Ondt after this they
417.08+Saint Thomas Aquinas (Cluster: Philosophers)
417.09have met themselves, these mouschical umsummables, it shall be
417.09+French mouche: fly (Cluster: Insects)
417.09+musical ensemble
417.09+German umsummen: to buzz around (Cluster: Insects)
417.09+Aquinas: Summa contra Gentiles
417.10motylucky if he will beheld not a world of differents. Behailed
417.10+Czech motylek: butterfly (Cluster: Insects)
417.10+mighty lucky
417.11His Gross the Ondt, prostrandvorous upon his dhrone, in his
417.11+German groß: big, grand, great
417.11+Russian prostranstvo: space, expanse (Cluster: Space)
417.11+Russian dvor: court, courtyard
417.11+drone (Cluster: Insects)
417.11+throne (W.C.)
417.12Papylonian babooshkees, smolking a spatial brunt of Hosana
417.12+French papillon: butterfly (Cluster: Insects)
417.12+Russian babochka: butterfly (Cluster: Insects)
417.12+baboosh: a type of oriental slipper
417.12+Anglo-Irish pampooties: type of slippers (from Aran Islands)
417.12+Russian smolkat: to fall silent
417.12+smoking a special brand of Havana cigars
417.12+spatial (Cluster: Space)
417.13cigals, with unshrinkables farfalling from his unthinkables,
417.13+French cigale: cicada (Cluster: Insects)
417.13+Oscar Wilde (about fox hunting): A Woman of No Importance: 'The English country gentleman galloping after a fox — the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable'
417.13+Italian farfalla: butterfly (Cluster: Insects)
417.13+German verfallen: to disintegrate
417.14swarming of himself in his sunnyroom, sated before his com-
417.14+swarming (Cluster: Insects)
417.14+swarming of: be enthusiastic over (in German)
417.14+warming himself
417.14+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation sated: seated
417.15fortumble phullupsuppy of a plate o'monkynous and a confucion
417.15+philosophy (Cluster: Philosophers)
417.15+full up
417.15+Plato (Cluster: Philosophers)
417.15+plate of monkey nuts
417.15+Nous: rational intelligence of monasticism [056.29]
417.15+Confucius (Cluster: Philosophers)
417.15+confession of mind
417.15+French infusion de menthe: mint tea
417.16of minthe (for he was a conformed aceticist and aristotaller), as
417.16+Minthe: nymph, favourite of Pluto, turned into that plant by Proserpine
417.16+formic acid (from Latin formica: ant) is secreted by ants and is chemically related to acetic acid (Cluster: Insects)
417.16+Japanese ari: ant (Cluster: Insects)
417.16+Aristotle (Cluster: Philosophers)
417.17appi as a oneysucker or a baskerboy on the Libido, with Floh
417.17+Latin apis: Italian ape: bee (Cluster: Insects)
417.17+honey (bee) (Cluster: Insects)
417.17+Latin libido: desire
417.18biting his leg thigh and Luse lugging his luff leg and Bieni bussing
417.18+Lithuanian bite: bee (Cluster: Insects)
417.18+right (Motif: left/right)
417.18+phrase bees in his bonnet (Cluster: Insects)
417.18+Archaic buss: a kiss, kissing
417.19him under his bonnet and Vespatilla blowing cosy fond tutties
417.19+Mozart: Cosi Fan Tutte (comic opera; literally Italian 'so do all' (feminine plural), i.e. all women)
417.20up the allabroad length of the large of his smalls. As entomate
417.20+Greek entoma: insects (Cluster: Insects)
417.20+to mate
417.20+Motif: Tom/Tim
417.21as intimate could pinchably be. Emmet and demmet and be jiltses
417.21+emmet: ant (Cluster: Insects)
417.21+phrase damn it and damn it! (expletive)
417.21+by Jesus Christ
417.21+tsetse fly (Cluster: Insects)
417.22crazed and be jadeses whipt! schneezed the Gracehoper, aguepe
417.22+Dublin Pronunciation by Jaysus wept
417.22+Slang jade: whore
417.22+German Schnee: snow
417.22+ague: an illness characterised by fever and chills (e.g. malaria)
417.22+French guêpe: wasp (Cluster: Insects)
417.23with ptchjelasys and at his wittol's indts, what have eyeforsight!
417.23+Russian pchela: bee (Cluster: Insects)
417.23+phrase at one's wit's end: so distressed as not to know what to do next
417.23+wittol: a conniving cuckold
417.23+Dutch wat heb ik voorzegd?: what did I tell you?, didn't I tell you?
417.23+(what do I see)
417.23+German Eifersucht: jealousy, envy
417.23+Dutch voorzichtig: careful, prudent
417.24     The Ondt, that true and perfect host, a spiter aspinne, was
417.24+{{Synopsis: III.1.1C.F: [417.24-418.08]: the Ondt is tickled pink at the Gracehoper's misfortune — the sight is just too much for him}}
417.24+[[Speaker: Shaun]]
417.24+Latin hostis: enemy
417.24+spider (Cluster: Insects)
417.24+German Spinne: spider (Cluster: Insects)
417.25making the greatest spass a body could with his queens lace-
417.25+German Spaß: amusement, joke, fun
417.25+space (Cluster: Space)
417.25+(queen ant) (Cluster: Insects)
417.25+lace-wing fly (Cluster: Insects)
417.26swinging for he was spizzing all over him like thingsumanything
417.26+Italian Dialect spizz: itch (Cluster: Insects)
417.26+Tingsomingenting [416.17]
417.27in formicolation, boundlessly blissfilled in an allallahbath of
417.27+Italian formicolazione: tingling
417.27+formication: sensation as of ants crawling on the skin (from Latin formica: ant) (Cluster: Insects)
417.27+Allahabad: city, Uttar Pradesh, India
417.27+a lullaby
417.28houris. He was ameising himself hugely at crabround and mary-
417.28+houri: nymph of the Muslim paradise
417.28+German Ameisen: ants (Cluster: Insects)
417.28+Dutch meisje: girl
417.28+huge (Cluster: Space)
417.28+Spanish crabron: hornet (Cluster: Insects)
417.28+Spanish mariposa: butterfly (Cluster: Insects)
417.28+Portuguese mariposa: moth (Cluster: Insects)
417.29pose, chasing Floh out of charity and tickling Luse, I hope too,
417.29+Motif: faith, hope, charity [.29-.30]
417.30and tackling Bienie, faith, as well, and jucking Vespatilla jukely
417.30+German jucken: to itch (Cluster: Insects)
417.30+Russian zhuk: beetle (Cluster: Insects)
417.31by the chimiche. Never did Dorsan from Dunshanagan dance it
417.31+Italian chimiche: chemical
417.31+Spanish chinche: Italian cimice: bedbug (Cluster: Insects)
417.31+chemise: a woman's body undergarment, a shift (from French chemise: shirt)
417.31+Irish dorsán: grasshopper (Cluster: Insects)
417.31+Irish Dún Seangáin: Ant's Fort (anthill) (Cluster: Insects)
417.32with more devilry! The veripatetic imago of the impossible
417.32+very pathetic
417.32+peripatetic: of the Aristotelian school of philosophy; walking from place to place, itinerant, rambling (Cluster: Philosophers)
417.32+veritable image
417.32+imago: adult insect (Cluster: Insects)
417.32+Latin imago: imitation; spirit
417.33Gracehoper on his odderkop in the myre, after his thrice ephe-
417.33+Norwegian odde: head
417.33+Danish edderkop: spider (Cluster: Insects)
417.33+Dutch kop: German Kopf: head
417.33+Danish myre: ant (Cluster: Insects)
417.33+Ephemeridae: mayflies, insects living only a day (Cluster: Insects) (Cluster: Time)
417.34meral journeeys, sans mantis ne shooshooe, featherweighed
417.34+French journée: day, daytime (Cluster: Time)
417.34+French sans hantisse ne chouchou: without security or sweetheart
417.34+Budge: The Book of the Dead, introduction, p. cxxxix: 'It is a common belief in many parts of Central and South Africa that the mantis acts as guide to the traveller who has lost his way'
417.34+French manteau: cloak, coat
417.34+Colloquial shoo!: go away! (exclamation used to drive or scare someone or something away, e.g. flies; Cluster: Insects)
417.34+featherweight (jockeys, boxers)
417.34+Budge: The Book of the Dead, introduction, p. lxxxvi: 'In the Papyrus of Ani... the heart of the deceased is being weighed against the feather of Maat by Anubis... close to... the scales is the monster Am-mit, who is ready to devour the heart in the event of its being found light'
417.35animule, actually and presumptuably sinctifying chronic's de-
417.35+Latin animula: little soul
417.35+actual grace (temporary) and sanctifying grace (permanent)
417.35+(despair and presumption are sins against hope)
417.35+Greek chronos: time (Cluster: Time)
417.36spair, was sufficiently and probably coocoo much for his chorous
417.36+cocoon (Cluster: Insects)
417.36+too much
417.36+Greek chora: place, space (Cluster: Space)
417.36+force of gravity

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