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Finnegans Wake lines: | 36 |
Elucidations found: | 174 |
497.01 | Quinnigan's Quake! Stump! His producers are they not his con- |
–497.01+ | Archaic stump: to brag, to boast |
–497.01+ | (readers of Joyce: Finnegans Wake as creators) |
497.02 | sumers? Your exagmination round his factification for incam- |
–497.02+ | Our Exagmination round His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress: essays on Joyce: Finnegans Wake by twelve contemporaries of Joyce, published during its composition |
–497.02+ | Motif: -ation (*O*; 3 times) [.02-.03] |
–497.02+ | Latin ex agmin: out of the host |
–497.02+ | 'examine' derived from hypothetical Latin exagmen (from Latin exigere: to weigh) |
–497.02+ | fortification |
–497.02+ | falsification |
–497.02+ | fact |
–497.02+ | Italian incamminare: to put on the right road |
497.03 | ination of a warping process. Declaim! |
–497.03+ | |
497.04 | — Arra irrara hirrara man, weren't they arriving in clansdes- |
–497.04+ | [[Speaker: Yawn as *O*]] |
–497.04+ | Irish A Dhia ara: O God now (interjection) |
–497.04+ | clans |
–497.04+ | clandestine |
–497.04+ | destinies |
497.05 | tinies for the Imbandiment of Ad Regias Agni Dapes, fogabawlers |
–497.05+ | Archaic imband: to form into a band |
–497.05+ | Italian imbandire: to lay the table for a banquet |
–497.05+ | embalmment |
–497.05+ | embodiment |
–497.05+ | hymn Ad Regias Agni Dapes (Latin 'At the Royal Feast of the Lamb'; sung on Low Sunday) |
–497.05+ | Anglo-Irish phrase faugh a ballagh!: Irish phrase fág a' bealach!: clear the way! (a battle cry associated with Irish soldiers and faction fighters in many wars and conflicts since the 18th century; the motto of the Royal Irish Fusiliers; Slang a worthless person) |
497.06 | and panhibernskers, after the crack and the lean years, scalpjaggers |
–497.06+ | (supporters of the unification of Ireland) |
–497.06+ | Hibernian: Irish |
–497.06+ | berserkers |
–497.06+ | fat and lean |
–497.06+ | The Scalp: a pass south of Dublin |
–497.06+ | German Jäger: Dutch jager: hunter (hence, scalp hunters) |
497.07 | and houthhunters, like the messicals of the great god, a scarlet |
–497.07+ | Howth (Howth Head) |
–497.07+ | headhunters |
–497.07+ | Obsolete messiacal: messianic |
–497.07+ | musicals |
–497.07+ | (scarlet is the colour worn by cardinals, among others) |
497.08 | trainful, the Twoedged Petrard, totalling, leggats and prelaps, in |
–497.08+ | Vulgate Matthew 16:18: 'tu es Petrus' (Latin 'thou art Peter') |
–497.08+ | phrase two-edged sword: something that has both favourable and unfavourable consequences |
–497.08+ | William Shakespeare: Hamlet III.4.230: 'Hoist with his own petard' (i.e. blown up by his own bomb, defeated by his own schemes) |
–497.08+ | Archaic petard: a small explosive device, a type of firecracker |
–497.08+ | legates and prelates |
–497.08+ | prelapsarian: pertaining to the state prior to the Fall of Adam, innocent, unspoiled |
497.09 | their aggregate ages two and thirty plus undecimmed centries |
–497.09+ | Motif: 1132 |
–497.09+ | Latin undecim: eleven |
–497.09+ | centuries |
497.10 | of them with insiders, extraomnes and tuttifrutties allcunct, from |
–497.10+ | Latin extra omnes: outside of all |
–497.10+ | tutti-frutti: a confection of mixed fruits, an ice-cream so flavoured (from Italian tutti frutti: all fruits) |
–497.10+ | Latin cunctus: the whole |
497.11 | Rathgar, Rathanga, Rountown and Rush, from America Avenue |
–497.11+ | Rathgar: district of Dublin (where Joyce was born) |
–497.11+ | Rathangan: town, County Kildare |
–497.11+ | Roundtown: Terenure, district of Dublin |
–497.11+ | Rush: village, County Dublin |
–497.11+ | America, Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia [.11-.13] |
497.12 | and Asia Place and the Affrian Way and Europa Parade and be- |
–497.12+ | Appian Way, Dublin |
497.13 | sogar the wallies of Noo Soch Wilds and from Vico, Mespil |
–497.13+ | German sogar: even |
–497.13+ | North and South Walls at the mouth of the Liffey river, Dublin |
–497.13+ | wallabies of New South Wales |
–497.13+ | valleys |
–497.13+ | no such |
–497.13+ | Vico Road, Dalkey |
–497.13+ | Mespil Road, Dublin |
497.14 | Rock and Sorrento, for the lure of his weal and the fear of his |
–497.14+ | Rock Road, Blackrock |
–497.14+ | Sorrento Road, Dalkey |
497.15 | oppidumic, to his salon de espera in the keel of his kraal, like |
–497.15+ | Latin oppidum: town |
–497.15+ | epidemic |
–497.15+ | saloon |
–497.15+ | Spanish sala de espera: antechamber, waitingroom |
–497.15+ | Dutch keel: throat |
–497.15+ | Dutch kraal: bead |
–497.15+ | kraal: in South Africa, a village or cattle enclosure (from Afrikaans) |
–497.15+ | Graal (Holy Grail) |
–497.15+ | (like iron attracted to magnetic mountain) |
497.16 | lodes of ores flocking fast to Mount Maximagnetic, afeerd he was |
–497.16+ | Czech lode: ships |
–497.16+ | lodestone |
–497.16+ | afraid |
497.17 | a gunner but affaird to stay away, Merrionites, Dumstdumb- |
–497.17+ | Slang gonner: a doomed or dead or ruined person |
–497.17+ | afraid |
–497.17+ | Merrion (Cluster: Districts of Dublin) |
–497.17+ | Dundrum (Cluster: Districts of Dublin) |
497.18 | drummers, Luccanicans, Ashtoumers, Batterysby Parkes and |
–497.18+ | Lucan: a village on the Liffey west of Dublin (between Chapelizod and Leixlip) |
–497.18+ | Ashtown (Cluster: Districts of Dublin) |
–497.18+ | Battersby and Company: Dublin auctioneers |
–497.18+ | Battersea Park, London |
–497.18+ | the Wellington Monument in Phoenix Park was erected on the site of the old Salute Battery (where a dozen cannons were mounted for discharge on days of public note) |
497.19 | Krumlin Boyards, Phillipsburgs, Cabraists and Finglossies, |
–497.19+ | Kremlin boyars |
–497.19+ | Crumlin (Cluster: Districts of Dublin) |
–497.19+ | Phibsborough (Cluster: Districts of Dublin) |
–497.19+ | Cabra (Cluster: Districts of Dublin) |
–497.19+ | Finglas (Cluster: Districts of Dublin) |
–497.19+ | Ballymun (Cluster: Districts of Dublin) |
–497.19+ | Raheny (Cluster: Districts of Dublin) |
–497.19+ | Philipsburgh Avenue, Fairview, Dublin |
497.20 | Ballymunites, Raheniacs and the bettlers of Clontarf, for to con- |
–497.20+ | maniacs |
–497.20+ | German Bettler: beggar |
–497.20+ | Battle of Clontarf, 1014 (Brian Boru against the Vikings) [.27-.28] |
–497.20+ | Motif: Butt/Taff |
–497.20+ | Archaic for to: in order to |
497.21 | template in manifest and pay their firstrate duties before the both |
–497.21+ | manifest: the list of a ship's cargo, exhibited at the custom house |
–497.21+ | first rate: the highest class of war ships |
–497.21+ | boat |
497.22 | of him, twelve stone a side, with their Thieve le Roué! and their |
–497.22+ | French vive le roi!: long live the king! |
–497.22+ | VI.B.17.104e ( ): 'le roué (roi)' |
–497.22+ | Chervin: Bégaiement 302: 'On sait que dans le parler patois notamment, la prononciation de certaines diphtongues est considérablement modifiée (loué, moué, roué, pour toi, moi, roi, etc.)' (French 'We know that in vernacular dialect in particular, the pronunciation of certain diphthongs is considerably modified (loué, moué, roué, for toi, moi, roi, etc.)') [017.14] |
–497.22+ | French roué: profligate, wanton |
497.23 | Shvr yr Thrst! and their Uisgye ad Inferos! and their Usque ad |
–497.23+ | your thirst |
–497.23+ | Irish uisce: water |
–497.23+ | Latin usque ad inferos: even unto the souls of the dead |
–497.23+ | VI.B.17.049j (b): 'usque ad ebreo' (the last 'e' may be an 'i') |
–497.23+ | One Hundred Merrie and Delightsome Stories, story 97, p. 489: 'A number of good fellows had once assembled to make good cheer at the tavern and drink as much as they could. And when they had eaten and drunk to God's praise and usque ad Hebreos' (glossed in a footnote 'A pun on the word ebreos (drunken)') |
–497.23+ | Latin usque ad ebrios: even unto the drunks |
–497.23+ | Latin usque ad Hebraeos: even unto the Hebrews |
497.24 | Ebbraios! at and in the licensed boosiness primises of his del- |
–497.24+ | business premises |
–497.24+ | Delhi |
–497.24+ | delightful |
497.25 | hightful bazar and reunited magazine hall, by the magazine wall, |
–497.25+ | French Slang bazar: shanty |
–497.25+ | bazaar |
–497.25+ | Motif: By the Magazine Wall, zinzin, zinzin |
497.26 | Hosty's and Co, Exports, for his five hundredth and sixtysixth |
–497.26+ | HCE (Motif: HCE) |
–497.26+ | 2 x 566 = 1132 (Motif: 1132) |
497.27 | borthday, the grand old Magennis Mor, Persee and Rahli, taker |
–497.27+ | birthday |
–497.27+ | Brian Boru [.20] [.28] |
–497.27+ | Motif: Grand Old Man |
–497.27+ | Latin magnus: Irish mór: big, large, great |
–497.27+ | Guinness |
–497.27+ | Parsee: Zoroastrian Indian of Persian descent |
–497.27+ | Persse O'Reilly |
497.28 | of the tributes, their Rinseky Poppakork and Piowtor the Grape, |
–497.28+ | Brian Boru's name has been etymologised as 'Brian of the Tributes' [.20] [.27] |
–497.28+ | (a dry wine from the Rhine, e.g. Riesling) |
–497.28+ | Rimsky Korsakov: Russian composer |
–497.28+ | French sec: dry |
–497.28+ | pop of cork |
–497.28+ | Peter the Great |
497.29 | holding Dunker's durbar, boot kings and indiarubber umpires |
–497.29+ | durbar: a public audience held by a native prince or a British governor in India |
–497.29+ | king (Cluster: Rulers) |
–497.29+ | Indian empire |
–497.29+ | emperor (Cluster: Rulers) |
497.30 | and shawhs from paisley and muftis in muslim and sultana |
–497.30+ | Shah of Persia (Cluster: Rulers) |
–497.30+ | Paisley: town, Scotland, formerly known for Paisley shawls |
–497.30+ | mufti: Muslim priest; in the Ottoman Empire, official head of the religious establishment in a country or large city (Cluster: Rulers) |
–497.30+ | muffs |
–497.30+ | muslin |
–497.30+ | sultan (Cluster: Rulers) |
–497.30+ | Sultana raisin: a kind of small seedless raisin |
497.31 | reiseines and jordan almonders and a row of jam sahibs and a |
–497.31+ | Portuguese reis: kings (Cluster: Rulers) |
–497.31+ | French reines: queens (Cluster: Rulers) |
–497.31+ | Jordan almond: a fine variety of almond |
–497.31+ | Gordon Highlanders |
–497.31+ | Jam Sahib: the title of the maharaja of the Indian state of Nawanagar (from 1907 to 1933, K.S. Ranjitsinhji, previously a famous cricketer) |
–497.31+ | an |
497.32 | odd principeza in her pettedcoat and the queen of knight's clubs |
–497.32+ | VI.B.16.017g (r): 'principessas' |
–497.32+ | Italian principessa: princess (Cluster: Rulers) |
–497.32+ | petticoat |
–497.32+ | queen (Cluster: Rulers) |
–497.32+ | The Queen of the Night: a character in Mozart's The Magic Flute |
–497.32+ | queen of clubs |
497.33 | and the claddagh ringleaders and the two salaames and the Halfa |
–497.33+ | VI.B.5.025d (r): 'Claddagh ring' |
–497.33+ | Connacht Tribune 24 May 1924, 4/3: (advertisement) 'Corrib Lever Watches and Leading Novelties in Jewellery and Silverware At DILLON'S Makers of the Claddagh Ring' |
–497.33+ | traditional Irish Claddagh rings display two hands (friendship) clasping a heart (love), with a crown (loyalty) above it, so named after a fishing village near Galway |
–497.33+ | leader (Cluster: Rulers) |
–497.33+ | salaam: an oriental salutation of ceremonial obeisance, often accompanied by a deep bow (from Arabic salaam: peace, a greeting of peace) |
–497.33+ | salame: kind of sausage (plural 'salami') |
–497.33+ | Salome |
–497.33+ | half a ham (meat) |
497.34 | Ham and the Hanzas Khan with two fat Maharashers and the |
–497.34+ | Ham, son of Noah |
–497.34+ | Hassan Khan: Persian ambassador, visited Dublin in 1819 |
–497.34+ | Genghis Khan |
–497.34+ | khan (Cluster: Rulers) |
–497.34+ | maharajahs (Cluster: Rulers) |
–497.34+ | rashers of bacon |
497.35 | German selver geyser and he polished up, protemptible, tintanam- |
–497.35+ | German silver: nickel silver |
–497.35+ | German Kaiser himself (Cluster: Rulers) |
–497.35+ | pro [498.02] |
–497.35+ | Latin pro tempore: for the time being, temporarily |
–497.35+ | the German Kaiser called the British Expeditionary Force in World War I 'contemptible' |
–497.35+ | tintinnabulation: bell-ringing |
497.36 | bulating to himsilf so silfrich, and there was J. B. Dunlop, the |
–497.36+ | selfish |
–497.36+ | VI.B.5.041a (r): 'J B Dunlop '88' |
–497.36+ | Irish Independent 10 Jun 1924, 3/3: (advertisement) 'Since the late J.B. Dunlop invented his first famous tyre in Ireland in 1888, Dunlop tyres have been constantly improved' [498.01] |
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