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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 67

522.01    — Ef I chuse to put a bullet like yu through the grill for
522.01+[[Speaker: Matthew]]
522.01+if I choose
522.02heckling what business is that of yours, yu bullock?
522.03    — I don't know, sir. Don't ask me, your honour!
522.03+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
522.04    — Gently, gently Northern Ire! Love that red hand! Let me
522.04+{{Synopsis: III.3.3A.U: [522.04-526.10]: the four suggest psychoanalysis for Yawn — he replies by having several people talk through him, mainly about fish}}
522.04+VI.B.17.015c (b): 'northern ire'
522.04+O'Brien: The Parnell of Real Life 210: 'other methods of winning the assent of Ulster which were nearer to success than is generally suspected before the Northern Protestants were goaded to arms'
522.04+Northern Ireland (Ulster)
522.04+Archaic lave: to wash, bathe
522.04+Red Hand of Ulster
522.04+phrase caught red-handed
522.05once more. There are sordidly tales within tales, you clearly
522.05+Italian sordi: deaf (plural)
522.05+wheels within wheels: a complexity of influences (Ezekiel 1:16)
522.06understand that? Now my other point. Did you know, whether
522.07by melanodactylism or purely libationally, that one of these two
522.07+melano-: black- (from Greek melas: black)
522.07+dactylo-: finger- (from Greek daktylos: finger)
522.08Crimeans with the fender, the taller man, was accused of a cer-
522.08+Motif: fender
522.08+taller man [082.04]
522.09tain offence or of a choice of two serious charges, as skirts were
522.10divided on the subject, if you like it better that way? You did,
522.10+VI.B.6.040e (r): 'you did, you rogue you,"
522.11you rogue, you?
522.11+Colloquial phrase you rogue, you! (a playful or exasperated address)
522.12    — You hear things. Besides (and serially now) bushes have
522.12+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
522.12+Motif: ear/eye (hear, eyes)
522.12+VI.B.14.024j (r): 'Bushes have eyes'
522.12+Sauvé: Proverbes et Dictons de la Basse-Bretagne no. 191: 'Les buissons ont des yeux' (French 'Bushes have eyes')
522.12+(proverb Walls have ears: be careful of what you say as someone might be listening)
522.13eyes, don't forget. Hah!
522.14    — Which moral turpitude would you select of the two, for
522.14+moral turpitude [523.28]
522.14+VI.B.14.166d (r): 'of the two for choice'
522.15choice, if you had your way? Playing bull before shebears or the
522.15+Motif: bear/bull
522.16hindlegs off a clotheshorse? Did any orangepeelers or green-
522.16+Gerald Griffin: song Orange and Green (Motif: green, white, orange)
522.16+song The Peeler and the Goat (Anglo-Irish peeler: policeman)
522.17goaters appear periodically up your sylvan family tree?
522.17+sylvan: pertaining to a forest or woods
522.18    — Buggered if I know! It all depends on how much family
522.18+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
522.18+VI.B.14.221j (r): 'bugger'
522.18+Slang phrase bugger if I know: I do not know
522.18+bugger: to have anal sex with (homosexuality) [.31] [.33]
522.19silver you want for a nass-and-pair. Hah!
522.19+(misinterpreting 'sylvan' for 'silver') [.17] [.29]
522.19+an ass
522.20    — What do you mean, sir, behind your hah! You don't hah
522.21to do thah, you know, snapograph.
522.21+Joyce: Ulysses.15.2334: 'VIRAG... Did you hear my brain go snap?'
522.21+Souvenir of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Opening of The Gaiety Theatre 6: 'The snap-shot fiend now aims without remorse, And 'click!' he's got you, at your worst, of course. Thanks to X rays, the time will come no doubt When he will snappograph you wrong side out'
522.22    — Nothing, sir. Only a bone moving into place. Blotogaff.
522.22+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
522.24    — Whahat?
522.25    — Are you to have all the pleasure quizzing on me? I didn't
522.25+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
522.26say it aloud, sir. I have something inside of me talking to myself.
522.27    — You're a nice third degree witness, faith! But this is no
522.27+phrase third degree: police intimidation (of witnesses etc.)
522.27+third degree [408.11] [438.29] [572.26]
522.28laughing matter. Do you think we are tonedeafs in our noses to
522.29boot? Can you not distinguish the sense, prain, from the sound,
522.29+Motif: sound/sense
522.30bray? You have homosexual catheis of empathy between narcis-
522.30+Bray: town, County Wicklow
522.30+HCE (Motif: HCE)
522.30+cathexis: in Freud's writings, concentration of psychic energy on same person
522.30+Greek katheis: one by one
522.31sism of the expert and steatopygic invertedness. Get yourself
522.31+narcissism was viewed by early psychoanalysis as associated with sexual inversion (an old term for homosexuality and transgenderism) [.18] [.33] [526.34]
522.31+steatopygia: abnormal protuberance of buttocks
522.33    — O, begor, I want no expert nursis symaphy from yours
522.33+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
522.33+bugger: to have anal sex with (homosexuality) [.18] [.31]
522.33+(Joyce refused to be psychoanalysed by Jung)
522.33+nurse's sympathy
522.34broons quadroons and I can psoakoonaloose myself any time I
522.34+French brun: brown
522.34+Motif: Browne/Nolan
522.34+quadroon: person with three-quarters Caucasian and one-quarter African blood
522.35want (the fog follow you all!) without your interferences or any
522.35+VI.C.5.030c (o): 'ass = fog *X*' (the four's ass)
522.36other pigeonstealer.

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