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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 151

531.01who erred in having down to gibbous disdag our darling breed.
531.01+French donne!: give!
531.01+gibbous: hunchbacked
531.01+Danish dag: day
531.02And then the confisieur for the boob's indulligence. As sunctioned
531.02+French confiseur: confectioner
531.02+prayer Confiteor (Latin 'I confess'; a public confessional prayer said at the beginning of Mass) [.31]
531.02+pope's indulgence
531.03for his salmenbog by the Councillors-om-Trent. Pave Pannem
531.03+Danish salmebog: hymn book
531.03+Council of Trent, 1545-63, revised missal, breviary, etc.
531.03+Danish omtrent: approximately
531.03+Latin phrase cave canem: beware of the dog (Motif: P/Q)
531.03+Danish pave: pope
531.03+Latin panem: bread (accusative)
531.04at his gaiter's bronze! Nummer half dreads Log Laughty. Mas-
531.04+Italian sbronza: hangover
531.04+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...bronze! Nummer...} | {Png: ...bronze. Nummer...}
531.04+German Nummer: Dutch nummer: number
531.04+Danish halvtreds: fifty
531.05ter's gunne he warrs the bedst. I messaged his dilltoyds sause-
531.05+Michael Gunn
531.05+gone he was the best
531.05+Danish bedst: best
531.05+deltoid muscles of shoulders
531.05+Danish sausepander: saucepan
531.05+proverb What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander: what is acceptable for one person should be acceptable for another too [.07]
531.06pander mussels on the kisschen table. With my ironing duck
531.06+German Kisschen: little pillow
531.06+(making bread)
531.06+Iron Duke: an epithet of Wellington
531.07through his rollpins of gansyfett, do dodo doughdy dough, till
531.07+rolling pin
531.07+German Gänsefett: goose fat [.05]
531.07+when first discovered, the dodo was called 'vetgans' ('fat goose')
531.07+(Motif: stuttering)
531.08he was braising red in the toastface with lovensoft eyebulbs and
531.08+Italian faccia tosta: brazen face, shamelessness
531.08+Motif: ear/eye (eyeballs, eardrum)
531.09his kiddledrum steeming and rattling like the roasties in my
531.09+Slang drum: (among tramps and railwaymen) a tin or can in which tea is made or drunk
531.09+(coffee beans in mill)
531.10mockamill. I awed to have scourched his Abarm's brack for him.
531.10+Mocha (coffee)
531.10+Slang abram: a malingerer; also, naked
531.10+Abraham was originally named Abram (Genesis 17:5) [.11]
531.10+Anglo-Irish barmbrack: a sweet yeast bread speckled with currants and raisins, traditionally associated with Halloween and often baked with a few small symbolic items in it (e.g. ring, coin, religious medallion) as a form of fortune-telling game (supposedly revealing what will happen to those who get them in the upcoming year, e.g. marry, have good fortune, take a religious vocation)
531.11For the loaf of Obadiah, take your pastryart's noas out of me
531.11+patriarch (Abraham was one) [.10]
531.11+Latin Noa: Noah
531.12flouer bouckuet! Of the strainger scene you given squeezers to
531.12+flour bucket
531.12+flower bouquet
531.12+Italian buchetto: a small hole
531.12+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...bouckuet! Of...} | {Png: ...bouckuet. Of...}
531.12+if the stranger seen you giving squeezes
531.13me skillet! As cream of the hearth thou reinethst alhome. His
531.13+skillet: stewing-pan
531.13+queen of my heart
531.13+French reine: queen
531.14lapper and libbers was glue goulewed as he sizzled there watch-
531.14+(tongue and lips glued shut)
531.14+La Goulue: 1890s Moulin Rouge star painted by Toulouse-Lautrec
531.15ing me lautterick's pitcher by Wexford-Atelier as Katty and
531.15+(Wexford, Toulouse: placenames)
531.15+French atelier: workshop
531.15+Katti Lanner: famous 19th century Austrian-British ballet dancer and choreographer (Joyce: Ulysses.15.4044: 'The Katty Lanner step')
531.16Lanner, the refined souprette, with my bust alla brooche and the
531.16+Joyce: Ulysses.10.380: 'poster of Marie Kendall, charming soubrette'
531.16+French à la broche: on the spit (cooking)
531.17padbun under my matelote, showing my jigotty sleeves and all
531.17+French matelote: fish stew
531.17+gigot sleeve: 'leg-of-mutton' sleeve
531.18my new toulong touloosies. Whisk! There's me shims and here's
531.18+Toulon, French city
531.18+(whisks up clothes, dancing can-can) [.24]
531.18+(whisks broom across floor, sweeping it) [.20]
531.18+Motif: Tip [.18-.20] [530.33]
531.18+shins, hams
531.18+Motif: Shem, Ham and Japhet (*VYC*)
531.18+Slang shimmy: a chemise, a woman's body undergarment
531.19me hams and this is me juppettes, gause be the meter! Whisk!
531.19+Motif: This is
531.19+French jupon: petticoat
531.19+Russian zhopa: buttocks
531.19+gauze by the meter
531.19+goes by the meter
531.19+gas meter
531.19+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...meter! Whisk...} | {Png: ...meter. Whisk...}
531.20What's this? Whisk! And that? He never cotched finer, balay
531.20+French balayer: to sweep
531.21me, at Romiolo Frullini's flea pantamine out of Griddle-the-Sink
531.21+Italian frullini: whisks
531.22or Shusies-with-her-Soles-Up or La Sauzerelly, the pucieboots,
531.22+French la sauterelle: the grasshopper
531.22+Italian la sozzerella: the little dirty girl
531.22+pantomime Cinderella
531.22+pantomime Puss in Boots
531.23when I started so hobmop ladlelike, highty tighty, to kick the
531.23+nursery rhyme Highty, Tighty, Paradighty
531.24time off the cluckclock lucklock quamquam camcam potapot
531.24+Motif: P/Q [.24-.25]
531.24+Latin quamquam: although
531.24+can-can (dance)
531.25panapan kickakickkack. Hairhorehounds, shake up pfortner.
531.25+horehound: herb used for cough remedy and confections [.35]
531.25+song Finnegan's Wake: 'Dance to your partner... Lots of fun at Finnegan's wake'
531.25+German Pförtner: porter, turnkey; pylorus
531.25+German Pfote: paw
531.25+Italian più forte: stronger
531.26Fuddling fun for Fullacan's sake!
531.26+Italian Dialect Slang fiòl d'un can: son of a bitch (Motif: Son of a bitch)
531.26+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...sake!} | {Png: ...sake.}
531.27    — All halt! Sponsor programme and close down. That's
531.27+VI.B.14.225e (r): 'that's enough'
531.28enough, genral, of finicking about Finnegan and fiddling with
531.29his faddles. A final ballot, guvnor, to remove all doubt. By sylph
531.29+Slang faddle: foolery, trifle
531.29+Motif: 4 elements (air, fire, earth, water)
531.29+sylph: air-spirit
531.30and salamander and all the trolls and tritons, I mean to top her
531.30+salamander fabled to live in fire
531.30+trolls lived under earth
531.30+tritons lived under water
531.30+top: in golf, hit ball above centre
531.30+(override *K*'s speech and reach the tap or source, *E*)
531.31drive and to tip the tap of this, at last. His thoughts that wouldbe
531.31+prayer Confiteor: 'in thought, word and deed' [.02]
531.32words, his livings that havebeen deeds. And will too, by the holy
531.32+VI.B.42.028f (r): 'S. Finnghin patr. of Ulster'
531.32+Yonge: History of Christian Names 245: (in a section about the name Finn) 'Another St. Finghin is patron of Ulster'
531.33child of Coole, primapatriock of the archsee, if I have at first
531.33+Finn was the son of Cool (Cumhall)
531.33+Coole Park: the estate of Lady Gregory, near Gort, County Galway
531.33+Latin primipatriarches: first patriarch
531.33+Saint Patrick (the first bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland)
531.33+arch-see: the see of an archbishop (such as that of Armagh, in Ulster, the seat of the Roman Catholic Primate of Ireland)
531.34to down every mask in Trancenania from Terreterry's Hole to
531.34+French terre: earth
531.35Stutterers' Corner to find that Yokeoff his letter, this Yokan his
531.35+VI.B.17.084c (b): 'Stutterers' Corner (Finisterre)' (Motif: stuttering)
531.35+yoke off
531.35+Motif: Shem/Shaun (Jacob, Johann)
531.35+Yokan: a Japanese confection, usually with horehound [.25]
531.35+yoke on
531.36dahet. Pass the jousters of the king, the Kovnor-Journal and
531.36+French par: by
531.36+Marcel Jousse studied the language of gesture
531.36+Kovno: Lithuanian city
531.36+Czech hovno: shit
531.36+VI.B.3.018a (r): 'the governor (father) Si D, LB, TMH'
531.36+Governor-General (of the Irish Free State; Timothy M. Healy was the first one, from 1922 to 1928)

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