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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
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536.01spirit, called Sebastion, from the Rivera in Januero, (he is not
536.01+VI.B.29.082c (o): 'Sebastion from the Rivera in januarry'
536.01+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXIII, 'Rio de Janeiro', 356b: 'The discovery of the Bay of Rio de Janeiro is attributed... to André Gonçalves, who entered its waters on the 1st of January 1502, and believed that it was the mouth of a great river, hence the name Rio de Janeiro (River of January)... The first settlement in the bay was made by an expedition of French Huguenots... In 1560 their fort was captured and destroyed by a Portuguese expedition... and in 1567 another expedition... again destroyed the French settlements... The victory was won on the 20th of January, the feast-day of St Sebastian the Martyr, who became the patron saint of the new settlement and gave it his name — Sāo Sebastiāo do Rio de Janeiro'
536.01+Sebastian Melmoth: name used by Oscar Wilde after his release from prison
536.01+the rich went to the French Riviera in January
536.01+Slang phrase not all there: mentally deficient
536.02all hear) may fernspreak shortly with messuages from my dead-
536.02+all ears
536.02+VI.B.16.074c (b): 'fernsprecher'
536.02+Gallois: La Poste et les Moyens de Communication 368: 'Téléphone, qui vient de deux mots grecs: têlê, loin; phônê, voix; les Allemands le nomment Fernsprecher, ce qui veut dire parler au loin, absolument la même chose' (French 'Telephone, which comes from two Greek words: têlê, far; phônê, voice. The Germans call it Fernsprecher, which means talking at a distance, which is absolutely the same thing')
536.02+German Fernsprecher: telephone
536.02+Legalese messuage: a dwelling-house with its adjacent land and outbuildings
536.03ported. Let us cheer him up a little and make an appunkment for
536.04a future date. Hello, Commudicate! How's the buttes? Ever-
536.04+HCE (Motif: HCE)
536.04+Holy Communion [.05]
536.04+Communicator [535.36]
536.04+Italian Colloquial phrase come ti butta?: how are you doing?
536.04+French butte: hill
536.05scepistic! He does not believe in our psychous of the Real Ab-
536.05+Greek psychê: life, soul
536.05+Real Presence (of Christ in the Eucharist) [.04]
536.06sence, neither miracle wheat nor soulsurgery of P. P. Quemby.
536.06+VI.B.29.204i (o): 'Miracle Wheat'
536.06+Ferguson: The Confusion of Tongues 69: (of Pastor Charles Russell, an American evangelist whose movement gave rise to Jehovah's Witnesses, and of the Brooklyn Eagle newspaper, over a supposedly-advanced strain of wheat) 'The charge made by the Eagle was that the Pastor sold ordinary wheat as "Miracle Wheat"'
536.06+VI.B.29.204j (o): 'Soul Surgery'
536.06+Ferguson: The Confusion of Tongues 91: (of Frank N.D. Buchman, an American evangelist) 'In his handbook, Soul Surgery, he warns his followers to beware lest any man be a wolf in sheep's clothing'
536.06+VI.B.29.204b (o): 'Phineas Parkcurst Quimby' (the second word is not crayoned and is interpolated into the entry, replacing a cancelled 'P.')
536.06+Ferguson: The Confusion of Tongues 5: (of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, an American mental healer, from whom Mary Baker Eddy borrowed much of Christian Science) 'New Thought, fathered by the gentle Phineas P. Quimby'
536.06+Ferguson: The Confusion of Tongues 7: 'Phineas Parkhurst Quimby'
536.06+Motif: P/Q
536.07He has had some indiejestings, poor thing, for quite a little while,
536.07+(funeral games)
536.07+(death from laughter)
536.08confused by his tonguer of baubble. A way with him! Poor Felix
536.08+Ferguson: The Confusion of Tongues
536.08+babble of tongues (God created different languages after fall of the Tower of Babel)
536.08+VI.B.29.207f-g (o): 'Mass Bubble Bauble'
536.08+Ferguson: The Confusion of Tongues 286: (of the mass in the Liberal Catholic Church) 'the liturgy of the Liberal church... is able... to erect a bulbous form of rare beauty and texture, taking the shape of an immense super-cathedral... the bubble. This edifice — a thin vaporous and variously coloured affair which first encompasses then transcends the church building — is compounded of matter belonging to the various Theosophical planes — mental, astral, and etheric' [539.12] [552.07] [552.35]
536.08+Oliver Cromwell (about parliamentary power): 'Remove this bauble!' (attributed to him, when ordering the removal of the speaker's mace on the dissolution of the Rump Parliament)
536.08+VI.B.14.078f (r): 'O felix culpa!'
536.08+Motif: O felix culpa!
536.09Culapert! Ring his mind, ye staples, (bonze!) in my ould reeke-
536.09+Italian culo aperto: open buttocks
536.09+ringing the mind: commemoration for deceased member of a Dublin craft guild
536.09+wool, hides, etc., called 'staples' in medieval Dublin, a 'Staple town'
536.09+VI.B.29.196a (o): 'bonze'
536.09+Washington Irving: A History of New York, book IV, ch. I: (of knowledge) 'The vast acquirements of the new governor were the theme of marvel among the simple burghers of New Amsterdam; he figured about the place as learned a man as a Bonze at Pekin, who has mastered one-half of the Chinese alphabet; and was unanimously pronounced a "universal genius!"'
536.09+bonze: a term applied by Europeans to Buddhist monks in Japan and the Far East (from Japanese bonso: itinerant monk)
536.09+Anglo-Irish ould: old (reflecting pronunciation)
536.09+'Auld Reekie': traditional nickname for Edinburgh
536.10ries' ballyheart and in my krumlin and in aroundisements and
536.10+Anglo-Irish bally-: town-
536.10+Crumlin: district of Dublin
536.10+VI.B.29.106a (k): 'arroundisement'
536.10+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XX, 'Paris', 809d: 'Paris is divided into twenty arrondissements'
536.11stremmis! Sacks eleathury! Sacks eleathury! Bam! I deplore over
536.11+a Dublin bye-law of 1533: 'within the stremmis and libertys graunted to the sayde cyttye'
536.11+Sechseläuten: Zurich spring festival, celebrating the end of winter, on the Monday following the vernal equinox, by church bell ringing at 6 p.m. and by burning of an exploding effigy of Böögg, a personification of winter (Swiss German Sechseläuten: six o'clock pealing of bells)
536.11+Greek eleaô: to have pity
536.11+Greek eleutheria: freedom
536.12him ruely. Mongrieff! O Hone! Guestermed with the nobelities,
536.12+VI.B.29.137a (o): 'ru ruely' ('ruely' uncertain; only last word crayoned)
536.12+French rue: street
536.12+French mon: my
536.12+Moncrieffe (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
536.12+Algernon Moncrieff: character in Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest
536.12+Anglo-Irish ochone: alas
536.12+Hone (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
536.12+German gestern: yesterday
536.12+met with the nobility
536.12+Nobel Prize
536.13to die bronxitic in achershous! So enjoying of old thick whiles,
536.13+VI.B.24.205g (o): 'Bronx'
536.13+The Bronx, New York City
536.13+Akershus: country around Oslo; also, castle there
536.13+Wilde (Oscar Wilde)
536.14in haute white toff's hoyt of our formed reflections, with stock
536.14+French haute: tall, high (feminine)
536.14+French huit reflets: top hat
536.14+White (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
536.14+phrase take off that white hat: an obscure 19th century abusive catch-phrase (Motif: White hat)
536.14+top hat
536.14+Hoyte (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
536.14+Danish højt: high
536.14+German Stock: stick
536.14+Stock im Eisen: ancient tree stump in Vienna
536.15of eisen all his prop, so buckely hosiered from the Royal Leg,
536.15+German Eisen: iron
536.15+Slang prop: leg
536.15+Buckley (Motif: How Buckley shot the Russian General)
536.15+VI.B.29.091d (o): 'Royal Leg (hosier)'
536.15+Fitzpatrick: Dublin, Historical and Topographical Account 198: (of 18th century Dublin) 'the Royal Leg and the Royal Stocking were rivals for the sale of hosiery'
536.15+(Order of the Garter)
536.16and his puertos mugnum, he would puffout a dhymful bock.
536.16+Spanish puerto: port
536.16+Spanish puros magnos: large cigars
536.16+Russian dym: smoke
536.16+German dampfig: steamy, smoky
536.16+German Bock: goat
536.16+French bock: enema
536.16+bock: a type of beer
536.16+Spanish boccada: mouthful
536.17And the how he would husband her that verikerfully, his cigare
536.17+very carefully
536.17+Vereker (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
536.17+Vereker: a writer in Henry James's The Figure in the Carpet, the secret of whose intricate works is never penetrated
536.17+French cigare: cigar
536.17+cigar divan: cigar shop
536.18divane! (He would redden her with his vestas, but 'tis naught.)
536.18+Serbo-Croatian divan: beautiful
536.18+VI.B.29.090i (o): 'he lights it with his vestas but 'tis nought'
536.18+Anglo-Irish redden: to light (a fire or pipe)
536.18+vesta: a type of match
536.18+Vesta: Roman goddess of the hearth and chastity
536.18+Archaic 'tis naught: it is nothing
536.19With us his nephos and his neberls, mest incensed and befogged
536.19+Greek nephos: cloud
536.19+Latin nepos: grandson
536.19+German Nebel: Latin nebula: mist, fog
536.19+mist, fog
536.19+Danish mest: most
536.19+Dutch mest: dung, manure
536.20by him and his smoke thereof. But he shall have his glad stein of
536.20+Slang Gladstone: cheap red wine
536.20+William Gladstone: leader of the Liberal Party in Victorian England
536.20+German Stein: stone
536.21our zober beerbest in Oscarshal's winetavern. Buen retiro! The
536.21+Mozart: Die Zauberflöte (opera; German The Magic Flute) [.22]
536.21+German sauber: clean (said of wine)
536.21+best beer
536.21+Oscar (Oscar Wilde)
536.21+Oscarshall: palace in Oslo
536.21+Dublin Guildhall in 13th century in Winetavern Street
536.21+Buen Retiro: park in Madrid
536.22boyce voyce is still flautish and his mounth still wears that
536.22+Boyce (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
536.22+William Boyce: English composer and chorister
536.22+Lord Afred Douglas, Oscar Wilde's famous lover, was nicknamed 'Bosie'
536.22+boy's voice
536.22+German flau: feeble, flat
536.22+flute [.21]
536.22+Oscar Wilde: The Ballad of Reading Gaol: (begins) 'He did not wear his scarlet coat'
536.23soldier's scarlet though the flaxafloyeds are peppered with salse-
536.23+Lloyd: the maiden name of Constance Wilde, Oscar Wilde's wife
536.23+(grey hair)
536.23+pepper and salt cloth
536.23+Italian salsedine: saltiness
536.24dine. It is bycause of what he was ascend into his prisonce on
536.24+because of that
536.24+sent to prison (Oscar Wilde)
536.24+Italian e ne cantò: and he sang of it (Oscar Wilde: The Ballad of Reading Gaol)
536.25account off. I whit it wel. Hence his deepraised words. Some day
536.25+Dutch ik miet et well: I know it well
536.25+Whitwell (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
536.25+Cornish wel: better
536.25+Oscar Wilde: De Profundis (Latin 'Out of the Depths')
536.26I may tell of his second storey. Mood! Mood! It looks like some-
536.26+VI.B.29.054g (o): '2 stories'
536.26+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Washington', 350a: 'the Government Printing Office (twelve storeys — one of the few tall office-buildings in the city)'
536.26+Dutch moed: courage
536.27one other bearing my burdens. I cannot let it. Kanes nought.
536.27+Kane (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
536.27+German Ich kann es nicht: I cannot
536.28     Well, yeamen, I have bared my whole past, I flatter myself,
536.28+[[Speaker: Yawn as *E*]]
536.28+Chinese yamen: administrative offices
536.28+VI.B.29.062e (o): 'I flatter myself'
536.28+Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 30: (quoting from an 18th century invitation to a public ball) 'Reilly would gladly provide Tea and Coffee, but flatters himself the Omission of them will be kindly excused, on Account of the Difficulty of providing Cups, &c.'
536.29on both sides. Give me even two months by laxlaw in second
536.29+give me even my two months by law
536.29+lax: lenient, not strict
536.29+Latin lex: law
536.29+second division: one of the three grades of imprisonment
536.30division and my first broadcloth is business will be to protest to
536.30+VI.B.7.053a (g): '*E* I protest my 1st business'
536.30+Boldt: From Luther to Steiner 11: (of the fusion of politics and religion) 'had not the papacy in so sinister a manner made this fusion a point of contention, it is hardly likely that a political protest would have been made by a German theologian... There remained, therefore, but one way of breaking Rome's political system, and that was by setting up another in opposition, and it was this that Luther made it his first business to do'
536.30+broadcloth: a type of fine black fabric, used chiefly for men's garments
536.30+phrase business is business: business considerations take precedence over emotional or personal issues
536.31Recorder at Thing of all Things, or court of Skivinis, with mar-
536.31+VI.B.29.050f (o): 'Things of Things'
536.31+Haliday: The Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin 159: 'Scandinavian Things or Tings' (i.e. parliaments)
536.31+king of all kings
536.31+Allthing: Icelandic national assembly
536.31+VI.B.29.131b (o): 'Court of Skivini'
536.31+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XVI, 'London', 966b: (of the government of the Commune of London in the late 12th century and the early 13th century) 'the government of the city was in the hands of a mayor and twelve échevins (skivini)... alii probi homines were associated with the mayor and échevins to form a body of twenty-four... the Court of Skivini and alii probi homines... was the germ of the Common Council'
536.31+VI.B.29.061b (o): 'grey merchant " marchant' (double inverted commas ditto 'grey')
536.31+Hardiman: The History of the Town and County of the Town of Galway 209: (quoting from a 16th century by-law) 'No craftesman, or, as it were, grey merchaunt, go abroad to buy or sell... any kind of merchaundize, cattell or other things, that shall not be of ther owne faquiltie'
536.32chants grey, antient and credibel, Zerobubble Barrentone, Jonah
536.32+The Antient Concert Rooms, Great Brunswick Street, Dublin (Joyce sang there at the Feis Ceoil in 1904) [543.09]
536.32+VI.B.29.060k (o): 'antient old credibel persons'
536.32+Hardiman: The History of the Town and County of the Town of Galway 207: (quoting from 16th century judicial proceedings) 'the mayor, &c. calling before them auncient old credibel persons' (as witnesses)
536.32+VI.B.29.199c-g (o): 'Preserved Fish Habakkuk Nutter Returned Strong Zerubabbel Fisk Determined Cock'
536.32+Washington Irving: A History of New York, book IV, ch. VI: 'a host of Yankee warriors, headed by Preserved Fish, and Habakkuk Nutter, and Return Strong, and Zerubbabel Fisk, and Determined Cock!'
536.32+phrase zero bubble: level, pointing neither up nor down (said of aeroplanes and submarines, from the bubble in older inclinometers)
536.32+John Barrington (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
536.32+Sir Jonah Barrington: Irish lawyer and historian, author of Recollections of My Own Times
536.32+Jonah and the Whale (Jonah)
536.32+John Whalley: 17th-18th century English-born anti-Irish Dublin astrologer
536.33Whalley, Determined Codde or Cucumber Upright, my jurats,
536.33+jurat: one who has taken an oath
536.34if it does not occur again. O rhyme us! Haar Faagher, wild heart
536.34+Latin oremus: let us pray (Motif: Let us pray)
536.34+German Haar: Dutch haar: hair
536.34+Harald Haarfager: according to tradition, the first king of Norway (usually referred to in English as Harald Fairhair)
536.34+prayer Lord's Prayer: 'Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done'
536.35in Homelan; Harrod's be the naun. Mine kinder come, mine
536.35+Harrods: London department store
536.35+Danish navn: name
536.35+German meine Kinder: my children
536.35+German mein Wohl: my health, my well-being
536.36wohl be won. There is nothing like leuther. O Shee! And nosty
536.36+proverb There is nothing like leather
536.36+Dutch leut: fun
536.36+Dutch leuteren: to drivel
536.36+Katharine O'Shea: Parnell's lover and later his wife
536.36+Anglo-Irish shee: fairy
536.36+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation shee: see

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