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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
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538.01son of all of her of yourn, by Juno Moneta! If she, irished Marry-
538.01+Juno was worshipped under the title Moneta in Rome and Alba, and her temple used as a mint
538.01+Latin moneta: money
538.01+Italian Dialect Slang moneta: little cunt
538.01+VI.B.29.044b (o): 'Marryann Teheresian'
538.01+Maria-Theresa, archduchess of Austria
538.02onn Teheresiann, has been disposed of for her consideration, I,
538.02+Teheran, Iran
538.03Ledwidge Salvatorious, am tradefully unintiristid. And if she is
538.03+William Ledwidge (later Ludwig): Irish baritone
538.03+dreadfully uninterested
538.04still further talc slopping over her cocoa contours, I hwat mick
538.04+(trying to disguise colour)
538.04+talking shop
538.04+Joyce wanted Nora to drink cocoa to put on weight (1909)
538.04+Danish i hvad mig angaar: in what concerns me
538.05angars, am strongly of opinion why I should not be. Inprobable!
538.06I do not credit one word of it from such and suchess mistra-
538.06+such and such (Motif: So and so)
538.06+Mary Travers accused Sir William Wilde, Oscar Wilde's father, of seducing her
538.06+Hester Travers Smith: author of Travers Smith: Psychic Messages from Oscar Wilde (detailing her communications with the dead Oscar Wilde)
538.06+Italian estroverse: extroverts (feminine)
538.07versers. Just feathers! Nanenities! Or to have ochtroyed to
538.07+Fetherston (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
538.07+Nannetti (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
538.07+ochroid: ochre-yellow
538.07+octroy: (of governments) to grant, to concede
538.08resolde or borrough by exchange same super melkkaart, means
538.08+resell (the slave) [537.23-.25]
538.08+Isolde: another name for Iseult
538.08+VI.B.29.082b (o): 'exchange'
538.08+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXIII, 'Rio de Janeiro', 354d: 'The new Praça do Commercio (Merchants' Exchange)'
538.08+Dutch melk: milk
538.08+Melkarth: a god of Tyre (Tyre and Carthage were major Phoenician cities) [.12]
538.08+Hamilcar: father of Hannibal [.10]
538.08+Dutch kaart: card, ticket, coupon
538.09help; best Brixton high yellow, no outings: cent for cent on
538.09+VI.B.14.146j (g): 'best Bristol (slave)'
538.09+Riguet: Saint Patrice 168: 'Bristol, où se faisait un commerce actif d'esclaves' (French 'Bristol, where there was a busy market for slaves') [537.25]
538.09+Brixton: a district of London
538.09+American Slang high yellow: a very light-skinned black person
538.09+French cent pour cent: one hundred percent
538.10Auction's Bridge. 'Twere a honnibel crudelty wert so tente-
538.10+auction bridge (game)
538.10+Grattan Bridge, Dublin
538.10+Old French honni: shame
538.10+Hannibal: Carthaginian general [.12]
538.10+(Flaubert's Salammbô, set in Carthage, was criticised for its cruelty when published) [.12]
538.10+Italian crudeltà: cruelty
538.10+German wert: worth
538.11ment to their naktlives and scatab orgias we devour about in
538.11+Dutch naakt lijf: naked body
538.11+German nackt: naked
538.11+Dutch nachtleven: nightlife
538.11+Greek skatos: dung
538.11+Borgia popes
538.11+Greek orgia: secret rites
538.12the mightyevil roohms of encient cartage. Utterly improperable!
538.12+medieval ruins of ancient Carthage
538.12+The Antient Concert Rooms, Great Brunswick Street, Dublin (Joyce sang there at the Feis Ceoil in 1904) [543.09]
538.12+German Ruhm: glory, fame
538.12+VI.B.29.067b (o): 'enceinte'
538.12+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXVI, 'Teheran', 506b: 'in 1869 Nasr-ud-din Shah decided upon enlarging the city... an enceinte consisting of a ditch and 58 unequal bastions... was constructed and completed in 1874'
538.12+French enceinte: pregnant; a fortified wall
538.13Not for old Crusos or white soul of gold! A pipple on the
538.13+not for all the gold
538.13+Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe (as well as a pantomime)
538.13+Greek chrysos: gold
538.13+Croesus: 6th century BC last king of Lydia (in modern-day Turkey), renowned for his vast legendary wealth
538.13+VI.B.17.053f (b): 'silver — white soul of gold'
538.13+the Philosopher's Stone is white
538.13+Motif: P/Q [.13-.15]
538.13+Colloquial pip: syphilis
538.14panis, two claps on the cansill, or three pock pocks cassey
538.14+Latin panis: bread
538.14+Motif: 2&3
538.14+Slang clap: gonorrhoea
538.14+German Kanzel: pulpit
538.14+Slang pencil: penis
538.14+Archaic Colloquial pocks, pock: syphilis (now spelled 'pox' and considered Slang)
538.14+VI.B.29.134h (k): 'Castleknock'
538.14+Castleknock: area west of Phoenix Park
538.14+French cassé: broken
538.14+Italian Dialect Slang cassi: penises [.15]
538.15knocked on the postern! Not for one testey tickey culprik's
538.15+Slang knock: (of a man) to have sex with
538.15+postern: back door (Slang buttocks; female genitalia)
538.15+Slang tester: sixpence
538.15+VI.B.29.040a (o): 'tickey'
538.15+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XV, 'Johannesburg', 432a: 'The customary unit of expenditure is the threepenny-bit or "tickey"' (Dialect)
538.15+Slang dickey: penis
538.15+VI.B.29.ffrc (o): 'culprik' (one of three entries inspired by Přikopy) [542.13] [554.03]
538.15+French Slang cul: buttocks, anus
538.15+Slang prick: penis
538.16coynds ore for all ecus in cunziehowffse! So hemp me Cash!
538.16+French Slang coin: penis; female genitalia
538.16+French écu: a old French silver coin (French Slang female genitalia)
538.16+VI.B.29.030e (o): 'Cunzie House howffs'
538.16+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. VIII, 'Edinburgh', 939a: 'such old-world picturesque buildings as... the old Cunzie House, or mint... and even such "howffs" as Clerihugh's tavern'
538.16+Scottish howff: a place of resort
538.16+phrase so help me God! (asserting an oath)
538.16+Cash (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
538.16+cash (money)
538.16+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Cash! I...} | {Png: ...Cash. I...}
538.17I meanit.
538.17+I mean it
538.18     My herrings! The surdity of it! Amean to say. Her bare
538.18+[[Speaker: Yawn as *E*]]
538.18+German meine Herren!: Gentlemen!
538.18+Latin surditas: deafness
538.18+I mean
538.19idears, it is choochoo chucklesome. Absurd bargain, mum, will
538.19+French Slang chouchou: darling, favourite
538.19+too too
538.19+(one-line advertisement to sell the salve or milk cart)
538.20call. One line with! One line, with with! Will ate everadayde sau-
538.20+(second line of advertisement)
538.20+VI.B.29.064c (o): 'Salmon Boyne alive Salmon water boyne alive'
538.20+Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 213: 'Another itinerant provision merchant who had a very distinctive cry was the seasonable salmon-vendor... he announced: Boyne salmon alive, Boyne salmon'
538.20+French saumon: salmon
538.21mone like a boyne alive O. The tew cherripickers, with their
538.21+Cornish tew: Welsh tew: fat, thick, gross, foggy
538.21+Tew (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
538.21+two (*IJ*)
538.21+Military Slang Cherry Pickers: soldiers of the 11th (Prince Albert's Own) Hussars cavalry regiment (on account of their crimson trousers, and possibly also because some of their men were captured in a Spanish orchard during the Peninsular War)
538.22Catheringnettes, Lizzy and Lissy Mycock, from Street Flesh-
538.22+French catherinette: woman still unmarried at twenty-five, from the custom for unmarried girls between twenty-five and thirty-five to have the privilege of preparing Saint Catherine's headgear on her feastday, 25 November (French coiffer sainte Catherine)
538.22+Catherinettes: sisters from the Hospital of Saint Catherine in Paris who wash and shroud the cadavers in Paris morgue and transport them to the cemetery
538.22+gathering nets
538.22+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Mycock, from...} | {Png: ...Mycock from...}
538.22+Fishamble Street, Dublin
538.23shambles, were they moon at aube with hespermun and I their
538.23+French aube: dawn
538.23+Latin Hesperus: the evening star
538.23+Irish mún: urine
538.24covin guardient, I would not know to contact such gretched
538.24+coven (of witches)
538.24+Covent Garden, London
538.24+Italian guardone: voyeur
538.24+phrase not know a person from Adam
538.24+German Gretchen: a nickname for Margaret (i.e. Maggy)
538.25youngsteys in my ways from Haddem or any suistersees or
538.25+A'dam: abbreviation for Amsterdam
538.25+Zuider Zee, Netherlands
538.26heiresses of theirn, claiming by, through, or under them. Ous of
538.26+German aus: out
538.26+phrase out of the frying pan into the fire: from a bad situation into a worse one
538.27their freiung pfann into myne foyer. Her is one which rassembled
538.27+VI.B.24.225h (r): 'FREIUNG'
538.27+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Vienna', 51b: 'the Mölkerhof, adjoining the open space called the Freiung'
538.27+German Freiung: wooing
538.27+German Pfanne: frying pan
538.27+French foyer: hearth, home, lobby
538.27+French rassembler: to gather, to reassemble
538.28to mein enormally. The man what shocked his shanks at contey
538.28+German mein: mine
538.28+song The Man That Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo
538.28+Shanks (Cluster: Lord-Mayors of Dublin)
538.28+Italian Conte: Count
538.28+County Carlow
538.29Carlow's. He is Deucollion. Each habe goheerd, uptaking you
538.29+Deucalion: equivalent of Noah in Greek mythology [.33]
538.29+scallion (natives of County Carlow are known as 'scallion eaters')
538.29+Archaic cullions: testicles
538.29+German ich habe gehört: I have heard
538.29+German annehmend: assuming (literally 'uptaking')
538.30are innersence, but we sen you meet sose infance. Deucollion!
538.30+German mit: with
538.30+French sosie: double, lookalike
538.30+those infants
538.31Odor. Evilling chimbes is smutsick rivulverblott but thee hard
538.31+German oder: or
538.31+Evening Times (newspaper)
538.31+German schmutzig: dirty
538.31+German Revolverblatt: scandal sheet
538.31+Danish blotte: to bare
538.31+thou hast
538.31+Mrs Hardcastle: character in Oliver Goldsmith: other works: She Stoops to Conquer
538.32casted thereass pigstenes upann Congan's shootsmen in Schot-
538.32+Danish sten: stone
538.32+Danish kongens: the king's
538.32+German Schutzmann: policeman
538.32+VI.B.24.225g (r): 'SCHOTTENHOF'
538.32+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Vienna', 51a: 'In the old town are the two largest of the Höfe, extensive blocks of buildings belonging to the great abbeys of Austria, which are common throughout Vienna. These are the Schottenhof (once belonging to the "Scoti," or Irish Benedictines) and the Mölkerhof'
538.33tenhof, ekeascent? Igen Deucollion! I liked his Gothamm chic!
538.33+Greek ekêa: I was burning
538.33+Danish ikke sandt?: not so?
538.33+Motif: yes/no (Danish ikke: not + Hungarian igen: yes)
538.33+Danish igen: again
538.33+Deucalion: equivalent of Noah in Greek mythology [.29]
538.33+Gotham: a village proverbial for the foolishness of its inhabitants; nickname for New York City
538.33+goddamn cheek
538.34Stuttertub! What a shrubbery trick to play! I will put my oath-
538.34+stutter (Motif: stuttering)
538.34+Howth Head
538.35head unner my whitepot for ransom of beeves and will stand
538.35+Motif: White hat
538.35+VI.B.29.156c (o): 'ransom of beeves'
538.35+Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Dublin Annals section 1029: 'Aulaffe Sitric, king of the Danes of Dublin, taken prisoner by Matthew O'Regan, and ransomed, on payment of 200 beeves, 80 horses, 3 ounces of gold, and a sword called Charles's sword'
538.35+Archaic beeves: oxen (plural of 'beef')
538.36me where I stood mine in all free heat between Pelagios and little
538.36+German Freiheit: freedom
538.36+Pelagius: heretic, perhaps Irish

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