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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 161

557.01cramp for Hemself and Co, Esquara, or them four hoarsemen on
557.01+cramp: a painful involuntary muscle contraction [.03]
557.01+HCE (Motif: HCE)
557.01+Anglo-Irish himself: man of the house, male head of a household
557.01+Colloquial and Co: and the rest of them, etcetera (from the abbreviation for 'and Company', commonly used in the names of firms)
557.01+VI.B.13.175g (o): 'J.J Esquara'
557.01+Esquire: a title of no precise significance appended to the name of a man (in a formal setting) to indicate some degree of status (due to birth, occupation, etc.)
557.01+Basque euskara: Basque language (also spelled 'eskuara') [556.33]
557.01+Motif: The four of them
557.01+VI.B.24.137a (b): '4 hoarsemen on their apolkaloops' === VI.B.21.145a ( ): '*X* 4 hoarsemen'
557.01+The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: four ominous horse riders that are to be unleashed upon the world in the first stages of the Christian end of time (Revelation 6; the horses' colours to be white, red, black and pale) [.04] [.08-.09] [.12]
557.01+hoar: grey-haired with age, old
557.02their apolkaloops, Norreys, Soothbys, Yates and Welks, and,
557.02+polka: a type of lively dance, involving much spinning in loops (the dance was so extremely popular in the 19th century, that the name was arbitrarily prefixed to all kinds of trade articles of the period, e.g. polka curtain-band, for looping up curtains)
557.02+VI.B.24.138f (b): 'Norris Sotheby Yates & Weston' [534.15]
557.02+North, South, East, West (Motif: 4 cardinal points)
557.02+Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge: the name from 1864 to 1924 of the famous book and art auctioneering firm now known as Sotheby's
557.03galorybit of the sanes in hevel, there was a crick up the stirkiss
557.03+Anglo-Irish phrase glory be to the saints in heaven (exclamation of astonishment or alarm in the form of a spontaneous prayer) [.04] [141.30]
557.03+galore: in plenty (originally Anglo-Irish; opposite of 'a bit')
557.03+Hebrew hevel: vanity, foolishness
557.03+Motif: ear/eye (creak, stir; faint indications of someone moving around)
557.03+crick: a painful muscle stiffness [.01]
557.03+Motif: up/down [.03-.04]
557.03+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...stirkiss...} | {Png: ...stairkiss...}
557.04and when she ruz the cankle to see, galohery, downand she went
557.04+raised the candle
557.04+Breton ruz: red [.01]
557.04+Anglo-Irish glory (exclamation of astonishment or alarm; short for 'glory be') [.03]
557.04+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...downand she...} | {JJA 60:283: ...downandshe...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 60:340)
557.04+down she went (down on her knees) [556.35]
557.05on her knees to blessersef that were knogging together like milk-
557.05+phrase knees knocking together: so afraid that one's knees shake
557.05+phrase bless herself: make the sign of the cross (as a form of protection from evil; Motif: Sign of the cross)
557.05+milk jugs
557.06juggles as if it was the wrake of the hapspurus or old Kong
557.06+(it was *E*)
557.06+VI.B.24.029b (b): 'Wreck of the Hapsburus'
557.06+Longfellow: The Wreck of the Hesperus (a poem about a ship's captain who brings his daughter aboard despite the warnings of an approaching hurricane, then ties her to the mast to prevent her from being swept overboard, only to have the ship crash onto a reef and sink, with his daughter still tied to the mast)
557.06+rake: a person of immoral and hedonistic character
557.06+Habsburg: an Austrian royal house that produced numerous European monarchs from the 13th to the 20th century (the last was Charles I of Austro-Hungary, whose reign ended in 1918 and who died in 1922; also spelled 'Hapsburg')
557.06+Archaic haps: unfortunate events, mishaps
557.06+French pour: for
557.06+VI.B.13.195a (g): 'King Gander O'Toole' === VI.A.0121ah (g): 'King O'Toole'
557.06+song King O'Toole's Gander (an old Irish legend and folk song about Saint Kevin curing King O'Toole's dying gander, the king refusing to pay the price previously agreed upon, and Kevin turning him and his six sons into the seven churches of Glendalough)
557.06+Danish Kong: King (when used as a title before the name of a king)
557.07Gander O'Toole of the Mountains or his googoo goosth she
557.07+gander, goose (male and female geese)
557.07+VI.B.14.143l (g): 'O'Toole'
557.07+Riguet: Saint Patrice 11: 'au IIe siècle de l'ère chrétienne, le roi Tuathal avait fondé la nouvelle province de Meath et en avait établi la capitale à Tara. Ce roi de Meath était devenu le roi souverain de toute l'Irlande (Ardri)' (French 'in the second century of the Christian era, King Tuathal had founded the new province of Meath and had established the capital at Tara. This king of Meath had become the sovereign king of all Ireland (Ardri)')
557.07+(Motif: stuttering)
557.07+Anglo-Irish googeen: a fidgety person; a giddy person
557.08seein, sliving off over the sawdust lobby out of the backroom, wan
557.08+seeing, seen, saw (Motif: tenses)
557.08+VI.A.0982cp (g): 'to slive off'
557.08+Dialect slive off: to slip away, to sneak about, to loiter
557.08+sawdust was commonly strewn on pub floors until the early 20th century in order to soak up spilled drinks, as well as spit and phlegm
557.08+one two
557.08+wan: pale [.01]
557.09ter, that was everywans in turruns, in his honeymoon trim, holding
557.09+Latin ater: black [.01]
557.09+VI.A.0512ak (g): 'world is world of everyone in turn'
557.09+O'Rahilly: A Miscellany of Irish Proverbs 88 (Irish proverb #284): ''This world is the world of everyone in turn,' i.e. "This world is all a fleeting show"'
557.09+(possibly holding his finger up to his lips, as a sign to be silent) [.11-.12]
557.09+(possibly having gone down to wind up the clock and adjust the time, he is holding his watch in one hand and the clock key in the other)
557.09+(possibly having gone down to urinate, he is holding his small penis in one hand and the lavatory key in the other)
557.10up his fingerhals, with the clookey in his fisstball, tocher of davy's,
557.10+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...fingerhals...} | {JJA 60:283: ...fingerhat...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 61:91)
557.10+German Fingerhut: thimble (literally 'fingerhat'; Slang thimble: watch)
557.10+clookey [100.29]
557.10+clock key
557.10+German Colloquial Klo: Colloquial loo: lavatory, water-closet
557.10+prayer Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary: 'Tower of David... Tower of ivory' (titles of the Virgin Mary) [556.03]
557.10+VI.B.24.ffva (b): 'tocher of David'
557.10+Dialect tocher: dowry
557.10+Nautical Slang Davy's locker: the depths of the ocean as the grave of drowned sailors and shipwrecks (in full, Davy Jones's locker)
557.11tocher of ivileagh, for her to whisht, you sowbelly, and the
557.11+first Earl of Iveagh: Edward Cecil Guinness, 19th-20th century Irish businessman and politician (of the Guinness brewing dynasty)
557.11+Anglo-Irish whisht!: be silent!, hush! [.09] [.12]
557.11+VI.A.0984am (g): 'sowbelly'
557.11+Slang sow-belly: salt pork (salt-cured pork meat, typically made from the lowest part of the belly)
557.11+Latin pura et pia bella: pure and pious wars (a phrase used by Vico to refer to religious wars of the heroic age)
557.12whites of his pious eyebulbs swering her to silence and coort;
557.12+white [.01]
557.12+phrase silence in court! (cried at a trial) [.09] [.11]
557.12+American cohort: accomplice, partner in crime
557.13     each and every juridical sessions night, whenas goodmen
557.13+{{Synopsis: III.4.4D.A: [557.13-558.20]: night by night — while the twelve try *E*, finding him guilty}}
557.13+each and every... night, whenas [555.05] [556.01] [556.23] [556.31] [558.21]
557.13+Legalese phrase juridical sessions: meetings of a judicial court
557.13+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...night, whenas...} | {Png: ...night whenas...}
557.13+Motif: time/space (whenas, whereas) [.15]
557.13+Archaic whenas: at the time in which
557.13+phrase twelve good men and true: jury (*O*)
557.13+Fox Goodman [.14]
557.14twelve and true at fox and geese in their numbered habitations
557.14+Fox and Geese: a traditional two-player board game, with one player controlling one fox unit attempting to capture enough geese so it cannot be surrounded, the other controlling a number of geese units (usually 13-17) attempting to surround the fox so it cannot move (*E* and *O*) [.15]
557.14+Fox and Geese: district of Dublin
557.14+Motif: -ation (*O*; 34 times; discussing *E* and what he was guilty of) [557.14-558.14]
557.15tried old wireless over boord in their juremembers, whereas by
557.15+tried, jury members (trial)
557.15+threw *E* overboard
557.15+VI.B.9.005i (g): 'old Wireless'
557.15+wireless: a radio set [.30]
557.15+board [.14]
557.15+d'you remember (Colloquial d'you: do you)
557.15+whereas [.13]
557.16reverendum they found him guilty of their and those imputations
557.16+VI.B.13.141d (g): 'referendum reverend'
557.16+Latin reverendum: awe-inspiring, venerable (accusative)
557.16+imputations: accusations, charges (of a crime or fault)
557.17of fornicolopulation with two of his albowcrural correlations on
557.17+fornication, copulation, relations (sexual intercourse)
557.17+Motif: O felix culpa!
557.17+*IJ* [.23]
557.17+VI.B.12.148l (b): === VI.B.9.072c (g): 'intercrural' (intercrural: in medicine, situated between the legs)
557.17+Latin albo-: white-
557.17+bow-legged: having outwardly bent legs
557.17+crural: of the leg
557.17+Latin cor: heart
557.17+relations: relatives, distant family members (hence, possible incest)
557.18whom he was said to have enjoyed by anticipation when school-
557.18+anticipation: the action of looking forward to something; the action of doing something before its proper time
557.19ing them in amown, mid grass, she sat, when man was, amazingly
557.19+Latin amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant: I love, you love, he/she/it loves, we love, you love, they love (the classic example of the present tense active indicative first conjugation, found in almost any Latin primer) [.19]
557.19+mown grass
557.19+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...amazingly frank...} | {JJA 60:283: ...amazingly, frank...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 60:341)
557.20frank, for their first conjugation whose colours at standing up
557.20+frank: candid, sincere (Obsolete free; licentious, promiscuous)
557.20+VI.B.13.013c (g): '1st conjugation'
557.20+first conjugation: one of the four regular verb conjugations in Latin [.19]
557.20+conjugation: sexual intercourse; scheme of verb inflection forms
557.20+(the correlations' colours) [.17]
557.20+first conjugation... but... deretane dundation... heat pressure... good mitigation [.20-.25] [034.25-.29]
557.21from the above were of a pretty carnation but, if really 'twere
557.21+(from the conjugation; from the grass) [.19-.20]
557.21+carnation: a flower with a wide range of colours, such as pink, red, yellow, white, etc. (Obsolete the colour of naked skin)
557.22not so, of some deretane denudation with intent to excitation,
557.22+(exposing his buttocks)
557.22+Italian deretano: buttocks
557.22+denudation: the action of making naked (e.g. by stripping off clothes)
557.22+ECH (Motif: HCE)
557.23caused by his retrogradation, among firearmed forces proper to
557.23+retrogradation: the action of moving backwards, retreat
557.23+(soldiers; *VYC*) [.17]
557.24this nation but apart from all titillation which, he said, was under
557.24+said, says (Motif: tenses) [.27]
557.25heat pressure and a good mitigation without which in any case
557.26he insists upon being worthy of continued alimentation for him
557.26+his having
557.27having displayed, he says, such grand toleration, reprobate so
557.27+says [.24]
557.27+(reprobate... as he was... for denying transubstantiation) [.27-.29]
557.27+reprobate: a sinful or immoral person, one rejected by God
557.27+(so noted by the court)
557.28noted and all, as he was, with his washleather sweeds and his
557.28+VI.B.13.152c (g): 'washleather'
557.28+wash-leather: a type of soft leather (usually split sheepskin, made to resemble chamois leather)
557.28+suede: a type of leather (originally undressed kidskin, now just made to resemble it); an article made of this leather (mostly shoes and gloves)
557.28+tweeds: clothes made of tweed fabric
557.29smokingstump, for denying transubstantiation nevertheless in
557.29+VI.B.13.119d (g): '*E* & smoking cigar'
557.29+stump: something that has been reduced through use to a small part of its original length (e.g. a cigar)
557.29+transubstantiation: the Catholic doctrine that the bread and wine of the Eucharist are transformed into the body and blood of Christ during the Mass
557.30respect of his highpowered station, whereof more especially as
557.30+high-powered station: a radio station with a strong signal [.15]
557.30+high station: elevated position in the social rank [.31]
557.31probably he was meantime suffering genteel tortures from the
557.31+genteel: characteristic of a person of high station (often used sarcastically) [.30]
557.31+torture: punishment inflicted by a judicial authority in order to force an accused to confess or an unwilling witness to give evidence (in full, judicial torture); excruciating pain, torment
557.32best medical attestation, as he oftentimes did, having only
557.32+attestation: testimony
557.33strength enough, by way of festination, to implore (or I believe
557.33+Archaic festination: haste, speed
557.33+Festy (Festy King) [.36]
557.34you have might have said better) to complore, with complete
557.34+Obsolete complore: to bewail or weep together
557.35obsecration, on everybody connected with him the curse of co-
557.35+obsecration: earnest supplication or imploration (often in the name of God)
557.35+ECH (Motif: HCE)
557.35+coagulation: clotting (of blood), curdling (of milk) [558.02]
557.36agulation for, he tells me outside Sammon's in King Street, after
557.36+James Sammon, family grocer and wine merchant, 167 King Street North, Dublin (Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin (1904), 1527; demolished by the 1920s) [558.02]
557.36+James Sammon, horse repository, 35 King Street North, Dublin (Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin (1904), 1526; a horse dealership and stabling location; under a different name (Fenelon) by the 1920s)
557.36+summons, King (Festy King) [.33] [085.23-.26]

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