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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 165

583.01bridges are blown to babbyrags, by the lee of his hulk upright
583.01+bridges [582.34]
583.02on her orbits, and the heave of his juniper arx in action, he's
583.02+orbit (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.02+Jupiter: the Roman equivalent of Zeus; a planet (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.02+Temple of Jupiter, on the Arx, Capitoline Hill, Rome
583.02+Latin arx: castle, citadel
583.03naval I see. Poor little tartanelle, her dinties are chattering, the
583.03+tartanelle: small sailing vessel
583.03+Dardanelles (straits)
583.03+Latin dentes: teeth
583.04strait's she's in, the bulloge she bears! Her smirk is smeeching
583.04+in Greek mythology, Zeus, as a bull, carried off Europa
583.04+Motif: bear/bull
583.04+in Greek mythology, Callisto was turned by Hera into a female bear after having been seduced by Zeus
583.04+smeech: smoke
583.04+(looking behind)
583.05behind for her hills. By the queer quick twist of her mobcap and
583.05+mobcap: indoor cap worn by women in 18th century
583.06the lift of her shift at random and the rate of her gate of going
583.06+shift: a woman's body undergarment, a chemise
583.07the pace, two thinks at a time, her country I'm proud of. The
583.08field is down, the race is their own. The galleonman jovial on his
583.08+(horse race) [.08-.13]
583.08+Jove: another name for Jupiter, the Roman god of the sky
583.09bucky brown nightmare. Bigrob dignagging his lylyputtana.
583.09+Brobdingnag and Lilliput: lands of giants (*E*) and midgets (*A*), respectively, in Swift: Gulliver's Travels
583.09+John Lyly
583.09+Italian puttana: whore
583.10One to one bore one! The datter, io, io, sleeps in peace, in peace.
583.10+Motif: 111 [.13]
583.10+Slang bore: to have sex with
583.10+Danish datter: daughter
583.10+Io: beloved of Zeus; satellite of Jupiter (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.10+Latin io, io: ho, ho!
583.10+Danish jo: yes
583.11And the twillingsons, ganymede, garrymore, turn in trot and
583.11+Danish twilling: twin
583.11+Ganymede: cupbearer to Zeus; satellite of Jupiter (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.11+nursery rhyme This is the way the ladies ride: 'A gallop a trot, a gallop a trot'
583.12trot. But old pairamere goes it a gallop, a gallop. Bossford and
583.12+paramere: half of a bilaterally symmetrical animal
583.12+French père et mère: father and mother
583.13phospherine. One to one on!
583.13+Phosphor: the planet Venus before sunrise (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.13+Proserpine: Roman goddess and queen of the underworld
583.13+Motif: 111 [.10]
583.14     O, O, her fairy setalite! Casting such shadows to Persia's
583.14+(her lamp)
583.14+set alight
583.14+satellite (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.14+O'Shea: Charles Stewart Parnell II.117: (of Parnell) 'He had long since registered the telegraphic address of "Satellite" for me that he might be able to telegraph with more privacy'
583.14+satellites of Jupiter cast shadows on surface (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.14+Thomas Campbell: Lochiel's Warning: 'And coming events cast their shadows before'
583.14+VI.B.14.211k (g): 'the Persian (blinds)'
583.15blind! The man in the street can see the coming event. Photo-
583.15+(policeman) [.24]
583.16flashing it far too wide. It will be known through all Urania soon.
583.16+far and wide
583.16+Urania: muse of astronomy (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.16+Uranus: planet (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.17Like jealousjoy titaning fear; like rumour rhean round the planets;
583.17+Titan: satellite of Saturn (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.17+Greek rhe-: run-
583.17+Rhea: satellite of Saturn (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.17+planet (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.18like china's dragon snapping japets; like rhodagrey up the east.
583.18+Motif: China/Japan
583.18+Japetus: satellite of Saturn (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.18+Greek rhoda: roses
583.19Satyrdaysboost besets Phoebe's nearest. Here's the flood and the
583.19+Saturday best
583.19+Saturn: planet (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.19+Phoebe: the furthest satellite of Saturn (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.19+song Phoebe Dearest
583.19+VI.C.12.031e (b): 'That is the great gem to come over J — 7 just before dawn' === VI.B.14.045c ( ): 'There is the great sea to come over I — 7 years before doom' (last three words not crayoned) [.19-.20]
583.19+Kinane: St. Patrick 127: (quoting an angel speaking to Saint Patrick) 'There is... the great sea to come over Erinn seven years before the Judgment'
583.20flaxen flood that's to come over helpless Irryland. Is there no-one
583.20+German irre: crazy, insane
583.20+German Irland: Ireland
583.21to malahide Liv and her bettyship? Or who'll buy her rosebuds,
583.21+Malahide: town, County Dublin [566.16]
583.21+Danish liv: life
583.21+Livia (*A*)
583.21+Colloquial his lordship: a humorous appellation for an ordinary person (*E*)
583.21+Colloquial betty: a man who assumes a woman's domestic duties (Motif: mixed gender)
583.21+song Who'll Buy My Rosebuds
583.21+Motif: fall/rise (rose, fall) [.23]
583.22jettyblack rosebuds, ninsloes of nivia, nonpaps of nan? From the
583.22+song Little Black Rose
583.22+Latin nivea: snowy
583.22+Livia, Anna (*A*)
583.22+Paps of Ana Mountains, County Kerry
583.22+from fall to post [090.06]
583.22+(from Genesis to Judgement Day)
583.23fall of the fig to doom's last post every ephemeral anniversary while
583.23+fall [.21]
583.23+Revelation 6:13: 'And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind' (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.23+fall of the flag: start of horse race
583.23+ephemeris: astronomical almanac (Cluster: Astronomy)
583.23+Motif: While... ring... for to... ling [.23-.25]
583.23+Motif: alliteration (p)
583.24the park's police peels peering by for to weight down morrals from
583.24+Anglo-Irish peeler: policeman
583.24+Archaic for to: in order to
583.24+Spanish morrales: horses' nosebags; backpacks, knapsacks
583.25county bubblin. That trainer's trundling! Quick, pay up!
583.25+County Dublin
583.26     Kickakick. She had to kick a laugh. At her old stick-in-the-
583.26+kick... kick... laugh [584.21]
583.26+kick: to cause a ball to rebound in a more nearly vertical direction than usual (Cluster: Cricket)
583.26+Danish kikke: peep
583.26+had to laugh [023.25] [617.16-.17]
583.26+Slang stick: penis
583.26+stick: one of the stumps making up the batsman's wicket (Cluster: Cricket)
583.26+stick-in-the-mud: a dull old-fashioned person, one who resists change and avoids amusement (derogatory)
583.27block. The way he was slogging his paunch about, elbiduubled,
583.27+Slang block: to have sex with
583.27+block: position where bat rests (Cluster: Cricket)
583.27+slog: hit hard (Cluster: Cricket)
583.27+L.B.W.: leg before wicket: a type of fault for which a batsman is dismissed, for having prevented the ball from striking the wicket with his leg or other body part (Cluster: Cricket)
583.27+French Slang doubler: to have sex with
583.28meet oft mate on, like hale King Willow, the robberer. Cain-
583.28+mid off: cricket position (Cluster: Cricket)
583.28+mid on: cricket position (Cluster: Cricket)
583.28+Herbert Farjeon: Sing Willow! (poem): 'Hail Willow, King Willow, who sprouts in the spring'
583.28+King Willow: archaic term for cricket bat (from the wood it is made off) (Cluster: Cricket)
583.28+Motif: Cain/Abel [584.02]
583.28+C. Stewart Caine edited Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack from 1926 to 1933 (Cluster: Cricket) [584.16]
583.28+Genesis 4:15: 'the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him' (traditionally interpreted as a sign or letter on his forehead; Motif: Brand on brow) [.28-.30]
583.29maker's mace and waxened capapee. But the tarrant's brand on
583.29+cap-a-pie: (armed or equipped) from head to foot (Motif: head/foot)
583.29+Tarrant: name of two cricketers (Cluster: Cricket)
583.29+tyrant's hand
583.29+Brand: family of English cricketers (Cluster: Cricket)
583.29+Ibsen: all plays: Brand
583.30his hottoweyt brow. At half past quick in the morning. And her
583.30+hot and wet
583.30+Ottowey: cricketer (Cluster: Cricket)
583.31lamp was all askew and a trumbly wick-in-her, ringeysingey.
583.31+Slang lamp: female genitalia
583.31+Askew: cricketer (Cluster: Cricket)
583.31+Hugh Trumble: Australian cricketer (Cluster: Cricket)
583.31+Slang wick: penis
583.31+wicket (Cluster: Cricket)
583.31+K.S. Ranjitsinhji: English cricketer and later an Indian maharaja (Cluster: Cricket)
583.32She had to spofforth, she had to kicker, too thick of the wick
583.32+F.R. Spofforth: Ausralian cricketer (Cluster: Cricket)
583.32+to think
583.33of her pixy's loomph, wide lickering jessup the smooky shiminey.
583.33+wide: a ball going wide of the wicket and counting as a run for the batting side (Cluster: Cricket)
583.33+G.L. Jessop: English cricketer (Cluster: Cricket)
583.33+just up
583.33+Irish simné: chimney (pronounced 'shimne')
583.33+Slang chimney: female genitalia
583.34And her duffed coverpoint of a wickedy batter, whenever she
583.34+R.A. Duff: Australian cricketer (Cluster: Cricket)
583.34+Irish dubh: black
583.34+Colloquial daft: foolish, stupid; crazy, insane
583.34+Slang cover: to have sex with (a woman)
583.34+cover point: cricket position (Cluster: Cricket)
583.34+wicket (Cluster: Cricket)
583.34+Slang wicket: female genitalia
583.34+batter: original term for batsman (Cluster: Cricket)
583.35druv behind her stumps for a tyddlesly wink through his tunnil-
583.35+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation druv: drove
583.35+drive: to hit ball with full downward swing of bat (Cluster: Cricket)
583.35+stumps: the three upright wooden rods of the wicket (Cluster: Cricket)
583.35+Tyldesley: family of Lancashire cricketers (Cluster: Cricket)
583.35+tiddly winks
583.35+John Tunnicliffe: Yorkshire cricketer (Cluster: Cricket)
583.36clefft bagslops after the rising bounder's yorkers, as he studd and
583.36+Dialect slops: baggy trousers
583.36+slips: cricket position (Cluster: Cricket)
583.36+boundary: limits of the playing area (Cluster: Cricket)
583.36+yorker: a ball that hits the ground near the batsman's feet and under his bat (Cluster: Cricket)
583.36+Studd: family of English cricketers (Cluster: Cricket)

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