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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 115

586.01quested that no cobsmoking, spitting, pubchat, wrastle rounds,
586.01+corn-cob (used as pipe)
586.02coarse courting, smut, etc, will take place amongst those hours
586.03so devoted to repose. Look before behind before you strip you.
586.03+proverb Look before you leap: carefully consider the consequences before taking an action
586.04Disrobe clothed in the strictest secrecy which privacy can afford.
586.04+VI.B.14.173a (g): 'all the privacy that secrecy cd secure' (last word not crayoned)
586.05Water non to be discharged coram grate or ex window. Never
586.05+Latin non: not
586.05+Latin coram: in the presence of, before
586.05+Latin ex: out of
586.05+(in Sterne's Tristram Shandy, the hero's penis is injured when, as a child, he urinates out of a window)
586.06divorce in the bedding the glove that will give you away. Maid
586.06+(maid will find it while making bed)
586.07Maud ninnies nay but blabs to Omama (for your life, would you!)
586.07+German Childish Omama: grandmother
586.08she to her bosom friend who does all chores (and what do you
586.08+besom: a broom made from a bundle of twigs tied to a shaft (Dialect a troublesome woman) [.09]
586.09think my Madeleine saw?): this ignorant mostly sweeps it out
586.09+(sweeps with a broom) [.08]
586.10along with all the rather old corporators (have you heard of one
586.10+corporators: members of a corporation
586.10+have you... how he [045.01-.02]
586.11humbledown jungleman how he bet byrn-and-bushe playing
586.11+nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty
586.11+Hambledon: Hampshire village noted for cricket team in 18th century [584.18]
586.11+gentleman [584.17]
586.11+Burning Bush (Moses)
586.12peg and pom?): the maudlin river then gets its dues (adding a
586.12+pap and mom
586.12+maudlin: tearfully sentimental (etymologically derived from Magdalene) [.15]
586.13din a ding or do): thence those laundresses (O, muddle me more
586.13+German Ding: thing
586.13+Italian ingordo: greedy, gluttonous, covetous
586.13+laundresses, Magdalene (Motif: Magdalene laundry; Slang laundress: prostitute; the washerwomen) [.15]
586.13+O, tell me (Motif: O tell me all about Anna Livia) [.35] [196.01-.02]
586.14about the maggies! I mean bawnee Madge Ellis and brownie
586.14+Slang maggie: whore
586.14+Anglo-Irish bawn: white, fair, pretty
586.14+Dialect bonny: attractive, pretty
586.14+Madge Ellis: Dublin actress and music-hall performer (probably from 1890s to 1920s)
586.15Mag Dillon). Attention at all! Every ditcher's dastard in Dupling
586.15+Magdalene: a disciple of Jesus (often portrayed weeping; popularly believed to have been a prostitute; hence, magdalene: a reformed prostitute) [.12-.13]
586.15+Italian ma dillo!: but say it! (indicating impatience)
586.15+bitch's bastard (Motif: Son of a bitch)
586.16will let us know about it if you have paid the mulctman by
586.16+VI.B.1.001g (g): 'mulcted'
586.16+Connacht Tribune 16 Feb 1924, 5/3: 'Licensing Law. Publican Mulcted Three Times Within a Year': 'At Galway District Court... Mrs. Sarah Flaherty... was charged... with a breach of the licensing regulations'
586.16+mulct: fine imposed for offence
586.17whether your rent is open to be foreclosed or aback in your
586.17+open, closed (opposites)
586.17+fore, back, rear (Motif: back/front)
586.18arrears. This is seriously meant. Here is a homelet not a hothel.
586.18+Motif: When is a man not a man... (first riddle of the universe)
586.18+William Shakespeare: Hamlet, William Shakespeare: Othello
586.18+homelet: a small home
586.18+French hôtel: a mansion, a large town house
586.19     That's right, old oldun!
586.19+{{Synopsis: III.4.4Q.C: [586.19-587.02]: everything is back to normal, the house is dark and quiet — as would be noted by the patrolman, were he there}}
586.20     All in fact is soon as all of old right as anywas ever in very
586.20+all right
586.20+German irgendwas: anything
586.21old place. Were he, hwen scalded of that couverfowl, to beat the
586.21+French couver: hatch
586.21+French couvre-feu: curfew
586.21+VI.B.14.168j (g): 'beating the bounds'
586.21+phrase beat the bounds: to mark the boundaries of a parish, in the presence of witnesses, by striking key points with a stick
586.22bounds by here at such a point of time as this is for at sammel
586.22+Lewis: Time and Western Man [.23] [.27] [.28]
586.22+Danish for at samle: in order to gather
586.23up all wood's haypence and riviers argent (half back from three
586.23+William Wood: 18th century English ironmonger who was granted a short-lived right to mint copper coinage, primarily halfpence coins, for Ireland (Swift: Drapier's Letters: (refers throughout to) 'Wood's halfpence')
586.23+Dutch rivier: river
586.23+ivy, mistletoe, holly (Motif: holly, ivy, mistletoe) [.26] [.28]
586.23+French argent: money
586.23+VI.B.6.046g (g): 'with ten off 3 twenty & 7 on top of that = 57' [.25]
586.23+Danish halvtredsindstyve: fifty (literally 'half-three times twenty')
586.24gangs multaplussed on a twentylot add allto a fiver with the
586.24+(50 + 5 + 2 = 57) [.25]
586.24+German Gang: way, walk
586.24+Obsolete allto: wholly, completely
586.25deuce or roamer's numbers ell a fee and do little ones) with the
586.25+deuce: two (at dice or cards)
586.25+Roamer: famous Swiss watchmaking company since 1888
586.25+German Römer: Roman
586.25+VI.B.3.101e (r): 'ell'
586.25+VI.B.6.047i ( ): 'Lvii'
586.25+LVII (50 + 5 + 2 = 57) [.23-.24]
586.26caboosh on him opheld for thrushes' mistiles yet singing oud his
586.26+French caboche: head
586.26+Anglo-Irish caubeen: old hat, old cap
586.26+mistle thrush
586.26+mistletoe [.23]
586.26+missiles (excrement)
586.26+Dutch oud: old
586.27parasangs in cornish token: mean fawthery eastend appullcelery,
586.27+Turkish para: money
586.27+parasang: a Persian unit of measure, between three and three and a half miles
586.27+Cornish: ancient Celtic language of Cornwall (King Mark of Cornwall)
586.27+Swiss German song 'Min Vatter ischt en Appenzeller, Er frisst de Chäs mit samt em Teller' (Swiss German 'My father is from the canton of Appenzell, He eats up the cheese and the plate as well'; a yodelling refrain is sung after every line) [.28]
586.27+(Appenzell is in the east of Switzerland)
586.28old laddy he high hole: pollysigh patrolman Seekersenn, towney's
586.28+(yodelling) [.27]
586.28+holly [.23]
586.28+German Polizei: police
586.28+German sicher sein: be secure
586.28+German Senn: cowherd
586.29tanquam, crumlin quiet down from his hoonger, he would mac
586.29+Latin tanquam: as; as if
586.29+Crumlin: district of Dublin
586.29+Dutch hoon: scorn
586.29+Dutch honger: hunger
586.29+Archaic mak siccar: make sure
586.30siccar of inket goodsforetombed ereshiningem of light turkling
586.30+Danish sikker af intet gudsfordømt: certain of no goddamned
586.30+German Erscheinungen: appearances, manifestations, apparitions, phenomena, epiphanies
586.31eitheranny of thuncle's windopes. More, unless we were neverso
586.31+either one
586.31+German dunkel: dark
586.31+uncle's windows
586.31+(he were)
586.32wrongtaken, if he brought his boots to pause in peace, the one
586.32+Motif: right/wrong [.33]
586.32+(stopped walking)
586.32+phrase to pass in peace
586.33beside the other one, right on the road, he would seize no sound
586.33+right [.32]
586.34from cache or cave beyond the flow of wand was gypsing water,
586.34+Danish vand: water
586.35telling him now, telling him all, all about ham and livery, stay
586.35+Motif: O tell me all about Anna Livia [.13] [196.02-.03]
586.35+Anglo-Irish tay: tea (reflecting pronunciation)
586.36and toast ham in livery, and buttermore with murmurladen, to

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