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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 243

597.01worn. Soe? La! Lamfadar's arm it has cocoincidences. You mean
597.01+sol, la, fa, do, (re), mi, ut, si: syllables used in the sol-fa system of musical note representation (not in any order)
597.01+Irish lá: day
597.01+VI.B.41.115l (b): 'Lug lamfada (Fomorians)' (last word not crayoned)
597.01+Cross & Slover: Ancient Irish Tales 432: 'The Death of Finn': 'Lug Lamfada son of Cian, who ousted the race of Fomorians from Ireland'
597.01+Lamfada: an epithet of Lug, Irish warrior god and mythical hero, member of the Tuatha Dé Danann, meaning 'long arm' (from Irish lámh: arm, Irish fada: long)
597.01+phrase the long arm of coincidence: the far-reaching effect of coincidence (coined by C. Haddon Chambers in Captain Swift (1902 play)) [.02] [596.33]
597.01+(Motif: stuttering)
597.02to see we have been hadding a sound night's sleep? You may so.
597.02+Motif: ear/eye (see, sound)
597.02+(we have been sleeping throughout Joyce: Finnegans Wake)
597.02+C. Haddon Chambers: 19th-20th century Australian dramatist of Irish ancestry [.01]
597.02+may say so
597.02+my son
597.02+French son: sound (an auditory sensation)
597.02+Anglo-Irish so (a common parenthetical interjection, notably at the end of sentences)
597.03It is just, it is just about to, it is just about to rolywholyover.
597.03+(the book; the dream; the sleeper)
597.03+really wholly over
597.03+roll over
597.04Svapnasvap. Of all the stranger things that ever not even in the
597.04+Sanskrit svapna: a sleep, a dream (from Sanskrit svap: to sleep)
597.04+swap and swap
597.04+VI.C.15.232g (g): '*C* of all the strange things that had not happened' [.04-.07]
597.04+Motif: odd/even [.06]
597.04+VI.C.15.233h (g): 'in best books' (Joyce's original B notebook entry, now lost, may have been 'inherit books', taken from Sturlason: Heimskringla xx: 'Snorre was a specially careful historian... At an early age he began to collect books. He probably inherited many from his foster-father, Jon Loftson') [.04-.06]
597.05hundrund and badst pageans of unthowsent and wonst nice or
597.05+hundred and first pages of one thousand and one nights (The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night)
597.05+French un: one (thrice; Motif: 111)
597.05+German rund: round, circular
597.05+Danish bedst: best
597.05+French ans: years
597.05+French bon: good
597.06in eddas and oddes bokes of tomb, dyke and hollow to be have
597.06+VI.C.15.234b (g): 'prose Edda odde books'
597.06+Sturlason: Heimskringla xx: 'There are two Eddas. The Elder Edda is the name applied to a collection of ancient mythological poems attributed erroneously to Saemund the Learned. The Younger or Prose Edda is the composition or compilation of Snorre Sturlason. The term Edda appears for the first time in a fragmentary poem at the end of Codex Wormianus, circa 1200. There it means great-grandmother. Some maintain that Edda means "The Odde Book," but considerable ingenuity is needed to bring such a derivation within the range of probability. The real meaning of the word is unknown; but Edda is now generally understood to mean "poetics," the art of poetry'
597.06+one etymology suggested for the Eddas was that their name derived from Oddi, a village in Iceland, where Snorri Sturluson (also spelled Snorre Sturlason), the author or compiler of Sturluson: The Prose Edda and Sturlason: Heimskringla, grew up
597.06+phrase odds and ends: miscellaneous things
597.06+odd [.04]
597.06+Budge: The Book of the Dead
597.06+Motif: Tom, Dick and Harry
597.06+tomb, dyke, hollow (excavations) [596.28]
597.07happened! The untireties of livesliving being the one substrance
597.07+VI.B.41.201a (g): 'dream - all life'
597.07+life's living
597.08of a streamsbecoming. Totalled in toldteld and teldtold in tittle-
597.08+tale told (Motif: Tale told of Shaun or Shem)
597.08+tittle-tattle: gossip, foolish chatter
597.09tell tattle. Why? Because, graced be Gad and all giddy gadgets,
597.09+Why? (six times) [.09] [.12] [.16] [.19] [.21] [.22]
597.09+(why was it told? why is it over?)
597.09+by grace of God
597.10in whose words were the beginnings, there are two signs to turn
597.10+VI.B.46.055f ( ): 'in beginning was the sentence'
597.10+Mauthner: Beiträge zu einer Kritik der Sprache III.47: 'Die grammatische Betrachtung lehrt ebenso, daß in irgend einer Urzeit es immer schon Sätze, niemals bloße Worte gegeben hat, daß der erste Sprachschrei schon einen Satz ausdrückte' (German 'The grammatical consideration likewise shows that at some prehistoric time there have always already been sentences, never mere words, that the first cry of speech already expressed a sentence')
597.10+John 1:1: 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God'
597.10+(turn over in bed)
597.11to, the yest and the ist, the wright side and the wronged side,
597.11+West, East (Motif: 4 cardinal points) [.12] [.14]
597.11+yesterday (i.e. past; Motif: tenses)
597.11+German ist: is (i.e. present)
597.11+right and wronged (i.e. also right; Motif: right/wrong)
597.12feeling aslip and wauking up, so an, so farth. Why? On the sourd-
597.12+falling asleep and waking up, so on, so forth (Motif: fall/rise)
597.12+(on the male side: father and twins, as buildings) [.14]
597.12+sword-side: male line of descent [.14]
597.12+South [.11] [.14]
597.12+French sourd: deaf
597.12+Irish suirí: wooing, courting [.14]
597.13site we have the Moskiosk Djinpalast with its twin adjacencies,
597.13+(Middle Eastern: mosque, kiosk, djinn, bath-house, bazaar, allah, koran, rose garden) [.13-.15]
597.13+Mosque of the Jinn: a mosque in Mecca (said to be built at the site where a group of djinns gathered to hear Mohammed read the Koran)
597.13+Joyce: Ulysses.5.549: 'mosque of the baths' (referring to a mosque-like Turkish bath-house in Dublin)
597.13+gin-palace; a gaudily decorated public house
597.14the bathouse and the bazaar, allahallahallah, and on the sponthe-
597.14+bathos: in art and rhetoric, a comic transition from the lofty to the commonplace or vulgar, intentional or not
597.14+(muezzin's call)
597.14+(on the female side: mother and daughter, as gardens) [.12]
597.14+spindle-side: female line of descent [.12]
597.14+(North) [.11] [.12]
597.14+Italian sponda: bank, shore (e.g. of a river); side, edge (e.g. of a bed)
597.14+Latin sponsa: bride [.12] [.16]
597.15site it is the alcovan and the rosegarden, boony noughty, all pura-
597.15+Archaic Alcoran: the Koran
597.15+alcove: a covered retreat in a garden, a bower
597.15+Saadi: Gulistan (famous 13th century Persian collection of stories and poems, translated numerous times throughout the 19th century, usually as 'Rose Garden')
597.15+Italian buona notte: good night
597.15+one, nought (numerals)
597.15+pure poetry
597.15+Czech pusa: Albanian puthje: a kiss
597.16puthry. Why? One's apurr apuss a story about brid and break-
597.16+phrase once upon a time (traditional folktale opening)
597.16+purr, puss (cat) [.19]
597.16+VI.C.12.242h (b): 'brides tell stories about pusses.' === VI.B.13.058d ( ): 'birds tell story about passing' (i.e. the result of a mistranscription)
597.16+Motif: 4-stage Viconian cycle (birth, engagement, fighting, sleep)
597.16+bed and breakfast
597.17fedes and parricombating and coushcouch but others is of tholes
597.17+Latin fides: promise, engagement
597.17+parricide: the killing of a relative (especially a parent)
597.17+Italian combattere ad armi pari: to fight on equal terms
597.17+French se coucher: to lie down, go to bed
597.17+Anglo-Irish thole: to suffer, endure
597.18and oubworn buyings, dolings and chafferings in heat, contest
597.18+outworn: worn out, out of date
597.18+French aube: dawn
597.18+buying, dealing, chaffering (Archaic chaffering: trading, bartering, haggling)
597.18+burying, doling, suffering (Archaic doling: mourning, grieving)
597.18+being, doing, having
597.18+HCE (Motif: HCE)
597.19and enmity. Why? Every talk has his stay, vidnis Shavarsanjivana,
597.19+proverb Every dog has his day: everyone will, at some point in their life, be successful or lucky [.16]
597.19+Archaic stay: cessation, stop, pause
597.19+Sanskrit shava: corpse, dead body
597.19+Sanskrit samjivana: reviving, bringing to life
597.19+Italian San Giovanni: Saint John (pronounced 'san jovanni') [.20]
597.20and all-a-dreams perhapsing under lucksloop at last are through.
597.20+all dreams are through
597.20+John-a-dreams: dreamy fellow, daydreamer [.19]
597.20+Irish dream: crowd, group of people
597.20+perhapsing: making expressly doubtful statements, using the word perhaps
597.20+VI.B.41.114c (r): 'under days loop'
597.20+Swedish under dagens lopp: during the course of the day
597.20+(Joyce: Ulysses.10.294: 'A skiff, a crumpled throwaway, Elijah is coming, rode lightly down the Liffey, under Loopline bridge')
597.20+true (i.e. no longer perhapsing)
597.21Why? It is a sot of a swigswag, systomy dystomy, which evera-
597.21+a sort of
597.21+sot: habitual drunkard
597.21+swing-swang: swinging to and fro, complete oscillation
597.21+Colloquial swig: Dialect swag: a large draught of liquor
597.21+systole and diastole: the two phases of the heartbeat, contraction and relaxation, respectively
597.22body you ever anywhere at all doze. Why? Such me.
597.22+Colloquial phrase search me!: I don't know!
597.22+(that's the way I am)
597.23     And howpsadrowsay.
597.23+{{Synopsis: IV.1.1.F: [597.23-597.29]: ups-a-daisy, he rolls over — his backside is exposed and cold}}
597.23+Colloquial ups-a-daisy! (encouragement to rise, e.g. from a fall)
597.23+how sad to say
597.24     Lok! A shaft of shivery in the act, anilancinant. Cold's sleuth!
597.24+Italian culo: buttocks
597.24+(shaft of cold air)
597.24+Archaic shaft: spear, lance
597.24+shivery: chilly
597.24+Old Irish act: but (hence, Colloquial butt: buttocks)
597.24+Latin ani: of the anus
597.24+Italian lancinante: (of pain) stabbing, penetrating (from Italian lancia: spear, lance)
597.24+phrase God's truth!: it's the absolute truth!
597.24+VI.C.12.224h (r): === VI.B.13.ffrd ( ): 'sleuth'
597.25Vayuns! Where did thots come from? It is infinitesimally fevers,
597.25+French voyons!: let's see!; surely!, come on! (expressing indignation)
597.25+Sanskrit vayu: wind, god of wind
597.25+Sanskrit vayuna: restless, agitated; knowledge, wisdom; action, act
597.25+VI.C.12.224f (r): 'where did that come from' === VI.B.13.ffrc ( ): 'where did that come from?'
597.25+Thoth: Egyptian god of wisdom and writing
597.26resty fever, risy fever, a coranto of aria, sleeper awakening, in
597.26+Motif: fall/rise (rest, rise)
597.26+German Reisefieber: nervousness or excitement before an upcoming journey
597.26+Italian corrente d'aria: draught, current of air
597.26+Obsolete coranto: a type of fast-paced dance, courante
597.27the smalls of one's back presentiment, gip, and again, geip, a
597.27+small of the back: the narrower lumbar region of the back
597.27+Small-Back: Death, usually personified as a skeleton (Water Scott: Quentin Durward, ch. XXXVII: 'Men have queer fancies when old Small-Back is griping them; but Small-Back must lead down the dance with us all in our time')
597.27+Colloquial smalls: underclothes
597.27+presentiment: premonition
597.27+Obsolete sentiment: sensation
597.27+present, future (Motif: tenses)
597.27+Norwegian geip: a grimace, a pout
597.28flash from a future of maybe mahamayability through the windr
597.28+Sanskrit mahamaya: great illusion, the cosmic illusion that the phenomenal world as we experience it is real
597.28+Motif: alliteration (w)
597.28+Old Norse vindr: wind
597.29of a wondr in a wildr is a weltr as a wirbl of a warbl is a world.
597.29+Old Norse vándr: evil
597.29+Archaic wilderment: bewilderment
597.29+Old Norse vildr: agreeable
597.29+welter: confusion, turmoil
597.29+German Welt: world
597.29+whirl world [017.29]
597.29+German Wirbel: whirl
597.29+Obsolete warbling: vibration, quivering
597.30     Tom.
597.30+{{Synopsis: IV.1.1.G: [597.30-598.16]: a weather forecast on the radio, with a pleasant day ahead — farewell yesterday's night, welcome today's morning}}
597.30+Motif: Tom/Tim [598.27] [598.15] [599.23]
597.30+Hebrew tom: end; twin
597.31     It is perfect degrees excelsius. A jaladaew still stilleth. Cloud
597.31+degrees Celsius (centigrade)
597.31+Latin excelsius: higher
597.31+Sanskrit jalada: cloud
597.31+jackdaw (a bird said to be thievish)
597.31+Obsolete still: to remain quiet, keep silence; to trickle down, fall in small drops
597.31+Archaic stealeth: steals
597.31+VI.C.12.180g ( ): === VI.B.14.181l ( ): 'cloud lay'
597.31+Gwynn: Munster 48: 'cloud lay on the peaks, or rather caught the peaks intermittently as it drifted in wreaths across, so that at no time was the whole mountain visible'
597.32lay but mackrel are. Anemone activescent, the torporature is re-
597.32+lay [596.22-.23]
597.32+mackerel clouds: small white fleecy clouds, cirro-cumulus clouds (in large patches across the sky, herald upcoming rain)
597.32+MacCool: Finn's patronymic [596.22-.23] [.33]
597.32+anemone: a type of flower, commonly called windflower (its flowers are said to herald the first winds of spring, and its closing petals the coming of a rainstorm; in Greek mythology, Aphrodite's tears over the blood of her dead lover, Adonis, gave rise to the flower, which accordingly symbolises the death of a loved one)
597.32+active (i.e. wind blowing)
597.32+evanescent: fleeting, vanishing, imperceptible
597.32+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...activescent, the...} | {Png: ...activescent the...}
597.32+torpor: stupor, suspended animation, inactivity
597.33turning to mornal. Humid nature is feeling itself freely at ease
597.33+Archaic morn: morning, dawn
597.33+Colloquial mor'n: more than
597.33+Morna: mother of Fingal (i.e. Finn) in Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian [.32]
597.33+Portuguese morna: tepid, lukewarm (feminine)
597.34with the all fresco. The vervain is to herald as the grass admini-
597.34+alfresco: outdoors, in the open air
597.34+Italian fresco: cool, fresh (Slang prison)
597.34+VI.C.15.239h (g): 'verbena = heralds' (last word not crayoned)
597.34+Vico: Principj di una Scienza Nuova 124 (III.xxix): 'mandarono gli Araldi, cinti il capo, e coverti le spalle di erba santa, che sono le verbene, con che si armavano di superstizione, perchè forse era tenuta erba a' soli nobili lecita di toccare, della qual erba vestiti fossero sicuri tra essi infesti nimici' (Italian 'they sent out the heralds, their heads girded and their shoulders covered with a holy grass, which were the verbenas, thereby arming themselves with a superstition, perhaps because it was deemed that this grass was allowed to be touched by nobles alone, that such grass clothing would keep them safe among harmful enemies')
597.34+verbenas: in Roman times, the leaves of certain sacred plants (e.g. olive, myrtle, laurel) used in religious ceremonies (always in plural)
597.34+vervain: a plant of the genus Verbena (unrelated to the verbenas above), formerly used for medicinal purposes
597.34+VI.C.15.240b (g): 'erba santa' (Italian holy grass)
597.34+Vico: Principj di una Scienza Nuova 124 (III.xxix): (of the above-mentioned verbenas) 'dalla stessa erba santa furon detti santi gli Ambasciadori che la vestivano' (Italian 'from the same holy grass were the ambassadors that wore it called holy')
597.34+Latin ad: to
597.34+ministers (of God)
597.35sters. They say, they say in effect, they really say. You have eaden
597.35+(the ministers)
597.35+VI.C.15.240d (g): 'He says / — in effect / — really says' (dashes ditto 'He says' and 'He', respectively)
597.35+Obsolete phrase in effect: really, in fact (unlike the modern phrase in effect: essentially, substantially, for all practical purposes)
597.35+Genesis 3:17: (God to Adam, after the eating of the forbidden fruit) 'thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it' [597.35-598.02]
597.35+Eden (where the forbidden fruit was eaten) [.35]
597.36fruit. Say whuit. You have snakked mid a fish. Telle whish.
597.36+(rhymes: -uit, -ish)
597.36+say what
597.36+so what?
597.36+Italian sei: six
597.36+French huit: eight
597.36+Danish snakket med: talked with
597.36+Dutch snakken: to gasp (for air), to crave
597.36+snake (who tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit) [.35]
597.36+(the fish is an ancient symbol of Christ) [535.25]
597.36+(Finn acquired lifelong wisdom by eating the Salmon of Knowledge)
597.36+(numerous folktales about a fish granting wishes)
597.36+tell which
597.36+Norwegian telle: to count
597.36+French telle: such (feminine)
597.36+Anglo-Irish whisht!: be silent!, hush!

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